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作者 標題 [新聞] 執意築牆! 川普宣布國家進入緊急狀態
時間 Sat Feb 16 09:51:32 2019
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執意築牆! 川普宣布國家進入緊急狀態
※ 社論特稿都不能貼! 違者刪除(政治類水桶3個月),貼廣告也會被刪除喔!
SECURING OUR BORDER: President Donald J. Trump is following through on his
promise to secure the border with legislation and Executive action.
President Trump was elected partly on his promise to secure the Southern
Border with a barrier and, since his first day in office, he has been
following through on that promise.
As the President has said, sections of the border wall are already being
built, and legislation and Executive actions are building on that progress.
Executive action being taken by the President makes available additional
funding to secure our border that is essential to our national security.
LEGISLATIVE WINS: President Trump secured a number of significant legislative
victories in the Homeland Security appropriations bill that further his
effort to secure the Southern Border and protect our country.
The funding bill contains robust resources and additional provisions to
secure the border and strengthen immigration enforcement.
The bill provides $1.375 billion for approximately 55 miles of border barrier
in highly dangerous and drug smuggling areas in the Rio Grande Valley, where
it is desperately needed.
More than 40 percent of all border apprehensions occurred in the Rio Grande
Valley sector in fiscal year (FY) 2018.
The Rio Grande Valley was the border sector with the most known deaths of
illegal border crossers in FY 2018.
$415 million will go toward addressing the humanitarian crisis at the border
by providing medical care, transportation, processing centers, and
President Trump successfully rejected efforts by some to undercut Immigration
and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) ability to uphold our laws and detain
illegal aliens, including criminals.
ICE funding supports nearly 5,000 additional beds to detain illegal aliens
and keep criminals off our streets.
Customs and Border Protection will receive funding for 600 additional
This bill will help keep deadly drugs out of our communities by increasing
drug detection at ports of entry, including opioid detection staffing, labs,
and equipment.
A PROMISE TO ACT: President Trump is taking Executive action to ensure we
stop the national security and humanitarian crisis at our Southern Border.
President Trump is using his legal authority to take Executive action to
secure additional resources, just as he promised. In part, he is declaring a
national emergency that makes available additional troops and funding for
military construction.
Including funding in Homeland Security appropriations, the Administration has
so far identified up to $8.1 billion that will be available to build the
border wall once a national emergency is declared and additional funds have
been reprogrammed, including:
About $601 million from the Treasury Forfeiture Fund
Up to $2.5 billion under the Department of Defense funds transferred for
Support for Counterdrug Activities (Title 10 United States Code, section 284
Up to $3.6 billion reallocated from Department of Defense military
construction projects under the President’s declaration of a national
emergency (Title 10 United States Code, section 2808)
These funding sources will be used sequentially and as needed.
The Department of Homeland Security, Department of Defense, and the Army
Corps of Engineers are working to create a prioritized list of segments and a
work plan for the remainder of FY 2019 and beyond.
New projects could include: new levee wall, new and replacement primary
pedestrian barrier, new vehicle-to-pedestrian barrier, and new secondary
NATIONAL EMERGENCY ON OUR BORDER: The President is using his clear authority
to declare a national emergency as allowed under the National Emergencies Act.
Since 1976, presidents have declared nearly 60 national emergencies.
Most of the previously declared national emergencies have been continually
renewed and are still in effect, after being continually renewed.
Multiple Governors have declared states of emergency along the border in the
Former Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano, who became President Obama’s DHS
Secretary, declared a state of emergency along the border in 2005.
Former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson also declared a state of emergency
at the border in 2005.
Former President George W. Bush and former President Obama both directed the
use of the military to assist DHS in securing and managing the Southern
Former President Bush declared a national emergency in 2001, which invoked
reprogramming authority granted by Title 10 United States Code, section 2808,
and both he and former President Obama used that authority a total of 18
times to fund projects between 2001 and 2014.
ADDRESSING THE CRISIS AT HAND: President Trump is taking the necessary steps
to address the crisis at our Southern Border and stop crime and drugs from
flooding into our Nation.
