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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 中國逮捕前加拿大外交官
時間 Tue Dec 11 23:04:16 2018
The Globe and Mail: Canadian, World, Politics and Business News & Analysis
The Globe and Mail offers the most authoritative news in Canada, featuring national and international news ...
Former Canadian diplomat Michael Kovrig detained in China, sources say
Former Canadian diplomat Michael Kovrig has been detained in China, according
to the International Crisis Group, the organization where he has worked since
根據國際危機組織的消息,加拿大的前外交官 Michael Kovrig 在中國被逮捕。
Mr. Kovrig’s detention comes little more than a week after Canada arrested
Meng Wanzhou, the chief financial officer of Chinese telecommunications giant
Huawei. China’s foreign ministry threatened “severe consequences” if Ms.
Meng was not immediately released.
在加拿大逮捕孟小姐一週多以後,Kovrig 被中國逮捕了。如果孟小姐沒有被立即
"We are doing everything possible to secure additional information on Michael
’s whereabouts as well as his prompt and safe release,” the International
Crisis Group said in a brief statement.
國際危機組織說,「我們正盡全力取得 Michael 的下落,並促使他能儘速平安獲釋」
A spokesman for ICG said he could provide no further comment.
Mr. Kovrig had worked as a diplomat at the Canadian embassy in Beijing, in
addition to postings in Hong Kong and the United Nations. He had more
recently worked at the International Crisis Group, where he authored reports
on North Korea and other north-east Asia security matters. He was also a
frequent media commentator, including for The Globe and Mail.
Mr. Kovrig曾在加拿大駐北京大使館,以外交官的身份工作,也曾被派駐在香港
Ms. Meng was arrested in Vancouver at the behest of the U.S.
Commentators in the Chinese state press have likened Ms. Meng’s arrest to a
“kidnapping” and a “hostage-taking."
“U.S.-China relations have deteriorated to their worst point since the 1989
Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests in Beijing,” Mr. Kovrig said, in a
recent quote posted on the ICG website.
根據(譯:被逮捕的)Mr. Kovrig在國際危機組織官網的說法,「美中關係,
An automated Chinese system message said Mr. Kovrig’s cell phone had been
turned off.
撥給 Mr. Kovrig 的手機時,中國的電信系統自動回復「您的手機已關機」。
Mr. Kovrig lives in Hong Kong but travels frequently to China, where he had
travelled extensively as a diplomat, he said on his LinkedIn profile.
Mr. Kovrig目前住在香港;根據本人在 LinkedIn 的頁面的資訊,他以往常常以
At the Beijing embassy, he “analyzed politics, domestic policy, the economy,
foreign and security policy,” he said on LinkedIn. He also served as a
political leader for a visit to Hong Kong in 2016 by Prime Minister Justin
His job in Beijing was under Canada’s Global Security Reporting Program, or
GSRP, which was established by Canada’s foreign ministry after the Sept. 11
attacks. GSRP officers do not work in intelligence, according to a 2007
Senate report. But they “are dedicated to the collection of information
related to questions of strategic stability and security.”
What sets them apart, the report said, “is their specific mandate to develop
non-traditional sources and gain access to information of immediate value to
[the Department of Foreign Affairs], as well as the Canadian security and
intelligence community and the government writ large.”
In his job at the embassy, Mr. Kovrig engaged in “political reporting that I
would qualify as sensitive, and he was travelling around China,” said Guy
Saint-Jacques, the former Canadian ambassador to China, who worked with Mr.
Kovrig for three years.
根據前任加拿大大使的說法,在Mr. Kovrig任職於加拿大大使館的時候,他「會回報
“Of course, all this was just good political reporting. It had nothing to do
with spying.”
But, he said, the GSRP program is “a bit controversial, because in some
countries they don’t make the distinction between spying and doing
legitimate political reporting. And of course if you ask some Chinese
officials, in their view this constituted spying that he was doing.”
認為Mr. Kovrig是在做間諜工作。」
認為Mr. Kovrig是在做間諜工作。」
The detention of Mr. Kovrig, he said, appears related to the arrest of Ms.
Meng. It would be likely, he said, that Chinese officials are thinking,
"Well, you know, maybe we can do a deal here.”
Mr. Kovrig的逮捕,看起來跟孟小姐的逮捕相關。「或許中國的官員覺得,我們也
But with a judicial process underway in Canada for Ms. Meng, who the U.S. has
sought for extradition, “it’s impossible for the Canadian government to
think about making a deal,” he said.
“This is a demonstration of how nasty the Chinese can be, how brutal they
can be,” Mr. Saint-Jacques said.
“There will have to be lessons learned among our political masters about the
type of people we are dealing with.”
