※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-03-03 21:55:32
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 面對冠狀病毒,不需要戴口罩!
時間 Tue Mar 3 20:09:07 2020
作者:Tara Haelle
No, You DO NOT Need Face Masks For Coronavirus—They Might Increase Your Infec
tion Risk
Community transmission of COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus,
has officially begun in the U.S., with two cases in California and one in Ore
gon of unknown origin. The first COVID death was reported Saturday, Feb. 29, i
n Seattle. The natural human response to a strange, new disease making its way
to a neighborhood near you is to feel anxiety and want to DO SOMETHING. That
’s why many people have been buying up and stockpiling masks. But even if you
could buy any in the midst of global shortages, should you??
And if you already have masks, should you wear them when you’re out??
Even if there are COVID cases in your community?
Even if there are cases next door, the answer is no, you do NOT need to get or
wear any face masks—surgical masks, “N95 masks,” respirator masks, or anyt
hing else—to protect yourself against the coronavirus. Not only do you not ne
ed them, you shouldn’t wear them, according to湶nfection prevention specialis
t Eli Perencevich, MD, a professor of medicine and epidemiology at the Univers
ity of Iowa’s College of Medicine.?
“The average healthy person does not need to have a mask, and they shouldn’t
be wearing masks,” Dr. Perencevich said. “There’s no evidence that wearing
masks on healthy people will protect them. They wear them incorrectly, and th
ey can increase the risk of infection because they’re touching their face mor
e often.”?
But even if you know what you’re doing and you tie your hands behind your bac
k, you still don’t need to wear a mask.?
Only Wear A Mask If You’re Sick
First of all, most people buying masks are not getting one that stops the viru
s from reaching their mouth or nose anyway. The coronavirus is transmitted thr
ough droplets, not through the air. That means you cannot randomly breathe it
in, but it also means the standard surgical mask you see people wearing will n
ot help. Those masks are designed to溆eep droplets in—not to keep them out—a
nd are intended to keep the wearer from getting others sick.?
“The one time you would want a mask is if you’re sick and you have to leave
the house,” Dr. Perencevich said. “If you have the flu or think you have COV
ID, that’s when you’d put on a mask to protect others. In your house, if you
feel like you’re sick, you should wear a mask to protect your family members
ETA 3/1/20: If you are caring for someone with COVID in your home, it is wise
to wear a mask when in close proximity to that person, who should also wear a
mask, Dr. Perencevich said. Consult a healthcare provider for the correct way
to wear and dispose of the mask, or consult this汢xcellent explainer from the
World Health Organization. For those concerned about being able to get a mask
if you or a household member becomes ill with COVID, the emergency department
or clinic where you are diagnosed should them to you. The sick individual shou
ld ask for one immediately upon arriving at the healthcare facility.
[ETA 3/1/20: There has been some question about whether this coronavirus is “
airborne” and what that means. The virus is not airborne using the scientific
definition used for漤athogens澵uch as濳uberculosis漑r滟easles. Droplets might
become aerosolized for some viruses, but there is not yet evidence showing th
at this coronavirus can be breathed in when a nearby infected individual exhal
es. Most research into this question focuses on influenza, such as濳his 2018 s
tudy澵uggesting the flu virus can be aerosolized in exhalations without coughi
ng or sneezing. This evidence is preliminary, and it remains an open scientifi
c question whether (and which) droplet-based respiratory viruses are transmitt
ed this way. So far, all documented transmission for COVID cases has involved
droplets. ]
What Does Keep The Virus Out?
The type of face covering that reduces exposure to airborne particles—includi
ng protecting the wearer from viruses and bacteria—is氲alled a respirator. Th
e type of personal protection equipment (PPE) that healthcare workers wear whe
n treating someone with a serious contagious disease is a medical respirator.
As?3M, a major manufacturer of masks and respirators, explains, medical respir
ators do both: they protect the wearer from getting sick and protect the patie
nt from the wearer’s germs. That’s where the confusion in terms—using “mas
k” and “respirator” interchangeably—often comes from. From here on in this
article, assume “mask” refers to a respirator.
These medical respirators/masks must have an efficiency rating of “N95,” “F
FP2,” or a similar rating that refers to how many particles—and of what size
—can’t get through. The CDC has a烀ebpage listing乸ll the approved respirato
rs for personal protection.
Disposable medical respirators can resemble standard surgical masks but must b
e thrown away after one use because they become contaminated with the particle
s they’re filtering out. Reusable respirators, which use replaceable filters,
are the ones that make you look like a giant insect.
So Why Shouldn’t I Get An N95 Medical Respirator??
The people who wear medical respirators have received training in how to wear
them to protect themselves, such as ensuring the mask forms an airtight seal w
ith their face.?
