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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 彭博:台灣領導人為同性婚姻賭上政治生涯
時間 Fri May 17 15:35:49 2019
外媒(彭博社 Bloomberg)
Adela Lin and Samson Ellis
Taiwan Leader Stakes Career on Landmark Gay Marriage Vote
小島成為亞洲第一個將同性伴侶(same-sex unions)合法化的地區。
Taiwan’s ruling party is set to force through a landmark marriage-equality
law in the face of staunch local opposition Friday, making the island the
first place in Asia to legalize same-sex unions.
President Tsai Ing-wen’s Democratic Progressive Party has ordered its
lawmakers to vote in favor of the bill drafted by Taiwan’s cabinet, rather
than two rival proposals that would limit rights and protections for same-sex
couples. The law would be the first such formal legislation in Asia.
“Good morning #Taiwan. Today, we have a chance to make history & show the
world that progressive values can take root in an East Asian society. Today,
we can show the world that #LoveWins,” Tsai tweeted on Friday morning.
Tens of thousands of LGBT rights advocates gathered outside the legislature
in Taipei Friday calling for the law’s passage. The Marriage Equality
Coalition Taiwan, a gay rights alliance, put the number at 35,000.
Read more: Pro-China Party’s Big Win in Taiwan Puts Tsai Future in Doubt
Eight months ahead of Taiwan’s presidential election, deliberations over gay
marriage have laid bare its societal divisions, as typically young urban
progressives come out in favor of the measure while religious groups and
older voters oppose it.
The outcome could have long-lasting consequences for Tsai, who faces an
uphill battle for re-election -- even from within her own party.
Widespread Opposition
“I’ve never seen a bill so controversial here,” DPP caucus leader Ker
Chien-ming said in an interview on Thursday. “You can use scientific
evidence to debate other types of legislation but this bill touches upon
people’s religion, values and beliefs.”
Widespread public opposition to gay marriage, including by DPP supporters,
presents Tsai with a dilemma. More than 72% of people voted in favor of
keeping restrictions on marriage rights to heterosexual couples in a November
She signaled her support for the LGBT community before becoming president in
2016. But since then, she has remained largely silent on the issue,
preferring to allow the courts and the legislature to take the lead on
enacting marriage equality.
Elsewhere in the wider Asia-Pacific region, Australia legalized same-sex
marriage in December 2017, and has since held thousands of gay weddings. It’
s been legal in neighboring New Zealand since 2013.
法院外的一位挺同人士Wolf Bear說。「這次的投票很關鍵,它不僅僅會改變台灣
法院外的一位挺同人士Wolf Bear說。「這次的投票很關鍵,它不僅僅會改變台灣
“Taiwan taking the first step to legalize same-sex marriage will influence
the thinking in other countries around Asia,” said Wolf Bear, one of the
pro-LGBT demonstrators outside the legislature Friday. “This vote is so
important. Not only will it change Taiwan, it will influence other countries
Constitutional Union
The constitutional court ruled in May 2017 that language in Taiwan’s Civil
Code restricting marriage to a man and a woman was unconstitutional, and set
a two-year deadline for the legislature to pass regulations governing same
sex marriages.
Read more: Taiwan Court Legalizes Gay Marriage in Historic First for Asia
Conservative lawmakers have submitted two competing bills, which only refer
to “same-sex cohabitation partnerships” or “same-sex unions” rather than
“marriages.” On Thursday, DPP legislators tweaked the government’s bill to
remove the word “marriage” in favor of allowing gay couples the right to “
register to marry.”
Tai Lee, a 54-year-old Taipei resident, said he joined Friday’s rally to
show support for his stepson’s right to marry. “The government’s version
of the act is compromised. It’s not an ideal version but we can accept it
for the moment,” he said. “Many other countries have something like this as
a first step.”
Whether or not the legislature passes regulations codifying gay partnerships
on Friday, same-sex couples will have the right to marry later this month as
the court’s 2017 ruling will render legal obstacles to the unions
More than 200 same-sex couples have registered to marry on May 24, the
Taipei-based Apple Daily reported.
The importance of the impending deadline is not lost on the ruling party. “
Taiwan can’t afford the possible chaos if we don’t have legislation in
place to govern the civic relations between same-sex couples,” Ker said.
