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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-02-10 14:23:44
看板 Gossiping
作者 billy3321 (雨蒼)
標題 [爆卦] 國際學者給台灣人民的公開信(中英文)
時間 Wed Jan  9 10:04:13 2019



英文原文:Taipei Times
Open letter to democratic Taiwan - Taipei Times
We the undersigned scholars, former government and military officials, and other friends of Taiwan who have witnessed and admired Taiwan’s transition  ...


國際學者給台灣人民的公開信(中英文) - HackMD
我們呼籲台灣人民看清未來作為自由與民主國家,成為國際社會完整與平等成員的前景。這個過程可能緩慢和繁複,但基本要務是自己要團結支持以民主方式選出的總統。蔡總統已展現持平、彈性和堅定的風格,台灣正是需要這種領袖特質,以渡過風浪,航向更光明與安全的未來。 ...



Open letter to democratic Taiwan

We the undersigned scholars, former government and military officials,
and other friends of Taiwan who have witnessed and admired Taiwan's
transition to democracy for many decades wish to express to the people
of Taiwan our sense of urgency to maintain unity and continuity at this
critical moment in Taiwan's history.

It is obvious that during the past two years, the People's Republic of
has left no stone unturned in its attempts to squeeze Taiwan's
international space, threaten it with a buildup of military power and
make it appear as if Taiwan's only future lies in integration with an
authoritarian China.

This pressure culminated on Wednesday last week with a speech by Chinese
President and Chinese Communist Party General Secretary Xi Jinping
(習近平), telling the Taiwanese people that "the Taiwan question" was a
Chinese internal affair, that unification under China's "one country,
two systems" principle was the only option for the future and Taiwan
independence was a "dead end."

In her response the same day, President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) emphasized
that the vast majority of the Taiwanese people strongly rejected "one
country, two systems" and that her government had never accepted the
so-called "1992 consensus."

She then reiterated her "Taiwan consensus" based on the "four musts,"
elaborated in her New Year’s address the day before. These include
that China must accept the reality of the existence of the Republic
of China (Taiwan), and respect the commitment of the 23 million people
of Taiwan to freedom and democracy.

As international scholars, writers and former officials we believe
this is the right response. It is also illustrative of the stable and
responsible leadership Tsai has displayed in the face of the mounting
threat from communist China.

We applaud the courageous stance of the Taiwanese people in resisting
Chinese pressures and protecting their own democratic system.

However, we express our concerns that Beijing’s latest subversive
techniques of deception and disinformation could sow division and
confusion in Taiwan's body politic and create the kind of civil unrest
that Beijing lists as one of the pretexts for using force against Taiwan
 — which would nevertheless constitute aggression in violation of the
UN Charter.

In our view, Tsai is a most effective and knowledgeable statesperson.
With her quiet demeanor and careful balancing she has not only
significantly advanced Taiwan’s place in the international community,
and elevated Taiwan's profile on the international radar screen, but
also stood firm in defending Taiwan's hard-won freedom and democracy.

Just as Taiwan has made itself a democratic model for the region, Tsai
has earned the respect of other nations for her courageous and composed
response to the aggressive bullying of Taiwan’s powerful neighbor. We
urge our own governments to make clear to Beijing that Taiwan does not
stand alone.

Taiwan is at a crossroads as never before. It is under an existential
threat by the People's Republic of China. While we respect the reality
that Taiwan, like all democratic polities, has a range of domestic issues
that must be resolved, that democratic process should proceed in a manner
that does not detract from the overall national unity in the face of the
larger threat to Taiwan's existence as a free and democratic nation.

If Taiwanese across the political spectrum fail to understand this
threat, and go on with business as usual, this provides Beijing's
repressive leaders with an opportunity to divide Taiwanese society
and increasingly make it an inevitability that Taiwan is incorporated
into China.

This happened with East Turkestan in 1949, Tibet in 1950 to 1951, and
Hong Kong in 1997. The repression and lack of freedom and democracy
there should serve as a wake-up call for Taiwan.

