※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-01-09 09:19:32
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 Re: [新聞] 澳媒:王立強收到蔡正元 大陸商人死亡恐嚇
時間 Wed Jan 8 23:42:29 2020
A self-confessed Chinese intelligence operative seeking to defect to
Australia was allegedly warned on Christmas Eve that he could be sent back to
China and killed unless he publicly retracted his story.
Wang Liqiang caused an international scandal in November when he told The
Age, The Sydney Morning Herald and 60 Minutes that he had worked on behalf of
a Beijing-directed foreign interference ring targeting independence and
democracy movements in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Mr Wang fled to Australia to
seek asylum and assist ASIO.
The Chinese government dismissed his claims as false and said he was a
convicted criminal, while ASIO director-general Mike Burgess issued a rare
statement saying his agency took claims of foreign interference seriously.
Australian security agencies have now learnt that Mr Wang received the first
of a series of threats and inducements on Christmas Eve, according to sources
with direct knowledge of the events who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Mr Wang could not be reached for comment and appears to have gone into
hiding. However, the sources said he was told in a series of messages that
his family would be spared punishment and his debts would be repaid if he
gave a public statement retracting his claims about spying for China. The
directives sent to Mr Wang appear to have been co-ordinated by a senior
political operative in Taiwan and a businessman in China, according to
sources and messages sighted by this masthead.
Mr Wang was provided with a script and told to record a video message in
which he would falsely claim that Taiwan’s democratically elected governing
party, the Democratic Progressive Party, had bribed him to lie by offering
him “a large sum of money”. Such a video would be a controversial
intervention in Taiwan's presidential election this weekend, where Chinese
Communist Party influence and Mr Wang's claims of being ordered to disrupt
the election have become a key political issue.
The Australian Federal Police is treating seriously alleged threats to Mr
Wang, with sources confirming they opened an investigation in the hours after
the first message was received on Christmas Eve.
"The Australian Federal Police is aware of threats made against a man
currently residing in Australia," a spokesman said. "The AFP takes threats of
this nature seriously and has commenced an investigation."
The AFP also said its Counter-Espionage and Special Investigations Taskforce
was targeting "foreign interference activities ranging from covert influence
campaigns to traditional espionage".
A video message
Taiwan's authorities are investigating Mr Wang's claims in November that he
helped run a “cyber army” distributing pro-Beijing propaganda during
municipal elections in 2018. One of the Facebook pages Mr Wang nominated as a
covert propaganda tool was recently shut down by Facebook. He also said he
had been ordered to interfere in the January 11 presidential election and
that it was at this point he decided to defect.
Sources familiar with the communications say that on Christmas Eve and over
the following days, Mr Wang was told that he must record and release a video
retracting those claims and instead implicate President Tsai Ing-wen's
Democratic Progressive Party in bribery.
The two men suspected of co-ordinating the directives are controversial
Taiwanese political figure Alex Tsai and a China-based businessman called Mr
Sun. Mr Tsai is a former legislator and a current deputy secretary of
Taiwan's main opposition party, the Kuomintang (KMT), which is opposing
President Tsai in the election.
涉嫌發出這些指令的兩個人是臺灣政治人物Alex Tsai,以及中國商人孫先生
Mr Tsai is regarded as close to Beijing and was arrested and briefly detained
in 2017 for alleged embezzlement.
Among the messages Mr Tsai allegedly sent Mr Wang are photos of Mr Tsai
meeting Chinese President Xi Jinping. Mr Wang was told that if he followed
the directives prior to the presidential election this Saturday he would be
welcomed back to China or Taiwan, given financial benefits and have his
family protected. If he did not comply, however, he was told he would be
extradited to China to face death or even be targeted for reprisals in
但如果他不遵守約定,他則可能被引渡到中國面對死亡(face death)
The activity targeting Mr Wang appears aimed at swaying the outcome of
Taiwan's presidential election by falsely implicating the governing party in
corruption. If the DPP and President Tsai lost the election it would be a
major coup for the Chinese government.
