※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-03-04 21:08:16
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作者 標題 [新聞] 前非洲奴隸逃至美國成奧運國手,現為空軍
時間 Sun Mar 4 16:21:23 2018
Former Slave, Two-Time Olympian Becomes an Airman | Military.com
He started life as a child slave in South Sudan. ...
After enduring countless hardships and overcoming unimaginable obstacles,
Airman 1st Class Guor Maker, a dental assistant currently in technical
training, found his way out of war-torn South Sudan, Africa and into the U.S.
nearly 20 years ago.
在通過無數的難關、克服完全無法想像的困境後,美國空軍一兵,Guor Maker,
As one of roughly 20,000 children uprooted by the gruesome Second Sudanese
Civil War, Maker's childhood was far from normal. After losing 28 family
members, including eight of his nine siblings, 8-year-old Maker set out on
foot from South Sudan to live with his uncle.
"The country I came from was torn apart by war," said Maker. "It was all I
knew growing up, nothing else. I've seen people die in front of me, but I
knew no matter what, I had to make it."
During his harrowing journey, Maker was captured and enslaved twice: once by
Sudanese soldiers, and once by herdsmen.
"When I was captured, I was forced to be a slave laborer," said Maker. "I
would wash dishes or do anything else needed to get by. I slept in a small
cell and rarely got to eat...but not always."
Both times, Maker successfully escaped from enslavement and was finally able
to join his uncle in Khartoum after three perilous years. However, his
journey to safety was far from over.
During a nighttime attack on the perceived safety of his uncle's home, Maker
sustained serious injuries when he was beaten unconscious by a soldier who
smashed his jaw with a rifle.
"My mouth was shut for two months and I could only consume liquids because my
jaw was broken," he said. "We fled to Egypt after that, and the United
Nations treated my injuries."
After two years of filling out paperwork at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
Services in Egypt, Maker and his uncle's family were finally granted
permission to enter the United States.
"I was very excited to come to the U.S.," said Maker. "Looking back at
everything my family and I endured, it is a miracle that we made it out of
When Maker first arrived in the U.S. in 2001, he settled in Concord, New
Hampshire. Not only did he want to survive, but he wanted to thrive.
"I wanted to change my life, help my parents back in South Sudan, and give my
future children a better childhood than the one I had," he said. "And the
only way to do that was through education and determination."
Maker started with the basics and began learning English by watching
children's cartoons and spending plenty of time with other high school kids
just listening to their conversations and absorbing all that he could.
"Within a short amount of time, I was able to communicate with effectively
with other students and teachers, order food, and really get by on my own,"
Maker said.
While learning English was a crucial step on his personal journey, Maker's
high school career really took off when one of his teachers introduced him to
"Running was always just natural and easy for me," said Maker. "It was a
great high school experience and it helped me meet a lot of friends, build
confidence and it was genuinely fun."
After winning the National High School indoor two-mile title, Maker received
a scholarship to compete at Iowa State University, where he allowed himself
to dream of things that had never been done before.
"When I got to college in 2005, I remember hanging a piece of paper on my
wall that said I was going to run in the Olympics in 2012 for South Sudan,"
said Maker. "I thought 'Why not me? Why can't I do it?'"
Maker graduated with a bachelor's degree in Chemistry and reached
All-American status as a student athlete, Ready to start his new life. Maker
planned to head to Flagstaff, Arizona to train for the 2012 Olympics.
The same day he left for Arizona in 2011 was the day South Sudan officially
gained its independence.
"I drove the whole way celebrating and it was a very special day that I will
always remember," said Maker.
Following his year of training, Maker qualified to run the marathon in the
2012 Olympics in London.
Even though South Sudan officially gained its independence, the country was
not yet a member of the International Olympic Committee and Maker was still
not an official U.S. citizen.
"State senators from New Hampshire and Arizona presented my case to the
Senate in Washington D.C. so the International Olympic Committee allowed me
to run in the Olympics without a country," said Maker.
Even though his dream of running for South Sudan had not yet come true, Maker
accomplished a great deal as an unaffiliated Olympian.
"All of the people in South Sudan knew where I was from," said Maker. "I
wanted to be the inspiration for the children to say, 'Hey, if Maker can do
it, you know what, I can do it too.'"
