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看板 Gossiping
作者 a09651238 (可口美味好滋味)
標題 [新聞] 白宮宣佈6兆刺激經濟方案
時間 Wed Mar 25 10:30:12 2020



Trump says there's 'light at the end of the tunnel' as White House pitches $6T
 coronavirus stimulus package


Saying the country was nearing the "the end of our historic battle" with "the
invisible enemy" of coronavirus, President Trump on Tuesday evening emphasized
 his desire for the U.S. to reopen for business by Easter -- as his top econom
ic adviser said Congress is "getting closer and closer" to passing an unpreced
ented fiscal stimulus package.

Speaking at Tuesday's White House coronavirus task force briefing, Director of
 the U.S. National Economic Council Larry Kudlow specifically said the new cor
onavirus bill working its way through congressional gridlock would total $6 tr
illion: $4 trillion in liquidity from the Federal Reserve and $2 trillion in n
ew money. Typical annual appropriations from Congress in a given fiscal year a
re around $1.2-4 trillion, with total expenditures roughly $4.3 trillion.

"I said earlier today that I hope we can do this by Easter," Trump said in the
 White House briefing room, referring to his comments at a Fox News virtual to
wn hall that officials could soon ease social-distancing restrictions. "I thin
k that would be a great thing for our country, and we're all working very hard
 to make that a reality. ... Easter is a very special day for many reasons."

Trump also sounded an unexpectedly magnanimous note: "I also want to thank Con
gress, because whether or not we're happy that they haven't quite gotten there
 yet, they have been working long hours. I'm talking Republicans and Democrats
, all of them, the House, the Senate. I want to thank Congress because they ar
e really trying to get there, and I think they will."

“This package will be the single largest Main Street assistance program in th
e history of the United States,” Kudlow said, adding that negotiations would
continue into the evening but that a vote is imminent.

However, although the temperature on Capitol Hill was much lower on Tuesday, s
ome fireworks began on the Senate floor late Tuesday night, after the briefing
 Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., remarked that “there are too many people on th
e field" and that Democrats still wanted too much more money for non-emergency
, unrelated policy projects.

"Every special interest group in town is trying to get a little bit more," Gra
ham said. "Nickel-and-diming at a time when people are dying -- literally dyin
g." He urged Trump to recall Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to the White Ho
use to end negotiations.

"We may be on the 1-yard-line," Graham added around 8:30 p.m. ET, referring to
 some lawmakers' claims that the conclusion of negotiations was within reach.
"But, apparently there are 20 people on defense."

Democrats' proposed bill includes measures to restrict airlines' carbon emissi
ons, pay off billions in student loan debt, encourage federal agencies to empl
oy "minority banks," bail out the U.S. Postal Service and even fund the John F
 Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Republicans, including the president
, have called the measures "nonsense" nonstarters.

Also at the coronavirus briefing, both Vice President Mike Pence and Dr. Debor
ah Birx, the White House coronavirus response coordinator, remarked that anyon
e who has left New York City in recent days may have been exposed to coronavir
us, and should self-quarantine for 14 days regardless of where they are now.

Pence said the Federal Emergency Management Agency [FEMA] was providing 7.6 mi
llion N95 masks and 4 million surgical masks to states. The agency told Fox Ne
ws that at the last minute, it was able to procure coronavirus test kits from
the private market and did not need to invoke the “prioritization” clause of
 the Defense Production Act.

"We should never be reliant on a foreign country for the means of our own surv
ival," Trump said, adding that coronavirus has shown "how critical it is to ha
ve strong borders and a robust manufacturing sector."

As his approval numbers hit their highest point ever, with 60 percent of Ameri
cans approving of his coronavirus response efforts, Trump went on to tout the
impact of the expected congressional stimulus package as a good sign for the n
ation's financial future.

"The Dow surged over 2,100 points," Trump said. "That's the all-time record in
 the history of the exchange."

Investors had released some frustration that had pent up over days of watching
 Democrats repeatedly block GOP stimulus efforts. Leaders from both parties we
re more optimistic late Monday and early Tuesday that a deal could be reached.

