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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 德國自11/2起封城4週
時間 Thu Oct 29 03:17:14 2020
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Coronavirus: Germany to enter four-week lockdown from November, Chancellor
Merkel confirms
Bars, pubs, gyms and cinemas will close, while restaurants will be restricted
to takeaway and hotels will close to tourists.
Germany will enter a four-week lockdown from 2 November, Chancellor Angela
Merkel has announced.
The details include:
Bars and pubs to shut
Restaurants to shut except for takeawayGyms, cinemas and theatres to close
Private gatherings banned for more than 10 people and more than two
Hotels to close to tourists and stay open only for essential reasons
Non-essential travel discouraged
Shops to stay open but with fewer than one person per 10 square metres
Schools, kindergartens and day care centres to stay open
Ms Merkel said she "wants to make sure" nursing homes can still receive
visitors during the lockdown, which will be reviewed in two weeks.
She said the "tough measures" were necessary to prevent the overwhelming of
hospitals as Germany faces soaring coronavirus deaths and cases.
"We need to take action now," she said, adding that the key to defusing the
"very serious" situation was to reduce contacts while limiting damage to the
In explaining her reasoning for the country's second nationwide lockdown, the
chancellor said the number of filled intensive care beds had doubled in 10
Track and trace efforts had become inundated with new cases, leaving the
origin of three quarters of infections a mystery.
While the virus is growing exponentially and the "doubling of cases has
become faster," Ms Merkel said she believed this short, sharp lockdown could
slow it down and ensure hospitals can continue to cope.
"If the pace of infections continues like this, then we'll reach the limits
of what the health system can manage within weeks," she said.
The country's 16 state governors agreed on the lockdown via video link.
Hours earlier, Germany's disease control agency confirmed a record 14,964 new
confirmed coronavirus cases in one day, taking the national total to 449,275.
It also reported 27 more virus-related deaths, raising its toll to 10,098,
the Robert Koch Institute said.
And the country is far from alone in its mounting worry at the rapidly
spreading pandemic.
The World Health Organisation warned Europe has faced a 35% spike in deaths
in seven days compared to the previous week.
France is expected to follow Germany's lead and enter its own four-week
national lockdown, local media has widely reported.
France reported its highest daily death count since April on Tuesday, with
523 virus-linked deaths. It has also been confirming tens of thousands of
cases each day, with a record 52,010 reported on Saturday.
And more than half of the country's intensive care units are filled with
COVID-19 patients.
Belgium, the Netherlands, most of Spain and the Czech Republic are seeing
similarly high infection rates.
European governments have been desperate to avoid national lockdowns for fear
of more economic pain - and protests have broken out in several countries
which have toughened measures.
Some anti-lockdown demonstrations have turned violent, including in Italy
where far-right demonstrators clashed with police in Rome, Turin and Naples.