But even then, “no matter how well a respirator seals to the face and how eff
icient the filter media is, wearers should expect a small amount of leakage in
side any respirators,” 3M notes. “No respirator will eliminate exposures ent
Not using—or disposing of—a respirator mask correctly can increase infection
risk because it is literally trapping all the stuff in the air you’re trying
to avoid, and many people end up touching their face absent-mindedly.
Wearing a mask is tricky because it can create a false sense of security,” Dr
Perencevich said. “If you don’t wash your hands before you take off the ma
sk and after you take off your mask, you could increase your risk.”
Even if you believe you will be careful enough to wear, use, and dispose of th
e mask properly, buying these masks in the midst of existing shortages makes i
t harder for hospitals and healthcare workers who actually need them to get th
“The most concerning thing is if our healthcare workers are sick and have to
stay home, then we lose the doctors and nurses we need to get through this out
break,” said Dr. Perencevich, who澑ecently tweeted concerns乸bout the “poten
tial crisis” of N95 respirator scarcity.
US Surgeon General Jerome Adams, MD, has even漤leaded on Twitter, “Seriously
people-STOP BUYING MASKS!” Aside from their ineffectiveness in protecting the
general public, he said, “if healthcare providers can’t get them to care fo
r sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!”
Disturbingly, Dr. Perencevich has even heard from colleagues who saw people wa
lking out of hospitals with boxes of masks. ?
“We really need to get the message out not to take the masks from the hospita
ls,” he said. “We’ve got to protect our healthcare workers because they’re
the ones who are going to take care of us if we get sick.”?
Here’s How To Actually Protect Yourself From COVID-19
You’ve heard it over and over, already, but the best way to protect yourself
from the coronavirus really, truly, honestly is to regularly wash your hands w
ith soap and water.嗱aren Fleming, PhD, a professor in biophysics at Johns Hop
kins University,汢xplained on Twitter烀hy: “Coronavirus is an ‘enveloped’ v
irus, which means that it has an outer lipid membrane layer,” an outer layer
of fat. “Washing your hands with soap and water has the ability to ‘dissolve
’ this greasy fatty layer and kill the virus,”澵he said.
Wash your hands before and after eating and try to train yourself not to touch
your face, “especially your mouth and nose,” Dr. Perencevich said. Also car
ry around hand sanitizer in case you can’t get to soap and water after touchi
ng your face or another germ-laden surface (like doorknobs).
“Just because it’s a respiratory virus doesn’t mean it gets into your body
through breathing,” he said. “It can enter when your contaminated hands touc
h your mouth or face. So wash your hands, and don’t touch your mouth or face
without washing your hands first.”
You can also protect yourself through social distancing: If you see someone co
ughing or sneezing or otherwise looking sick, stay at least three feet away fr
om them since that’s as far as most droplets will travel.?
What If I’m Immune-Compromised Or Traveling To Infected Areas?
If you are immune-compromised or otherwise at high risk for complications from
coronavirus—which means you’re already at high risk for flu complications—
you need to talk to your doctor about whether it’s necessary to wear a medica
l respirator in public, Dr. Perencevich said. Similarly, if you’re traveling
to an area with known widespread transmission, consult a travel clinic. Even i
n these cases, however, social distancing and washing your hands frequently ar
e your most important and effective protection tools. ?
Here’s What You SHOULD Do To Prepare For COVID-19?
So you shouldn’t be buying masks, but there are things you can do to prepare
for an outbreak in your city. First, make sure you have at least 3-4 weeks’ w
orth of any medications you need “so you don’t have to run out and get it at
a certain time,” Dr. Perencevich said.
Similarly, have enough necessities, including food and anything you cannot liv
e without, on hand if school is cancelled for several weeks and the kids are a
t home. You don’t have to stockpile food, but being prepared for any kind of
emergency—not just a disease outbreak but also unexpected severe weather and
similar events—means having enough food and water (one gallon per person per
day) on hand for three days along with supplies to use in the case of power ou
A helpful disaster汢mergency kit list is available online沲rom the Department
of Homeland Security, and Kent State汢pidemiologist Tara C. Smith, PhD, offers
淸reat tips on preparing for COVID-19 at Self.?
Where Can I Learn More About Medical Respirators And Masks??
For the technical or science-minded folks out there, it’s certainly possible
to jump down a rabbit hole and learn all about the manufacturing and technical
specifications of personal protection equipment. Aside from theDC page乸lre
ady mentioned, super geeks will want to read all the links at 3M’s Worker Hea
lth & Safety漤age on the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak. While 3M is not the only
manufacturer, they are a major one with a great deal of helpful, easy-to-read
information on the澑isk of products shipped from China?(there isn’t much of o
ne), healthcare乸lternatives to surgical N95 respirators, an啫AQ for those in
healthcare乸nd濳he general public, and how to澵pot counterfeit products?(thoug
h this will vary by manufacturer).
