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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-03-31 22:14:13
看板 Gossiping
作者 piovoso (柴犬高速螺旋)
標題 [新聞] 海龜施展空手道砍劈水母、玩弄食物並吮指
時間 Sat Mar 31 16:22:27 2018

外媒 DAILYMAIL UK https://goo.gl/By8xop
Sea turtles use their flippers like HANDS to karate-chop jellyfish | Daily Mail Online Researchers at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California have discovered sea turtles are adept at using their flippers as hands despite the fact that th ...


Sea turtles use their flippers like HANDS to karate-chop jellyfish, play with
their food and lick their 'fingers' after eating


Flippers aren't just for swimming, they are also used as tools by sea turtles
to attack and hold their prey.
Scientists have discovered that these creatures have evolved to use their
flippers like hands, allowing them to karate-chop jellyfish.
They can also use their flippers to play with their food, grasp coral to eat
the sponge clinging to its surface, and even 'lick' their fingers after
These movements were previously thought to be too advanced for the small
brains of the sea creatures.





Researchers at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California trawled the web for
images of the creatures.
By analysing these pictures the scientists discovered surprising levels of
The researchers said this was unexpected, due to their tiny reptilian brains
being considered too small to co-ordinate such complicated motion.
Dr Kyle Van Houtan, science director at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in
California, who co-led the research, said: 'Sea turtles don't have a
developed frontal cortex, independent articulating digits or any social
'And yet here we have them 'licking their fingers' just like a kid who does
have all those tools.
'It shows an important aspect of evolution – that opportunities can shape



共同領導這個研究的加州蒙特雷灣水族館科學總監Kyle Van Houtan博士表示:「跟人類

The pictures used in the study revealed that turtles can use their flippers
to karate-chop jellyfish, roll scallops along the seafloor and grasp coral
while ripping loose an anemone.
These activities were grouped into a list of eight general uses of flippers,
outside of swimming.
These have been categorised as 'holding', 'digging', 'striking', 'tossing',
'leveraging', 'swiping', 'corralling', and 'pounding'.


擲、 利用*、揮擊、驅趕集中、搗碎(或重擊)。


Three species were studied – the green turtle (Chelonia mydas), hawksbill
(Eretmochelys imbricata), and loggerhead (Caretta caretta).
Similar behaviour has also been observed in marine mammals with flipper-like
limbs such as walruses, seals, manatees and sea otters.
The findings provide insights into the evolution of four-limbed sea creatures
and raise questions about 'nature or nurture' – which traits are learned and
which are hard-wired from birth.



的問題— 哪一些技能是天生的、哪一些技能是後天習得的。

Dr Van Houtan added: 'We expect these things to happen with a highly
intelligent, adaptive social animal.
'With sea turtles, it's different. They never meet their parents; they're
never trained to forage by their mom.
'It's amazing that they're figuring out how to do this without any
apprenticing, and with flippers that aren't well adapted for these tasks.'
The research was published in the journal PeerJ.

Van Houtan博士補充道:「我們預期會在擁有高智能、高適應性的社會性動物身上發現這


新聞連結中有海龜使用空手道劈斬水母影片 https://goo.gl/brcQLW
Sea turtles use their flippers like HANDS to karate-chop jellyfish | Daily Mail Online Researchers at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California have discovered sea turtles are adept at using their flippers as hands despite the fact that th ...