Cartels, traffickers, and gangs, like the vile MS-13 gang, have taken
advantage of our weak borders for their own gain.
Immigration officers have made 266,000 arrests of criminal aliens in the last
two fiscal years.
This includes aliens charged or convicted of approximately 100,000 assaults,
30,000 sex crimes, and 4,000 killings.
Tons of deadly drugs have flooded across the border and into our communities,
taking countless American lives.
Methamphetamine, heroin, cocaine, and fentanyl all flow across our Southern
Border and destroy our communities.
More than 70,000 Americans died of drug overdoses in 2017 alone.
Human traffickers exploit our borders to traffic young girls and women into
our country and sell them into prostitution and slavery.
Massive caravans of migrants view our unsecure border as a way to gain
illegal entry into our country and take advantage of our nonsensical
immigration loopholes.
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執意築牆! 川普宣布國家進入緊急狀態 - 國際 - 自由時報電子報
美國總統川普在當地時間15日上午宣布國家進入緊急狀態,白宮隨即公布川普簽署聲明的照片和聲明全文,此舉川普將獲得80億美元(約新台幣2480億元)的經費,得以建造他選前不斷承諾的美墨邊境城牆。綜合媒體報導,川普15日在白宮玫瑰園發表「南方邊境與人道危機」演說,宣布國家緊急狀態,藉此繞過國會、從其他部門 ...
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推 : 戒嚴開始了1F 02/16 09:52
推 : 墨西哥那麼亂被蓋牆也是剛好而已2F 02/16 09:52
推 : 蓋圍牆就宣佈戒嚴 讚3F 02/16 09:53
推 : 三普真的有在做事 不過CNN又要崩潰了4F 02/16 09:54
推 : 防巨人或是怪獸還是喪屍吧5F 02/16 09:54
推 : 這是哪招6F 02/16 09:54
推 : 霸氣7F 02/16 09:55
噓 : 阿選前不是很屌,說有辦法說服墨西哥付錢結果現在在這邊8F 02/16 09:56
→ : 呵呵,也只有腦殘川粉會挺
→ : 呵呵,也只有腦殘川粉會挺
推 : 川普好狂。。難怪文青不喜歡...XD10F 02/16 09:57
→ : 天祐合眾國11F 02/16 10:00
推 : 應該加裝自動掃射機器人 這樣就沒人敢靠近邊界12F 02/16 10:00
推 : 築牆的錢貿易賺回來就好,美墨協議都重簽了13F 02/16 10:02
噓 : 選前說一套選後做一套,台灣政客:空心美國川:霸氣,八14F 02/16 10:03
→ : 卦宅標準好一致www
→ : 卦宅標準好一致www
→ : 蓋鐵絲牆都沒錢了還裝機器人zzz16F 02/16 10:03
推 : 所以要蓋木牆還是石牆? 請給我石頭?17F 02/16 10:03
推 : 文青才會喜歡吧? 就一個法西斯式狂人18F 02/16 10:04
→ : 對啊 重簽協議 錢遲早從墨西哥出也沒差啊19F 02/16 10:04
推 : 反觀高雄的那個各種跳票20F 02/16 10:05
推 : 為達政見不擇手段XD 反觀臺灣政客21F 02/16 10:06
推 : 這比習帝還屌 川皇登基22F 02/16 10:06
推 : 真der猛23F 02/16 10:06
推 : 川普說到做到,真牛24F 02/16 10:10
推 : 墨西哥端要開始各種地下工事了,現在去賣給毒梟挖土機,是25F 02/16 10:11
→ : 不是可以撈一筆?
→ : 不是可以撈一筆?
→ : 美始皇 美始皇 美始皇27F 02/16 10:13
推 : 說到做到並不難 問題是他無視所有行政程序 一意孤行 這28F 02/16 10:14
→ : 種做法就是獨裁
→ : 希特勒一開始施政滿意度也極高 可是發展到後來...
→ : 種做法就是獨裁
→ : 希特勒一開始施政滿意度也極高 可是發展到後來...
