※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-10-20 10:02:46
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 亨特電腦內有涉 對未成年女孩性虐待影片
時間 Mon Oct 19 21:06:50 2020
【亨特.拜登電腦內有涉 對未成年中國女孩性虐待影片 是被中共偷錄的】
Hunter Biden Laptop Contains Alleged Sexual Abuse of Underage Chinese Girls,
Video Used as Blackmail By CCP, According to Chinese Dissident’s Report
The Jewish Voice
Jared Evan
Hunter Biden Laptop Contains Alleged Sexual Abuse of Underage Chinese Girls, Video Used as Blackmail By CCP, According to Chinese Dissident's Report - The Jewish Voice
Jared Evan In a recently uncovered shocking video which has circulated online for several weeks, an Anti-Chinese Communist Party dissident reported on ...
a recently uncovered shocking video which has circulated online for several
weeks, an Anti-Chinese Communist Party dissident reported on September 24h
about 3 hard drives which the CCP turned over to the department of justice
and Nancy Pelosi
The video is part of a Chinese whistleblower network, and the show is called
Lude’s Broadcast, many editions of these reports exist.
In the September 24th edition, the reporter claims: that 3 members of the CCP
turned 3 different hard drives over to American officials.
According to the video, Jiang Zemin, Zeng Qinghong and Meng Jianzhu made
the move – provided 3 hard drives to the DOJ of America, and another copy to
Nancy Pelosi.
He also claims President Trump also obtained a copy of these hard drives.
The 1st hard drive: sex tapes & pedophilia tapes of Hunter Biden, as well as
his 4.5 billion dollars secret deal with Xi & Wang.
第一個硬碟:亨特· 拜登的性愛錄像帶和戀童癖錄像帶,以及他與Xi&Wang達成的45億美
The 2nd hard drive: the allocation of Xi & Wang’s overseas wealth, and ‘the
architecture & art project’, which is the information of their illegitimate
The 3rd hard drive: CCP’s bioweapon.
The reporter believes that there is some kind of internal friction within the
Chinese Communist Party which led to the hard drives being handed over.
The video mainly talks about the 1st hard drive turned over to the US by CCP
He goes into detail about a deal Hunter Biden made of around $4.5 Billion.
This collaborates with a story from The Washington Times, which reported
that Hunter Biden was receiving a $10 million annual fee from a Chinese
billionaire who has been accused of corruption and with whom he sought to
increase the cash flow with joint business ownership, an August 2017 email
from Mr. Biden shows.
This is actually mentioned in the Lude’s Broadcast, before the Washington
Times article.
Washington Times reported:
The money was for “introductions alone,” said Mr. Biden, son of Democratic
presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden. Another email to Hunter Biden from a
consultant says that a 10% stake in an unnamed company will go to “the big
guy?” The “big guy” was not identified.
Hunter Biden hooked up with the billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of the
CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, during his father’s vice presidency.
Jianming is mentioned in the Chinese dissident report The video is at the
end of this article.
The most shocking revelations from this uncovered Chinese report come at
around 2 1/2 minutes into the video when the reporter describes videos,
featuring underage Chinese girls and Hunter Biden.
At 3:19 Lude is actually using Chinese words that describe “sexual abuse”
depicted in the Hunter Biden videos, according to blogger Mike Adams of
controversial web outlet Natural News. A few seconds later, at the 3:32
mark, Lude describes the sex acts as “extreme abuse” of children, if a
correct English translation were to be quoted. This implies violence and
rape, and it confirms that the victims of the Hunter Biden sex acts were
The video is a little confusing but generally sticks to the 1st hard-drive
which has the alleged explicit video and details of the deal made between
Hunter Biden and Ye Jianming.
It is said in Lude’s report that the videos were turned over as a message to
American officials that the CCP has the “goods” on Hunter Biden and is
essentially a blackmail operation.
The reporter in the video implies that the CCP is counting on a Joe Biden
presidency because Joe Biden is allegedly highly compromised because of the
illegal activities Hunter Biden participated in: mainly the alleged abuse of
underaged Chinese teenagers, allegedly contained in this hard drive.