There was some good news inside the White House grounds, as well. As the brief
ing concluded, White House press Secretary Stephanie Grisham, who has been qua
rantined since coming in contact with Brazilian officials almost two weeks ago
 and working from home, revealed she has received negative COVID-19 test resul
ts and will be back to work Wednesday.

Grisham will return as the Trump administration increasingly has sought to pro
ject optimism. The president, who tweeted Sunday that "WE CANNOT LET THE CURE
BE WORSE THAN THE PROBLEM ITSELF," declared at the Fox News virtual town hall
that he "would love to have the country opened up and just raring to go by Eas

Pressed by Fox News' John Roberts on the timeline, Trump said at the briefing:
 "We'll be looking at a lot of things -- we'll also be looking at very large p
ortions of our country, but I'll be guided very much by Dr. [Anthony] Fauci, a
nd by Deborah [Birx]."

Fauci, the longtime head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious D
iseases, whose absence from recent coronavirus briefings triggered a wave of s
peculation in the media, said the timeline was still "flexible."

This past Sunday, Fauci rejected attempts by journalists to drive a wedge betw
een himself and the president. "The president was trying to bring hope to the
people. I think there's this issue of [the media] trying to separate the two o
f us. There isn't fundamentally a difference there," Fauci said.

On Sunday, Fauci elaborated in a radio interview, saying media efforts to crea
te a rift were "unfortunate."

"I would wish that would stop because we have a much bigger problem here than
trying to point out differences," Fauci said. "They're really fundamentally at
 the core when you look at things, they are not differences."

Democrats have reacted furiously to Trump's new timeline for relaxing economic
 restrictions, with Hillary Clinton suggesting people would "needlessly die,"
and Joe Biden accusing Trump of spreading "misinformation."

"This a--hole and his rich friends are too stupid to get that we can only get
through this together," former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau wrote. "Everyone
 is at risk from the virus. Everyone suffers when there aren’t enough hospita
l beds. Everyone struggles when millions are too sick to work."


美國經濟部部長Larry Kudlow表示將高達6兆的經濟刺激方案

其中4兆來自FED流通現金 另外2兆正在國會

而其中包含了醫療物資 工業補助 以及美國國民的消費支票

而目前國會的談判已經接近結束 星期三(台灣時間今晚)隨時都有機會宣布通過



但是不少經濟學家 或政府官員 都蠻反對撒幣這件事情的


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osuki: 反對傻B1F 台灣 03/25 10:31
akway: 無限QE 無限預算2F 台灣 03/25 10:31
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KLGlikeshit: 我也要QQ4F 台灣 03/25 10:31
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CavendishJr: 哇是美金耶7F 台灣 03/25 10:32
q347: 他可能不會連任了8F 台灣 03/25 10:32
JuiFu617: 印鈔機不用錢9F 台灣 03/25 10:33
akway: 台灣花800億“台幣:太少 美帝花6兆“美金10F 台灣 03/25 10:33
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JuiFu617: 看美元指數這麼高就知道可以無限印鈔19F 台灣 03/25 10:37
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gk1329: 0利率拼命借啊 借多者勝
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rainbowcrash: 美金印鈔大絕,怕29F 台灣 03/25 10:44
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WanCa: 美金欸31F 台灣 03/25 10:52
tenka92417: 大撒幣,但是如果沒有足夠商品可以買32F 台灣 03/25 10:54
tenka92417: ,滿手鈔票有何用?
iosian: 什麼時候會有新美金?四萬換一元嗎?34F 美國 03/25 11:02
CS0000000000: 走私沒聽過嗎35F 台灣 03/25 11:03
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Kazetachinu: 知道會不會真的發生wwwwww
gwenwoo:  活著才有希望38F 台灣 03/25 11:08
aaice: 美國人躺著花錢 大家努力工作賺美金39F 台灣 03/25 11:17
HAHAHUNG: 平均每個國民分到兩萬美,強啊40F 台灣 03/25 11:17
gk1329: 0利率要怎麼破產啦 再借就好啊41F 台灣 03/25 11:22
customptt: 是不是搞錯重點??42F 台灣 03/25 11:24
Rin5566: 哪個智障反對?43F 台灣 03/25 11:25

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