We thus appeal to the people of Taiwan to maintain a clear vision for
their future as a free and democratic nation that is a full and equal
member in the international family of nations. The process may be slow
and cumbersome, but it is essential to maintain unity and to be supportive
of a democratically elected president who has demonstrated balance,
flexibility and toughness.

These are the qualities Taiwan needs to navigate the stormy seas ahead
towards a brighter and more secure future.
















John J. Tkacik, International Assessment and Strategy Center, retired US
foreign service officer, Alexandria, Virginia

Clive Ansley, international lawyer, Courtenay, British Columbia

Thomas Bartlett, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California

Joseph A. Bosco, Georgetown University (retired), formerly at the office of
the secretary of defense, US Department of Defense, Washington

Kevin Carrico, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

Frank Chiang, Fordham University Law School, New York

Peter Chow, City University of New York, New York

Jerome A. Cohen, New York University Law School, New York

Michael Danielsen, Taiwan Corner, Copenhagen, Denmark

June Teufel Dreyer, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida

Feng Chongyi, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

Carl Ford, former US assistant secretary of state, National Park University,
Park, Arkansas

Brock Freeman, American Citizens for Taiwan, Seattle, Washington

Michael Rand Hoare, School of Oriental and African Studies, London

Thomas G. Hughes, former chief of staff to the late US senator Claiborne
Pell, Washington

Michael A. Hunzeker, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia

J. Bruce Jacobs, professor emeritus of Asian Languages and Studies, Monash
University, Melbourne, Australia

Paul Jobin, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, and University of Paris Diderot, France

Richard C. Kagan, professor emeritus, Hamline University, St Paul, Minnesota

Michael Y.M. Kau, professor emeritus, Brown University, Providence, Rhode

Bruno Kaufmann, European Democracy Foundation, Switzerland

Sasa Istenic Kotar, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Paul Kovenock, US Department of State (retired), Washington

Andre Laliberte, University of Ottawa, Canada

Perry Link, professor emeritus of East Asian studies, Princeton University,
New Jersey

Victor H. Mair, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The Very Reverend Dr Bruce McLeod, former moderator, United Church of Canada

Wayne Pajunen, writer and former legislative aide, House of Commons, Ottawa

Timothy S. Rich, Western Kentucky University, Kentucky

Shawna Yang Ryan, University of Hawaii, Manoa, Hawaii

Michael Scanlon, Shih Chien University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

David C. Schak, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia

James D. Seymour, Columbia University, New York City

Fang-long Shih, London School of Economics and Political Science, London

Michael Stainton, Taiwanese Human Rights Association of Canada, Toronto,

William A. Stanton, former director of the American Institute in Taiwan,

Peter Tague, Georgetown University Law Center, Washington

Ross Terrill, Fairbank Center Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Arthur Waldron, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Gerrit van der Wees, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia

Jack F. Williams, professor emeritus, Michigan State University, East
Lansing, Michigan

Yenna Wu, University of California, Riverside, California

Ambassador Stephen M. Young, US department of state (retired), Londonderry,
New Hampshire

Gordon G. Chang, author of The Coming Collapse of China, New Jersey.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1SDLQWEz (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1546999456.A.3BD.html
PanaS0Nic: 所以要跟我們建交沒1F 01/09 10:04
nikewang: 請連署台灣加入聯合國 洩洩2F 01/09 10:04
redDest: 太長 end3F 01/09 10:04
CLV518: 哪位?等川普寄信來再說4F 01/09 10:04
arumi416: 柯粉:這些學者不夠務實5F 01/09 10:05
SteveNeko: 所以他們在聯合國的話語權大嗎?6F 01/09 10:05
nh60211as: 廢文只會嘴上說說7F 01/09 10:05
SsKig: 滾 要幫忙再說8F 01/09 10:05
Dinenger: 太長了,先報上學者智商跟學歷再來談9F 01/09 10:06