TJV was not able to verify the accuracy of the translation made available in
the video but was unable to refute the general themes and topics touched
upon. We urge anyone reading, who speaks Chinese fluently, to help TJV
verify the translation more accurately, to improve our reporting of this
intriguing story.
Most interesting, this video from the Chinese dissident, came almost 3 weeks
before the highly covered NY Post article about the Hunter Biden laptop left
in the Delaware computer store, which also according to the Post, contained
explicit photos and the now-famous emails between Hunter and Burisma oil
executive Vadym Pozharskyi
The question remains, is this 1st hard drive mentioned in this Chinese
dissident’s video, the same one from the Delaware computer shop? Lude also
mentions emails detailing business meetings with Ukrainian and Kazakhstan
energy companies, much like the NY Post expose.
Another interesting point: Rudy Giuliani has put forward the extraordinary
claim that the Chinese government has obtained explosive non-public emails
from Hunter Biden’s laptop – which he says contains ‘illegal’ information
which he helped push out and tried to get authorities to probe, reported by
The Daily Mail.
Daily Mail reported: Guiliani said ” I have to tell you – and this is very
sensitive. The stuff that we’re in possession of contains 1,000 maybe more
photographs that are highly, highly anywhere from inappropriate to illegal
and have to be possessed by the Chinese government,’ Giuliani told former
White House chief strategist Steve Bannon for his ‘War Room: Pandemic‘
So, Guiliani had some information also regarding the Chinese government
having possession of a Hunter Biden hard-drive.
There are layers of intrigue behind this story, which is indeed making an
impact on the 2020 election. There are so many pieces to this puzzle and so
much information which still has to be verified as this story develops
Here is this very interesting Chinese dissident video.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VZOzkWc (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1603112814.A.826.html
