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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-12-02 08:28:14
看板 Gossiping
作者 arsl400 (dark hatter)
標題 [問卦] 好自為知的英文怎麼說?
時間 Tue Dec  1 09:15:02 2020


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VnPaOIO (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1606785304.A.498.html
ARCHER2234: learn yourself吧?1F 12/01 09:15
Leesanity: Fuck my ass2F 12/01 09:15
cake10414: good self is know3F 12/01 09:15
twelvethflor: be good4F 12/01 09:16
derrick1220: oralsex5F 12/01 09:16
YJM1106: Bring it on!6F 12/01 09:16
bill403777: go fuck yourself7F 12/01 09:16
Misscat16868: 你怎麼沒問那個英國大力士?叫他教你不會?8F 12/01 09:17
q3824k: 耗子為汁9F 12/01 09:17
wei115: Mouse tail juice10F 12/01 09:17
alex00089: 走著瞧11F 12/01 09:18
Ericz7000: watch yourself12F 12/01 09:19
tn601374: dpp13F 12/01 09:19
gerund: behave yourself14F 12/01 09:19
vowpool: how's waits15F 12/01 09:19
coollfd: good liar dpp16F 12/01 09:20
G888888: Good luck17F 12/01 09:21
biggest1983: ㄇㄉㄈㄎ18F 12/01 09:22
chocopoodle: go fk yourself19F 12/01 09:23
kenndy: UCCU20F 12/01 09:23
liudwan: You’re on your own21F 12/01 09:24
scum5566: fuck yourself22F 12/01 09:24
zxlt3722: mouse tail juice23F 12/01 09:24
antonny: mokey seats24F 12/01 09:25
bruce511239: good yourself25F 12/01 09:25
linceass: good yourself do it26F 12/01 09:25
tryit0902: GOOD LUCK27F 12/01 09:25
ginopun10477: imma put some dirt in your eye28F 12/01 09:25
jiabao0508: 人家都有原因重配英文版本了(誤)29F 12/01 09:27
Nikeee: 我都念Costco30F 12/01 09:27
QueenofSM: 樓上bully Macquarie31F 12/01 09:28
hjk56789: fuck youself32F 12/01 09:28
pkmu8426: who car34F 12/01 09:30
hjklasdf123: gay porn35F 12/01 09:31
shotakun: diy36F 12/01 09:32
e1q3z9c7: mouse tail juice37F 12/01 09:34
pelier: how's wayz38F 12/01 09:34
giantwinter: Nice to have39F 12/01 09:34
reppoc: how dare you40F 12/01 09:35
marktak: Fera chu41F 12/01 09:35
rainylife: what was done was done42F 12/01 09:36
marktak: How'z weights43F 12/01 09:36
Kurisu: Go tell your boss.44F 12/01 09:37
obovqq: Mouse is juice45F 12/01 09:38
PTT9032: you'd better know what you are doing46F 12/01 09:39
a14589761: Good myself is knowledge47F 12/01 09:46
abadjoke: Rat is juice48F 12/01 09:48
kululualex: I know what you did last summer49F 12/01 09:52
Kirihime: HOW ZU WELL ZU50F 12/01 09:53
tomstrike: behave yourself51F 12/01 10:01
as222as222a: fuck your ass52F 12/01 10:05
tmwolf: how's ways?53F 12/01 10:08
paggy2324: Good go do it54F 12/01 10:18
tsukasa107: mouse tail juice la gan55F 12/01 10:19
jnecoj: Ma Bao Kuo56F 12/01 10:29
jordom148: Fuck off57F 12/01 10:30
wbsinger: we cares58F 12/01 10:30
muenchener: go fuck yourself / good luck59F 12/01 10:30
rickphyman42: Good self do it60F 12/01 10:31
Fino5566: mouse tail juice61F 12/01 10:41
lulocke: Go fuck yourself62F 12/01 10:43
fongshing: Make it LEMONADE63F 12/01 10:44
gameking16: mouse tail juice64F 12/01 10:55
wj4wj4: 台灣的話是 自己跟老闆說65F 12/01 10:59
sht0112: how ze way ze66F 12/01 11:08
etiennechiu: You're on your own67F 12/01 11:49
outzumin: good masterbate juice  好自慰汁68F 12/01 11:51
tzonren: Hao zi wei zhi69F 12/01 11:52
histing: good self do70F 12/01 11:53
lysing12: good for yourself71F 12/01 11:59
deathsman: may show gun more72F 12/01 12:20
StevoWu: better call Saul73F 12/01 12:32
yayaputin: suit youself74F 12/01 12:32
daye2012: costco sell everything75F 12/01 12:50
pony0935: you better watch yourself76F 12/01 12:53
bcs: 耗子尾汁77F 12/01 13:20
monkeydog119: 3Q78F 12/01 14:05
skygray2: 耗子尾汁79F 12/01 14:49
selvester: Juice of Rats tail80F 12/01 16:34
villagemen: good self do it81F 12/01 20:18

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