deann: 外國人干涉台灣內政 管台灣人要選誰當總統 真舞池10F 01/09 10:06
gerund: 確定白癡覺青們看得懂英文嗎...11F 01/09 10:06
Frank: 不要再跟中國叫牌了好不好12F 01/09 10:06
Borges: 給台灣人民幹嘛? 給川普和習近平看吧(它們會看嗎?)13F 01/09 10:07
zeldo: 推14F 01/09 10:08
tim0922: 替代方案呢???15F 01/09 10:08
takase: 推16F 01/09 10:09
radiohead56: 推17F 01/09 10:09
kerodo: 不好意思。我們小市民只想發大財18F 01/09 10:09
chigo520: 都打嘴砲不會跟美國政府跟聯合國施壓19F 01/09 10:10
Daniel1994: 9.25毛才不懂英文吧XDDD20F 01/09 10:10
rrrachel: 推21F 01/09 10:10
miler22020: 柯粉: 吉娃娃崩潰22F 01/09 10:10
cheetahspeed: 心有芥蒂23F 01/09 10:11
stvken:24F 01/09 10:11
allenatptt: 推25F 01/09 10:11
purin3333: 小島乖乖 不要來鬧什麼國際新聞26F 01/09 10:11
eddiego: 菜英文吃屎27F 01/09 10:11
SupCat: 9.2柯黑喜韓五毛崩潰28F 01/09 10:12
elflily: 推啦!!!!29F 01/09 10:12
talrasha: 請蔡總統2020繼續帶領台灣30F 01/09 10:12
jupto: 這封信翻譯過來就是 台灣好棒棒空心菜好棒棒 繼續當米國牽31F 01/09 10:12
SupCat: 五毛仔別想帶風向 滾32F 01/09 10:12
tiuseensii: 7.77推起來爆!!!33F 01/09 10:12
jupto: 制中國的棋子 但是什麼好處都不會給你34F 01/09 10:13


EDGEo93353: 飛彈35F 01/09 10:14
princeguitar: 推36F 01/09 10:14
olaqe: 沒有一個住在台灣 笑死37F 01/09 10:14
firemen007: 推38F 01/09 10:14
SupCat: 五毛仔不知道戰後到現在台灣的經濟是靠誰扶持的39F 01/09 10:14
Irenicus: 只會出一張嘴40F 01/09 10:15
mk5520: 爽41F 01/09 10:15
yuinghoooo: 中英社會報這個喔42F 01/09 10:15
kreator666: 推43F 01/09 10:15
talrasha: 感謝小英對自由與民主的堅持44F 01/09 10:15
Rosychooo: 推45F 01/09 10:15
shawnfu: 阿就國際學者啊,當然都沒住台灣,你比較好笑吧46F 01/09 10:16
fuhaho: 人助也要自助 台灣加油47F 01/09 10:17
kci9kimo: 中國一開始也是靠台商扶起來啦,一開始產品也不是賣中國48F 01/09 10:17
ViktorGoogle: 打仗的時候這些嘴砲學者會上前線?49F 01/09 10:17
SupCat: 五毛仔真的沒讀書的50F 01/09 10:18