4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Former Canadian diplomat Michael Kovrig reported detained in China - The Globe and Mail
Detention comes little more than a week after Canada arrested Meng Wanzhou, the chief financial officer of Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1S3z7qYG (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1544540660.A.890.html
→ : 匪國日常1F 12/11 23:04
推 : 人質嗎2F 12/11 23:05
→ : 中國這樣做只是北七而已 XDDD3F 12/11 23:05
推 : 要開戰了嗎?4F 12/11 23:05
→ : 呵呵 人權5F 12/11 23:06
推 : 反正不成比例 加拿大人不怕你耗6F 12/11 23:06
推 : 開戰囉7F 12/11 23:06
推 : 要交換人質的意思?8F 12/11 23:06
推 : 太噁心..明明不是間諜9F 12/11 23:07
→ ckbdfrst …
推 : 前官員11F 12/11 23:07
噓 : 勇畜賤種12F 12/11 23:07
推 : 受不了國情輿論壓力 外交官坐在椅子上自殺了 我們懷念他13F 12/11 23:07
→ : 中國鷹派忍不住惹14F 12/11 23:07
→ : 如果真的這樣幹 應該很精彩15F 12/11 23:08
推 : 下次抓更大咖的16F 12/11 23:08
→ : 要開戰了嗎17F 12/11 23:09
噓 : 嘿嘿腦殘92理想國度18F 12/11 23:09
推 : 乃哥會不會很緊張19F 12/11 23:09
→ : 更大咖是誰 記得前一陣子被通知說美商暫時不要派人去中國20F 12/11 23:09
→ : 是指前一陣子有報導
→ : 是指前一陣子有報導
→ : 支那該教訓一下小楓葉了吧☺ ☺ ☺22F 12/11 23:10
推 : 讚 接下來就是流出一段這外交官譴責加政府的影片23F 12/11 23:10
→ : 這真的超帶種24F 12/11 23:10
推 : 這樣跟ISIS一模一樣~中國打算開戰了嗎?25F 12/11 23:11
噓 : 李明哲呢26F 12/11 23:13
推 : 要開戰了嗎?這種開戰法真的太刺激了,完全想買雞排27F 12/11 23:13
→ : 在旁邊觀戰了
→ : 在旁邊觀戰了
推 : 笑了29F 12/11 23:15
推 : 戰起來!30F 12/11 23:15
推 : 被認罪影片已經開拍了31F 12/11 23:15
→ : 真是嚴重的後果呢32F 12/11 23:15
推 : 前任而已 現任他不敢啦33F 12/11 23:15
推 : 來了來了34F 12/11 23:17
推 : "前"外交官wwww 這哪裡的小屁孩玩法呀wwwwwww35F 12/11 23:17
推 : 有沒有間諜橋36F 12/11 23:17
推 : 撤資測起來37F 12/11 23:18
推 : 來了來了,這個我喜歡,接下來要派戰狼詢問被抓的人嗎?38F 12/11 23:19
推 : 中國真的是智障wwww39F 12/11 23:19
推 : 開戰了40F 12/11 23:20
推 : 好啊,接下來請把溫哥華其它二六清查一下,看誰較狠?41F 12/11 23:20
推 : 準備接受民主外送,坐在第一排的我們小心了42F 12/11 23:21
→ : 然後全部趕回中國,財產充公,我回去也比較清淨點。43F 12/11 23:21
→ : 羅織罪名44F 12/11 23:22
→ : 中囯:我要斷了他 一根手指甲哦!45F 12/11 23:22
推 : 加拿大要先清查溫哥華一帶所有有間諜嫌疑的中國移民惹~~46F 12/11 23:22
推 : 來囉 中國式抓人47F 12/11 23:24
→ : 只要曾有中共的國籍或華人全會被查,哪時導致排華我都不意外48F 12/11 23:24
推 : 義和團要再現了嗎@@?49F 12/11 23:24
推 : 中國有種就抓現任的外交官呀51F 12/11 23:28
推 : 美國大使表示:52F 12/11 23:28
推 : 中國真的是北七屁孩53F 12/11 23:28
→ : “前”外交官XDD54F 12/11 23:29
→ : 所以中國抓人的理由是?55F 12/11 23:30
推 : 中國的格局很像第三世界國家56F 12/11 23:31
→ : 這手法跟恐怖份子有九成像 你抓我人我就抓你人來交換57F 12/11 23:33
→ : 把中國換成IS或三小聖戰士組織整篇也無違和XD
→ : 把中國換成IS或三小聖戰士組織整篇也無違和XD
推 : 哈哈哈59F 12/11 23:35
推 : 流氓國家60F 12/11 23:35
推 : 八國聯軍準備中61F 12/11 23:38
→ : 永遠不要和中國人講道理62F 12/11 23:38
→ : 你敢抓一個中國人我就抓100個加拿大人63F 12/11 23:39
噓 : 抓人完全沒理由只為了報復 我看完蛋了64F 12/11 23:39
推 : 加拿大李明哲65F 12/11 23:41
推 : 抓他幹嘛??66F 12/11 23:42
推 : 有本事把他槍決啊~ 坐等中加開戰!!67F 12/11 23:43
推 : ……這樣做的下場…有沒想過多少政商名流家底在加拿大68F 12/11 23:45
→ : 的……?