After the 2012 Olympics, Maker was undeterred and set a new goal for himself
and his country.
"I said to myself, 'In 2016, I'm going to bring South Sudan to the Olympics
for the first time,'" said Maker. "I wanted to try to do more for my country
and the 2012 Olympics only strengthened my conviction to accomplish my goal."
This time around Maker's dream became a reality in Rio de Janeiro 2016 when
he became one of three athletes to be the first to represent South Sudan in
an Olympic games, as well as South Sudan's flag bearer for the opening
"Walking into that stadium, carrying the South Sudan flag was just
indescribable," said Maker. "The people of South Sudan were in my mind the
whole time I was running into the stadium with that flag and it meant so much
to me."
While it was a truly incredible and improbable moment for Maker, his thoughts
were filled with the people of his home country while he was running with
that flag.
"Over 50 years of civil war and my country finally got independence," said
Maker. "So many lives were lost for our freedom, it was just ringing in my
head that we have done it, we have done it. On that day, everyone in South
Sudan was at peace watching the Olympics for the first time."
The 2016 Olympics were an enormous accomplishment for the former slave and
South Sudan native that went far beyond his 82nd overall finish.
"I couldn't have accomplished any of it without all the support I received
from my family and the opportunity the United States gave me. It's the
highlight of my athletic career so far and a moment I'll treasure forever."
The next chapter in Maker's life began when he decided to join the U.S. Air
Force to serve the country that gave him so many opportunities.
"All of the things I've accomplished have derived from the opportunities the
U.S. has afforded me," said Maker. "When I first came to America, I didn't
have hardly anything, but with the support and opportunity this country has
given me, I've been able to completely change my life."
The staff at basic military training had no idea who Maker was, but he
quickly stood out to leadership at the 324th Training Squadron.
"I went out to the track and saw the instructors were putting their attention
on one trainee in particular," said Maj. John Lippolis, director of
operations for the 324th TRS. "I could see him running noticeably faster than
everyone else and the instructors explained to me that we had a two-time
Olympian at BMT."
In addition to Maker's Olympian status, his unique personal story also stood
In addition to Maker's Olympian status, his unique personal story also stood
out Lippolis.
"I was just absolutely floored when I talked to him about what he went
through to get to where he is today," said Lippolis. "Not only did he get
survive, he wanted to better himself and he has accomplished so much. He has
an amazing story and the drive he has displayed to succeed like that in the
face of such adversity is truly inspiring."
Maker not only inspired Lippolis, but other members of his flight were
inspired too.
"All of his wingmen said the same things when I talked to them," said
Lippolis. "They told me what an inspiration he was within the flight; that
the flight rallied around him and he doesn't do anything he's supposed to do
for himself until he helps out everybody else."
While Maker has accomplished a great deal in his lifetime, he's not done
While Maker has accomplished a great deal in his lifetime, he's not done
Maker hopes to join the Air Force World Class Athlete Program, a program
designed to allow elite athletes the opportunity to train and compete in
national events to make the Olympics. He also wants to make the 2020 Olympics
where he'll have the opportunity to represent his new home and the country
that gave him so much.
"Joining the greatest Air Force in the world has been an absolute miracle,"
said Maker. "I can't wait to see what this next chapter holds for me."
