※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-02-06 10:52:28
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] 看過的英文佳句?
時間 Wed Feb 6 02:21:06 2019
看到line or ig上
work hard play hard
never give up
Sent from JPTT on my HTC_2Q4D100.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1SMTGKbk (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1549390868.A.96E.html
推 : who car2F 02/06 02:21
※ 編輯: april7777 (, 02/06/2019 02:26:36推 : stay hungry stay foolish3F 02/06 02:22
推 : i dot car4F 02/06 02:22
→ : IKEA5F 02/06 02:22
推 : sieg heil6F 02/06 02:23
推 : may7F 02/06 02:23
推 : goo.gl/DZFc7i8F 02/06 02:24
推 : "Soon we must all face the choice between what is ri9F 02/06 02:24
→ : ght and what is easy." - Harry Potter
→ : ght and what is easy." - Harry Potter
推 : may show gun more.................................11F 02/06 02:25
推 : 諾叛懦幹12F 02/06 02:25
電影名言錄 - ott板 - Disp BBS
電影名言!我個人喜歡的整理。 anew2000 發表於 2007-8-13 04:24 PM 征服情海 精采對白(英):You make me completely. 精采對白(翻譯):都是你讓我的生
推 : Dick in a box14F 02/06 02:29
→ : I relish euphoria on precocious girls' face.15F 02/06 02:32
推 : Bang16F 02/06 02:32
推 : kaohsiung fa da tsai17F 02/06 02:35
推 : The truth makes you free.18F 02/06 02:35
→ : Han kuo yu wo ai ni19F 02/06 02:35
推 : hello my friend20F 02/06 02:36
推 : dobby is freeeeee21F 02/06 02:36
推 : U R MY PUSSY22F 02/06 02:37
推 : Deeper…Deeper23F 02/06 02:44
→ : In god we trust24F 02/06 02:44
推 : I am ur dadddddddddd25F 02/06 02:45
推 : I want to play a game.26F 02/06 02:45
推 : Live for nothing or die for something -- Sylvester Sta27F 02/06 02:46
→ : lon
→ : lon
→ : yo bitch29F 02/06 02:47
推 : Kono DIO da!30F 02/06 02:49
推 : God is dead!!31F 02/06 02:55
推 : Attitude,ot Aptitude,etermines Altitude.32F 02/06 02:58
推 : A for Apple33F 02/06 02:59
→ : 不知為啥少not跟determines的自字首不見了@@34F 02/06 03:00
推 : 今天在才聽到一句 How do you spell LOVE?TIME XD35F 02/06 03:04
推 : Show Me The $$$$$36F 02/06 03:04
推 : an apple a day, keeps the dr away37F 02/06 03:22
推 : バルス38F 02/06 03:25
推 : for the horde39F 02/06 03:25
推 : Hello World!40F 02/06 03:35
推 : Hakuna Matata41F 02/06 03:38
→ : you jump I jump42F 02/06 03:44
推 : winter is coming43F 02/06 03:45
→ : Mother Fucker44F 02/06 03:49
推 : You can you up45F 02/06 03:58
推 : Don`t touch me46F 02/06 04:01
推 : Suck my dick47F 02/06 04:03
推 : Alliz Well48F 02/06 04:31
推 : Shame....shame.....shame....49F 02/06 04:35
推 : ㄇㄉㄈㄎ50F 02/06 04:36
推 : This is a book51F 02/06 04:54
推 : Apple pen52F 02/06 04:55
推 : 純推上帝以屎53F 02/06 05:22
→ : May show gun more54F 02/06 06:06
推 : festital55F 02/06 06:25
→ : 我的英文越來越好. My English is gooder and gooder.56F 02/06 06:26
推 : Wryyyyyyyyyy57F 02/06 06:32
推 : May58F 02/06 06:46
推 : Say my name59F 02/06 06:51
推 : Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis60F 02/06 06:52
推 : A man a pen61F 02/06 06:54
推 : Hold the doooooooooooor62F 02/06 07:01
推 : Ah~63F 02/06 07:02
推 : hello world64F 02/06 07:04
→ : Wanna suck my dick dick?65F 02/06 07:08
推 : chiwawa66F 02/06 07:09
→ : I Won67F 02/06 07:10
推 : Sit down please68F 02/06 07:15
推 : Dont stop me now.69F 02/06 07:17
推 : may show gun more70F 02/06 07:18
推 : How do u turn this on71F 02/06 07:18
推 : cout << "Hello! World";72F 02/06 07:25
推 : Ionia calls73F 02/06 07:45
推 : say hello to my little friend74F 02/06 07:45
推 : Dream come true75F 02/06 08:01
推 : not too shabby76F 02/06 08:05
推 : Forgiveness is between them and God. It's my job a77F 02/06 08:18
→ : rrange the metting
→ : rrange the metting
→ : tuck frump79F 02/06 08:25
推 : senpai (> <80F 02/06 08:40
推 : Where is costco81F 02/06 08:42
推 : two be or one be, is a question.82F 02/06 09:04
推 : Say my name83F 02/06 09:07
推 : You shall not pass!84F 02/06 09:12
→ : Is it good to drink?85F 02/06 09:13
推 : where are my dragons!!!86F 02/06 09:16
推 : chingchingchang nihaobaobao cowbei87F 02/06 09:21
推 : ㄇㄉㄈㄎ88F 02/06 09:24
推 : Seize the day.90F 02/06 09:35
推 : Like father, like son.91F 02/06 09:40
推 : Fuck My Life.92F 02/06 09:44
推 : I wanna play u93F 02/06 09:47
推 : how do you turn this on94F 02/06 09:57
推 : No matter how good you are you are evil in someone's95F 02/06 10:01
→ : story.
→ : story.
推 : I SAY IKEA97F 02/06 10:29
推 : That girl never gives up.那女孩從來不給上98F 02/06 10:31
推 : everybody needs a hobby.99F 02/06 10:36
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 212
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1樓 時間: 2019-02-06 11:47:14 (台灣)
02-06 11:47 TW
show me the money / Time is money , friend ....