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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-12-02 17:49:20
看板 Gossiping
作者 GETpoint (擲雷爆卦)
標題 [新聞] 亞瑟王座以南10英里出土貴族聖遺物
時間 Tue Dec  1 22:10:18 2020




By Ian Swanson
Monday, 30th November 2020, 7:00 am


Metal detectorist unearths rare medieval knife near Penicuik

Scottish history enthusiast and metal detectorist Craig Johnstone had worked
out that woods near Penicuik were probably an escape route from a 1666 battle
and he went to see what he could find.
By Ian Swanson




Metal detectorist unearths rare medieval knife near Penicuik

Scottish history enthusiast and metal detectorist Craig Johnstone had worked
out that woods near Penicuik were probably an escape route from a 1666 battle
and he went to see what he could find.
By Ian Swanson

Monday, 30th November 2020, 7:00 am

2 hours ago

Edinburgh Evening News
"The knife was stuck inside the scabbard and I thought it was the top of a railing someone had cut off."https://trib.al/M1A2gos 











But after coming across some musket balls which confirmed his theory, he
unearthed something which turned out to be much older and unusual - a small,
highly-decorated knife and scabbard which has been dated between 1191 and

"When I found the knife it was covered in mud," he said. "The knife was stuck
inside the scabbard and I thought it was the top of a railing someone had cut

"I showed it to a couple of people and one of my friends worked for
Midlothian council - he took it in to their archaeologist and straight away
she knew it was a knife.

“She advised us to heat it up slowly so we put it in the oven at a really
low heat with the door open. It was a pure Excalibur moment for me when I
pulled out the handle and there was a blade."

There were also two pieces of leather inside the scabbard to protect the

Mr Johnstone, who lives in Penicuik and has his own data communications
business, took his find from Deanburn woods to an independent expert in
Edinburgh. "He knew it was from the medieval period, but he didn't realise
how early it was - he thought maybe 16th century.

"After that I realised I had better report it to Treasure Trove - but they
dismissed it as a 'relatively modern item'."

Undeterred, he paid to have it carbon-dated privately and was told it could
be over 800 years old, originating between 1191 and 1273.

"I wasn't expecting it to come back with such an early date."

He passed the carbon-dating details to Treasure Trove and the knife is due to
be considered by the Scottish Archaeological Finds Allocation Panel.

Mr Johnstone said the knife was about the same size as a skean dhu. "The
blade is only about three inches and it's a high-grade, hollow-ground blade.

Craig Johnstone had only been metal-detecting for six months when he found
the knife

"It's a very highly decorated item for its time. The blade would have had
silver leaf on it, the handle is bronze would have been covered in gold.

“It would have belonged to a nobleman or someone of some substance.

“This is an important item. There's never been one found before that's as
early as this.”

Mr Johnstone had only been metal-detecting for about six months when he made
his discovery. He has since found a bronze age spearhead which has been dated
around 1500 BC and he received £200 for it.

But he says: “None of this is about the money or how much these things are
worth. It’s about Scottish history and the knife getting the recognition it

A Treasure Trove spokeswoman said: “This is a highly unusual object,
comprising of a blade with a hilt and a metal scabbard with leather inside.
While the leather and blade date from the medieval period, the hilt and
scabbard are unusual for the period.

“Treasure Trove are still carrying out investigations into the object. It
was due to be x-rayed as part of the investigation process, but this has
unfortunately been delayed due to Covid-19 restrictions.”

A message from the Editor:

Thank you for reading this article. We're more reliant on your support than
ever as the shift in consumer habits brought about by coronavirus impacts our

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Metal detectorist unearths rare medieval knife near Penicuik | Edinburgh News
Scottish history enthusiast and metal detectorist Craig Johnstone had worked out that woods near Penicuik were probably an escape route from a 1666 ba ...




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akito555: 寶具!?1F 12/01 22:11
CJ2048: saber的劍?2F 12/01 22:12


QBey: 反正叫出來都圓桌武士3F 12/01 22:13
ilanese: 好短…… XD4F 12/01 22:14
P2: 金小刀5F 12/01 22:15
joumay: ....可以穢土轉生艾斯卡諾嗎?  雖然他都拿單手巨斧....6F 12/01 22:15


akanishiking: 咖喱棒!7F 12/01 22:16
savior25: 可以招喚出誰呢?8F 12/01 22:18
VOLK11: 圓桌武士,亞瑟王找聖杯,找得很辛苦9F 12/01 22:18
neo5277: 刺客用的吧10F 12/01 22:19

正式名稱拼寫是          Sgian-dubh


https://imgur.com/6F10ijt       https://imgur.com/yKbzKDf

IndyChen: 挺像拆信刀的11F 12/01 22:22
ilanese: 用聖遺物,看能不能招喚出圓桌武士來? XD12F 12/01 22:22
※ 編輯: GETpoint ( 臺灣), 12/01/2020 22:25:15
crimson11: https://i.imgur.com/dWIh7nk.jpg14F 12/01 22:25
GETpoint:轉錄至看板 Warfare                                     12/01 22:28
Robert Bresson: Lancelot du Lac (1974) @ jerrylovesamuel的部落格 :: 痞客邦 ::
《武士蘭西諾》(1974)則改編自中古傳說,說的是征戰十年的武士之尊為阿瑟王到處尋找聖杯不果,怪自己因為愛上皇后而招上天懲罰,決揮慧劍斬情絲,最後化身做神秘武士在武林大會戰死。影片獲一九七四年康城影展 ...

VOLK11: 這部武士蘭斯洛,布列松導演,台北光點演過16F 12/01 22:35
VOLK11: 有去看,就是講亞瑟王,圓桌武士,聖杯的故事
Qorqios: 看到大小 笑了18F 12/01 22:36
VOLK11: 然後打鬥拍得很寫實,就是很鈍,一點也不飛岩走壁19F 12/01 22:37
VOLK11: 近身的劍戰和肉搏戰,但比較像真實場景
h73o1012: 結果只是萬用小刀21F 12/01 22:47
Liaocavalier: 招蘭斯洛特,職階Saber22F 12/01 23:03
VOLK11: 那部片除了電影特效血的顏色比較出戲23F 12/01 23:14
VOLK11: 畢竟是老片,其他感覺都有寫實感
VOLK11: 或許故事是誇大和虛構的,但手法寫實
VOLK11: 有歷史感,難怪有得獎
three88720: 聖杯戰爭又要捲土重來了27F 12/01 23:16
cylimu: 亞瑟我婆28F 12/01 23:20
rumirumi: 聖遺物 要打聖杯戰爭了29F 12/01 23:38
a123444556: 聖杯戰爭!!30F 12/02 00:09
Lucas0806: 手柄處是鳶尾花造型?看來的確是貴族專用31F 12/02 00:28
haoyin0105: 屬性不對就是廢物 繼續重刷32F 12/02 00:58
ekalashi: 結果只是一個拿來插水果或肉類的小刀33F 12/02 10:02
tom12122323: 所以是易大師腳上那把?34F 12/02 11:26
imhideji: 法傷+20%35F 12/02 13:24

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