1.翻了1個小時終於翻完了好累喔= =
推 : 前幾天我開電腦玩fallout 4 玩了半小時就突然吐了11/15 20:20
→ : 我還想說自己怎麼變得那麼沒擋頭
→ : 結果十分鐘後 我爸跟我媽也突然跑去吐了@@
→ : 最後發現.....是晚餐時吃的貢丸壞掉了
→ : 我還想說自己怎麼變得那麼沒擋頭
→ : 結果十分鐘後 我爸跟我媽也突然跑去吐了@@
→ : 最後發現.....是晚餐時吃的貢丸壞掉了
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Qcwo8V5 (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1520151688.A.7C5.html
推 : 好棒棒1F 03/04 16:22
推 : 首推有嗎2F 03/04 16:22
推 : 推3F 03/04 16:22
推 : 推,好文4F 03/04 16:22
→ : 哇靠這哪部5F 03/04 16:22
推 : 快回國爭王位啊6F 03/04 16:22
推 : 你要先逃到美國拿到身分9F 03/04 16:23
→ : 看這文章就知道一定是支持共和黨的10F 03/04 16:23
推 : 讚11F 03/04 16:23
@ 以上紅底標記10位,每人100P(稅後)發送完成! by AutoGiveP 2.08
※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 03/04/2018 16:27:25
※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 03/04/2018 16:28:10
※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 03/04/2018 21:05:50
推 : 首推有嗎2F 03/04 16:22
推 : 推3F 03/04 16:22
推 : 推,好文4F 03/04 16:22
→ : 哇靠這哪部5F 03/04 16:22
推 : 快回國爭王位啊6F 03/04 16:22
推 : 補7F 03/04 16:23
推 : 活得精彩 Ford8F 03/04 16:23推 : 你要先逃到美國拿到身分9F 03/04 16:23
→ : 看這文章就知道一定是支持共和黨的10F 03/04 16:23
推 : 讚11F 03/04 16:23
@ 以上紅底標記10位,每人100P(稅後)發送完成! by AutoGiveP 2.08
推 : 這人生真精彩12F 03/04 16:23
推 : 推13F 03/04 16:24
推 : 猛14F 03/04 16:24
推 : 嗯15F 03/04 16:24
推 : 錢16F 03/04 16:25
推 : Cheer up17F 03/04 16:25
推 : 跑步天賦也有才行啊 不然只能當街友18F 03/04 16:25
※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 03/04/2018 16:25:37推 : 我很少給推ㄉ19F 03/04 16:25
推 : 勵志20F 03/04 16:25
推 : 推21F 03/04 16:26
推 : Meet ur Maker!22F 03/04 16:26
→ : Training Squadron不是中隊嗎 為什麼是梯次23F 03/04 16:26
謝謝更正!!!感激不盡 另外發給您100P※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 03/04/2018 16:27:25
推 : 收到24F 03/04 16:26
推 : 人生地獄模式..25F 03/04 16:27
推 : 看完再推 有感動到 錯字“他不只活了下來,他還讓26F 03/04 16:27
→ : 自己更號”
感謝XD→ : 自己更號”
※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 03/04/2018 16:28:10
推 : 好文,希望他能保持初衷28F 03/04 16:27
推 : 推29F 03/04 16:28
推 : 勵志好文,感謝翻譯30F 03/04 16:28
推 : 好文31F 03/04 16:28
推 : 好文推...翻譯辛苦了32F 03/04 16:28
推 : 這世界應該沒什麼事情可以難倒他了...33F 03/04 16:29
推 : 錢34F 03/04 16:29
推 : 推35F 03/04 16:30
推 :36F 03/04 16:30
推 : 推37F 03/04 16:30
推 : 錢38F 03/04 16:30
推 : 推39F 03/04 16:30
→ : 而且Airman 1st Class不是空軍一號駕駛 是空軍一兵啦40F 03/04 16:30