推 : 天龍國:進入緊急狀態,修建臨新北長城31F 02/16 10:16
→ : 讚,我川威武,堵死那些墨西哥豬32F 02/16 10:19
推 : MAGA33F 02/16 10:19
推 : 讚 說到做到34F 02/16 10:19
推 : 保護國家意識很強35F 02/16 10:22
推 : 秦始皇:请川普小弟弟交1000亿人民币版税36F 02/16 10:25
→ : 狂37F 02/16 10:27
→ : 真不爽大法官釋憲啊,還獨裁咧,笑死
→ : 真不爽大法官釋憲啊,還獨裁咧,笑死
推 : 不是決定從墨西哥毒梟那沒收150億美金來蓋牆嗎39F 02/16 10:29
推 : 若墨西哥人挖地道,築牆擋得住嗎40F 02/16 10:30
→ : 三普一項一項承諾完成,言而無信就是畜生41F 02/16 10:31
推 : 挖壕溝42F 02/16 10:39
推 : 狂啊~43F 02/16 10:41
→ : 美國韓國瑜44F 02/16 10:41
推 : 美國真男人 當初我還看好希拉蕊 難怪我被修理45F 02/16 11:10
推 : 太狂了46F 02/16 11:12
推 : 真的有手段47F 02/16 11:25
推 : 川普跟墨西哥毒梟要錢。超威48F 02/16 11:31
推 : 真的兌現政見 推一個49F 02/16 11:34
推 : 好屌@@原本以為在唬爛的結果真的有在兌現50F 02/16 11:36
推 : 一諾千金,言出必行,能選出這種政治家,是美國人的51F 02/16 11:37
→ : 智慧和幸運
→ : 智慧和幸運
噓 : 大禹治水早就告訴我們堵不如疏當然如果只想做短期53F 02/16 11:44
→ : 有改善假象那堵也是個騙愚民好辦法
→ : 有改善假象那堵也是個騙愚民好辦法
推 : 笑死 那樓上說說難民 毒品 非法勞工要怎麼疏55F 02/16 11:48
→ aa1052026 …
推 : 真要從源頭解決,就是要中南美國家作好內政,問題是真要這57F 02/16 12:24
→ : 樣搞,說什麼「大禹治水」這種話的人八成又會嘴美國干涉他
→ : 國內政,呵呵
→ : 樣搞,說什麼「大禹治水」這種話的人八成又會嘴美國干涉他
→ : 國內政,呵呵
推 : 中有萬里長城,美有川普高牆,推文有覺青希粉崩潰60F 02/16 12:39
推 : 哇61F 02/16 12:52
推 : 不懂他幹嘛一定要搞一座牆62F 02/16 12:56
推 : 雖然有點無言,但說到做到我非推不可63F 02/16 12:58
推 : 靠,我川是玩真的!看看台灣政客講的屁話...64F 02/16 12:59
推 : 我支持欸 如果我是南部臨界那幾州的人65F 02/16 13:02
→ : 呵呵 美國是從沒有干涉他國內政嗎現在堵的利益大於66F 02/16 13:02
→ : 狂 說到做到67F 02/16 13:03
→ : 疏的利益當然就鐵腕下去順便騙選票改天疏更有利益68F 02/16 13:04
→ : 就是又轉彎了美國不意外
→ : 就是又轉彎了美國不意外
推 : 境外來的不能車過去就只能想辦法擋70F 02/16 13:16
推 : 美墨圍牆,中國買單。先加25%關稅再說。71F 02/16 13:23
推 : 美國人自己那麼愛吸毒72F 02/16 13:23
→ : 蓋牆有屁用 有暴利可賺牆擋不住的
→ : 蓋牆有屁用 有暴利可賺牆擋不住的
噓 : 1、3樓緊急命令不等於戒嚴吧?不然臺灣之前921又戒嚴了?74F 02/16 13:27
推 : 說到做到是基本的75F 02/16 13:36
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 8 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1507
( ̄︶ ̄)b leon999su, Kauthara, darkrise1980, simon9331, a0987789369, Han_Sen, nice-dick, op20181115 共 8 個人 說讚!
3樓 時間: 2019-02-16 13:28:45 (台灣)
02-16 13:28 TW