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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-10-23 08:08:15
看板 Gossiping
作者 antiyahoo (民族自強 港台獨立)
標題 [爆卦] 前拜登生意伙伴Tony Bobulinski 以證人
時間 Fri Oct 23 07:46:38 2020

前拜登生意伙伴Tony Bobulinski 以證人身份發聲明

證實電郵是真的,更爆信中提到收錢的「大人物(the BIG GUY)」就是拜登

My name is Tony Bobulinski. The facts set forth below are true and accurate;
they are not any form of domestic or foreign disinformation. Any suggestion
to the contrary is false and offensive. I am the recipient of the email
published seven days ago by the New York Post which showed a copy to Hunter
Biden and Rob Walker. That email is genuine.

This afternoon I received a request from the Senate Committee on Homeland
Security and Government Affairs and the Senate Committee on Finance
requesting all documents relating to my business affairs with the Biden
family as well as various foreign entities and individuals. I have extensive
relevant records and communications and I intend to produce those items to
both Committees in the immediate future.

I am the grandson of a 37 year Army Intelligence officer, the son of a 20+
year career Naval Officer and the brother of a 28 year career Naval Flight
Officer. I myself served our country for 4 years and left the Navy as LT
Bobulinski. I held a high level security clearance and was an instructor and
then CTO for Naval Nuclear Power Training Command. I take great pride in the
time my family and I served this country. I am also not a political person.
What few campaign contributions I have made in my life were to Democrats.

If the media and Big Tech companies had done their jobs over the past several
weeks I would be irrelevant in this story. Given my long standing service and
devotion to this great country, I could no longer allow my family’s name to
be associated or tied to Russian disinformation or implied lies and false
narratives dominating the media right now.

After leaving the military I became an institutional investor investing
extensively around the world and on every continent. I have traveled to over
50 countries. I believe, hands down, we live in the greatest country in the

What I am outlining is fact. I know it is fact because I lived it. I am the
CEO of Sinohawk Holdings which was a partnership between the Chinese
operating through CEFC/Chairman Ye and the Biden family. I was brought into
the company to be the CEO by James Gilliar and Hunter Biden. The reference to
“the Big Guy” in the much publicized May 13, 2017 email is in fact a
reference to Joe Biden. The other “JB” referenced in that email is Jim
Biden, Joe’s brother.

Hunter Biden called his dad ‘the Big Guy’ or ‘my Chairman,’ and
frequently referenced asking him for his sign-off or advice on various
potential deals that we were discussing. I’ve seen Vice President Biden
saying he never talked to Hunter about his business. I’ve seen firsthand
that that’s not true, because it wasn’t just Hunter’s business, they said
they were putting the Biden family name and its legacy on the line.

I realized the Chinese were not really focused on a healthy financial ROI.
They were looking at this as a political or influence investment. Once I
realized that Hunter wanted to use the company as his personal piggy bank by
just taking money out of it as soon as it came from the Chinese, I took steps
to prevent that from happening.

The Johnson Report connected some dots in a way that shocked me — it made me
realize the Bidens had gone behind my back and gotten paid millions of
dollars by the Chinese, even though they told me they hadn’t and wouldn’t
do that to their partners.

I would ask the Biden family to address the American people and outline the
facts so I can go back to being irrelevant — and so I am not put in a
position to have to answer those questions for them.

I don’t have a political ax to grind; I just saw behind the Biden curtain
and I grew concerned with what I saw. The Biden family aggressively leveraged
the Biden family name to make millions of dollars from foreign entities even
though some were from communist controlled China.

God bless America.

我的名字是Tony Bobulinski,以下陳述的事情都是正確而真實的。這些事實不是來自任
天前公布電郵的收件人,信件的副本則是寄給杭特拜登以及Rob Walker。這封電子郵件是





業的控股公司「Sinohawk Holding」公司執行長,而我是被James Gillar與杭特拜登找來
當執行長的。《紐約郵報》揭露2017年5月13日寄出的郵件中「大人物(the Big Guy)」
就是拜登。另外一個「JB」指的是拜登的兄弟Jim Biden。