好XD 謝謝 感恩惜福推 : 反觀中國 zzz41F 03/04 16:31
※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 03/04/2018 16:31:53→ zx126126987 …
推 : 勵志尼哥43F 03/04 16:31
推 : 不錯辛苦你了44F 03/04 16:31
推 : 推!45F 03/04 16:32
推 : 這可以拍電影了...46F 03/04 16:33
推 : 推47F 03/04 16:33
推 : 這一定會被拍成電影的啦XD48F 03/04 16:33
推 : 屌49F 03/04 16:34
推 : 謝謝你的翻譯 他沒有自我放棄 而讓自己更努力變得更好50F 03/04 16:34
→ : 很讓人感動
→ : 很讓人感動
推 : 哪部52F 03/04 16:36
推 : 噩夢級難度 打到快通關53F 03/04 16:36
推 : !!!54F 03/04 16:37
推 : 感謝翻譯55F 03/04 16:37
推 : 推56F 03/04 16:37
推 : 空軍體育班?不是戰鬥單位喔,軍方也太有錢了吧57F 03/04 16:38
推 : 重點是他有個好叔叔 沒叔叔他根本無法離開南蘇丹58F 03/04 16:38
推 : 太猛了...... 突然覺得我好廢.....59F 03/04 16:38
推 : 推60F 03/04 16:39
推 : 美國徵兵廣告?61F 03/04 16:39
推 : 猛62F 03/04 16:40
推 : 嗚嗚嗚 太感人了63F 03/04 16:42
推 : 菁英64F 03/04 16:42
推 : 推65F 03/04 16:43
推 : 推66F 03/04 16:45
推 : 美國也是有做好事,沒有美帝就沒有他67F 03/04 16:46
→ KangSuat …
推 : 自慚形穢69F 03/04 16:47
推 : 傳奇人物70F 03/04 16:47
推 : 好文推71F 03/04 16:47
推 : 美國夢R72F 03/04 16:48
推 : 勵志73F 03/04 16:48
推 : 推74F 03/04 16:48
推 : 好棒的故事 可惜現在南蘇丹還在內戰75F 03/04 16:48
推 : 太屌了76F 03/04 16:49
推 : 幹 有夠屌77F 03/04 16:49
推 : 推78F 03/04 16:50
推 : 人生逆轉勝79F 03/04 16:50
推 : 重點是他夠努力啊 如果擺爛再多機會也沒用80F 03/04 16:50
推 : 美國夢>中國夢81F 03/04 16:50
推 : 推推82F 03/04 16:53
推 : push83F 03/04 16:54
推 : 推84F 03/04 16:55
推 : 其實怎樣看,除了努力還有運氣啊....,前面靠運氣存活85F 03/04 16:56
→ : ,後面靠努力幫助國家,大部分人在運氣方面就輸了
→ : ,後面靠努力幫助國家,大部分人在運氣方面就輸了
推 : 推87F 03/04 16:57
→ : 奧運版寫過他的故事88F 03/04 16:57
推 : 超勵志89F 03/04 16:58
推 : 太感人90F 03/04 16:58
推 : 強!91F 03/04 16:58
推 : 這人好猛 化工系又運動員又空軍 前半輩子還顛沛流離92F 03/04 16:59
推 : 推93F 03/04 17:01
推 : 勵志推94F 03/04 17:02
推 : 這履歷猛到不行95F 03/04 17:03
推 : 勵志96F 03/04 17:05
推 : 八卦清流97F 03/04 17:06
推 : 加油98F 03/04 17:07
推 : 推 可以拍電影了99F 03/04 17:07
推 : 我也可以RRR R起來100F 03/04 17:07
推 : 一開場就是地獄難度....101F 03/04 17:07
推 : 推102F 03/04 17:07
→ querencia …
推 : 推104F 03/04 17:08
推 : 推105F 03/04 17:08
推 : 殘酷的世界 總是要有特殊的際遇和能力才有辦法存活下來106F 03/04 17:10
推 : 這個個人努力 跟幸運都要有107F 03/04 17:11
推 : 勵志推108F 03/04 17:13
推 : 推109F 03/04 17:14
推 : 好屌110F 03/04 17:14
推 : 真的蠻厲害的111F 03/04 17:14
推 : 好112F 03/04 17:15
推 : 好厲害113F 03/04 17:15
推 : 真的是maker114F 03/04 17:16
推 : 推 精彩又激勵人心115F 03/04 17:16
推 : 比起黑豹拍什麼顛覆現實的爽片 不如拍這種故事勵志人心116F 03/04 17:16
推 : 真正的美國夢117F 03/04 17:16