Tmmontal: 9.2繼續視而不見51F 01/09 10:18
daydreamer13: 有些人真的恨不得盟友越少越好52F 01/09 10:19
fransiceyho: 推 但9.2一定不相信 以為選贏是自己的功勞53F 01/09 10:19
daydreamer13: 說學者嘴砲,台灣被統他們也不會少一根毛54F 01/09 10:19
sawaman: 推個55F 01/09 10:19
teddyspice: 推56F 01/09 10:19
MarcJacobs: 推57F 01/09 10:19
window77: 感覺這些人的智商都在157以下58F 01/09 10:19
daydreamer13: 但是人家願意署名發表公開言論59F 01/09 10:19
hank81177: 沒用啦,發大財比較要緊60F 01/09 10:20
RxCat: https://i.imgur.com/u9zVdJz.jpg 捍衛自由、民主61F 01/09 10:20
willy90597: 不用外敵  內賊一堆  可撥62F 01/09 10:20
kai6366: 屌屌屌63F 01/09 10:21
Lumia625: 反正有人連內容都不看就開酸 水準真棒呢64F 01/09 10:21
kci9kimo: 整天戰爭恐嚇的,煩不煩,台灣人就不可能接受中國統治65F 01/09 10:21
Moratti: 推66F 01/09 10:21
cream4260: 真的不要被67F 01/09 10:21
cream4260: 中國給的美好願景給騙了
Civ6: 推69F 01/09 10:21
sma7061: 推...70F 01/09 10:22
Lumia625: 想去中國賺錢幹嘛自討苦吃發這個? 不過某些人永遠不懂71F 01/09 10:22
talrasha: 有國際學者支持小英  真的好感動72F 01/09 10:22
Mnchi: 但我們台灣一堆內鬼73F 01/09 10:22
Lumia625: 妳什麼時候看過國際學者發文挺馬囧統一的74F 01/09 10:22
kci9kimo: 就算沒有美國,台灣人難道就會欣喜接受一國兩制,別傻了75F 01/09 10:22
phillp0804: 推76F 01/09 10:23
Benoit: 推77F 01/09 10:23
PTTfaggot: 看來又是民進黨外圍組織78F 01/09 10:23
Penguinpower: 沒用 2020還是一堆中國台北人投KMT 蔡總統就是太高79F 01/09 10:24
Penguinpower: 估台灣百姓……
night957: 無感 有用2018就不會輸成這樣81F 01/09 10:24
iqlow: 推82F 01/09 10:25
kci9kimo: 這要看中共會被打到多慘,他們越慘越會對台灣 指手畫腳83F 01/09 10:25
TrevorStory: 推84F 01/09 10:25
kci9kimo: 中共越多動作,台灣人只會越反感而已85F 01/09 10:25
j31712: 替代方案,就是建立不靠中國的外交,例如簽署台印投保協議86F 01/09 10:25
flybirdy: 國際學者的替代方案勒87F 01/09 10:25
kci9kimo: 2018 選前中共幾乎沒什麼動作,連黃安都閉嘴了88F 01/09 10:26

