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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 拜登副手口誤說出Harris Administration
時間 Tue Sep 15 22:40:54 2020
Joseph A. Wulfsohn
Kamala Harris accidentally touts plans under a 'Harris administration' during
virtual roundtable
拜登的副手Kamala Harris在一個面對亞利桑那州小生意人的視訊會議中,口誤說出了
"Harris administration"(按:這是個賴清德口誤說出賴政府的概念)
於是推特一片「看吧,拜登果然是魁儡」的聲音 XD
Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's running mate in the 2020 election, raised eyebrows
on Monday evening after she accidentally touted economic plans under a
"Harris administration."
Speaking during a virtual roundtable with small business owners in Arizona,
Harris vowed that they will have an ally in the White House with the
campaign's "Build Back Better" initiative.
However, the California senator appeared to briefly suggest that she was at
the top of the Democratic ticket.
"A Harris administration, together with Joe Biden as the president of the
United States," she said. She quickly clarified, "The Biden-Harris
administration will provide access to $100 billion in low-interest loans and
investments from minority business owners."
Many on social media questioned whether Harris' misstatement was a "Freudian
slip" as critics of the Biden candidacy insist that former VP is a
placeholder for the liberal senator.
"Joe better hire a food taster," Richochet Editor-in-Chief Jon Gabriel
"Uh oh, Kamala. You weren't supposed to say that part out loud!!" Daily
Caller's Greg Price exclaimed.
The Trump campaign quickly seized on Harris' gaffe with the Trump War Room
tweeting that Biden's running mate "lets the truth slip."
President Trump and his supporters have repeatedly attacked Joe Biden as
being a "Trojan Horse for the radical left" while other critics have
predicted that the former VP is serving as a "placeholder" until Harris is
sworn in as president.
5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
自爆大隊耶 XD
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VOD9wyK (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1600180858.A.F14.html
推 : 不然你是要靠一個失智老頭膩??1F 09/15 22:41
→ : 不小心說出內心的野心2F 09/15 22:42
→ : 民主黨根本共狗了吧 扶持傀儡3F 09/15 22:42
→ : 挾天子以令諸侯4F 09/15 22:42
推 : 這個人小三當的那麼高調....5F 09/15 22:43
推 : 拜登講話真的很老人 頓點奇怪 瘋狂跳針 我完全聽不下去6F 09/15 22:43
推 : 不小心說出內部共識了~失智戀童老頭只是個傀儡7F 09/15 22:43
推 : 應該是吃了誠實豆沙包8F 09/15 22:43
→ : 幹 超好笑9F 09/15 22:43
推 : 哈哈XD10F 09/15 22:44
推 : 拜登:當我死人???11F 09/15 22:45
推 : 哈哈哈12F 09/15 22:46
→ : Harris Kamala 就中國共產黨扶植的狗 只有希迷會投吧13F 09/15 22:47
推 : 紙牌屋都有演14F 09/15 22:48
→ : 拜登他兒子從中國收的黑錢就夠誇張了 Harris 10倍不止15F 09/15 22:48
推 : 拜登只是兒子拿中國黑錢,賀錦麗是老公生意全是中國給16F 09/15 22:51
→ : 的
→ : 的
→ : 拜登根本已經失智等級要進安養院的了18F 09/15 22:51
推 : 拜登下去囉,嗚呼~19F 09/15 22:52
推 : 失智跟瘋子 你要選誰20F 09/15 22:54
→ : 民主黨怎麼會走到這個田地21F 09/15 22:55
推 : 還在瘋子,川普4年把中東越搞越好,一點到沒瘋22F 09/15 22:57
→ : 民主黨真的不考慮換參選人嗎23F 09/15 22:58
推 : 懂什麼 賀錦麗光血統性別在左膠眼中就+10000惹24F 09/15 22:58
→ : 賀政府25F 09/15 23:01
→ : ㄏ 靠北26F 09/15 23:03
推 : 賴政府比喻真是精闢27F 09/15 23:05
推 : 還沒選上就想篡位了?28F 09/15 23:08
→ : 肖想大位,當選後要小心她會弄死拜登29F 09/15 23:14
推 : 哇 不小心把內心話說出來了30F 09/15 23:16
推 : 賀:敗燈中秋吃餅嘍~31F 09/15 23:21
推 : 不小心漏出想殺拜登32F 09/15 23:27
推 : 擊潰丁守中33F 09/15 23:34
推 : 賴政府真是神比喻 笑死XDDDDDF34F 09/15 23:39
→ : 拜登到底出來幹嘛的
→ : 拜登到底出來幹嘛的
推 : 說川普瘋子的蠻好笑的 好像美國被原子彈炸了一樣36F 09/15 23:44
推 : 沒事兒 我們也有韓總統啊37F 09/15 23:51
推 : 美國有拜登,台灣有菸文,38F 09/16 00:08
→ : 兩個傀儡不同結局
→ : 兩個傀儡不同結局
→ : 真心話啊40F 09/16 00:17
推 : 這女的真的噁心41F 09/16 02:13
→ : 賀錦麗家牙買加祖輩就是靠買賣黑奴致富,不是黑人就是純潔42F 09/16 02:39
→ : 無辜小白兔,白人販運人口,怎麼可能完全沒有黑人蛇頭
→ : 對中國來說是瘋子,美國怎麼突然醒了不讓我繼續騙繼續佔便
→ : 宜!?!冤大頭突然不當冤大頭一定是失心瘋了,找個失智的
→ : 大概就不會瘋了,呵呵
→ : 無辜小白兔,白人販運人口,怎麼可能完全沒有黑人蛇頭
→ : 對中國來說是瘋子,美國怎麼突然醒了不讓我繼續騙繼續佔便
→ : 宜!?!冤大頭突然不當冤大頭一定是失心瘋了,找個失智的
→ : 大概就不會瘋了,呵呵
推 : 有笑有推47F 09/16 09:03
推 : 這人真的爭議爆多 民主黨專門出這種的48F 09/16 10:34
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1336
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3樓 時間: 2020-09-16 20:45:12 (美國)
09-16 20:45 US