杭特拜登稱他的父親喬拜登是「大人物」或是「我的總裁(my chairman)」,且常常請







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Xaymaca: 跳船囉~~~~~~~~1F 10/23 07:47
nightwing: 推特、臉書  應該又會說這是黑函吧2F 10/23 07:47
sleeeve: 如果川普當選繼續支持台獨   台海可能會戰爭3F 10/23 07:48
lmc66: 可以拍電影了4F 10/23 07:49
yiersan: https://youtu.be/aiiSq7toqlQ 敗登該退選了5F 10/23 07:49
chadmu: 這爆卦是鴿子封包?6F 10/23 07:49
sobiNOva: 有夠鴿的7F 10/23 07:50
chuhao: 美國興票案..XDDD8F 10/23 07:50
yiersan: 本人出來爆9F 10/23 07:50
thinksilver: 電影演的都是真的10F 10/23 07:50
blake7899: 拜粉選擇無視11F 10/23 07:51
sunhextfn: 太神啦12F 10/23 07:51
nathan2000: 核彈引爆...13F 10/23 07:51
YLTYY: (づ′・ω・)づ大家趕快去推特fb狂洗,助我川,這裡美國14F 10/23 07:51
YLTYY: 人太少
cake10414: 如果這樣拜還是上 真的會笑死XDDD16F 10/23 07:51
gglong: 啊…感覺來不及了17F 10/23 07:52
superAchung: 都在抹黑,反正也沒時間查證了18F 10/23 07:52
aq2272353712: 都是摸黑19F 10/23 07:53
kepf: 二毛急死了20F 10/23 07:53
Satomi520: 你小心等等某ron來噓你抹黑21F 10/23 07:53
irosehead: 我準備看八卦版再次輸給政黑了22F 10/23 07:54
lavarslaker: 這是剛剛他親自開記者會喔23F 10/23 07:54
juyac11: 他要被川普帶去辯論場了24F 10/23 07:54
Remforyou: 選前爆料,真假待查,先觀望25F 10/23 07:54
HtcDesire426: 核彈級爆料 CD26F 10/23 07:55
shotakun: 別人的退休軍人都為了自己國家,我們的退休軍人都跑去27F 10/23 07:55
yiersan: 爆料者都敢給FBI和參議員調查證據了 敗登該退選了吧28F 10/23 07:56
shotakun: 舔中29F 10/23 07:56
joy462110: 信鴿現在才飛到哦!30F 10/23 07:56
yiersan: 笑死 說抹黑的 活在什麼平行世界啊 亂講沒有結果的嗎31F 10/23 07:57
lavarslaker: 他明天會直接去參議員作證 在參議員做偽證會被關32F 10/23 07:57
ufap: 民主黨自己想換候選人了33F 10/23 07:57
coffee112: 說不定美國就真的這樣也會上只因為他們討厭川普34F 10/23 07:58
lavarslaker: 說他抹黑 人家都具名+參議院作證了35F 10/23 07:58
beontop: 我川加油36F 10/23 07:58
yaoa327: 五毛無視,繼續洗拜登大贏37F 10/23 07:58
anendfox: 戰就戰 垃圾支那整天威脅38F 10/23 07:58
Ives20130: 美國名人:不管拜登再爛我都投啦,就是不投川普39F 10/23 07:58
kepf: 民主黨不少都有拿到拷貝 真是抹黑早就除了平反了,拜登我看40F 10/23 07:58
kepf: 選舉後即上銬了
amethystboy: 幫高調42F 10/23 07:59
yiersan: https://i.imgur.com/cpFUgHL.jpg 目前投票預測川普已勝43F 10/23 07:59
lavarslaker: 人家都把資料直接寄給Pelosi了 叫Pelosi出來罵抹黑44F 10/23 07:59
cs09312: 拜粉會說美國人才不在意這些45F 10/23 07:59
zold: 五毛,        很急。46F 10/23 07:59
yiersan: 再加上這個 民主黨怎麼贏47F 10/23 07:59
kauosong: 問題是美國人會在意嗎?大都已經表態了48F 10/23 07:59
js52666: FB 推特:404 Not Found49F 10/23 07:59
yiersan: 公開的提前投票數據 政黨註冊數據 就可大概預測川普贏50F 10/23 08:01
scum5566: 美國退將忠於國家 反觀台灣退將一堆舔共老垃圾51F 10/23 08:01
CCNK: 五毛戰力真弱52F 10/23 08:02
Hazelburn: 很難說阿,人家直接到議院作證 中間選民吃的下去嗎53F 10/23 08:02
Hazelburn: 總之川普贏對台灣應該還是比較好,看著辦囉
smalljacky03: 拜登還不快告毀謗55F 10/23 08:02
smalljacky03: 就這樣吞下去哦
lavarslaker: 明天還有戲 參議院的大戲57F 10/23 08:03
SiaSi: 敗粉繼續秀下限58F 10/23 08:03
yoyo15: 拜登就算選舉贏川普 也當不了總統了59F 10/23 08:03
angellll: 簡訊都有了 現在是要裝什麼?60F 10/23 08:03
CCNK: 沒積極動作就是默認了 顆顆61F 10/23 08:04
scum5566: 敗登低調吞聲  不是做賊心虛就是身上有屎62F 10/23 08:04
Khatru: 柯糞賤畜又要押錯寶了63F 10/23 08:05
lavarslaker: Tony說簡訊內的chairman就是J拜登64F 10/23 08:05
Colitas: 每個人指控都言之鑿鑿,不知道為什麽都看不到證據^^65F 10/23 08:05
ymcaboy: 國民T...啊不對,民主黨要換柱了嗎?66F 10/23 08:05
Hazelburn: 這種程度的指控沒有第一時間反擊我只能說....yes67F 10/23 08:05
Colitas: 難怪賭盤越拉越開68F 10/23 08:05
lavarslaker: Joe Biden直接出來否認啊 說不知道這間公司嘛69F 10/23 08:05
bigcho: 置板凳 想看拜登當選了70F 10/23 08:05

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 2 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 2174 
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