黃安剪髮祭品挺韓國瑜 前藍委:拜託離我們遠一點!
九合一選舉進入倒數階段,其中高雄市長爭奪戰格外激烈,國民黨候選人韓國瑜近日聲勢高漲,甚至掀起一陣「韓流」席捲高雄。日前歌手黃安也跟風力挺韓國瑜,將賭上留了10年的長髮當「祭品」,讓不少網友狂酸「豬隊友」。昨(14)日國民黨前立委林郁方不領情開砲,「黃安你今天再來這套,你剪什麼頭髮都不關我們屁事。」 ...


tcboy: 柯粉:有什麼替代方案?89F 01/09 10:26


j31712: 例如持續讓美國聽過友台法案,例如支持南海自由通行權,90F 01/09 10:26
j31712: 例如清楚表態讓別人(國)支持我們。
aqsss: 不要太高估台灣人民 恩...92F 01/09 10:28
lustpp: 我們自己要更團結93F 01/09 10:28
radi035: 國際學者沒甚麼屁用拉  真有一堆國家支持才有用94F 01/09 10:28
belucky: 推  柯粉 kmt粉  快游過去阿  海峽沒加蓋95F 01/09 10:28
tist: 柯粉:寫信太不務實了96F 01/09 10:28
j31712: 這兩年隨便翻報紙都有,裝睡的人只有舔中一招而已 XD97F 01/09 10:29
teru68: 推98F 01/09 10:29
cary611357: 推推99F 01/09 10:30
rex44391: 推100F 01/09 10:32
caenix: 推 台灣人團結一點101F 01/09 10:32
ohmylove347: 推!102F 01/09 10:32
rabultra: 小吃店的中天台不會報啦 白忙什麼103F 01/09 10:32
kerkerlu: 推104F 01/09 10:33
tw00527876: 推105F 01/09 10:33
westman: 推106F 01/09 10:33
whathefoxsay: 推107F 01/09 10:33
JPGstar: 推108F 01/09 10:34
Winsonwuptt: 推109F 01/09 10:34
twptt: 推110F 01/09 10:34
tsuping: 推111F 01/09 10:35
LierX: 推112F 01/09 10:35
LoveStreet: 9.2 看不懂英文啦113F 01/09 10:35
s881702002: 一堆內鬼在亂114F 01/09 10:36
bill91305: 推115F 01/09 10:37
Leeba: 嘴巴我也會講116F 01/09 10:37
givar: 唉 台灣人只會毀滅自己117F 01/09 10:38
rial: 柯文哲:實力不夠,大小聲會被笑118F 01/09 10:38
urbunny: 推119F 01/09 10:39
tygh7515: 推121F 01/09 10:40
alau: 敢屬名就很推  不在乎被中國列入黑名單 不需要中國公司計劃122F 01/09 10:41
alau: 柯文哲:實力不夠,大小聲會被笑 => 外交草包無誤
F0314: 9.2又開始偽裝台灣人討建交了124F 01/09 10:41
limite12: 推125F 01/09 10:43
sumire: 推126F 01/09 10:43
potential208: 柯文哲會怎麼說呢?127F 01/09 10:43
potential208: 他還是閉嘴好了
Koibito: 這個..不是啦我跟你講..唉啊,實力不夠不要跟人家大小聲129F 01/09 10:44
krthree: 自己立場要堅定,盟友才會幫你讚聲130F 01/09 10:44
ulamong: 推131F 01/09 10:45
akway: 反觀台灣賣台9.2132F 01/09 10:45
Asclepius: 推,不過寫這些大小聲的聲明搞的人,請問你們有沒有實133F 01/09 10:45
Asclepius: 力呢?沒有的話會被吸白粉的噓喔
roxcido: 推135F 01/09 10:45
Asclepius: 糟了,按錯了,我變成吸白粉的了,QQ136F 01/09 10:45
ionchips: 整天失敗主義的怎麼不去讓自己先失敗一下137F 01/09 10:46
dice456: 推138F 01/09 10:48
diiky: 推~~~139F 01/09 10:48
laosoacj: 9.25毛 直接end 秒回140F 01/09 10:50
derringer:141F 01/09 10:50
osk2: 9.2又在反串 真噁心142F 01/09 10:50
lin0955: 推143F 01/09 10:51
sparklekyu: 推144F 01/09 10:51
nosheep: 推145F 01/09 10:52
nosheep: 柯黑很急,趕快來分化台灣鄉民,立刻驗證
girafa: 推147F 01/09 10:55
ilovemtj: 推148F 01/09 10:56
tantamount: 人一藍腦就殘 人一白就白痴149F 01/09 10:57
puma20055: 感謝 不過台灣當地太多內賊加上愚民 現在又加上柯雞掰150F 01/09 10:58
puma20055: 短期來看是沒救的
hikku: 聰明人知識份子都挺蔡英文 很正常152F 01/09 10:58
tantamount: 柯的聲勢被他自己咬布袋弄到從85萬票到差點落選 科科153F 01/09 10:59
