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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-03-16 11:16:38
看板 Gossiping
作者 td123 (內行人-踢滴123~港凍☺  )
標題 [問卦] The Great Replacement:紐西蘭槍手的Q&A
時間 Sat Mar 16 09:38:50 2019




Why did you choose New Zealand as a place to attack?

New Zealand was not the original choice for attack, I only arrived to New
Zealand to live temporarily whilst I planned and trained, but I soon found
out that New Zealand was as target rich of an environment as anywhere
else in the West.
NZ非首選 兇手原先只打算短暫逗留和訓練

Secondly an attack in New Zealand would bring to attention the truth of
the assault on our civilization, that no where in the world was safe, the
invaders were in all of our lands, even in the remotest areas of the world
and that there was no where left to go that was safe and free from mass

1. NZ跟西方國家的現況很像
2. 世界沒有安全的地方 即便是像NZ這樣遙遠的地區也都有大量移民

Did/do you personally hate muslims?

A muslim man or woman living in their homelands?No.
A muslim man or woman choosing to invade our lands live on our soil
and replace our people? Yes, I dislike them.

The only muslim I truly hate is the convert, those from our own people
that turn their backs on their heritage, turn their backs on their cultures,
turn their back on their traditions and became blood traitors to their own
race. These I hate.

Did/do you personally hate foreigners/other cultures?

No, I spent many years travelling through many, many nations.
Everywhere I travelled, barring a few small exceptions, I was treated
wonderfully, often as a guest and even as a friend. The varied cultures of
the world greeted me with warmth and compassion, and I very much
enjoyed nearly every moment I spent with them.

I wish the different peoples of their world all the best regardless of their
ethnicity, race, culture of faith and that they live in peace and prosperity,
amongst their own people, practicing their own traditions, in their own

But, if those same people seek to come to my peoples lands, replace my
people, subjugate my people, make war upon on my people, ,hen I shall
be forced to fight them, and hold nothing in reserve.
但是意圖想取代當地國民 就得逐出


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barbarian72: 推個1F 03/16 09:39
yycbr: 把土地還給原住民2F 03/16 09:40
wei5730: 推3F 03/16 09:40
z0953781935: 原住民:4F 03/16 09:41
qk3380888: 你們祖先不是也是殖民人家嗎XDDD5F 03/16 09:41
KGarnett05: 推6F 03/16 09:41
yaritai: 推 飽受罵名的黑暗聖騎士7F 03/16 09:41
mij: 給推8F 03/16 09:41
derekhsu: 你們也是搶了毛利人的土地啊9F 03/16 09:42
KK10305: 推 不同觀點來看 他也不是完全錯的10F 03/16 09:42
usoppp: 這才是正義11F 03/16 09:42
kenqoo810330: 推12F 03/16 09:51
abxtpml56: 推推13F 03/16 09:51
akakbest: 壓力鍋就快被那些左膠弄爆了14F 03/16 09:52
dean1990: 這種人跟納粹沒什麼兩樣15F 03/16 09:52
dean1990: 那天覺得華人太多,也殺一殺算了
dean1990: 居然還能有人挺,我也是醉了
pro33342: 那你們全都回歐洲18F 03/16 09:54
miayao417: 慘了。中國人其實也都這樣。差別在於中國城不排外。但19F 03/16 09:57
miayao417: 是穆斯林非常排外
miayao417: 比起來中國城為了生存不排外的做生意反而得以生存
taotzu: 台灣等東亞國家比採取多樣性政策的歐洲更強大這段22F 03/16 10:00
WolfTeacher: 唉 幫他QQ 不過屠殺就太過分了23F 03/16 10:00
sg1987: 怎不去殺中國人24F 03/16 10:01
heat0204: 穆斯林是種族還是宗教啊25F 03/16 10:02
glory5566: 最好穆斯林有多成這樣啦,比例比桃園的外勞還少的族群26F 03/16 10:02
glory5566: 講成侵略大軍,反社會人渣找藉口而已。
hpw841031: 澳洲的仇恨跑去紐西蘭,紐西蘭人過得好好的覺得無辜28F 03/16 10:02
starcow: 台灣人感同身受,一堆滯台中國人,只會壓榨台灣的資源29F 03/16 10:03
y30048: 某樓說是黑暗騎士是腦袋被摘了嗎30F 03/16 10:06
thool: 就和支那種一樣無恥!先把原住民抓去做番肉番膏殺光光,再31F 03/16 10:06
glory5566: 認識的穆斯林都是跟華人一樣開家小店買kebab還有羊肉咖32F 03/16 10:06
glory5566: 哩求生存而已,自己種族歧視用有色眼鏡看人覺得人家做
thool: 鳩占鵲巢不知羞恥的說自己才是是正港的台灣人!然後歧視東34F 03/16 10:07
glory5566: 什麼都是有陰謀的,更智障的是居然還有這麼多人信他這35F 03/16 10:07
thool: 南亞移民。36F 03/16 10:07
glory5566: 些屁話。37F 03/16 10:07
g0t24568: 把土地還給原住民38F 03/16 10:08
glory5566: 沒有穆斯林在coles還有woolworths的角落賣沙威馬的話這39F 03/16 10:10
glory5566: 些只會微波冷凍肉派的澳洲白蠢宅早就餓死了。
neo5277: 他很會寫主要是很多事看的被強姦,爆炸受害的歐洲女生41F 03/16 10:15
harrison304: 居然有人贊同他這種拿歪理來合理化屠殺動機的想法?42F 03/16 10:15
harrison304: 這和流氓打人說是被打的先瞪他有什麼不同?
etiennechiu: 某樓他又不是紐西蘭人44F 03/16 10:15
neo5277: 他說本來他也是笑笑而已一直到他在歐洲旅行的時候,剛好45F 03/16 10:16
neo5277: 是移民攻擊極大期
neo5277: 他真的很會合理化自己行為
harrison304: 穆斯林排外所以該屠殺?贊同的到底在想什麼?48F 03/16 10:17
birdy590: 如果看的是歐洲 確實有它的道理在 德法伊斯蘭化都很嚴重49F 03/16 10:19
birdy590: 但這種人的國際觀當然很奇怪 像對亞洲的看法都是錯的
smpian: 腦袋真的有洞51F 03/16 10:20
birdy590: 歐洲的極右派勢力也是愈來愈大 要說沒有危機感都騙人的52F 03/16 10:21
sirlers: 連結有問題?53F 03/16 10:23
asiaking5566: 原來不是只有我打不開連結54F 03/16 10:27
g0t24568: 黑暗騎士 真正正義55F 03/16 10:28
excia: 左過頭的移民政策是導致悲劇的原因之一 屠殺是錯誤的不必討56F 03/16 10:30
excia: 論 但是西方政府有必要調整一些被濫用的政策來保障國民的生
excia: 命財產
Aliensoul: 白人要硬起來!59F 03/16 10:33
JamesChen: 居然有人贊同他?簡直無言了60F 03/16 10:33
asssstang: 屠殺這個做法有問題 不過穆斯林太多本來就會威脅地區安61F 03/16 10:43
KevinCL: 不准移民偏偏自己也只是早一點到的移民 似曾相識62F 03/16 10:46
RickyRubio: 國民黨63F 03/16 10:50
vesta9: 人渣 沒有討論空間64F 03/16 10:58
olalo: 智障,這種說法,那全世界只有非洲人不用被殺,其它地區都65F 03/16 11:06
olalo: 是移民出來的
rcak801: 所以他是支持毛利人殺光所有紐西蘭澳洲白人?67F 03/16 11:13
rcak801: 改信教也不行 挖靠 真是高大上的基督教

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