→ : 所以我說那個圖呢1F 10/19 21:07
→ : 穩了2F 10/19 21:07
推 : 老招啦 哪天要栽他個嫖妓 證據都準備好了 嘻嘻3F 10/19 21:07
→ : 極幼派4F 10/19 21:08
推 : 亨特電腦有內射5F 10/19 21:08
推 : 喂喂 警察先生們 對一樓就在那裡6F 10/19 21:08
→ : 第二塊呢?7F 10/19 21:08
推 : 紅色角落啦8F 10/19 21:09
→ : 蘿莉那麼可愛怎麼能虐的下手9F 10/19 21:09
推 : 三色幼稚園老主顧嗎?10F 10/19 21:09
→ : 對吼三色幼稚園,趕快轉到微博笑死那些粉紅11F 10/19 21:09
推 : 是他兒子 又不是拜登 川普自己與家人也一堆髒事12F 10/19 21:10
推 : 向為祖國犧牲奉獻的未成年少女致敬13F 10/19 21:10
推 : 白人女 成年之後就開始老化了 ==14F 10/19 21:10
推 : 這個FBI不敢動啦 動了拜登上台FBI就有好臉色看了15F 10/19 21:12
噓 : 誰啊16F 10/19 21:12
→ : FBI哪有在鳥美國總統的17F 10/19 21:13
噓 : 笑死 fbi誰都敢玩18F 10/19 21:13
※ 編輯: giorno78 ( 臺灣), 10/19/2020 21:14:17→ andy199113 …
推 : 爆料時程早算好 每天丟一點一路爆到投票日20F 10/19 21:14
噓 : 來源?21F 10/19 21:15
噓 : 水門案是在平行時空發生的嗎 更何況是個還沒選上的候22F 10/19 21:16
→ : 選人
→ : 選人
推 : 拜登兒子是CIA特務嗎 ?!24F 10/19 21:16
→ : 果然是支那人的小秘密25F 10/19 21:19
推 : 喝喝,民主黨繼續裝死....26F 10/19 21:21
推 : 中國派小蘿莉給外國人玩27F 10/19 21:25
推 : 為什麼被中共偷錄,還要放在自己電腦裡?28F 10/19 21:26
被威脅的吧 就像八卦雜誌寄給你 你的出軌照 跟 影片 同個意思
→ : 李隊長眉頭1皺,案情不單純.那些勢力是不希望拜登上台的?29F 10/19 21:28
※ 編輯: giorno78 ( 臺灣), 10/19/2020 21:30:13推 : 沒關係 拜粉企業會直接封鎖媒體30F 10/19 21:29
推 : 覺得 像屎一樣 哎呀31F 10/19 21:29
→ : FBI warning32F 10/19 21:30
→ : 遺傳自爸爸的啦!吸好吸滿33F 10/19 21:32
→ : 李隊長眉頭1皺,案情不單純.哪些勢力是不希望拜登上台的?34F 10/19 21:33
推 : 中共寄給他威脅 他還以為中共服務到位含攝影留念?35F 10/19 21:33
推 : 拜登 不意外 他被剪輯的影片 早就說明他是個變態36F 10/19 21:34
→ : Xi37F 10/19 21:34
→ : 支那會提供未成年給他也不意外 一堆支那高官也都專搞38F 10/19 21:35
推 : 黑拜產業鏈 有就出來一刀斃命39F 10/19 21:35
→ : 未成年 提供一些給拜登毫無難度40F 10/19 21:36
推 : 越來越精采41F 10/19 21:38
→ : fbi勒?fbi還敢吃案啊?42F 10/19 21:39
推 : 被爆成這樣,事主跟整個團隊反應完全不像被抹黑43F 10/19 21:40
推 : 八卦是戀童會遺傳??44F 10/19 21:41
推 : 兒童色情就死定了45F 10/19 21:41
推 : wow bioweapon46F 10/19 21:42
推 : XDDD47F 10/19 21:43
推 : 哇靠 真的假的 先卡一個48F 10/19 21:44
推 : 白左玩小女童很正常吧 一邊幹一邊禁才有優越感49F 10/19 21:45
推 : FBI warning50F 10/19 21:45
推 : 哇靠 這是有其父必有其子嗎51F 10/19 21:46
噓 : 笑死 拜託貼個主流媒體的新聞好嗎52F 10/19 21:46
推 : 遺傳53F 10/19 21:46
推 : FBI裡有真英雄 讓電腦老闆可以存活54F 10/19 21:47
→ NSRC …
推 : 不意外 蘿莉人人愛56F 10/19 21:47
噓 : 沒來源 88657F 10/19 21:49
來源是轉很慢 不是進不去
※ 編輯: giorno78 ( 臺灣), 10/19/2020 21:50:55