The script Mr Wang was instructed to read also includes a line in which he
would recant allegations he made against businessman Xiang Xin, who Mr Wang
claimed employed him in Hong Kong and led a Chinese Communist Party spy ring.
"About Xiang Xin, he is only an acquaintance I've met one or two times," the
script read. "I implicated him and his wife in espionage together because he
is the richest person and most high-status person I know."
After Mr Wang's spying claims were aired in Australia in November, Mr Xiang
was prevented from leaving Taiwan by national security officials who began
investigating him. Mr Xiang, who has deep ties to China's military technology
sector, denies all wrongdoing.
The script Mr Wang was told to read states that he had conducted his November
interview revealing his Taiwan spy allegations because a person from the DPP
had "promised me ... the Democratic Progressive Party would guarantee that it
would give me a large sum of money and sort out my asylum application in
Australia or help me settle in Taiwan".
'Freely settle in Taiwan'
Sources have allowed The Age and Herald to view some of the messages sent to
Mr Wang via intermediaries on various messaging applications. The initial
approaches attempted to offer Mr Wang inducements in return for his
co-operation. One message said, “if you take up the offer by the end of this
month, everyone will help ensure you safely return to mainland China, and at
the same time will help you resolve all your debts". Another said: “The KMT
has agreed that they can let him freely settle in Taiwan.”
While Mr Tsai appears to have been prepared to offer only inducements to Mr
Wang – namely, safe passage to Taiwan arranged by his political party – Mr
Sun issued both threats and inducements. Messages obtained by The Age and the
Herald also show Mr Sun and Mr Tsai communicating with each other and
discussing how to deal with Mr Wang.
Sources alleged Mr Sun warned that Mr Wang could be extradited to China and
killed or his family on the Chinese mainland punished if he did not
co-operate. It is an offence under Australian foreign interference laws to
infringe on the rights of a person in Australia such as an asylum seeker by
using bribery or threats in order to advance the interests of a foreign power.
Interviewed on Wednesday afternoon, Mr Tsai said: "I have been in direct
contact with Wang. My friend [Mr Sun] has also been in direct contact with
Mr Tsai denied acting inappropriately or having any involvement in urging Mr
Wang to record a script implicating the DPP in corruption.
"I haven't asked him to put out any statement," Mr Tsai said. However, Mr
Tsai sent Mr Sun a message in which he appears to refer to the script Mr Wang
was to be directed to record.
Mr Sun said on Wednesday that he had written the script for Mr Wang to read.
Mr Sun described himself as a close friend of Xiang Xin but, contrary to Mr
Tsai's interview and messages seen by The Age and Herald, denied being in
contact with Mr Tsai.
While Mr Xiang has denied knowning Mr Wang, Mr Sun said the pair had met
"once or twice". Mr Sun also confirmed that Mr Xiang had worked for the
Chinese military. Mr Sun denied threatening Mr Wang or his family.
Seeking asylum
Mr Wang’s November television interview sparked a political firestorm in
Taiwan. The Chinese government is seeking to reunify Taiwan with the mainland
despite fierce opposition from the ruling DPP, and Chinese influence in
Taiwan has become a key political issue.
世紀報(英語:The Age),是費爾法克斯傳媒時代有限公司在1854年澳大利亞墨爾本發
2018 韓粉:你確定要打這個?