No, You Do Not Need Face Masks To Prevent Coronavirus—They Might Increase Your Infection Risk
It sounds mundane, but washing your hands frequently and not touching your face goes a lot further to protect you than wearing a mask. ...
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※ 編輯: fffffff4 ( 臺灣), 03/03/2020 20:09:49
→ : 之前在罵口罩政策的被打臉打到外太空1F 台灣 03/03 20:11
政府衛生官員知道不用戴,但中央知道臺灣人就是愛戴,所以推動許多口罩政策。推 : 正確啊 其實棉口罩就可以了2F 台灣 03/03 20:11
※ 編輯: fffffff4 ( 臺灣), 03/03/2020 20:12:26→ : 只要飛沫不要噴出去就好3F 台灣 03/03 20:11
推 : 我發現西方疾病學家 很多清一色講4F 澳大利亞 03/03 20:11
→ : 洗手>口罩...
→ : 而且都是有研究依據的 但是心裡真的
→ : 無法就是了
→ : 洗手>口罩...
→ : 而且都是有研究依據的 但是心裡真的
→ : 無法就是了
噓 : 要這樣貼乾脆貼連結就好8F 台灣 03/03 20:12
→ : 一般棉口罩都能擋飛沫 外科口罩氣密差9F 台灣 03/03 20:12
→ : 南韓那個電梯案例就無法解釋了10F 台灣 03/03 20:15
→ : 沒戴A 傳染給沒戴B, 其它人有戴都沒事
→ : 沒戴A 傳染給沒戴B, 其它人有戴都沒事
→ taiwan009 …
→ : B 還不認識 A, 更不用說交談了13F 台灣 03/03 20:16
推 : 還有個問題是 你無症狀不知道自己有病呀14F 台灣 03/03 20:17
→ : 搞不好你有病 你不知道 戴口罩就不會傳給人
→ : 搞不好你有病 你不知道 戴口罩就不會傳給人
推 : 因為沒有一個國家會一天生產1/2人口數16F 台灣 03/03 20:19
→ : 的口罩 5元/片提供給國民
→ : 的口罩 5元/片提供給國民
噓 : 低能兒,意思是醫護人員都不健康18F 台灣 03/03 20:22
推 : 誰理你。林北就是貪錢怕死啦19F 台灣 03/03 20:23
噓 : 口罩量足夠時說法就會變了啦,傻瓜才相信20F 台灣 03/03 20:23
推 : 戴好戴滿 龜在家裡 減少外食 勤洗手21F 台灣 03/03 20:25
推 : 本來就是 洗手>口罩 接觸傳染>飛沫傳22F 台灣 03/03 20:25
推 : 無症狀傳染,怕傳染給人不行喔23F 台灣 03/03 20:25
→ : 染24F 台灣 03/03 20:25
噓 : 那是SARS時才能這樣不戴口罩25F 台灣 03/03 20:27
→ : 現在一堆無症狀帶原的
→ : 搞不好自己都中了還不知道
→ : 現在一堆無症狀帶原的
→ : 搞不好自己都中了還不知道
→ : 不就防止自己傳給別人? 大家都戴 飛沫28F 台灣 03/03 20:33
→ : 都在自己身上不會到處噴啊 誰知道自己是
→ : 都在自己身上不會到處噴啊 誰知道自己是
推 : 這個有氣溶膠傳播,大概不可行30F 台灣 03/03 20:33
→ : 武漢肺炎啊-.-?31F 台灣 03/03 20:33
→ : 沒錯啊 生病的都有戴我就不用戴 可是很32F 台灣 03/03 20:35
→ : 多生病的不會知道自己有病阿 包含我
→ : 像我都不打流感疫苗都叫身旁的人打就好
→ : 多生病的不會知道自己有病阿 包含我
→ : 像我都不打流感疫苗都叫身旁的人打就好
推 : 生病的人就不戴啊 只好健康的人戴了35F 台灣 03/03 20:37
→ : 你問這個專家如果跟我接觸的人都有打疫36F 台灣 03/03 20:37
→ : 苗我就不用打正不正確
→ : 生病的人都有戴口罩這個假設就有問題了
→ : 苗我就不用打正不正確
→ : 生病的人都有戴口罩這個假設就有問題了
推 : 每個人飛沫都被擋住空氣中還會有?39F 台灣 03/03 20:43
→ : 閉嘴也可以有效減少
