※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-08-29 10:59:26
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] 時空背景不同之術的英文怎麼說?
時間 Fri Aug 28 21:17:08 2020
謝謝<(_ _)>
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VIGFNij (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1598620631.A.B2D.html
→ lwamp …
→ : 樓下臉上有啥刺青?2F 08/28 21:17
→ : that day is not today. Do not forget3F 08/28 21:17
推 : ikea costco4F 08/28 21:17
→ : 啊諾toki5F 08/28 21:17
→ : time changes?6F 08/28 21:17
推 : time is money7F 08/28 21:17
推 : Who’s my daddy8F 08/28 21:17
→ : roach9F 08/28 21:18
推 : historical document10F 08/28 21:18
→ : DPP is right in anytime,whether before or now.11F 08/28 21:18
→ A6 …
噓 : Alternative dimensions Jutsu13F 08/28 21:19
→ : xi president14F 08/28 21:19
→ : hard road you medicine head KMT?15F 08/28 21:19
→ : Taiwan can help.16F 08/28 21:19
推 : Only dpp can do17F 08/28 21:20
推 : TENET18F 08/28 21:20
→ : taiwan can help19F 08/28 21:21
噓 : Theory of Relativity20F 08/28 21:21
推 : Taiwan can help21F 08/28 21:22
→ a0986188522 …
推 : things change24F 08/28 21:23
噓 : Fucking Dpp retarded25F 08/28 21:29
推 : NTR26F 08/28 21:29
推 : DDP27F 08/28 21:30
推 : 忍術!時空間の術28F 08/28 21:30
推 : 比相信我之術更上乘,真不愧為九五之尊29F 08/28 21:36
→ : Presidency30F 08/28 21:47
推 : Time-Space domain rotated31F 08/28 21:47
推 : dpp evolution32F 08/28 21:49
→ : President Xi33F 08/28 21:58
推 : a Magic Art of Differentiation In Four Dimensional34F 08/28 21:58
→ : Arguement
→ : Arguement
→ : We betrayed Taiwan36F 08/28 22:00
推 : 天能37F 08/28 22:01
推 : the background of time and air is different38F 08/28 22:01
推 : What I say shall prevail39F 08/28 22:05
推 : time warp40F 08/28 22:09
推 : I am groot41F 08/28 22:10
推 : it's green42F 08/28 22:10
→ : thank you dad43F 08/28 22:10
→ : Past is past45F 08/28 22:20
→ : I got 817 so what’s ur problem?46F 08/28 22:21
推 : You are 4%, fuck off47F 08/28 22:25
推 : president I48F 08/28 22:41
→ : presidency
→ : presidency
推 : 我最近英文不錯,我來試試看,作答開始50F 08/28 22:51
推 : as the circumstances have changed, we have to alter ou
→ : r opinion regrading ...
推 : as the circumstances have changed, we have to alter ou
→ : r opinion regrading ...
推 : Space time changed no jutsu53F 08/28 23:06
→ : Xi English54F 08/28 23:10
推 : 法律條文有Change of circumstances這樣的概念55F 08/28 23:50
→ : Yesterday is history.56F 08/29 00:13
推 : dpp do is right57F 08/29 00:28
推 : DPP flip-flop58F 08/29 00:49
→ : TENET59F 08/29 01:51
推 : If you don’t agree DPP is always right, you are60F 08/29 05:43
→ : not a Taiwanese.
→ : not a Taiwanese.
推 : 雙標黨不意外 朕即天下 不是嗎?62F 08/29 09:14
→ : Duck you KMT63F 08/29 09:17
→ : *Fuck
→ : 蟁ng-Wen is the TRUTH.
→ : XD為什麼跳出怪字 *Ing
→ : *Fuck
→ : 蟁ng-Wen is the TRUTH.
→ : XD為什麼跳出怪字 *Ing
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 2250
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