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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-10-27 21:20:23
看板 Gossiping
作者 shuhao233 (代課你先)
標題 [新聞] 印尼保證侏羅紀公園不會導致科摩多龍滅
時間 Tue Oct 27 20:50:42 2020

1.媒體來源: 路透

2.記者署名:Stanley Widianto


Indonesia says 'Jurassic Park' project no threat to Komodo dragon


Indonesia's environment ministry on Tuesday sought to calm outrage over construc
tion of an island tourism project being dubbed "Jurassic Park", after an image w
ent viral on social media of a Komodo dragon facing off with a big truck.

The picture of the dragon, one of the world's largest lizards, blocking the path
 of a big vehicle on Indonesia's Rinca Island prompted an outpouring of anger ab
out perceived threats to the natural habitat of the vulnerable species.

Reuters was not able to verify the authenticity of the picture.

Wiratno, a senior environment ministry official, said rangers would ensure the s
afety of dragons roaming near the construction, which will include an elevated d
eck, a dam and an information centre, to be completed in June.

"They will intensively make checks of whether the Komodo dragons are under the b
uildings, remnants of buildings, and under the trucks carrying material," he sai
d in a statement.

Indonesia's current Komodo population is about 3,000, according to government da

Komodo dragons reach up to 10 feet (3 metres) long, have curved and serrated tee
th, a yellow forked tongue, strong limbs and a long tail.

They can take down prey as big as a water buffalo with a single venomous bite.

The project, which involves the country's public works and housing ministry, see
ks to cater to visitors of the Komodo National Park, where the Komodos can be se
en in the wild.

Social media users have likened the project to one on a dinosaur island featured
 in the "Jurassic Park" films.

The public works ministry in a statement on Monday also assured the safety of th
e Komodos.

But environmentalists said the construction must stop.

"Komodo needs to be the main priority. They need to be protected in a designated
 area," said Umbu Wulang Tanaamahu Paranggi, director of the Indonesian Forum fo
r the Environment (Walhi) in East Nusa Tenggara.

"What's going on now is a destruction of the dragons' living spaces."










5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):

Indonesia says 'Jurassic Park' project no threat to Komodo dragon | Article [AMP] | Reuters
Indonesia's environment ministry on Tuesday sought to calm outrage over construction of an island tourism project being dubbed "Jurassic Park", after  ...




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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Vc1Ual9 (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1603803044.A.BC9.html
linhsiuwei: 侏羅紀公園裡的恐龍都是真的1F 10/27 20:51
Roooz: 科莫多龍真的是很神奇的生物 超酷的2F 10/27 20:51
FAYeeeeeeee: 唬爛 想看恐龍末裔怎不去看食火雞 數量更少3F 10/27 20:52
tLuesuGi: 就說電影裡面的都用真的恐龍==4F 10/27 20:52
toto3527: 哇靠這張照片 根本是龍界的64天安坦克人5F 10/27 20:53
KSHLO: 恐龍跟鳥類比較親吧 我們天天吃6F 10/27 20:53
zakijudelo: 如果祖先是恐龍,為何他改用趴著走,而不是維持站立姿7F 10/27 20:54
zakijudelo: 勢呢?
a27588679: 樓上沒看過四隻腳的恐龍喔?9F 10/27 20:54
h90257: 生吞活剝10F 10/27 20:55
whitefox: 塑膠的11F 10/27 20:56
zakijudelo: 舉例一隻侏儸紀或白堊紀趴著走的恐龍來聽聽12F 10/27 20:57
※ 編輯: shuhao233 ( 臺灣), 10/27/2020 20:57:39
FAYeeeeeeee: 甲龍13F 10/27 20:59
zakijudelo: 對喔,馬上被打臉,還有三角龍XDDD14F 10/27 21:00
zakijudelo: 可是科摩多龍實在不太像恐龍,反而像大型的現代蜥蜴
storilau: 真想幫科莫多龍施作全口消毒16F 10/27 21:04
ilanese: 科摩多龍的唾液太毒,被咬到的話,可能無藥可醫。17F 10/27 21:04
d200190: 啊他就真的是蜥蜴啊,跟恐龍親緣沒那麼近18F 10/27 21:06
lpsobig: 科摩多龍機掰==19F 10/27 21:12
ffhh: 有鱷魚就夠 比啥醜摩多龍像多20F 10/27 21:12
ann52066: 看起來都像是趴著 可是腳從軀幹延伸出來的角度差很多21F 10/27 21:13
dias7812: 為什麼要放恐龍去吃蜥蜴ㄚ22F 10/27 21:15

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