※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-04-06 18:52:11
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] Reddit 上哪些看板最莫名其妙/奇異?
時間 Sat Apr 6 16:15:47 2019
問,Reddit 上看過最莫名其妙的板什麼呢?
就像八卦板上有許多專版一樣,Reddit 身為全球數一數二大的論壇,同樣也有為數眾多
/r/simps: Celebrating evolution's finest creation
r/simps: A simp or simpson or homer or homer simpson is a vagina that looks like homer simpson's mouth. Also know as an 'innie', 'slit', 'perfect slit ...
r/simps: A simp or simpson or homer or homer simpson is a vagina that looks like homer simpson's mouth. Also know as an 'innie', 'slit', 'perfect slit ...
Titler: Hitler with tits.
r/titler: Hitler with tits. ...
r/titler: Hitler with tits. ...
1. 第五維度煩惱 https://www.reddit.com/r/fifthworldproblems
baT weN
r/fifthworldproblems: ...
r/fifthworldproblems: ...
2. 麵包釘樹 https://www.reddit.com/r/breadstapledtotrees
3. 樹釘麵包 https://www.reddit.com/r/TreesStapledToBread
Pictures Of Trees Stapled To Bread
r/TreesStapledToBread: Welcome To r/TreesStapledToBread, A Community about stapling Trees To Bread. ...
r/TreesStapledToBread: Welcome To r/TreesStapledToBread, A Community about stapling Trees To Bread. ...
4. 約瑟夫爺爺黑特版 https://www.reddit.com/r/grandpajoehate
通常是1971 年版本電影裡的那位做為代表
5. 人手鳥 https://www.reddit.com/r/birdswitharms/
Birds with Arms
r/birdswitharms: It's birds... with arms. ...
r/birdswitharms: It's birds... with arms. ...
6. 斯拉夫蹲版 https://www.reddit.com/r/slavs_squatting/
slavs squatting
r/slavs_squatting: no description needed, slavs gonna slav ...
r/slavs_squatting: no description needed, slavs gonna slav ...
7. 性感吐司機 https://www.reddit.com/r/ToastersGW/
All NSFW toaster pics
r/ToastersGW: We're here to prevent /r/ToasterRights from being flooded with nude images of toasters ...
r/ToastersGW: We're here to prevent /r/ToasterRights from being flooded with nude images of toasters ...
8. 死亡吐司機(屍體,慎入)https://www.reddit.com/r/PicsOfDeadToasters
Pictures of Dead Toasters
r/PicsOfDeadToasters: Here we showcase the pictures of dead, worthless toasters. ...
r/PicsOfDeadToasters: Here we showcase the pictures of dead, worthless toasters. ...
9. 龍車交(成人內容)https://www.reddit.com/r/dragonsfuckingcars
fine draconian and automotive modern art
r/dragonsfuckingcars: Exactly what it says on the tin. ...
r/dragonsfuckingcars: Exactly what it says on the tin. ...
10. 數數版 https://www.reddit.com/r/counting/
r/counting: Welcome to the most productive place on reddit.
Quickly find the latest comments here to see what needs to be counted next:
Quickly find the latest comments here to see what needs to be counted next:
11. 休閒兒童虐待 (不開放)/r/casualChildAbuse
12. 公開抓狂 https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/
r/PublicFreakout: A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. ...
r/PublicFreakout: A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. ...
13. 投石機之愛 https://www.reddit.com/r/trebuchetmemes/
Trebuchet Memes
r/trebuchetmemes: For the glory of the medieval siege engine that uses a counterweight. Whether they are small or large, all trebuchet memes are benev ...
r/trebuchetmemes: For the glory of the medieval siege engine that uses a counterweight. Whether they are small or large, all trebuchet memes are benev ...
14. 水板 https://www.reddit.com/r/waterniggas/
15. 洗澡水板 https://www.reddit.com/r/youdrinkbathwater/
16. 骨頭強健板 https://www.reddit.com/r/Neverbrokeabone/
For those who are safe
r/Neverbrokeabone: Have you ever broken a bone? No? Then this is the place for you. ...
17. ? https://www.reddit.com/r/ooer
所以各位有在逛reddit 的前輩們,可還有看過哪些奇怪的板?
再提醒一次,我不要那些老生常談的NSFW 板
The name says it all
r/ButtSharpies: Welcome to r/buttsharpies, home of the infamous "sharpie in pooper" craze. Please remember that all submissions are submitted by dudes ...
r/ButtSharpies: Welcome to r/buttsharpies, home of the infamous "sharpie in pooper" craze. Please remember that all submissions are submitted by dudes ...
REAL food porn
r/BaguettesInButts: ...
r/BaguettesInButts: ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Sg61QvP (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1554538586.A.E59.html
推 : 我只看nsfw1F 04/06 16:20
請品評一下上面幾個NSFW 的如何?推 : 原來有這麼多神奇的板2F 04/06 16:21
還有更多的,所以才想上來拋磚引玉問個有沒有其他的有趣板推 : 不太懂reddit搜尋機制 感覺搜尋貼文或看板結果都很少3F 04/06 16:24
就只能選new 或是rising 看看刷新的內容了吧,不然短時間內hot 的東西都不太會動推 : 幹XD4F 04/06 16:30
推 : 感謝大大的分享5F 04/06 16:32
推 : 三小6F 04/06 16:32
推 : 推一堆稀奇古怪的版XD7F 04/06 16:37
網路真的很棒推 : 感謝分享8F 04/06 16:44
→ : 三小9F 04/06 16:45
推 : 一個討論區閱讀人口夠大 在言論自由的狀態下就能夠有10F 04/06 16:46
→ : 足夠讓小眾冷門版存在的群體
PTT 就比較可惜了,希望有朝一日也能像這樣的規模邁進,才真的能在文章底下嗆人→ : 足夠讓小眾冷門版存在的群體
推 : 有夠獵奇......12F 04/06 16:47
推 : 感謝大大13F 04/06 16:52
推 : 辛普森嘴唇可以喔14F 04/06 16:54
推 : 我都gonewild看一看而已15F 04/06 17:01
→ : 辛普森77716F 04/06 17:02
看完短時間內真的會一直把辛普森的臉跟頭腦補上去推 : 有夠好笑17F 04/06 17:16
→ : 感謝分享18F 04/06 17:18
→ : 改天無聊來看看增加英文能力
內容真的挺豐富,要戲謔有戲謔,要嚴肅有嚴肅→ : 改天無聊來看看增加英文能力
推 : 懂好多 reddit真的很神奇20F 04/06 17:24
網路真的很神奇推 : reddit觀察家4你 我都只看大眾的21F 04/06 17:25
→ : 我看的很多怪東西的版 r/ofcoursethatsathing
這個也不錯,真的有好些莫名其妙的東西→ : 我看的很多怪東西的版 r/ofcoursethatsathing
推 : 當然是foodfucker啊23F 04/06 17:28
這個可以推 : r/TsundereSharks24F 04/06 17:32
BAKA!推 : 混蛋設計者r/assholedesign25F 04/06 17:35
這個也不賴推 : 感謝大大分享26F 04/06 17:48
→ : 幹河馬的嘴唇超棒XD27F 04/06 17:57
※ 編輯: evgenivolkov (, 04/06/2019 18:26:55推 : 您好我辛普森28F 04/06 18:15
你們家荷馬的嘴唇,厲害ㄡ。還是你就是荷馬?推 : 這些人腦子真的大丈夫?29F 04/06 18:28
※ 編輯: evgenivolkov (, 04/06/2019 18:33:53--
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1785