推 : 推118F 03/04 17:16
推 : 可怕的是世界上壞人超多119F 03/04 17:17
推 : 猛120F 03/04 17:17
推 : 哇靠...感覺他都可以寫自傳了 真佩服121F 03/04 17:17
推 : 好棒棒122F 03/04 17:18
推 : 高中才開始學習 成就卻超越從小學習的人 狂....123F 03/04 17:19
推 : 專家模式直接從煉獄VI開始還打到全身神裝124F 03/04 17:19
推 : 讚讚讚125F 03/04 17:19
推 : 這故事感覺就是會被翻拍成電影阿126F 03/04 17:20
推 : 像電影127F 03/04 17:22
推 : 推128F 03/04 17:22
推 : 推129F 03/04 17:23
推 : 推130F 03/04 17:24
推 : 太勵志了QQ131F 03/04 17:24
推 : 好感人的故事132F 03/04 17:24
推 : 幹高手133F 03/04 17:24
推 : 推134F 03/04 17:28
推 : 推推 很正面135F 03/04 17:28
推 : 推136F 03/04 17:29
推 : 屌137F 03/04 17:29
推 : 錢138F 03/04 17:29
推 : 奧斯卡電影劇本Get139F 03/04 17:29
推 : 勵志!140F 03/04 17:29
推 : 反觀鬼島一堆廢物 整天上來無病呻吟141F 03/04 17:30
推 : 感謝 好勵志142F 03/04 17:31
推 : 想起聖堂教父.. 能從地獄活下來的人都很猛143F 03/04 17:31
推 : 哪部144F 03/04 17:32
推 : 可以拍電影了145F 03/04 17:32
推 : 推146F 03/04 17:34
推 : 奴隸不逃到美服什麼都不是147F 03/04 17:34
推 : 推推148F 03/04 17:34
推 : 推149F 03/04 17:35
推 : 推,鼓舞人心150F 03/04 17:36
推 : 推151F 03/04 17:38
推 : 公鹿隊那個也叫Maker152F 03/04 17:40
推 : 好猛153F 03/04 17:41
推 : 讚 (小提醒 華盛頓DC 跟 華盛頓州 是兩個不同的地方)154F 03/04 17:41
謝謝~推 : 哇……闖過來的人生啊155F 03/04 17:41
推 : 推 好勵志~請問原PO可不可以借轉貼?156F 03/04 17:42
噓 : lol157F 03/04 17:43
推 : 太勵志158F 03/04 17:44
推 : 感動159F 03/04 17:45
推 : 不斷的努力與不放棄 !160F 03/04 17:45
推 : 好勵志161F 03/04 17:45
推 : 下巴被敲碎當下有治療嗎...162F 03/04 17:46
推 : 推163F 03/04 17:46
推 : 推164F 03/04 17:46
推 : 感謝翻譯165F 03/04 17:46
推 : 可拍電影了。 這人生很累 很豐富166F 03/04 17:47
推 : 推,翻譯辛苦了,不用錢167F 03/04 17:49
推 : 自身努力+美國提供的環境資源 可惜一堆左派還在反美帝XD168F 03/04 17:49
噓 : 幹是有多長169F 03/04 17:49
推 : 推170F 03/04 17:51
推 : 推171F 03/04 17:52
推 : 推172F 03/04 17:52
推 : 新的勵志電影173F 03/04 17:52
推 : Good174F 03/04 17:53
推 : 有翻譯給推175F 03/04 17:54
推 : 勵志176F 03/04 17:54
推 : 勵志177F 03/04 17:55
推 : 美國夢178F 03/04 17:55
→ : DC的Senate應該是指U.S. Senate, 參議院179F 03/04 17:56
噓 : 所以一切的關鍵是怎麼移民到先進國家啊!180F 03/04 17:57
推 : 可以拍電影了...超勵志欸.....181F 03/04 17:58
推 : 那他知道是誰打他的家園嗎182F 03/04 17:58
推 : 逆轉人生的強者183F 03/04 17:59
推 : 推 但美國夢有成功也有失敗的例子184F 03/04 18:00
推 : 好猛185F 03/04 18:00
推 : 從地獄模式通關了186F 03/04 18:01
推 : 反觀滯台支那187F 03/04 18:02
推 : 噓得覺得你現在腳底下踩的有多落後? 呵呵188F 03/04 18:02
推 : 推 勵志189F 03/04 18:02
推 : 厲志推190F 03/04 18:02
推 : 超勵志!191F 03/04 18:06
噓 : 跑什麼步!當醫生才有前途192F 03/04 18:07