5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Coronavirus: France and Germany have announced second national lockdowns | World News | Sky News
Emmanuel Macron said his country and its European neighbours were being "submerged" by the rapid pace of COVID-19. ...
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VcSE-3S (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1603912638.A.0DC.html
→ : 抗爭啦,那次不抗爭1F 10/29 03:18
推 : 中國贏了全世界進入共產吧2F 10/29 03:18
推 : 在舔啊 敗光祖先老本的歐豬3F 10/29 03:21
→ : 整個歐洲應該採取入境14天隔離4F 10/29 03:21
推 : ( -3-)y=~~ 蛤? 又封囉? 來看看衛生紙夠不夠...5F 10/29 03:22
→ : 可憐哪6F 10/29 03:24
→ : 只關娛樂場所跟餐廳啦,超市還是開啊7F 10/29 03:24
→ : Mensa才開門兩週...可憐啊 @_@8F 10/29 03:26
→ : 完全不強制入境隔離 你封十年也沒用9F 10/29 03:26
→ : 病毒一直源源不絕進來
→ : 病毒一直源源不絕進來
推 : 親共下場不ey?11F 10/29 03:28
推 : 梅克爾有說mensa可以繼續開12F 10/29 03:29
推 : \I am survived/13F 10/29 03:30
推 : 台灣一定要好好守起來 加油14F 10/29 03:32
推 : 支那:惹到中國就是全球一起文革爽啊15F 10/29 03:32
推 : 博物館 音樂廳 健身房也都全關了16F 10/29 03:32
推 : 只能乖乖當社畜了 QQ17F 10/29 03:39
推 : 中國終於報了八國聯軍的仇了18F 10/29 03:43
→ : 全世界都學中國啦~19F 10/29 03:45
推 : 再聽CHO的話阿 再挺CHO阿 不是很愛舔中20F 10/29 03:47
推 : 幹我們學校剛剛宣佈圖書館和琴房都關了21F 10/29 03:49
→ : 學中國雙色骨灰的話的確封的住 誰確診就拉去埋22F 10/29 03:49
推 : 德國也...23F 10/29 03:53
推 : 德國封城?怕豹24F 10/29 03:54
推 : 納粹之後已無德國25F 10/29 03:56
推 : 繼續舔 真香26F 10/29 03:57
→ : 信中共 得永生27F 10/29 04:04
→ : 封身體健康的28F 10/29 04:12
推 : 智障白人29F 10/29 04:18
→ : 好像半年前有什麼人在德國笑臺灣防疫爛的30F 10/29 04:20
→ : 世衛真的害死全球除了中共
→ : 世衛真的害死全球除了中共
→ : 這次的鍋是WHO無誤...32F 10/29 04:25
推 : 再舔阿33F 10/29 04:30
推 : 2020=瘟疫年34F 10/29 04:55
推 : 法國也封摟35F 10/29 05:05
推 : 這樣學校是要全面網課還是怎樣啊?36F 10/29 05:14
推 : 繼續努力舔共,加油喔!納粹好兄弟需要你的力挺37F 10/29 05:20
推 : 聯邦規是學校照開,但有學校可能自行採取更嚴格措施38F 10/29 05:29
推 : 慘39F 10/29 05:41
推 : 下去吧,不戴口罩就永遠逃不了40F 10/29 06:01
推 : 幹...41F 10/29 06:06
推 : 繼續舔共42F 10/29 06:06
噓 : 舔到德意志亡國!!!43F 10/29 06:24
→ : 這跟中國武漢封城不一樣吧 封城是連人都無法出入該城44F 10/29 06:29
→ : 怕45F 10/29 06:33
推 : 歐美就是毒46F 10/29 06:54
推 : 梅姨玩大了,再跟席維尼交好啊,看這次要控制多久才47F 10/29 06:55
→ : 好
→ : 好
推 : 死好49F 10/29 06:57
推 : 舔共的下場阿50F 10/29 07:00
推 : 老巫婆再舔共啊~柯柯51F 10/29 07:07
→ : QQ52F 10/29 07:08
→ : QQ53F 10/29 07:15
推 : 愛舔共54F 10/29 07:16
推 : 歐美白障:我不戴口罩 那害我中毒55F 10/29 07:18
噓 : 認真封一個月絕對會沒事~偏偏要搞到死傷這麼慘烈才做56F 10/29 07:19
推 : 快去街頭抗議 結果造成更大的傳染57F 10/29 07:42
→ : 我記得德國親中共親得有點過頭喔,只能說活該了58F 10/29 07:47
噓 : 再舔阿,拉基國家59F 10/29 07:48
噓 : 舔共到失智 活該啦60F 10/29 07:56
→ : 好棒棒的WHO有幫助到什麼嗎
→ : 好棒棒的WHO有幫助到什麼嗎
推 : 感謝您,習大哥!62F 10/29 08:01
推 : 快買中國疫苗啦63F 10/29 08:04
推 : 太晚了 都有充足的時間準備開party64F 10/29 08:05
推 : 中國肺炎支配世界!65F 10/29 08:05
→ foolfighter …
噓 : 德國舔共,菸黨舔德,這次又要宣傳口罩外交了嗎67F 10/29 08:06
推 : 繼續,德國還沒垮。68F 10/29 08:06
噓 : 廢物德國69F 10/29 08:13
→ bakaka …
→ : 封城這個詞不是這樣用的.....71F 10/29 08:24
推 : 一個願打 一個願挨72F 10/29 08:24
推 : 有一個舔共舔到出事73F 10/29 08:28
→ : 廢物梅克爾 舔共死全家74F 10/29 08:38
噓 : 德國趕快去舔共壓壓驚啊75F 10/29 08:43
推 : 要封不早封 腦袋有洞76F 10/29 08:44
推 : 入境不管都沒用77F 10/29 08:54
推 : 舔共舔到快掛掉 笑死78F 10/29 09:12
推 : 真的亡羊補牢也要做到好啊,希望能有效79F 10/29 09:13
推 : 德國可以跟中共買疫苗打啊80F 10/29 09:50
推 : 美國印度沒舔,有比較好嗎?81F 10/29 09:51
推 : 在舔阿82F 10/29 10:02
推 : 可撥 再舔阿83F 10/29 10:39
推 : 抗爭了啦 沒自由跟浪漫比病毒更恐怖阿84F 10/29 10:52
推 : 什麼時候要跟中國人學把門釘起來,繼續舔啊XDDD85F 10/29 11:04
推 : 普篩4%仔表示羨慕86F 10/29 11:35
推 : 笑死 沒用啦 歐盟全一起封好嗎87F 10/29 11:45
推 : 廢物德國88F 10/29 11:56
推 : 中國或成最大贏家89F 10/29 12:26
→ : 共 諜 軍 團,任 務 出 動90F 10/29 14:38
推 : 美國一定舔共才那麼慘91F 10/29 14:49
→ : 再挺CHO阿+192F 10/29 16:04
推 : 人民幣的威力93F 10/29 18:39
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6樓 時間: 2020-10-29 20:48:16 (台灣)
10-29 20:48 TW