推 : 噁 還是中國小女孩58F 10/19 21:50
推 : 等印證 拉板凳59F 10/19 21:50
推 : 把柄這麼多 難怪中共大力支持60F 10/19 21:54
→ : 跟爸爸一個樣61F 10/19 21:55
推 : 就郭文貴說的藍金黃啊!62F 10/19 21:56
推 : 有掛有推63F 10/19 21:57
推 : 左膠無視中64F 10/19 22:00
推 : 小秘密而已65F 10/19 22:00
→ : 感覺是假爆料的可能性很高66F 10/19 22:00
推 : 那要抓起來了67F 10/19 22:00
→ : 生物武器是武肺的病毒嗎?68F 10/19 22:01
→ : gg69F 10/19 22:02
→ : 跟憨島可能很像70F 10/19 22:02
噓 : 有證據再爆 媽的一直放話拿不出東西來71F 10/19 22:03
推 : 真假72F 10/19 22:06
推 : 只要影片出來穩定抓去關73F 10/19 22:09
推 : 假的啦,美國沒有主流媒體想報好嗎74F 10/19 22:11
→ : 幫高調75F 10/19 22:15
推 : FBI睡了76F 10/19 22:15
推 : 難怪修電腦老闆會覺得自己有生命危險.......77F 10/19 22:17
噓 : 胎哥 西變泰78F 10/19 22:18
→ : 超像假新聞79F 10/19 22:22
推 : 碰碰碰 FBI open up80F 10/19 22:27
推 : 感覺很唬爛。81F 10/19 22:27
噓 : 菸糞趕快寄給川普好嗎 在PTT帶風向有個屁用82F 10/19 22:29
推 : 以為是左派,結果是幼派83F 10/19 22:30
推 : 飛天了84F 10/19 22:31
→ : 難怪維修電腦的老闆怕得要死
→ : 都是會出認命的內容
→ : 難怪維修電腦的老闆怕得要死
→ : 都是會出認命的內容
推 : 垃圾支那中國中共武漢肺炎禍害全世界五毛習近平愛吃屎87F 10/19 22:37
噓 : 嘖嘖,比我大勝文還懂玩88F 10/19 22:37
噓 : 越來越唬爛 沒招了嗎89F 10/19 22:46
推 : 老爸的沒順便一下嗎90F 10/19 22:46
推 : 可憐呐 硬碟早就交給FBI了 是FBI壓著91F 10/19 22:47
推 : 那房子在紐約是中共提供的 只能說亨特是個白癡92F 10/19 22:55
推 : 那第一個名字是單純發音跟江澤民相近還是?是說這要是93F 10/19 22:57
→ : 真的拜登支持者真的被逼到底了,美國對戀童癖反應一般
→ : 都超大
→ : 看會不會公布吧,不過連美國媒體都冷處理真的很誇張
→ : 真的拜登支持者真的被逼到底了,美國對戀童癖反應一般
→ : 都超大
→ : 看會不會公布吧,不過連美國媒體都冷處理真的很誇張
噓 : 這聽起來超假的97F 10/19 23:06
推 : 拜登就戀童癖 兒子亨特拜登一定也有遺傳98F 10/19 23:10
推 : 好變態喔99F 10/19 23:12
→ : 我覺得有點假 這丟出來 拜登直接不用選 那還浪費時間幹100F 10/19 23:13
→ : 嘛
→ : 嘛
推 : 深度學習 cyclegan了解一下?102F 10/19 23:15
噓 : 幹 還不快把影片拿給我評鑑103F 10/19 23:18
→ : 這很像某部我看過的104F 10/19 23:26
推 : 沒影片沒真相105F 10/19 23:30
推 : 笑死106F 10/19 23:31
推 : 米國韓107F 10/19 23:43
推 : 未確認事實,怎麼就一堆人說假的...108F 10/19 23:46
→ : FBI還不動手?109F 10/19 23:54
→ : 看到被中共偷錄就想笑 平常不是說中國87 怎麼忽然又神了110F 10/19 23:55
噓 : 聽起來超唬爛, 來源呢111F 10/20 00:11
→ : 今日香港明日美國,票投川普112F 10/20 00:12
推 : 拜登怎還沒去按愛心服務鈴提告113F 10/20 00:13
推 : 現在每日爆料 敗登要躲多久啊
推 : 現在每日爆料 敗登要躲多久啊
推 : 米國媒體有大量報導?115F 10/20 00:17
推 : 演到第幾集啦XDDDD116F 10/20 00:24
噓 : 完了 八卦的一堆極右戀童川粉會不會倒戈啊?117F 10/20 00:28
噓 : 19樓五毛提出證據阿118F 10/20 00:40
噓 : 這個很假119F 10/20 00:51
推 : 有趣120F 10/20 01:01
推 : 中國超愛收集飯店內性愛影片好嗎?超好用的 XD121F 10/20 01:02