2019 韓粉:別打了!別打了!我支持蔡英文就是!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1U5VXf9q (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1578498153.A.274.html
推 : 2018 韓粉:你確定要打這個?1F 台灣 01/08 23:44
推 : 突然安靜了起來2F 台灣 01/08 23:44
推 : 所以這案件的進度到哪了3F 台灣 01/08 23:44
→ : ettoday 新頭殼都報了4F 台灣 01/08 23:44
推 : 不只豬油啦5F 台灣 01/08 23:44
推 : 蔡正元有私底下見過習近平???6F 台灣 01/08 23:45
推 : 第4顆核彈來了7F 台灣 01/08 23:45
推 : 高調9F 台灣 01/08 23:45
→ : dpp的大絕就是這招了嗎10F 台灣 01/08 23:45
你以為DPP控制得了澳洲AGE報?※ 編輯: DreamYeh ( 臺灣), 01/08/2020 23:46:24
→ : 止兀自己要去威脅人家的11F 台灣 01/08 23:46
推 : 網頁找 蔡正元 一堆新聞有出這報導12F 台灣 01/08 23:46
→ : 觀望 不知真假13F 台灣 01/08 23:46
※ 編輯: DreamYeh ( 臺灣), 01/08/2020 23:48:54→ : 澳洲是DPP側翼我還以為大家都知道14F 台灣 01/08 23:46
推 : 回來保證你安全,不回來就殺你,三小保證XD15F 台灣 01/08 23:47
推 : 蔡英文已經是宇宙大統領 到處都能管16F 台灣 01/08 23:47
推 : 搞不好明天向心案就對外公開了17F 台灣 01/08 23:48
推 : 而且他還代表kmt跟人家開價 他媽的18F 台灣 01/08 23:48
→ : 畢竟死亡威脅是聖誕節前 已經過了十幾天19F 台灣 01/08 23:48
→ andy199113 …
推 : 厲害喔21F 台灣 01/08 23:48
→ : 這也太誇張了國民黨22F 台灣 01/08 23:49
推 : 國際機器又動得很厲害了23F 台灣 01/08 23:49
→ : 全世界都是民進黨側翼,突然覺得民進黨還24F 台灣 01/08 23:49
推 : 裡面說要幫王立強解決負債~很明顯他就25F 台灣 01/08 23:49
→ : 不錯26F 台灣 01/08 23:50
→ : 是假間諜27F 台灣 01/08 23:50
→ : 裡面第三點寫說要說他跟台灣的誰接觸過
→ : 很明顯是邱義仁
→ : 裡面第三點寫說要說他跟台灣的誰接觸過
→ : 很明顯是邱義仁
推 : 這下kmt百口莫辯,都被直接指名了30F 台灣 01/08 23:51
推 : 一定是蔡英文操控澳洲政府跟媒體啦31F 台灣 01/08 23:51
→ : 哇噻 覺得明天精彩了32F 台灣 01/08 23:51
→ : 裡面都寫說要幫他解決負債了 還在裝間33F 台灣 01/08 23:51
首度查獲/台商在中國操盤 遙控台灣大選賭盤 - 社會 - 自由時報電子報
檢警首度查獲台商在中國遙控操盤台灣大選賭盤案!發覺此一選舉賭盤以「西瓜」、「藍莓」做為蔡英文和韓國瑜兩名總統候選人的代號供賭,在台則由盧姓男子負責接受賭客下注及抽取「水錢」,檢察官認為本案有意圖使人不當選,影響選舉及聚眾賭博等罪責,擬對大組頭孫姓台商發布通緝。以西瓜、藍莓為代號 ...
→ : 諜xd35F 台灣 01/08 23:52
→ : 嗎?36F 台灣 01/08 23:52
→ : 選舉只剩兩三天,這顆核彈下去對kmt太恐怖惹37F 台灣 01/08 23:52
→ : 這兩天有新聞寫 邱義仁去找過王立強 間38F 台灣 01/08 23:53
推 : 為啥會去具名威脅啊 不懂39F 台灣 01/08 23:53
→ : 諜案才出來的~40F 台灣 01/08 23:53
推 : 靠北 澳洲媒體對於台灣政治人物的41F 台灣 01/08 23:53
→ : 柯粉:假議題42F 台灣 01/08 23:53
→ : 底細這麼清楚 怕43F 台灣 01/08 23:53
推 : 不就是個詐欺犯? 扯耶KMT!44F 台灣 01/08 23:53
推 : 他真的很囂張 直接恐嚇欸45F 台灣 01/08 23:53
→ : 難道之前香蕉星人預告的大案就這==?46F 台灣 01/08 23:54
→ : 大膽推測王立強的爆料都是台灣的政治人47F 台灣 01/08 23:54
→ : 物給的
→ : 物給的
→ : 還有英文名字叫做亞歷斯喔...49F 台灣 01/08 23:54
→ : 樓上,要有證據再說,這種事是不能亂推50F 台灣 01/08 23:55
→ : 測跟無中生有的
→ : 測跟無中生有的
推 : 邱毅說的話能信逆~52F 台灣 01/08 23:55
推 : 澳洲百年大報耶靠53F 台灣 01/08 23:55

→ : 止兀還說要遣返他讓他死 憑什麼喔……55F 台灣 01/08 23:56
→ : 人家都說大膽推測了 跟韓一樣有大膽的想法56F 台灣 01/08 23:57
推 : 見過包子?????哇賽57F 台灣 01/08 23:58
→ superjim …
推 : 這報社若是DPP收買的成 我還不投爆小英59F 台灣 01/09 00:00
推 : 都幹這種殺身之禍的事會在意在中國的60F 台灣 01/09 00:00
→ : 惡債? 邏輯呢?