nomimono: 推啦154F 01/09 10:59
q12341234: eddiego 自己掌嘴 下跪155F 01/09 11:00
taiwan009: 國際有幾個學者?156F 01/09 11:01
aspired: 推 真的超有力的支持!157F 01/09 11:01
q12341234: puma 也請再更努力 謝謝158F 01/09 11:01
Lumos: 推159F 01/09 11:02
just260km: 這個..不是啦我跟你講..唉啊,實力不夠不要跟人家大小160F 01/09 11:04
just260km: 聲
kokunmai:162F 01/09 11:04
jaeomes: 全世界都在幫台灣獨立了 我們還有一半白痴投支那台北163F 01/09 11:04
urmfo: 高164F 01/09 11:04
sps10513: 讚165F 01/09 11:04
jaeomes: 交朋友也是實力的一種啦166F 01/09 11:04
cmcmcmcm2: 推 順便看看有沒有該進黑名單的剛好釣一釣167F 01/09 11:04
KobeLebron: 推168F 01/09 11:05
troysky: 台灣加油169F 01/09 11:05
guenhwyvar: 這已經說的很明白了,希望就在眼前,不要在最後一刻功170F 01/09 11:06
guenhwyvar: 虧一簣
alexizakkk: 推文一堆還在嘴別人廢話  都表達意見支持了到底是多172F 01/09 11:06
woodiewoodie: 推173F 01/09 11:10
tai6621: 熄禁坪吃大便174F 01/09 11:10
JoshuaAstray: 加油175F 01/09 11:10
weebeer626: 這篇還能噓,一堆內鬼176F 01/09 11:11
worldtree: 推!!177F 01/09 11:11
dubedube: 已哭178F 01/09 11:13
Jonny5: 推179F 01/09 11:14
plains: 傳統媒體不會報這個 老人跟本看不到180F 01/09 11:14
chipin: 推!!181F 01/09 11:14
wl02433799: 推182F 01/09 11:16
pole1105: 還是有很多內鬼在分化啊183F 01/09 11:16
ashia5287: 垃圾9.2滾去支那集中營啦幹184F 01/09 11:16
ahlolha: 這些學者實力夠不夠?夠了才可以大小聲嘿185F 01/09 11:16
stu25936: 好感動 但是台灣內鬼一大堆 KMT一堆準備賣台的186F 01/09 11:17
waynehow: 推啊187F 01/09 11:17
shi0520: 感謝國際學者的支持188F 01/09 11:18
ahlolha: 低能兒整天在那聯合國,好像支那會讓你加入一樣?189F 01/09 11:18
interrupt1: 台灣的自由民主得來不易,面對中國的侵門踏戶,大家要190F 01/09 11:19
interrupt1: 更謹慎,更堅定守護台灣。
kinomon: 推 台灣正需要國際的協助192F 01/09 11:19
Myfun: 有小英就推 ! 推到連任 !!193F 01/09 11:19
pemit: 怎麼還有噓的提不相干的事來分化?印證本文的論點194F 01/09 11:21
morgankhs: 推195F 01/09 11:23
Joey452: 所以開戰的時候,國際學者會站第一線當槍靶嗎?196F 01/09 11:23
montrita: 推!推到2020小英連任197F 01/09 11:25
tonyselina: 沒有柯文哲的一句話有價值 end198F 01/09 11:26
snow0915s: 推199F 01/09 11:28
tomchun6: 推國際支持200F 01/09 11:28
fifi0828: 基本態勢已經很明顯 你不跟著美國就是大逆風201F 01/09 11:28
amury: 應該是美國的關係,感覺國際間越來越挺台灣202F 01/09 11:29
fifi0828: 台灣真正的敵人就是內部還在講92的203F 01/09 11:29
reexamor: 台美一家親204F 01/09 11:29
Joey452: 萬人響應,零人參戰205F 01/09 11:29
nkfcc: 蔡總統要先團結自己人吧。 XD 像拔管這種事不要再搞了。206F 01/09 11:30
rxvt: 推囉207F 01/09 11:30
kducky: 替代方案呢208F 01/09 11:31
SilenceWFL: 推209F 01/09 11:31
BaGaJohn5566: 現在別人想幫你了  不要不識貨啊210F 01/09 11:32
tiuseensii: 快開戰了!我好興奮,我好興奮啊!211F 01/09 11:34
flowersuger: 真的蠻廢話的XD先各國支持的建交好嗎212F 01/09 11:34
steven0503: 推 不過台灣內部愛支病患9.2太多 他們只要藍教信仰不213F 01/09 11:35
steven0503: 管其他的
BEATYWOMEN: 推了215F 01/09 11:35
suaowilliam: Taipei Times,自由時報系統的外文報紙...嗯...216F 01/09 11:36



