※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-04-11 23:23:23
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] “內行人說外行話”的英文?
時間 Sat Apr 11 22:25:09 2020
最近最火紅的話 內行人說外行話
請各位大大幫忙 謝謝
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1UaTD705 (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1586615111.A.005.html
→ Rrrxddd …
推 : in walk person say out walk talk2F 04/11 22:25
→ : neihangrenshuowaihanghua3F 04/11 22:25
→ : in line people say out line word4F 04/11 22:25
推 : Inside man says outside words5F 04/11 22:25
推 : wanker6F 04/11 22:25
推 : in say out7F 04/11 22:26
→ : out person says in man8F 04/11 22:26
→ : Insider speak layman.9F 04/11 22:26
→ : inner pedestrian speak outer jargon10F 04/11 22:26
推 : nai hun run gon wa hun wei11F 04/11 22:26
→ : cum in downstair12F 04/11 22:26
推 : inside out13F 04/11 22:26
推 : RD14F 04/11 22:26
推 : In-row man speak out-row words15F 04/11 22:26
推 : inner pedistran 好笑16F 04/11 22:27
推 : tedros eat shit and xi’s dick17F 04/11 22:27
推 : Adept speaks layman's word. 我自已發明的18F 04/11 22:27
噓 : in say out19F 04/11 22:29
推 : 我都念ikea20F 04/11 22:29
推 : inside people say outside words21F 04/11 22:29
→ willy61615 …
推 : inside say outside23F 04/11 22:29
推 : Backseat driver24F 04/11 22:30
推 : 竜が我が敌を喰らう\竜神の剣を喰らえ25F 04/11 22:30
推 : tedros MDFK26F 04/11 22:31
推 : Insideout27F 04/11 22:31
推 : The pro guy say bullshit.28F 04/11 22:31
噓 : Tedros speaking health29F 04/11 22:31
推 : 武漢肺炎30F 04/11 22:31
※ MEOWWW:轉錄至看板 Eng-Class 04/11 22:32
推 : pro say shit31F 04/11 22:32
推 : Insider speaks outer languages32F 04/11 22:33
→ : $33F 04/11 22:33
→ : inside walker talks outside conversation34F 04/11 22:33
推 : Kawabanga35F 04/11 22:33
推 : Bullshit!36F 04/11 22:34
推 : fuck you37F 04/11 22:34
推 : 我選擇死亡38F 04/11 22:35
→ : inside and outside39F 04/11 22:35
→ : Pro guy ,dumb shit40F 04/11 22:36
推 : you in I out41F 04/11 22:36
推 : Veteran acting as a amateur42F 04/11 22:37
推 : experts telling shit43F 04/11 22:37
推 : The doctor talk about politics44F 04/11 22:37
推 : 引用川普的: "Sounds good, doesn't work" 選我正解45F 04/11 22:37
推 : shining finger!!!46F 04/11 22:38
推 : people who likes to talk jargon spoke like a layperson47F 04/11 22:39
→ :
→ :
推 : 1f is fucking 5f’s ass49F 04/11 22:43
推 : what a fucking noob50F 04/11 22:44
推 : Pneumonoultramicroscopicwuhanhuoshenshanwinnie51F 04/11 22:46
推 : 要翻出裝傻的神髓,不是嗆人外行52F 04/11 22:47
推 : pro-man with poor words53F 04/11 22:49
推 : input to output54F 04/11 22:49
→ foolfighter …
推 : expert fools people56F 04/11 22:51
→ : inside man speak outside words57F 04/11 22:53
推 : inner row person say outer row sentence58F 04/11 22:53
推 : in and out59F 04/11 22:54
→ : 哪樓是正確的?60F 04/11 22:54
推 : This is a pen.61F 04/11 22:54
推 : inside out, outside in, like tennis62F 04/11 23:01
推 : expert says something like shit63F 04/11 23:03
推 : Layman leads expert.64F 04/11 23:04
推 : Pen Pineapple Apple Pen65F 04/11 23:04
推 : Just bullshiiting, I'm pro.66F 04/11 23:05
→ : eighty-seven67F 04/11 23:11
推 : pros acting noob68F 04/11 23:12
推 : Donde esta la biblioteca?69F 04/11 23:14
推 : Costco say Ikea70F 04/11 23:18
推 : 二樓笑死71F 04/11 23:20
噓 : play dumb72F 04/11 23:20
推 : compare costco to ikea73F 04/11 23:21
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 665