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→ : 幹1F 05/17 15:36
→ s820912gmail …
推 : 加油3F 05/17 15:37
推 : 看本版就知道一定會贏的,講賭太誇張4F 05/17 15:37
→ : 已經在想初選沒過的解套理由了嗎5F 05/17 15:37
→ : 投不去了6F 05/17 15:37
→ : 本來可以穩穩過的弄成要賭身家7F 05/17 15:37
→ : ㄗㄢ8F 05/17 15:37
→ : 廢核 煎茶院 毒甲聯姻9F 05/17 15:37
推 : 不是世界第一喔 沒搞頭10F 05/17 15:38
→ : 中立選民跑光光12F 05/17 15:38
→ : 只能用專法的低等廢物 不知道在爽甚麼13F 05/17 15:38
→ : 看來明年開始真的要準備統一了14F 05/17 15:38
推 : 白癡喔 賭的是政治生命 又不是賭會不會過15F 05/17 15:38
→ : 有900萬挺同應該是穩了才對16F 05/17 15:38
推 : 她當初選的時候政見有這一條嗎?17F 05/17 15:38
推 : 亡國感消失了18F 05/17 15:38
→ : 沒差!小英豁出去了,沒打算連任!!!19F 05/17 15:39
→ : OP20F 05/17 15:39
推 : 真的,今天沒有芒果乾,原來有別的要洗21F 05/17 15:39
→ : 結完婚照樣投KMT22F 05/17 15:39
→ : 明年肯定是韓或郭當選了23F 05/17 15:39
→ : 這種事就可以賭上政治生命 經濟 國家實力就熄火24F 05/17 15:39
推 : 小英:狗>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>同志>>>>>勞工25F 05/17 15:39
推 : 賭上政治生涯都能寫出來 你也懂明年要輸了?26F 05/17 15:40
→ : 連人妖橫行的泰國都沒有合法化27F 05/17 15:40
推 : 韓的民調剛又創新低28F 05/17 15:40
→ : 中南部阿伯選民會很傻眼29F 05/17 15:40
→ : 賭上政治生命放寬勞基法30F 05/17 15:41
推 : 加油31F 05/17 15:41
→ : 阿北會習慣的
→ : 阿北會習慣的
→ : 如果郭代表kmt,蔡會完敗......33F 05/17 15:42
噓 : 笑死人 明明就是因為大法官解釋才不得不立專法 就算沒34F 05/17 15:42
→ : 以後路上直男要被甲甲瘋狂搭訕騷擾了35F 05/17 15:42
推 : 不盡然是賭上政治生涯,挺同對民進黨選民還是加分多於扣36F 05/17 15:42
→ : 這法524以後還是可以登記結婚 講的好像蔡的功勞一樣37F 05/17 15:42
噓 : 這不會是她死的原因...勞權才是38F 05/17 15:42
推 : 明明DPP選輸就要被改回來 不過只是曇花一現而已39F 05/17 15:42
噓 : 請補上還有賭上勞工的權益40F 05/17 15:43
推 : 白癡,問題在經濟41F 05/17 15:43
→ : 勞權罵的是老闆比較多,奇妙42F 05/17 15:43
推 : 蔡英文掰囉 支持會背刺的少數43F 05/17 15:43
5月17日是「國際不再恐同日」(IDAHOT),這個日子源自世界衛生組織在29年前的今天於聯合國公告「同性戀不是病」,而今年這個日子對台灣同志平權運動的意義格外重大,因為台灣將在今年5月24日成為亞洲第一個同性戀者可以合法結婚的國家。台灣同志平權運動奮鬥了30年,雖然台灣社會對於 ...