kilifisa: 推!217F 01/09 11:37
bardah2c: 支那太監畜牲吃屎218F 01/09 11:37
pawapipi: 推 滯台支那人好慌喔 一直洗推文219F 01/09 11:38
hsin627: 推!220F 01/09 11:39
abc53: 推221F 01/09 11:46
xiaomeimei: 推推推 台灣加油222F 01/09 11:47
Ken155210: 推!223F 01/09 11:47
treeez: 推224F 01/09 11:48
purevision: 推225F 01/09 11:51
※ 編輯: billy3321 (, 01/09/2019 11:53:54
wsx26997785: 推226F 01/09 11:53
CitySheep: 象牙塔裡的學者,住塔裡整天嘴砲227F 01/09 11:54
shunchao:228F 01/09 11:54
yangweiisi: 關你們這些為了自己利益出來發聲的外國人屁事229F 01/09 11:55
yangweiisi: 中華民族事務不需這些偽善外國人插手
jansan: 推231F 01/09 11:57
lklk3711: 小英加油,美國爸爸挺你232F 01/09 12:01
lklk3711: 五毛全部滾出去,看到就煩
galusx: 加油台灣人234F 01/09 12:05
Joey452: 萬人響應,零人參戰235F 01/09 12:06
shiauji: 這英文很難嗎?高中畢業就會了236F 01/09 12:06
chopssin: 推237F 01/09 12:06
ismydear: 住海邊哦238F 01/09 12:07
andy666888: 推239F 01/09 12:11
boydontcry: 自助人助240F 01/09 12:12
andy0219: 好感動 但回頭再看看島內人民 嗚嗚嗚241F 01/09 12:13
tantamount: 中國也怕八國聯軍再現 小英聰明聯合歐美抗中 反觀柯朱242F 01/09 12:14
yuio753: 9.2 五毛崩潰243F 01/09 12:16
shanpeilee: 推244F 01/09 12:16
Molester5566: 感謝245F 01/09 12:17
sct015: 推246F 01/09 12:17
tprktpps: 把台灣推上戰爭前線 自己躲在國外鍵盤支持247F 01/09 12:18
woula: 推248F 01/09 12:19
mytoychiu: 推249F 01/09 12:19
dog990999: 推 自己都不幫自己誰要幫你250F 01/09 12:21
gillowish: 推251F 01/09 12:21
PottyMouth: 高調252F 01/09 12:21
dog990999: 五毛森77253F 01/09 12:22
brandy: 推254F 01/09 12:22
chipher: 推文就看得出台灣有多少內賊255F 01/09 12:22
dog990999: 講人家象牙塔 裡面有前政府官員...256F 01/09 12:23
crohns: 推上戰爭前線?在美國和其盟友帶著絕對優勢的政軍經力量要257F 01/09 12:24
crohns: 大家開始想清楚站隊的時候,要是毫無反應想當蝙蝠或是站
crohns: 錯邊,就等著被民主陣營直接車過去
deamer: 這一定要推260F 01/09 12:24
lalawoo712: 學者智商有柯文哲高嗎  柯文哲的智商才可以發言懂嗎261F 01/09 12:25
inthesummer: 「自己要先團結」 唉...262F 01/09 12:25
bw64046404: 推263F 01/09 12:26
aoi: 國際學者讚啊!如果是國內學者9.2五毛又會怎麼說264F 01/09 12:30
aoi: 自助人助
raepopo: seafood:替代方案咧266F 01/09 12:31
oill: 推267F 01/09 12:32
coalever: 推268F 01/09 12:33
goldorange: 推269F 01/09 12:35
kotoyan: 看完覺得很感動!270F 01/09 12:36
Nemo516171: 噓的那些可以移民嗎?271F 01/09 12:36
abb123456: 推272F 01/09 12:36
roy2142: 所以替代方案是什麼?273F 01/09 12:40
dragon2000: 好多爸爸 XD274F 01/09 12:41
lfi: 推275F 01/09 12:42
Albert666: !276F 01/09 12:43
makoto1982: 推277F 01/09 12:44
yeshing: 五毛生77崩潰278F 01/09 12:44
vladimir798: 爽279F 01/09 12:47
Tuscany: 推280F 01/09 12:48
summer28216: 推281F 01/09 12:49
mudee: 推282F 01/09 12:52
seraph01: Seafood:替代方案呢?283F 01/09 12:54
dila4488: 推推284F 01/09 12:54
ymx3xc: 9.2KMTer 五毛吉娃娃 柯師傅 柯粉 要爆怒了285F 01/09 12:55
brownbear: 大家突然這麼關心我們 真是受寵若驚QQ286F 01/09 12:57
see00797: 可惜中國台北只想回到專制,有本事還是移民吧287F 01/09 12:58
