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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-03-30 09:02:48
看板 Gossiping
作者 AJAPPLE (不敢吃屎魯蛇小妹)
標題 [問卦] 耿爽翻成英文怎麼唸?
時間 Fri Mar 27 22:13:47 2020





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1UVWeUrT (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1585318430.A.D5D.html
johnwu: ikea1F 03/27 22:14
whiteadam: 樓下你英文名字是????????2F 03/27 22:14
zhanjw: Dick3F 03/27 22:14
SamWhite: gun song4F 03/27 22:14
jipq6175: Orgasm Gun5F 03/27 22:15
eason10: 我都念菜母豬6F 03/27 22:15
BBQ2591: Diner7F 03/27 22:15
hatephubbing: Gang 気持ちいい8F 03/27 22:15
Balabala1234: 我都唸ikea9F 03/27 22:15
tainantw: 支那畜10F 03/27 22:15
wensday: 更爽11F 03/27 22:15
ymca0135: Shit12F 03/27 22:17
ECZEMA: Xargon13F 03/27 22:18
butt1106: good penis14F 03/27 22:18
jason70426: ear fire  song  耳火爽15F 03/27 22:18
peja5566: Feel no good16F 03/27 22:19
freetofree: Gone Shame17F 03/27 22:20
Cger: more song18F 03/27 22:21
kimchvm03: shit19F 03/27 22:21
johncika11: super comfortable20F 03/27 22:22
andy19960820: Gengar21F 03/27 22:24
horseham: fuck song22F 03/27 22:25
PhySeraph: G spot gun23F 03/27 22:25
sinohara: GEN sex idiot24F 03/27 22:25
kankumara: more comfortable25F 03/27 22:25
itoennn: retard26F 03/27 22:26
rttlac: 耿song27F 03/27 22:26
pingo0423: I don't care28F 03/27 22:28
yarnt: joyful29F 03/27 22:28
tsutsutsu: Ejaculation gun30F 03/27 22:28
harryzx0: unhappy31F 03/27 22:28
bird1117: Fuck  Happy32F 03/27 22:32
Risperidone: fuck iku33F 03/27 22:32
yeap193: oh fuck yeah34F 03/27 22:32
vwpassat: Fuck Cina35F 03/27 22:33
morgan13: Oh Yeah36F 03/27 22:34
realmiddle: China Motherfucker37F 03/27 22:36
et134226: Chinazi38F 03/27 22:37
stuxxv: Gern Song39F 03/27 22:37
wagwag: very song40F 03/27 22:37
macefindu: Ganbang Orgy41F 03/27 22:38
lj7168: Gay Song42F 03/27 22:40
lalawolala: gan song43F 03/27 22:42
hkr91511208: gansong44F 03/27 22:44
cucu1126: 耿boy45F 03/27 22:44
tokyoto: Song Gan46F 03/27 22:49
destiny1409: KUZU47F 03/27 22:49
namie20: Gay song48F 03/27 22:49
fcuspy: eye-rolling and tongue out49F 03/27 22:50
ericinttu:   I don't song50F 03/27 22:50
xup6lin: 你的好市多拼錯 costco51F 03/27 22:51
TommyWu1991: Gan Song la52F 03/27 22:51
jerrylin0112: genson53F 03/27 22:53
adie: sick happy54F 03/27 22:53
adie: dick  happy
HonorCat: Dick face asshole56F 03/27 22:56
toolittle: RRRRR57F 03/27 22:58
Tuscany: shithole58F 03/27 22:59
leoz69927: yes song59F 03/27 23:00
VOLK11: more song, 亂入60F 03/27 23:02
nolimits: Bright Blissful61F 03/27 23:03
SupCat: very song62F 03/27 23:05
vup4zj: Gan, Song!63F 03/27 23:08
Citer: Gay son64F 03/27 23:10
jimmy: Go Song65F 03/27 23:10
fastmonster: Asshole66F 03/27 23:10
waiter337: 譴責67F 03/27 23:11
mark55665: cunt68F 03/27 23:15
wangson: very excite69F 03/27 23:15
Moselle: 最北七的是 這梗是costco不是coscto 沒人發現70F 03/27 23:16
iPodIV: Dick Song71F 03/27 23:16
BangSaint556: coscto是三小72F 03/27 23:28
zxc90147: very song73F 03/27 23:29
qaz214536: Great sing74F 03/27 23:33
s102061272: Pretty comfortable75F 03/27 23:35
diablohinet: Super Angry76F 03/27 23:47
hs80186: trash77F 03/27 23:51
adairchang: cunt78F 03/27 23:54
HookWorm: Garbage79F 03/28 00:09
Asato163: gun feel good80F 03/28 00:17
ch25: more song81F 03/28 00:23
hilemon: Gan Jizz82F 03/28 00:26
nova06091: Masturbator83F 03/28 00:53
Automatic620: Happy choke84F 03/28 01:20
geroge0820: Fuck me85F 03/28 02:05
ms0545173: Xargon吧 同一類型的人86F 03/28 02:23
JJJZZs: Tight tight tight87F 03/28 02:25
stock0907: 餘弦餘切coscot88F 03/28 02:54
YALEMY: China pig89F 03/28 06:10
herculus6502: gang song91F 03/28 06:40
poohhung: 我只知道有Costco,Coscto是3小?92F 03/28 07:50
Gnardada: Son of the bitch93F 03/28 08:42
oldmangoes: 幹送94F 03/29 12:06
oppi19: 看耿鬼怎麼翻炸95F 03/29 12:09
Windk610i: fucking idiot96F 03/29 12:18
G8DA: Gan Song97F 03/29 15:20

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 498 
分享網址: 複製 已複製
1樓 時間: 2020-03-28 00:04:28 (台灣)
  03-28 00:04 TW
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