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dvleo: …1F 03/31 16:22
fuhu66: 不要玩食物2F 03/31 16:23
terry1043: 鷹酒QQ3F 03/31 16:23
aggressorX: 海龜:我說在座的各位4F 03/31 16:23
alen0303: 五樓吸吮一~四樓的龜頭5F 03/31 16:23
zero2768: 5樓空手道劈海龜頭6F 03/31 16:23
sjhs73307: 五樓用龜頭劈砍水母7F 03/31 16:23
alen0303: 五樓厲害了8F 03/31 16:23
linzero: 請勿拍打餵食9F 03/31 16:23
dido3612: 五樓嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔10F 03/31 16:23
andrewyllee: 卡哇幫嘎11F 03/31 16:23
pigdog0305: 斷水流大烏龜12F 03/31 16:23
cielax: 龜手道13F 03/31 16:23
loonety: 海中格鬥14F 03/31 16:24
tchialen: 塑膠袋吃到飽15F 03/31 16:24
s820912gmail: 五樓萊西16F 03/31 16:24
qk3380888: 水母感覺就很難吃17F 03/31 16:24
Turas: 自賣自誇18F 03/31 16:24
killerchi: 不就龜仙人那隻19F 03/31 16:25
sixpoint: 海蜇皮就水母的一種啊...20F 03/31 16:25
martinshih: 五樓噁心21F 03/31 16:26
chris44099: 第二張照片好可愛22F 03/31 16:26
heyd: 電光一閃?23F 03/31 16:26
apteekki: 沙西米讚25F 03/31 16:26
victoryman: 岩山兩斬波26F 03/31 16:26
WLR: 海龜:吃個食物而已,大驚小怪27F 03/31 16:26
Freeven: 吃個麵不行嗎28F 03/31 16:27
FLy60169: 怎麼不砍吸管29F 03/31 16:28
chinnez: 賣嘔北共  用鰭輔助進食也能叫砍劈  空手道,那狗狗也能30F 03/31 16:28
fhscyt: 失空斬(???31F 03/31 16:29
chinnez: 叫空手道大師了32F 03/31 16:29
reppoc: 魚人空手道奧義 武賴貫33F 03/31 16:30
Win9: 斷水流大師兄???34F 03/31 16:31
aa6300158: 砍吸管笑死  會下地獄35F 03/31 16:33
pigdog0305: 大師兄表示:我們部門只有菁英 不收36F 03/31 16:33
a82412: 世界上最強的武術37F 03/31 16:35
dkramses: 五樓自肥38F 03/31 16:36
wate5566: 五樓自肥39F 03/31 16:37
danie372003: 神奇寶貝都是真的40F 03/31 16:37
North4use: 海龜: 我覺得空手道是世界上最強的武術41F 03/31 16:37
EsoogM: 忍者龜42F 03/31 16:39
bbc0217: 還好我都丟塑膠袋 讓海龜誤以為是水母吃下肚43F 03/31 16:39
john5380: alen0303: 五樓吸吮一~四樓的龜頭44F 03/31 16:40
dundunlin: 忍者龜45F 03/31 16:41
lbowlbow: 海龜空手道!  不過最近海龜被塑膠袋殺的亂七八糟46F 03/31 16:41
tyrande: 可愛~47F 03/31 16:43
leamaSTC: 明年新電影:功夫海龜48F 03/31 16:44
aertina: 英九QQ49F 03/31 16:51
impact999: 海龜: 辣味米粉好吃50F 03/31 16:52
xdsjohnson: 結果都吃到塑膠袋51F 03/31 16:52
impact999: 笑死 動物根本不需要武術 他們是天生的戰鬥大師52F 03/31 16:53
stormsnow: 功夫海龜53F 03/31 16:55
notissue: 影片滿好笑的54F 03/31 17:01
woopoo: 這很久了吧55F 03/31 17:18
GGinler: 中二海龜56F 03/31 17:22
zz71: 英九QQ 你被海龜玩弄死的好慘阿57F 03/31 17:22
Templar47: 卡哇邦嘎!58F 03/31 17:27
tin123210: 魚人空手道59F 03/31 17:31
wes32670h6: 第二張好動感60F 03/31 17:41
Murloc: ㄔㄅ起來好像棉花糖61F 03/31 17:45
Murloc: 吃=*
fransiceyho: 節目能比一下 在水中空手道大師和海龜誰的威力大63F 03/31 17:49
linyap: 龜仙人是你?!64F 03/31 17:54
spandala: 七龍珠是真的65F 03/31 18:19
hjgx: 大龜頭幹爆水母66F 03/31 18:27
sunnybody907: 小龜好聰明67F 03/31 18:36
sd131420: 可空手道果然是地表最強武術68F 03/31 19:17
parkblack: 斷水母流大師兄69F 03/31 20:26
JuiFu617: 結果海龜智商分不出水母跟塑膠袋70F 03/31 21:02

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