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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-04-06 09:06:37
看板 Gossiping
作者 Q00863 (阿棋)
標題 [問卦] Heineken可能暫停生產
時間 Sat Apr  4 13:50:37 2020

國外新聞來源:The Yukatan Times

Heineken says it will suspend production, distribution in Mexico – The Yucatan Times
Dutch brewer Heineken said on Friday April 3rd, that it will suspend production and distribution from its seven plants in Mexico, in response to the g ...


Dutch brewer Heineken said on Friday April 3rd, that it will suspend product
ion and distribution from its seven plants in Mexico, in response to the gov
ernment’s decision to halt non-essential economic activity to contain the n
ew coronavirus.






※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1UY20mYV (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1585979440.A.89F.html
omfg5487: 沒在喝酒1F 04/04 13:50
frommr: 反正我只ㄏ台啤 沒差2F 04/04 13:51
attdave: 所以要囤酒了嗎XD3F 04/04 13:51
a3221715: 啤酒都不好喝4F 04/04 13:51
GXTRON99: 五樓帥5F 04/04 13:51
kivan00: 沒差 難喝6F 04/04 13:52
asiasssh: 台灣人只喝台啤7F 04/04 13:52
MagicSword: 改生產海尼根酒精呀8F 04/04 13:53
marsonele: 金門自產自銷9F 04/04 13:53
jim543000: 海尼根誰要喝啊10F 04/04 13:53
Busufu: 都喝可樂那11F 04/04 13:54
deepdish: 自己調酒不會膩12F 04/04 13:54
imba789: 那售價寧願喝18天13F 04/04 13:55
hotsuma: 可做酒精啊!?14F 04/04 13:56
stara1125: 這個那麼難喝 沒差啦15F 04/04 13:56
DinoZavolta: 海尼根超苦...16F 04/04 13:57
andysun221: 喝台啤就好了 喝什麼海尼根17F 04/04 13:59
artning: 可以趕快去做酒精18F 04/04 14:00
postpost: 防疫酒精75%,民眾排隊搶著要19F 04/04 14:02
furnaceh: 台啤表是20F 04/04 14:03
misshoney: 反正我只喝台啤的18天生啤酒21F 04/04 14:04
pd3mnd: 轉作消毒酒精就是必要生產了22F 04/04 14:06
Toge: 不~23F 04/04 14:07
allenwu79: 台啤可以大量外銷了24F 04/04 14:08
kis28519: 還好我都喝台啤25F 04/04 14:11
AbianMa19: 難喝26F 04/04 14:11
peiring: 反正不好喝27F 04/04 14:14
DRAWER: 之前大家在囤米時 我就先囤酒了28F 04/04 14:18
yiyin330: 我還沒喝過墨西哥產的,台灣都荷蘭的啦29F 04/04 14:24
yiyin330: 台灣啤酒市場排第二,扯,只輸金牌
asiaking5566: 普天同慶31F 04/04 14:27
tikitaka: 有夠難喝停產沒差32F 04/04 14:43
gary63122: 這麼多人愛喝尿味台啤33F 04/04 14:51
uneso: 樓上會不會被炮?34F 04/04 14:52
rushfudge: 海超苦  拜託快停35F 04/04 14:59
jehow: 老實說 啤酒事是要新鮮 台啤好喝多了36F 04/04 15:16
same815: 還好我都喝Asahi銀罐37F 04/04 15:43
pttfft: 百威美國製的最好喝38F 04/04 15:50
tingover: 尿這種味道應該快死了吧 去看個醫生好嗎39F 04/04 15:50
cocaineweed: 麒麟比較好喝40F 04/04 15:56
yayayagogo: 香煙可以全面禁產嗎?41F 04/04 16:26
nutssummer: 台啤或成最大贏家42F 04/04 18:08

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