→ : 惡債? 邏輯呢?
→ superjim …
→ : 笑了 什麼爛劇本 當大家笨蛋XDD63F 台灣 01/09 00:01
噓 : 這個外文翻譯沒有過標準吧?64F 澳大利亞 01/09 00:01
→ superjim …
→ : 我沒空也非翻譯專業 但大致翻譯是沒錯的67F 台灣 01/09 00:03
→ : 提供本篇只是要讓一堆X粉在豬油不可信時
→ : 提供大家去看原新聞來源
→ : 提供本篇只是要讓一堆X粉在豬油不可信時
→ : 提供大家去看原新聞來源
推 : 國民黨真的沒救了70F 台灣 01/09 00:05
推 : 澳洲媒體馬上變1450蟑螂 ㄎㄎ71F 台灣 01/09 00:07
推 : 美國真的看KMT很不爽了耶 下手這麼重72F 台灣 01/09 00:11
→ : 澳洲媒體!推起來!73F 台灣 01/09 00:13
推 : 和平協議一簽,台灣跟中國就是同一國了74F 台灣 01/09 00:14
推 : 野雞報,沒聽過76F 台灣 01/09 00:23
翻譯共筆:撤回聲明或死?自承是中國間諜的王立強稱遭到威脅 - HackMD
# 翻譯共筆:撤回聲明不然沒命?自承是中國間諜的王立強稱受到威脅 澳洲媒體《世紀報》(The Age)報導,自承是中國間諜的王立強,遭到蔡正元聯合一名孫姓中國商人威脅,要求王立強撤回其指控。 ...
→ : 弟弟又調皮了78F 台灣 01/09 00:34
推 : 蔡霧島又動用國際機器了,不用退選負責嗎79F 日本 01/09 00:42
→ : 推翻譯80F 台灣 01/09 00:53
推 : 弟弟不演了81F 台灣 01/09 00:55
→ NSRC …
推 : 推83F 台灣 01/09 03:08
推 : 今年大選副本太多,吃重鹹習慣以後選舉會無84F 美國 01/09 03:09
→ : 感
→ : 自己上勾了?本來想怎都沒後續
推 : 先前的嘉芬澳洲團跟這有沒關?
→ : 感
→ : 自己上勾了?本來想怎都沒後續
推 : 先前的嘉芬澳洲團跟這有沒關?
→ : 如果澳媒沒有戳破…完全是宇昌案翻版88F 台灣 01/09 04:43
→ : 選前被假證據指控…然後死的莫名其妙
→ : 選前被假證據指控…然後死的莫名其妙
推 : 黑韓產業鏈 黑起來90F 台灣 01/09 06:39
推 : 推翻譯91F 台灣 01/09 07:03
→ : 這是蔡正元結外生枝 但王立強應該還是假的92F 台灣 01/09 07:37
推 : 又想搞一個宇昌案93F 台灣 01/09 08:52
推 : kmt又要搞這種事情了...94F 台灣 01/09 08:56
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 132
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