→ : 還有其他一堆議題,現在最有感的政績我只看到嗆中國45F 05/17 15:43
推 : 明明是女的 老二比一堆男人都大46F 05/17 15:43
推 : union 嗯47F 05/17 15:43
→ : 雖然蔡有時候真的滿爛的 但有時候有些事也莫名堅持48F 05/17 15:44
推 : 的確是賭上政治生涯啊,超勇敢49F 05/17 15:44
推 : 講勞權 然後選郭 我他媽笑死50F 05/17 15:44
推 : 原則上 拜了~51F 05/17 15:44
推 : 這女的比一堆男人有魄力!52F 05/17 15:45
推 : 利益>貓狗>甲甲>>>>>>>>>勞工53F 05/17 15:45
→ : 希望甲甲身分證上能註明是同性戀,這沒啥好丟臉的54F 05/17 15:45
推 : 推55F 05/17 15:45
→ : 可能是知道輸定了吧56F 05/17 15:45
→ : 這女的比一堆男人任性,這是台男寵過頭的結果57F 05/17 15:46
→ hachime …
推 : 挺小英59F 05/17 15:46
→ : 這是價值觀問題,政壇上應該沒有半個政客敢推這個法案60F 05/17 15:46
推 : Free rider藍甲2020還是會投kmt的 小英省省吧61F 05/17 15:47
推 : 一堆無病呻吟的垃圾 整天講勞權62F 05/17 15:47
推 : 對手是kmt 真的是賭上啊63F 05/17 15:48
推 : 支持同婚註記,戶政和健保64F 05/17 15:48
推 : 同性>>>>>>勞工>年改>司改>房市三箭65F 05/17 15:48
推 : 政治人物固執我才好選啊,不然昨天中華民國明天一國兩制66F 05/17 15:49
→ : 看來勞權打到痛點了67F 05/17 15:49
噓 : 這種叫賭??68F 05/17 15:49
→ : 蔡英文、陳菊是不是同性戀啊,感覺很堅持這個同性議題69F 05/17 15:49
推 : 下台前總是要做些對的事情70F 05/17 15:49
推 : 加油 。推,總統加油71F 05/17 15:50
推 : 你哪來有下一任的錯覺72F 05/17 15:50
推 : 民進黨的歷史政績!73F 05/17 15:51
推 : 支持蔡英文74F 05/17 15:51
推 : 陳菊不是吧 不過應該戀父情節75F 05/17 15:51
→ : 推起來76F 05/17 15:51
→ : 反正不會連任 就把支票兌現吧77F 05/17 15:52
推 : 講勞權選郭 笑死+178F 05/17 15:52
推 : 為了平權,真的是拼了老命在捍衛欸79F 05/17 15:52
推 : 推推80F 05/17 15:52
推 : 小英放棄連任了吧81F 05/17 15:53
推 : 支持82F 05/17 15:53
→ : 小英比台面上的人都有種 了不起 負責 鬼島一堆沒軟蛋的83F 05/17 15:53
推 : https://i.imgur.com/Fs9kg8V.jpg 母湯喔84F 05/17 15:53
推 : 高調85F 05/17 15:53
推 : 高調86F 05/17 15:53
推 : 應該說是確定結束政治生涯了87F 05/17 15:53
推 : 高調88F 05/17 15:53
推 : 推只做對的事啊 QQ89F 05/17 15:53
→ : 然後2020KMT執政後 再改回反同 柯柯 好刺激的戲碼90F 05/17 15:53
→ chatterati …
推 : 可以92F 05/17 15:54
推 : 加油93F 05/17 15:54
推 : Vassili242不吝嗇展現自己的失學無知 呵呵94F 05/17 15:54
推 : 五毛哭了95F 05/17 15:54
推 : 2020唯一投票蔡英文!96F 05/17 15:54
推 : 支持一波97F 05/17 15:54
推 : 幫五毛哭哭98F 05/17 15:54
推 : 讚 一定支持小英99F 05/17 15:55
→ : 好啦 高興一下就好了 2020一堆人等著哭吧 KMT重返 慘100F 05/17 15:55
→ ps45689 …
推 : 柯屁又要哭哭了102F 05/17 15:55
推 : 推103F 05/17 15:55
推 : 柯韓糞是氣到不知道說什麼帶風向了哦104F 05/17 15:55
推 : 哈哈 爽105F 05/17 15:55
推 : 不支持蔡英文根本擺明恐同又親中嘛哈哈哈哈106F 05/17 15:55
推 : 小英加油107F 05/17 15:55
推 : 小英絕對會歷史留名108F 05/17 15:56
→ : 推推109F 05/17 15:56
推 : 好哦110F 05/17 15:56
→ : 敢碰這議題的總統就是勇敢~~~這方面還是要給予肯定111F 05/17 15:56
推 : 民進黨加油,只投民進黨。112F 05/17 15:57
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 7 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 763
( ̄︶ ̄)b Loners2018, windices, mickey13, pb2710710, tarbo888, gn02065172, SKT1022 共 7 個人 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2019-05-17 16:06:10 (台灣)
05-17 16:06 TW
這點給dpp一個推,但是別忘了國外報導之中也直接點出另一個重點 不論國會是否在週五通過法案,同性伴侶仍然有權在月底登記結婚,因為2017年憲法法庭判決民法對同性伴侶的限制違憲。 Whether or not the legislature passes regulations codifying gay partnerships on Friday, same-sex couples will have the right to marry later this month as the court’s 2017 ruling will render legal obstacles to the unions unconstitutional.