→ celtics1997 …
推 : 超勵志!我們都過的太安逸了194F 03/04 18:08
推 : 幹 拍電影如果不說真人真事一定會被噓豪洨195F 03/04 18:08
推 : 最後還是簽下去惹196F 03/04 18:09
推 : 可以拍電影了吧197F 03/04 18:09
推 : 推勵志198F 03/04 18:09
噓 : 9.2快來看,你們最愛的426199F 03/04 18:09
推 : 很棒200F 03/04 18:09
推 : 太猛了吧QQ201F 03/04 18:12
推 : 感人202F 03/04 18:12
推 : 推203F 03/04 18:13
噓 : 第一段,牙助?204F 03/04 18:13
→ : 喔喔看到英文了,抱歉
→ : 喔喔看到英文了,抱歉
推 : 人生如戲 這人的人生比電影還精彩206F 03/04 18:15
推 : 這故事很勵志!207F 03/04 18:15
推 : 臺灣出生大概難度是difficult而已208F 03/04 18:16
推 : 推209F 03/04 18:16
推 : 這是英文題目喔 跑步要怎麼練強210F 03/04 18:17
推 : 推211F 03/04 18:17
推 : 推212F 03/04 18:17
推 : 本身資質好,重點是運氣逃離靠努力拼成213F 03/04 18:19
推 : 推八歲就自己決定事情214F 03/04 18:19
推 : 敬佩~215F 03/04 18:21
推 : do u know da wae?216F 03/04 18:22
推 : 推217F 03/04 18:22
推 : 佩服 另外也希望台灣能成為一個國家參加奧運218F 03/04 18:24
推 : 先有運氣才有努力的機會219F 03/04 18:24
推 : 了不起!雖然是運氣+努力,但最關鍵還是他8歲就了解&220F 03/04 18:25
→ : 決心自己必須脫離那個地獄,才會有後來的機會與成就
→ : ,這點真的不容易@@
→ : 決心自己必須脫離那個地獄,才會有後來的機會與成就
→ : ,這點真的不容易@@
噓 : 黑鬼223F 03/04 18:25
→ : 感謝原po翻譯分享好文224F 03/04 18:26
推 : 好強!!225F 03/04 18:26
推 : 推226F 03/04 18:28
推 : 太強惹~227F 03/04 18:29
推 : 這個人的經歷可以拍賣座電影了228F 03/04 18:30
推 : 推229F 03/04 18:31
推 : 本來美國競爭力也就是這些被其他國家放棄的移民230F 03/04 18:33
推 :231F 03/04 18:34
推 : 推推英文對照232F 03/04 18:34
推 : 太勵志了嗚嗚嗚233F 03/04 18:35
推 : 很感人。但同時獨立的南蘇丹繼續不斷內戰,還是無數兒童234F 03/04 18:36
→ : 被奴役與殘殺,唉。
→ : 被奴役與殘殺,唉。
推 : 天啊 好文 是好文236F 03/04 18:36
推 : 推翻譯237F 03/04 18:37
推 : 努力加上環境238F 03/04 18:37
推 : 拍電影了吧239F 03/04 18:38
推 : 純推勵志240F 03/04 18:39
推 : 推翻譯241F 03/04 18:39
推 : 決殺令?242F 03/04 18:40
推 : 首抽兩星後靠自己的努力通關的故事243F 03/04 18:41
推 : 謝謝辛苦翻譯244F 03/04 18:41
推 : 最屌招募廣告245F 03/04 18:41
推 : 翻譯辛苦了....246F 03/04 18:42
推 : 好感人的故事T^T247F 03/04 18:46
推 : 推!248F 03/04 18:47
推 : 推翻譯 / 記者狀態:Ctrl + C、Ctrl + V、Ctrl + C…249F 03/04 18:48
推 : 好文謝翻譯250F 03/04 18:51
推 : 推251F 03/04 18:52
推 : 超勵志252F 03/04 18:53
推 : 跟電影一樣的人生253F 03/04 18:54
推 : 推 好感人的故事,感謝分享254F 03/04 18:54
推 : 然後被川普當難民趕出國255F 03/04 18:56
推 : 推256F 03/04 18:57
推 : 人家歷盡滄桑才投奔自由,反觀9.2257F 03/04 18:57
→ : 猛258F 03/04 18:57
推 : 中國狼性表示崩潰259F 03/04 18:57
推 : 推260F 03/04 18:58
推 : 很精彩的故事261F 03/04 18:58
推 : 推262F 03/04 19:01
推 : 認真看完了,真的很勵志263F 03/04 19:01
推 : 感動264F 03/04 19:03
推 : 感動到掉眼淚 QQ265F 03/04 19:03
