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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 美國「保持社交距離」政策 恐持續至2022
時間 Wed Apr 15 16:33:52 2020
1. 媒體來源:Reuters
2. 記者署名:Reporting by Kanishka Singh in Bengaluru. Editing by Gerry Doyle
U.S. may need to extend social distancing for virus until 2022, study says
研究指出,因為疫情持續,美國可能需要延長「保持社交距離」政策,直到 2022 年
U.S.APRIL 15, 2020 / 2:08 PM / UPDATED 2 HOURS AGO
(Reuters) - The United States may need to endure social distancing measures
adopted during the coronavirus outbreak until 2022, according to researchers
at the Harvard School of Public Health.
(路透社報導)根據哈佛大學公共衛生學院(Harvard School of Public Health)的研究
人員表示,因為冠狀病毒疫情的爆發,直到 2022 年為止,美國可能都需要持續採取「保
人員表示,因為冠狀病毒疫情的爆發,直到 2022 年為止,美國可能都需要持續採取「保
The study comes as more than 2,200 people died in the United States from the
outbreak on Tuesday, a record, according to a Reuters tally, even as the
country debated how to reopen its economy. The overall death toll in the U.S.
from the virus stands at more than 28,300 as of Tuesday.
該研究是根據本週二時,美國單日超過 2200 人死亡的爆炸性紀錄而來。儘管美國正在討
論要如何重新恢復經濟活動,但截至週二為止,該病毒在美國已經造成超過 28,300 人死
論要如何重新恢復經濟活動,但截至週二為止,該病毒在美國已經造成超過 28,300 人死
“Intermittent distancing may be required into 2022 unless critical care
capacity is increased substantially or a treatment or vaccine becomes
available”, the Harvard researchers said in findings published Tuesday in
the journal Science.
的能力得以大幅提升、或是疫苗開發成功,否則可能要直到 2022 年疫情才會稍微平復。
的能力得以大幅提升、或是疫苗開發成功,否則可能要直到 2022 年疫情才會稍微平復。
Giving examples of South Korea and Singapore, the researchers wrote that
effective distancing could reduce the strain on healthcare systems and enable
contact tracing and quarantine to be feasible.
The study acknowledged that prolonged distancing would most likely have
profoundly negative economic, social, and educational consequences.
The study added that even in the case of “apparent elimination”, SARS-CoV-2
surveillance should still be maintained, as a resurgence in contagion may be
possible as late as 2024.
該研究補充指出,即使在「(疫情)明顯消失」的情況下,針對 SARS-CoV-2 的監測仍應
持續,因為該傳染病可能在 2024 年重新流行。
The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that infections had “certainly
” not yet peaked. Nearly 2 million people globally have been infected and
more than 124,000 have died in the most serious pandemic in a century.
的大流行中,全球已經有將近 200 萬人受到感染,超過 124,000 人死亡。
The epicenter has shifted from China, where the virus emerged in December, to
the United States, which has now recorded the most deaths.
而現在的疫情重災區,已經從 12 月份時出現這種病毒的中國,轉移到了美國,該地區目
5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
U.S. may need to extend social distancing for virus until 2022, study says - Reuters
The United States may need to endure social distancing measures adopted during the coronavirus outbreak until 2022, according to researchers at the Ha ...
social distancing(保持社交距離),或是 distancing(疏遠)政策
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