推 : 穩了 喬122F 10/20 01:02
推 : 寫小說喔123F 10/20 01:19
→ foolfighter …
推 : 我靠 這傢伙是地獄來的使者嗎125F 10/20 01:30
推 : 推特:砍帳號嘍126F 10/20 01:30
→ : 還有一種劇本 拜登 被中國派來選 但是他超不想贏127F 10/20 01:31
→ : 贏惹要被控制 叛國 輸了沒事 選舉經費全拿
→ : 贏惹要被控制 叛國 輸了沒事 選舉經費全拿
推 : #pedogate130F 10/20 01:35
推 : 哈哈左派哈哈131F 10/20 01:37
噓 : 我鄉下人不知道猶太之聲的公信力如何啦,維基只寫20132F 10/20 01:40
→ : 16支持川普而已,貼這種沒證據的社論到底要幹嘛
→ : 16支持川普而已,貼這種沒證據的社論到底要幹嘛
推 : 果然是拜登親生的134F 10/20 01:43
→ crazydai …
推 : 父子同一癖好...這要是拜登上的話 美國和台灣不就完了136F 10/20 05:04
→ : 這消息到底真的還是假的啊
→ : 這消息到底真的還是假的啊
推 : 我覺得是假的 但是是真的的話希望他們爆炸==138F 10/20 05:08
→ : 我也不太相信 Hunter不至於蠢成這樣吧139F 10/20 05:11
噓 : 平衡一下 人家店主是交給fbi和紐約郵報 結果這報紙先140F 10/20 05:24
→ : 爆出來 我不信
→ : 45億美元也很扯 這數字太離譜
→ : 真的是這數字民主黨更可能是直接切割拜登
→ : 爆出來 我不信
→ : 45億美元也很扯 這數字太離譜
→ : 真的是這數字民主黨更可能是直接切割拜登
→ : 愈來愈唬爛144F 10/20 06:13
推 : 慢慢擠牙膏到11/2,真狠145F 10/20 06:30
推 : 歐美整天干涉創作自由在那假掰,結果連應該作為人民示範146F 10/20 06:36
→ : 的人都有性犯罪嫌疑,智障嗎
→ : 的人都有性犯罪嫌疑,智障嗎
→ : 太唬爛了,俺不相信148F 10/20 07:08
噓 : 以川普個性,真的拿到這重量級爆料哪可能都不說?149F 10/20 07:08
推 : 連結裡的主機是被攻擊才變慢嗎wwwww看來是真的150F 10/20 07:08
噓 : 太唬爛151F 10/20 07:36
推 : 會不會太晚了?152F 10/20 07:50
推 : 推153F 10/20 07:52
噓 : 所以中國偷錄然後存到杭特電腦?以為賭神借花獻佛喔??154F 10/20 07:53
推 : 垃圾155F 10/20 07:58
推 : 真亂156F 10/20 08:13
推 : cc157F 10/20 09:00
推 : 這次有夠精彩的啦!高潮迭起158F 10/20 09:13
推 : 左膠連看都不會看啦159F 10/20 09:58
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 6 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 4104
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6樓 時間: 2020-10-19 23:08:40 (台灣)
10-19 23:08 TW
亨特.拜登電腦內有涉 對未成年中國女孩性虐待影片 是被中共偷錄的如果是事實 那是否該調查拜登脫口而出的話? 拜登再陷性騷危機!被踢爆曾稱讚14歲少女胸部 https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/breakingnews/3152871是否也是如此,中國未成年伴讀女孩? CHO譚德塞,艾沃德是否也是相同伴讀妹子好棒棒?
9樓 時間: 2020-10-20 02:34:19 (台灣)
10-20 02:34 TW
其實有點奇怪 CCP偷拍的照片怎麼會在他的電腦裡... 484 他就喜歡拍照 CCP幫他拍了存在電腦裡 他要回味...(幹 超變態的)
12樓 時間: 2020-10-20 09:18:30 (台灣)
(編輯過) TW
17樓 時間: 2020-10-20 11:12:31 (台灣)
10-20 11:12 TW
馬狗是不是也有性謊言錄影帶呢?郭文貴爆:中共藉由私生活及女兒 控制馬英九多年 - 政治 - 自由時報電子報中國通緝的流亡富商郭文貴於美國時間7日爆料,中共已控制前總統馬英九多年,包括私生活、女兒都被掌握,連前總統陳水扁被關背後也是中共操控的;對此,馬英九辦公室反駁這項爆料。馬英九辦公室反駁這項爆料 ...