→ : 閉嘴也可以有效減少
推 : 常識是這樣沒錯啦,但是就是有些低能生病41F 台灣 03/03 20:46
→ : 不戴口罩
→ : 不戴口罩
推 : 常識是這樣沒錯啊,但是潛伏期還無症狀呢43F 台灣 03/03 20:53
→ : ,自己都不知道自己有沒有被感染了,當然
→ : 覺得自己沒中然後不戴啊
→ : ,自己都不知道自己有沒有被感染了,當然
→ : 覺得自己沒中然後不戴啊
推 : 我就戴46F 台灣 03/03 21:01
推 : 今天還遇到一個沒戴口罩,偏偏他還咳嗽47F 台灣 03/03 21:14
→ : ,更
→ : ,更
→ : 又在講理論幹話,自己到一級疫區走49F 台灣 03/03 21:18
→ : 一趟就知道了
→ : 一趟就知道了
推 : 那外科醫生幹嘛要戴口罩 身體不舒服51F 台灣 03/03 21:19
→ : 就不要上班很難嗎
→ : 就不要上班很難嗎
推 : 官腔幹話 都宅在不出門家裏最安全53F 台灣 03/03 21:22
→ : ====這真的是白癡等級的智商才會相信====54F 日本 03/03 21:26
推 : 富比士雜誌的完整意思是:你們窮人都不用戴55F 台灣 03/03 21:26
→ : 口罩 留給有錢人戴吧
→ : 口罩 留給有錢人戴吧
→ : ===我只能告訴你們 現在中國決定某一個時=57F 日本 03/03 21:27
→ : ==間點爆發後 [確定要讓人民幣完全崩值]
→ : ==所以中國開始極其瘋狂的印鈔票RMB用即將
→ : ==崩值到廢紙的RMB去交換全世界的利益去滲
→ : ==透 就是你們現在看到的CHO ICAO 南韓日
→ : ==本 甚至老美 都中招了 中國要得就是讓
→ : ==全世界病毒擴散越慘烈 中國越開心
→ : ==像這些 英文的[不戴口罩才安全]的狗屁論
→ : ==點 很有可能都是中國RMB滲透出來的
→ : ==英文大外宣(詳見潭德賽) 就是故意
→ : ==用中國製造出來的訊息再網路上錯誤誘導
→ : ==別國防疫失誤 讓全世界陷入困境
→ : ==然而 凡事都有因果報應===
→ : SSS不戴口罩才安全? 你信喔 不要戴阿SSS
→ : SS到時候你家人被你搞死後 全家大小事全部
→ : ==間點爆發後 [確定要讓人民幣完全崩值]
→ : ==所以中國開始極其瘋狂的印鈔票RMB用即將
→ : ==崩值到廢紙的RMB去交換全世界的利益去滲
→ : ==透 就是你們現在看到的CHO ICAO 南韓日
→ : ==本 甚至老美 都中招了 中國要得就是讓
→ : ==全世界病毒擴散越慘烈 中國越開心
→ : ==像這些 英文的[不戴口罩才安全]的狗屁論
→ : ==點 很有可能都是中國RMB滲透出來的
→ : ==英文大外宣(詳見潭德賽) 就是故意
→ : ==用中國製造出來的訊息再網路上錯誤誘導
→ : ==別國防疫失誤 讓全世界陷入困境
→ : ==然而 凡事都有因果報應===
→ : SSS不戴口罩才安全? 你信喔 不要戴阿SSS
→ : SS到時候你家人被你搞死後 全家大小事全部
→ : 至少防感冒病毒有用 那麻煩武漢肺炎病毒72F 台灣 03/03 21:36
→ : 應該也有用
→ : 應該也有用
→ : SS責任跟義務都掉到你頭上 那才有你受的S74F 日本 03/03 21:36
→ : 遇到兩個大媽在街上聊天很大聲也不戴口75F 台灣 03/03 21:37
→ : 罩煩死了
→ : 罩煩死了
推 : 如果外科只能防病毒傳出口罩,那反戴77F 台灣 03/03 21:38
→ : 不就好了
→ : 不就好了
推 : 病毒如果會噴到口罩,難道不會噴到眼?79F 台灣 03/03 21:41
→ : 在醫院感染的難道都沒戴口罩?
→ : 在醫院感染的難道都沒戴口罩?
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: -2 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1119
( ̄︿ ̄)p RobertFox, darkrise1980 說瞎!
1樓 時間: 2020-03-03 22:15:13 (台灣)
03-03 22:15 TW
是一堆人還在不戴口罩的時空~ 還是又是支那五毛在那邊貼鳥訊息~ 一堆英文貼文裡面還夾雜鬼中文~ 沒能力全翻譯就不要PO~