※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-05-03 14:40:32
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] 有沒有人要來切磋英文的o'_'o?
時間 Fri May 3 03:06:47 2019
指考剩不到兩個月 英文一直是小妹頭痛的科目
This is a pen. That is CD.
Who is horny?
作者 tibro ( ) 看板 Gossiping
標題 [新聞] 馬英九跑步暖身露蛋照 網友:有墊衛生棉喔?
時間 Wed Jun 1 15:28:04 2011
推 :露出馬陰丸06/01 15:34
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Sop_DfZ (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1556824013.A.A63.html
推 : Make...1F 05/03 03:07
→ : I r winner.2F 05/03 03:08
I is loser
推 : Prove you're horny first!3F 05/03 03:08
no, you
推 : You is smatr4F 05/03 03:08
you is so nice
推 : This dress is made by sit down please5F 05/03 03:09
Dancing with dragon?
推 : you are my angel6F 05/03 03:10
you are my angle too
→ : may show7F 05/03 03:10
推 : This is a book.8F 05/03 03:10
推 : I have a pen~9F 05/03 03:11
推 : 全選C10F 05/03 03:12
推 : is this good to drink ? lee lin gwa my11F 05/03 03:12
swee la
推 : g g in in der12F 05/03 03:13
→ : how much one night13F 05/03 03:13
you can't afford
推 : I like fuck my asshole by myself, I always felt so14F 05/03 03:13
→ : good when I did that, you must try it
→ : good when I did that, you must try it
You sound like a gentleman
推 : This is a pen.16F 05/03 03:13
I am abian
→ : 說中文17F 05/03 03:14
English plz
推 : i dot car18F 05/03 03:14
you do car
推 : It’s okay, we are okay, RIP Tony, RIP iron man19F 05/03 03:14
I love you 3000
→ : how do you turn this on20F 05/03 03:14
greedisgood whosyourdaddy
推 : r u the bus ?21F 05/03 03:15
→ : free?
→ : fuckyabitch
→ : free?
→ : fuckyabitch
I suggest you apologize oˋ_ˊo
→ : I dot car24F 05/03 03:16
You do car
推 : asshole25F 05/03 03:16
推 : I fucked yorkyoung every night before fell asleep26F 05/03 03:16
推 : I…I am sexy spy27F 05/03 03:17
mail me the pic
推 : how about exchanging our instagram accounts?28F 05/03 03:17
add me https://www.instagram.com/4xgay
劉宇 (@4xgay) • Instagram photos and videos
1,129 Followers, 104 Following, 12 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from 劉宇 (@4xgay) ...
→ : may show gun more29F 05/03 03:17
ho R
推 : I am an anus player30F 05/03 03:18
You sound like a gentleman
推 : Morning nine nine how how one31F 05/03 03:18
Morning chinchin gain how one
→ : abandon32F 05/03 03:19
推 : a ghost, please speak in chinese33F 05/03 03:19
I know kungfu
→ : I are iron men34F 05/03 03:23
You am not
推 : say three small35F 05/03 03:23
pie three small
推 : send tree pay36F 05/03 03:25
推 : 3級是認真的嗎wwwww37F 05/03 03:25
I are serious
推 : Hello, World!38F 05/03 03:27
推 : may sure gun more?40F 05/03 03:28
How much?
推 : give me money $$$$$$ pls41F 05/03 03:29
Open you hole plz
→ : show me the tits!42F 05/03 03:30
Show me the money
推 : give me chocolate44F 05/03 03:32
I splash some milk
→ : holy darn you're 4X cat!?45F 05/03 03:32
Dont tell anyone
推 : got a boner46F 05/03 03:34
Let me see see
推 : Are you agree?47F 05/03 03:36
Agree to what?
推 : Giantpenis antikobedalampa48F 05/03 03:37
Andre Iguloada
推 : Lucky bear bear lucky.49F 05/03 03:38
推 : how tight are you50F 05/03 03:38
Try me
推 : UccU51F 05/03 03:38
→ : What do we say to the God of death?53F 05/03 03:40
Not today
→ : three small ?54F 05/03 03:41
three small ?
推 : Looks like you don't understand…55F 05/03 03:45
Sorry I don't watch gayporn
推 : earth is danger go back to mars56F 05/03 03:47
推 : So long my friend57F 05/03 03:50
farewell Q_Q
推 : Crempie you ok?58F 05/03 03:53
why not
推 : Costco59F 05/03 03:56
推 : THE WORLD !!!60F 05/03 03:56
推 : cuc'61F 05/03 03:58
→ : you dad work three small62F 05/03 03:58
no, you mom
推 : the English are so independent, you has learned very63F 05/03 03:59
→ : harded
→ : harded
really don't understand this one
推 : r u ikea65F 05/03 04:03
i am ikeaman
推 : 還敢下來阿冰鳥66F 05/03 04:03
his hand went through my baba
推 : speak 3 small67F 05/03 04:06
pie 3 small
→ : Adios68F 05/03 04:07
hasta la vista
推 : Hello world69F 05/03 04:12
推 : Say my name70F 05/03 04:12
→ : 看完這串再去考一次學測估計只剩2級分71F 05/03 04:12
推 : What’s up? Ans: sky72F 05/03 04:13
mo ho chow
→ : 抱歉=sorry, 抱抱歉=so sorry73F 05/03 04:15
推 : 抱抱抱歉=give me a hug, sorry74F 05/03 04:17
推 : why so serious75F 05/03 04:18
why not?
