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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] BBC報導關於塑膠吸管有哪些公司禁用
時間 Fri May 24 20:50:07 2019
Plastic straws: Which companies are banning them?
Campaigns and shows like Blue Planet II have given us a glimpse into what single
-use plastics - like straws and bottles - do to our oceans and the wildlife that
live in them.
一次性的塑膠如吸管 瓶子影響我們的生活與野生動物
We use an estimated 8.5 billion plastic straws every year in the UK.
Now, the government is bringing in new rules to restrict their availability fr
om April 2020.
Plastic drinks stirrers will be totally banned from sale, but - although shops w
on't be allowed to sell plastic straws - they will remain on sale by registered
pharmacies in stores and online.
塑膠吸管為來會被禁賣 雖然商店不允許賣吸管 但網路上還是可以賣
That's because straws can be essential for everyday life for some disabled group
s and a total ban could lead to the risk of dehydration.
塑膠吸管對於殘疾人士是生活必需品 禁止可能會是他們有脫水的風險
Environmental groups have praised the move but say the government needs to take
far more decisive action.
環保團體讚賞政府的政策 但還需要更多決定性的行動
The news comes as more and more restaurants and shops are banning plastic straws
Here's Newsbeat's guide to the places promising that this is the last straw.
The super-sized fast food chain wants to reduce single-use plastics in the UK.
It's currently aiming to bring in paper straws to all of its UK branches.
The roll-out should be completed by the end of 2019, with any remaining plastic
straws being moved behind the counter in the meantime.
Customers have told us that they want to have to ask for a straw," the company's
UK CEO Paul Pomroy said last year.
"Our straws are already 100% recyclable, but we know more can be done."
All Bar One
Bar chain All Bar One were among the first to start limiting use of straws and u
sed the hashtag #strawssuck to encourage others to join in.
The company buys 4.7 million straws a year and in mid-2017 it began to replace i
ts plastic straws with eco-friendly versions.
The company says it's seen "a considerable reduction in plastic straw usage" sin
ce making the move and says reaction from customers has been positive.
All JD Wetherspoon pubs, and there are nearly 900 of them around the country, s
topped using plastic straws at the beginning of 2018.
A spokesperson told Newsbeat "the company was previously using 70 million plasti
c straws a year" and staff were automatically putting them into drinks.
Now Wetherspoon's straws are biodegradable and must be specifically requested by
the customer.
Pizza Express and Wagamama
Ava, a five-year-old Pizza Express customer, prompted the Italian food restauran
t chain to make a change with its plastic straws.
The company said the letter above "spurred the business to make a change" and ha
s replaced all plastic straws with biodegradable ones.
Wagamama has made a similar move, with plastic straws only available if you spec
ifically ask for them.
Restaurant chain Nando's say they only use paper straws that are certified by th
e Forest Stewardship Council, which promotes sustainable forestry.
The chicken giant says "we are always on the lookout for more sustainable altern
atives to plastic and are dedicated to improving wherever possible."
They claim they've seen an over-80% drop in straw usage over the past couple of
Coffee chains
Costa Coffee, Caffe Nero and Pret A Manger have made the decision to take action
Costa and Caffe Nero have replaced plastic straws with paper ones in all of thei
r UK branches.
Although paper straws will be offered, you will still be able to request a plast
ic straw from staff at Pret A Manger if you need it.
Some major supermarkets are also on board.
Waitrose removed all plastic straws from their shelves last year.
And the chain didn't stop there - it's also promising to reduce plastic whenever
possible including removing black plastic food trays - which are difficult to r
Iceland, who have previously supported the introduction of a deposit return sche
me for plastic bottles, also aims to be "plastic-free" by 2023.
It has already removed plastic straws from its own label range.
Tesco says it's phased plastic drinking straws out of its cafes.
Marriott International
Marriott International's UK hotels have made a massive push to remove plastic st
raws from circulation.
The accommodation giant owns more than 6500 hotels worldwide - and by this July,
plastic straws will be out of all of them.
A spokesperson for Marriott International said last year that it was making a "s
mall and significant step in playing our part in reducing the volume of plastic
that damages our environment and wildlife".
Like many of the other companies mentioned above, Marriott says that customers w
ho request a straw will be given a biodegradable or paper alternative.
London City Airport
In February 2018, London City Airport announced that it had removed plastic stra
ws from all its food and drink outlets.
It claims to be the first UK airport to implement the plan which "is helping to
reduce the amount of plastic waste".
The Marine Conservation Society says that "plastic straws really do suck".
Its advice to customers is: "Just say no, because you just don't need it and yo
u'll be doing the oceans a massive favour!"
上面這一大段主要都在講哪些公司禁用 發言人出來講一些關於塑膠吸管的禁用與取代方式
目前有些公司如果顧客跟他們索取他們仍然會給 但不主動提供
Plastic straws: Which companies are banning them? - BBC News
A guide to the shops, restaurants and businesses that are moving to ban plastic straws. ...
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1樓 時間: 2019-05-24 22:21:14 (台灣)
05-24 22:21 TW
塑膠吸管對於殘疾人士是生活必需品 禁止可能會是他們有脫水的風險 <<-- 我好像中槍的感覺,肥宅在家也會被中槍