推 : 加拿大那邊歧視華人圈不是一兩天了噢…搞這種小家子氣
→ : 到時候真的得不償失
→ : 的……?
推 : 加拿大那邊歧視華人圈不是一兩天了噢…搞這種小家子氣
→ : 到時候真的得不償失
推 : 挖 流氓72F 12/11 23:47
推 : 快打吧!我不想維持現狀了73F 12/11 23:48
推 : 你不搞死中國,就會被中國搞死,敬告歐美各國尤其是法國74F 12/11 23:48
推 : 再來政治歸政治、經濟歸經濟啊!75F 12/11 23:48
推 : 你怎麼不說華人圈自己也很顧人怨呀?76F 12/11 23:52
推 : ISIS國際中文版上 啦~77F 12/11 23:53
推 : 理由? 說你間諜啦 路邊大小便啦 反正中共想抓什麼理由都行78F 12/11 23:53
→ : 整篇推文都忘了加拿大和美國用什麼理由在抓人?真是世79F 12/11 23:55
→ : 界奇觀XD
→ : 界奇觀XD
推 : 加拿大人還不跑啊81F 12/11 23:56
推 : 加拿大抓加拿大人也不行喔82F 12/11 23:56
→ : 前 哈哈哈哈哈83F 12/11 23:58
推 : 中國抓人不用理由84F 12/11 23:58
推 : 要八國聯軍了嗎85F 12/11 23:59
推 : 起初中國抓西藏人 我不是西藏人 我不出聲86F 12/11 23:59
→ : detain不是翻拘留嗎?和逮捕arrest是否有差87F 12/11 23:59
推 : 抓人的理由最好是合理啦不然90天緩衝期直接8888F 12/11 23:59
→ : 後來抓臺灣李明哲 我不是台灣人 我不出聲89F 12/11 23:59
※ 編輯: Jeffy (, 12/12/2018 00:09:51→ : 等到我們加拿大被抓時 哇 已經沒有人可以為我出聲了90F 12/11 23:59
→ : 建議加拿大趕快跟台灣建交 被中國無端抓捕的人們應該團結
→ : 建議加拿大趕快跟台灣建交 被中國無端抓捕的人們應該團結
推 : 加拿大人犯了美國的法 所以美國請加國抓人 哪邊有問題?92F 12/12 00:04
→ : 美國是請加拿大去抓哦 不是自己去抓 雙方政府合法合作
→ : 對中國來說合法這件事 會被當成世界奇觀還蠻正常的
→ : 美國是請加拿大去抓哦 不是自己去抓 雙方政府合法合作
→ : 對中國來說合法這件事 會被當成世界奇觀還蠻正常的
→ : 支持徹查所有留在加拿大的支那移民95F 12/12 00:07
推 : 支那土匪96F 12/12 00:09
推 : 違什麼法?97F 12/12 00:09
推 : 神經病國家98F 12/12 00:10
噓 : 不愧是全世界最大的恐怖份子組織99F 12/12 00:13
推 : 早就請美加公民快點徹離了 怎麼還有那麼慢的100F 12/12 00:14
→ : 準備要開打了嗎? 讚101F 12/12 00:15
推 : 慘 不知道腎臟合不合102F 12/12 00:18
推 : 狂國103F 12/12 00:21
推 : 真的北七104F 12/12 00:23
→ : 支那匪國105F 12/12 00:25
推 : 不過說真的啦 起因還是美國要抓人 結果報復到加拿大身上??106F 12/12 00:27
推 : 要戰嘍107F 12/12 00:28
→ : 美加司法互助才抓孟,而且孟已經有一段時間不入境美國了
→ : 美加司法互助才抓孟,而且孟已經有一段時間不入境美國了
推 : 美加一堆中國政商及家人能抓109F 12/12 00:38
推 : 再鬧下去 中國移民都要清查了110F 12/12 00:41
→ : 開戰訊號出來了 國人自己小心111F 12/12 00:46
推 : 人權國家112F 12/12 00:49
推 : 顧人怨的流氓國家 哈哈哈113F 12/12 00:54
推 : 中國就真的是垃圾第三世界國家114F 12/12 00:55
推 : 果然是獨裁國家115F 12/12 00:55
推 : 世界大戰應該會因為廢物中國開打116F 12/12 00:56
噓 : 所以抓的理由是你抓我人所以我也抓你這樣?117F 12/12 01:03
→ : 不意外啊 共產黨靠勒索綁架起家的118F 12/12 01:03
→ : 土匪政權的本質 一堆國家還跪舔
→ : 土匪政權的本質 一堆國家還跪舔
推 : 前外交官沒價值,斷你華為接班人,爽120F 12/12 01:04
→ : 逮捕前外交官算啥嚴重後果
→ : 加拿大可以試著跟台灣建交啊,嘻嘻
→ : 逮捕前外交官算啥嚴重後果
→ : 加拿大可以試著跟台灣建交啊,嘻嘻
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 5 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 707
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