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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-04-03 13:59:30
看板 Gossiping
作者 Pegasus170 (魯蛇肥宅台勞+前義務役)
標題 [新聞] Woman carrying Chinese passports arres
時間 Wed Apr  3 11:44:40 2019


1.一開始的執法單位因為誤把犯人出身認為是Republic of China,也就是台灣,差點
Republic of China,那個真正的中國,才解除狀態-畢竟中國就是美國現在最大的假想

灣一帶俱樂部 Mar-a-Lago.







※ 例如蘋果日報、自由時報
ABC News

※ 標題沒有完整寫出來 ---> 依照板規刪除文章
Woman carrying Chinese passports arrested at Mar-a-Lago with 4 cell phones,
a laptop and a thumb drive with malware

※ 社論特稿都不能貼! 違者刪除(政治類水桶3個月),貼廣告也會被刪除喔!


ABC News
April 2, 2019

A woman carrying two passports from the People's Republic of China, four
cellphones, and a thumb drive containing "Malicious malware" managed to skirt
multiple layers of security at Mar-a-Lago over the weekend, according to a
criminal complaint filed in federal court in Florida.

An affidavit signed by a Secret Service agent described how Yujing Zhang, 32,
allegedly made false statements to agents and made it deep into one of
President Trump's marquee properties before a receptionist discovered she was
not "on any Mar-a-Lago access list".

According to the court documents, Zhang arrived at the club on Saturday
seeking to use the pool. After a dispute over whether Zhang was related to
another member with the same last name and "due to a potential language
barrier issue......[security] allowed her access onto the property". Agents
said later Zhang was able to speak English "freely and without difficulty".

Once inside Zhang changed her story, according to the affidavit, telling a
receptionist she was there to attend a "United Nations Chinese American
Association" event that evening. The receptionist discovered Zhang was not
on a club access list and alerted Secret Service agents, who promptly
transported her off the property for an interview.

Zhang later told agents she was sent by a Chinese friend named "Charles" to
travel from Shanghai to the Palm Beach resort to try to discuss "Chinese and
American foreign economic relations" with a Trump family member, according
to the affidavit.

Federal prosecutors in Florida have charged Zhang with making false
statements to a federal agent and entering restricted grounds.

President Trump spent the weekend at Mar-a-Lago, but at the time Zhang
managed to gain access to the resort the president was off-site at his
nearby golf course.

The Secret Service says the investigation is ongoing. Zhang's public defender
did not immediately respond to request for comment.

This latest accusation of improper access at Mar-a-Lago comes in the wake of
another controversy involving Chinese immigrant Cindy Yang. Through a
now-defunct consulting firm, Yang appeared to advertise to Chinese business
people access to Trump and his inner circle at Mar-a-Lago.

Last month, congressional Democrats asked the FBI to investigate and
determine whether Yang's purported activity amounted to a
counter-intelligence threat. In an interview, Yang told ABC News she's not a
threat and was only being targeted because she's Chinese, a Republican and a
Trump supporter.

Editor's Note: The Department of Justice initially incorrectly identified
Yujing Zhang's passports as from the Republic of China, more commonly known
as Taiwan. The agency later issued a correction identifying her passports as
from the People's Republic of China. The story has updated to reflect the

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※ 當新聞連結過長時,需提供短網址方便網友點擊
Woman carrying Chinese passports arrested at Mar-a-Lago with 4 cell phones, a laptop and a thumb drive with malware
A woman carrying two passports from the People's Republic of China, four cellphones, and a thumb drive containing “malicious malware” managed to skirt ...