推 : 好厲害R266F 03/04 19:04
推 : 推267F 03/04 19:07
推 : 嗚嗚 很感人268F 03/04 19:08
推 : 認真看完了,很鼓舞人心!感謝翻譯269F 03/04 19:09
推 : 這好屌270F 03/04 19:11
推 : 感動QQ271F 03/04 19:12
推 : 該拍電影了吧?讓肥宅我覺得自己根本就沒努力過啊…272F 03/04 19:14
推 : 好屌273F 03/04 19:17
推 : push274F 03/04 19:18
推 : 八卦版酸民:還不是為了錢!去了就別回來啊!275F 03/04 19:18
推 : 感動推276F 03/04 19:18
推 : 推原po翻譯 辛苦了 故事真的很精彩277F 03/04 19:27
推 : 推278F 03/04 19:29
→ : 原po要不要備註一下記者勿抄啊279F 03/04 19:29
推 : 好文,感謝翻譯!280F 03/04 19:30
推 : 推勵志281F 03/04 19:30
推 : 感動到差點在捷運爆哭QAQ282F 03/04 19:32
推 : 謝謝你翻譯,這篇希望給更多人看見283F 03/04 19:34
推 : 勵志284F 03/04 19:35
推 : 感謝翻譯285F 03/04 19:36
推 : 不可思議啊286F 03/04 19:36
推 : 美國夢287F 03/04 19:38
推 : 推288F 03/04 19:38
推 : 推289F 03/04 19:39
推 : 因為夠會跑啊 不夠會跑的早就........290F 03/04 19:40
推 : 感謝翻譯。真是有為青年291F 03/04 19:40
推 : 感人!292F 03/04 19:42
推 : 勵志推293F 03/04 19:42
推 : 勵志尼哥!294F 03/04 19:43
推 : 勵志295F 03/04 19:44
推 : 辛苦翻譯推296F 03/04 19:46
推 : 推297F 03/04 19:47
推 : 超猛推298F 03/04 19:50
推 : 推 可以拍電影了299F 03/04 19:55
推 : 還要練習閃子彈300F 03/04 19:56
推 : 超強啊301F 03/04 19:57
推 : 這才是新聞302F 03/04 19:57
推 : 推303F 03/04 19:58
推 : 謝謝翻譯 為了活下來好辛苦為了貢獻國家的情操又好偉大304F 03/04 19:58
推 : push305F 03/04 20:01
推 : 是在R三小 不要以為我沒看到306F 03/04 20:02
推 : 根本超強,一堆鄉民以為他有的是運氣,要不要試試去當奴隸307F 03/04 20:02
→ : 然後再考慮翻身一下。這環境沒墮落就超強了
→ : 然後再考慮翻身一下。這環境沒墮落就超強了
推 : 勵志309F 03/04 20:02
推 : 推310F 03/04 20:06
推 : 推 可以拍電影311F 03/04 20:08
推 : Thanks for sharing!312F 03/04 20:09
推 : 查了一下 全馬212 真猛313F 03/04 20:09
推 : 推314F 03/04 20:12
推 : 比電影還精彩的人生,而且還未完待續315F 03/04 20:14
推 : 推翻譯316F 03/04 20:14
推 : 然後9.2會來噓317F 03/04 20:21
推 : 感謝分享318F 03/04 20:22
推 : 美國夢319F 03/04 20:23
推 : 真的是真正的美國夢,最困難的人生開局之一320F 03/04 20:23
推 : 好勵志啊!拍電影了321F 03/04 20:42
推 : 勵志推322F 03/04 20:43
推 : 推 好文章 感謝你323F 03/04 20:43
→ : 尼哥就是體力強324F 03/04 20:43
推 : 之前看過某篇新聞 說有個越南難民移民到美國325F 03/04 20:43
→ : 靠自己努力 現在當上美國將軍 跟這篇新聞很像~
→ : 靠自己努力 現在當上美國將軍 跟這篇新聞很像~
推 : 成功成為成功的肥宅,yo~327F 03/04 20:47
推 : 推328F 03/04 20:48
※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 03/04/2018 20:52:19推 : 這真的可以拍電影 太勵志了329F 03/04 20:55
推 : 非常感人330F 03/04 20:55
→ : 推 可是national high school title, 是全國高中比賽,331F 03/04 21:03
→ : 不是國立高中比賽
謝謝,我搞錯了哈哈→ : 不是國立高中比賽
※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 03/04/2018 21:05:50