linbay5566: 推 順便幫吸腐要替代方案288F 01/09 12:59
x0101018: 推289F 01/09 13:01
a0226958831: 智障柯黑每篇都要出來崩一下 是多崩潰啊XD290F 01/09 13:03
chaohandsome: 推291F 01/09 13:04
soumi520: 台灣人最沒國際觀292F 01/09 13:04
e168wing: 請蔡總統2020繼續帶領台灣293F 01/09 13:05
luckyBF: 再看看三個月前的中華台北,台灣人真的滿丟臉的295F 01/09 13:06
heidi223344: 推296F 01/09 13:07
ridesuptt: 干涉內政了,禁評和滯台9.2要不要制裁一下297F 01/09 13:11
chiayen1935: 台灣加油298F 01/09 13:30
LEOPARDO: 推299F 01/09 13:36
happyon5566: 推300F 01/09 13:37
znling: 推爆301F 01/09 13:39
mglynite: 推302F 01/09 13:46
st89702: 智障9.2看不懂英文崩潰303F 01/09 13:47
ymuit: 推304F 01/09 13:48
ArNan: 推305F 01/09 13:52
sample: 看前面幾樓急著帶風向 推就對了!306F 01/09 13:53
sample: 9.25毛KMT 滾出台灣!
sam682097: 不只美國前任官員啦 現任的一樣支持小英308F 01/09 13:57
boyd1014: 會英文的都去外交部領270k了309F 01/09 14:01
stillyoung08: 推310F 01/09 14:10
tutumi3967: 推推311F 01/09 14:16
Yehpin2823: 推 舔共市長去你的九二共屎被污名化。312F 01/09 14:17
rabultra: 柯:拿出解決辦法來啊313F 01/09 14:18
Joey452: 真的開戰,這些學者會來幫忙嗎?314F 01/09 14:31
gta1994: 推小英,人家同步口譯厲害啊315F 01/09 14:33
lin5656: 有署名,推推316F 01/09 14:38
RockGck: 推317F 01/09 14:39
gotohalf: 推318F 01/09 14:49
doraemon00: 推319F 01/09 14:59
cool911234: 先處理叛國9*2320F 01/09 15:01
LordOfCS: 推321F 01/09 15:18
h0366078: 推322F 01/09 15:22
GOGO579: 推323F 01/09 15:23
Drizzle: 推324F 01/09 15:32
angelliao37: 推325F 01/09 15:42
fish1919: 推 寫得好棒326F 01/09 15:44
stw0975: 推327F 01/09 15:57
Tatami4931: 謝謝你們328F 01/09 16:05
pseudo: 推329F 01/09 16:26
tsuruka: 推330F 01/09 16:50
fiorentino: good331F 01/09 16:52
mgmgars: 推332F 01/09 16:57
keishashine: 推333F 01/09 16:57
chingx0823: 推334F 01/09 17:22
BlueBird5566: 所以要建交沒335F 01/09 17:22
wulaw5566: 推336F 01/09 17:52
s89022190059: 推337F 01/09 18:03
lowpk: 人家願意出來幫你說話,好歹也說聲謝謝吧,這樣也能嘴喔338F 01/09 18:03
urforbear: 推339F 01/09 18:21
k5a: 推340F 01/09 18:27
pepperbit: 推341F 01/09 18:35
southes: 推342F 01/09 18:57
Lorran: 推!可惜統媒還是不怎麼報343F 01/09 19:10
hermit13: 推♡344F 01/09 19:12
linpo80923: 五毛真多345F 01/09 19:21
kazenoryu: 濃縮版:我們知道鬼島很亂,但共匪要打過來了別再搞內346F 01/09 20:54
kazenoryu: 鬥
pepepula: 推348F 01/09 21:01
ableader: 推 不要讓任何議題分裂我們,民主就是台灣最大的共識349F 01/09 22:15
linbay5566: 可惜多數台灣人不懂蔡的好 目前這波支持潮不知道能否350F 01/09 23:54
linbay5566: 撐到2020
smonkey:352F 01/10 00:04
lllkkkjjj: 推353F 01/10 01:57
rappiest: 推354F 01/10 02:14
murrayntou: 推355F 01/10 04:15
soto2080: 推356F 01/10 05:35
howaboutX: 推357F 01/10 05:59
armstop: 五毛 現在只會來帶風向 不敢打 小孬孬358F 01/10 11:07
TWidpd: 感動 都哭了359F 01/10 19:39

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