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ryanmulee: 厲害了支那1F 04/03 11:45
※ 編輯: Pegasus170 (, 04/03/2019 11:48:45
xeriom57042: 那她怎麼被抓到的呀2F 04/03 11:47
joe581892: 諜對諜各國不是都在做嗎?難不成你以為美國沒在台灣放3F 04/03 11:47
joe581892: 人?
VVay: 中國不意外5F 04/03 11:47
hunt5566: 這部我看過 霹靂嬌娃是吧!6F 04/03 11:48
PPTer: 支那畜生族7F 04/03 11:49
※ 編輯: Pegasus170 (, 04/03/2019 11:50:58
hogu134: 三樓又是那個大家都犯法我犯法也是很合理的蠢論調 ㄏ8F 04/03 11:49
pillliq: 如果收買民主黨就像台灣那樣 從內部腐敗沒救了9F 04/03 11:49
PPTer: 某人邏輯好棒的10F 04/03 11:50
leopam: 很多國家都有間諜,這沒問題,問題是這個時間點還被抓到11F 04/03 11:50
joe581892: 合理呀,這個時間點不放間諜,天下太平的時候放嗎?12F 04/03 11:52
※ 編輯: Pegasus170 (, 04/03/2019 11:53:41
tmwolf: 天下太平才是放的好時機,樓上是在反串嗎?13F 04/03 11:54
joe581892: 我是覺得又扯到統獨很無言而已。14F 04/03 11:56
quite: 等管制比較嚴的時候放 腦袋是?15F 04/03 11:56
Sunofgod: 扯統獨假議題就曝露自己立場了 風向就會歪了16F 04/03 11:57
Waterpig: 美中關係不扯統獨才是莫名其妙吧…17F 04/03 11:58
Pegasus170: 我的立場還需要猜?這邊的人由該早就知道了吧!18F 04/03 12:00
Pegasus170: 鄉民應該
amos30627: 假議題粉又來了20F 04/03 12:00
pkd20: 戰郎出擊21F 04/03 12:01
iceyeman: 夠正規間諜的沒那麼廢  奇怪 難道中國不同派系互相惡搞22F 04/03 12:01
boogieman: 扯到統獨真的很無言 台灣人應該沒有統一的選項 對吧?23F 04/03 12:01
k10055960: 無言啥小,腦袋呵呵。24F 04/03 12:02
k10055960: 同樣一句話,現在是中國在侵略世界的民主自由
k10055960: 不是美國,中國現在就是白目被釘活該,懂?
khalid: 這樣都能進得去 一定超正27F 04/03 12:03
k10055960: 範圍拉小一點,同樣的事情對台灣來說,中國就是要被幹28F 04/03 12:03
fablife: 水喔29F 04/03 12:03
kenkenken31: 人本來就有立場,中國間諜死好,台灣間諜為國犧牲30F 04/03 12:03
k10055960: 美國就是要從輕,因為中國想侵略台灣,美國沒有31F 04/03 12:03
k10055960: 懂嗎,幹你娘舔中狗
k10055960: 耖你的咧中國欠人針對還幹話一大堆
Waterpig: 沒有統一選項? 你當kmt死人嗎34F 04/03 12:06
HwaSIn: 推備註  非常認真35F 04/03 12:08
kcbill: 推36F 04/03 12:08
Twopoint2: 賴清德:37F 04/03 12:09
sonyabear: 什麼栽贓,說得好像小央政府沒派間諜在美國38F 04/03 12:11
polotower: 9.2滾出台灣吧!39F 04/03 12:13
lustdaemon: 中國欠人針對40F 04/03 12:14
idback: 中國真的欠人針對,美國有想侵略台灣?一堆人老愛把中國41F 04/03 12:22
idback: 跟美國放在一起比,頗ㄏ
※ 編輯: Pegasus170 (, 04/03/2019 12:27:53
ihateants: 放間諜就可以,被抓到就不該死了?傻逼邏輯43F 04/03 12:29
dragonjj: 看的出來 中國真的急了 為了貿易戰無所不用其極44F 04/03 12:30
Pegasus170: 看看台灣的各家媒體何時才要報導…45F 04/03 12:35
watashiD: 差點出事幹...46F 04/03 12:35
semievil: 某樓識字文盲47F 04/03 12:36
WindSucker: 發大財48F 04/03 12:37
melic: 中國台北閉嘴49F 04/03 12:40
kimicino: 推50F 04/03 12:41
wl0070233: 推備註51F 04/03 12:44
songyy2003: 滯台支那賤畜出來吠個幾啊!52F 04/03 12:52
GrayOwl: 推53F 04/03 13:01
j31712: 高調54F 04/03 13:06
vinca: 呵55F 04/03 13:12
bronx0807: 推,想也知道是中國人56F 04/03 13:14
dfast: 當中國間諜應該都抓去槍斃57F 04/03 13:38
loki94y: 統獨是假議題58F 04/03 13:42

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 2 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 322 
作者 Pegasus170 的最新發文:
分享網址: 複製 已複製
( ̄︶ ̄)b tsukiyumi, klin1 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2019-04-03 15:23:22 (台灣)
     (編輯過) TW
第8點 又想幹啥? 給藍綠繼續玩弄台灣嗎? 把市場轉歐美,讓台灣國民變強,軍力變強,搞個核彈,這樣比較實際,沒人喜歡共產黨,沒人不想要讓台灣沒自己的空間,有時面子要自己掙的,不是在那邊自爽就有,自己國內一堆經濟跟政治和法律上的弊病,改不動也改不了,能獨個三小,中共要統,就要付出代價,假台獨搞的台灣,正事辦不了,空轉跟浪費時間,倒是少不了. 要獨,民進黨怎不趕快,修法自爽一下,都 假 的.跟國民黨一樣 垃 圾.
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