推 : a hole new world76F 05/03 04:19
→ : cum to my house
→ : cum to my house
do me daddy
推 : Shut the fuck off!78F 05/03 04:26
you either say shut the fuck up or fuck off, there's no shut the fuck off
推 : Fried chickens is not bad eat79F 05/03 04:27
→ : once you go black, you never go back80F 05/03 04:32
gimme some black sugar
噓 : Horn三小滾喇幹81F 05/03 04:34
dude what is ur problem? chill the fuck out
※ 編輯: YU0158 (, 05/03/2019 04:36:42
推 : Mei siu gan mo?82F 05/03 04:41
推 : Winter is coming!83F 05/03 04:41
噓 : The internet is for porn84F 05/03 04:46
推 : chingchongchang nihao baobao i eat rice85F 05/03 04:50
推 : may show gun more86F 05/03 04:52
推 : majiami87F 05/03 05:00
推 : Big family’s English is how how88F 05/03 05:03
推 : How do you true the on89F 05/03 05:18
推 : threesome90F 05/03 05:28
推 : creampie91F 05/03 05:37
噓 : You smell like abalone! Fuck offffffffffffff92F 05/03 05:51
推 : 我家三級的英文比你爛耶93F 05/03 06:06
噓 : WO zhai gouwai zi sou zhongwen94F 05/03 06:07
推 : I dot car95F 05/03 06:15
推 : May I speak to Champ?96F 05/03 06:15
推 : 我的knee很pain97F 05/03 06:18
推 : Bad morning98F 05/03 06:28
推 : make love not war skr skr99F 05/03 06:29
推 : ikuzo sekiro!100F 05/03 06:29
推 : I am the Iron Man (彈指)101F 05/03 06:52
推 : Mary is horny, she’s a horse bunny.102F 05/03 07:00
推 : I watched my dick I think it is a little smaller103F 05/03 07:00
推 : I am studant.104F 05/03 07:03
→ : How do you turn this on?105F 05/03 07:03
→ : all your base are belong to us.
→ : All
→ : all your base are belong to us.
→ : All
推 : My Engliah is gooder and gooder.108F 05/03 07:09
→ : today's sun is very big.
→ : today's sun is very big.
推 : say… my name110F 05/03 07:11
→ celtics1997 …
推 : how would you like to suck my dick?112F 05/03 07:15
推 : I like bigcockloli113F 05/03 07:15
→ : This's a pen114F 05/03 07:18
→ : this is "a" CD. CD means compact disk..115F 05/03 07:19
噓 : 恭三小喇,幹116F 05/03 07:27
推 : you is engleeshit good117F 05/03 07:28
推 : 你各位118F 05/03 07:30
推 : Are you horny?119F 05/03 07:36
推 : Iron man goes to hell120F 05/03 07:39
推 : sing sang song121F 05/03 07:50
推 : welfare bear bear welfare
推 : welfare bear bear welfare
推 : Not today123F 05/03 08:05
噓 : l am the bone of my sword124F 05/03 08:16
推 : LoL I laughed so hard when I saw wei-da-lih ad125F 05/03 08:17
→ : Antidisestablishmentarianism126F 05/03 08:18
噓 : i dot car your score, go to hill.127F 05/03 08:21
→ : You do talkable you seen? So you good ,no need to128F 05/03 08:31
→ : fit grammar they said You seen? My youth.no worry
→ : fit grammar they said You seen? My youth.no worry
噓 : dare you to down ice bird130F 05/03 08:31
推 : 我想跟你切磋英九...131F 05/03 08:48
推 : eikoyaharimuridane nihongodeOK?132F 05/03 08:57
→ : 日本語でおk133F 05/03 08:57
→ : Who's your daddy?134F 05/03 09:01
推 : Are you Okay?135F 05/03 09:02
推 : The idiots downstairs will say Costco or IKEA.136F 05/03 09:02
推 : mei shou gun mo?137F 05/03 09:05
推 : 你本來有3級分,切磋完就1級分了138F 05/03 09:32
推 : c c a d b139F 05/03 09:38
推 : A man and a pen~140F 05/03 09:43
→ : annie are you ok? annie are you ok? are you ok ann141F 05/03 09:51
→ : ie!
→ : ie!
推 : I don't know what you are talking about, I can't un143F 05/03 09:58
→ : derstand English.
→ : derstand English.
推 : Stduy siad yuo udnerstnad what I've writen dwon145F 05/03 10:04
推 : May the force be with you146F 05/03 10:23
推 : To be or not to be, I like 2B147F 05/03 10:25
→ : I is loser是三小 你還是說中文吧148F 05/03 10:30
推 : i dot car149F 05/03 10:30
噓 : 小妹的圖勒? 馬的 都彈出來還小妹 菜逼八滾啦150F 05/03 10:38
推 : I'm having an erection go down there and cc151F 05/03 10:48
推 : I am Iron man152F 05/03 10:51
推 : You are my anal.153F 05/03 11:12
噓 : Suck my wiwi, biatch154F 05/03 11:15
噓 : Wryyyyyyyy155F 05/03 11:16
推 : Fake hsiao mei156F 05/03 11:26
推 : engles plz157F 05/03 11:39
推 : Whos your daddy158F 05/03 11:51
→ : The mayor of Kaohsiung City is totally a windbag.159F 05/03 11:51
推 : Show me your true power.160F 05/03 11:55
推 : I dot car161F 05/03 11:59
→ : JOOOOOJOOOOO162F 05/03 12:00
→ : 幹不過最近政治看太多,看成你要磋總統
→ : 幹不過最近政治看太多,看成你要磋總統
→ : sugar dieddy164F 05/03 12:39
噓 : Go back to your textbook165F 05/03 12:55
推 : Ppl mountain ppl sea166F 05/03 13:03
推 : Say my name167F 05/03 13:38
推 : Give me your photo, please?168F 05/03 14:36
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 333