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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-02-18 18:48:52
看板 Gossiping
作者 muse87131 (qwertyuiop)
標題 [新聞]南蘇丹衝突五年百萬流離 國際冷漠以待
時間 Sun Feb 18 14:16:10 2018

The Economist

The Economist explains How the international community has failed South Sudan

南蘇丹衝突五年百萬流離 國際冷漠以待


Too many countries turn a blind eye to this troubled young state


HOW to solve a problem like South Sudan? Regional peacemakers gathering in Addis Ababa over the past fortnight have struggled again to find an answer. Despite a succession of peace agreements and international resolutions (indeed the peacemakers may sign something this week), fighting in the world's newest country has now entered its fifth year. It erupted in 2013 after President Salva Kiir (a Dinka) sacked his deputy, Riek Machar (a Nuer), pitting the country's two largest ethnic groups against each
other in a deadly struggle for supremacy. Since then fighting has taken place across multiple fronts, as rebel groups have mushroomed across the country. Nearly a third of the population have fled their homes and over 5m face hunger. IGAD, the east African bloc leading the peacemaking efforts, brokered a ceasefire in December. But the South Sudanese government, which has the stronger military force, shows little interest in meaningful compromise. And without the credible threat of tough sanctions or a
comprehensive arms embargo, violations of the ceasefire have become the norm. UN peacekeepers are present in the country, but overstretched. Why has South Sudan become another study in the international community's failings?

南蘇丹問題到底怎麼解決?和平會議過去兩週在衣索比亞首都Addis Abbaba舉行,但各國依然束手無策。雖然現在和平協議跟國際決議已經出爐,而且和平會議將於本週簽定協議,但是南蘇丹問題仍然無解,動亂至今步入第五個年頭。事件源頭是2013年的時候,南蘇丹總統Salva Kiir(Dinka 族)把副總統Riek Machar(Nuer族)開除掉,引爆兩族群權力鬥爭,叛亂團體雨後春筍般出現,最終演變成內戰大亂鬥,造成全國三分之一人口流離失所,超過五百萬人生靈塗炭。


UN peacekeeping missions need a host government's permission to operate. But South Sudan, a country still less than a decade old, is especially prickly about threats to its sovereignty. Its government has repeatedly obstructed the work of UNMISS, the UN's $1bn-per-year mission in South Sudan. It has refused, for example, to allow it to send troops to stop massacres (often because it is the government that is carrying out those killings). Government troops have attacked and killed UN personnel, and even
shot down two UNMISS helicopters. An additional 4,000-strong regional protection force sent to defend Juba, the capital, last August was delayed for months in part because of wranglings over the scope of its mandate. The government still refuses to cede it control of the city's airport.


The UN, in principle, retains the right to impose its will by force should a government fail to protect its own citizens. But even relatively soft punishments like sanctions require consensus among its members, which in the case of South Sudan has been near impossible. Countries such as Britain expressed support for an arms embargo early in the conflict; America was more ambivalent. By late 2016 Washington had come round to the idea, but it failed to convince the rest of the UN Security Council, above
all China (which has a substantial stake in South Sudan's oilfields) and Russia. Both argue the UN must follow the lead of the African Union (AU). But there is little appetite for sanctions among South Sudan's neighbours, not least in those countries, such as Sudan and Kenya, whose leaders have themselves been the subject of international sanctions or arrest warrants. Meanwhile South Sudan still has allies in the vicinity, in particular Uganda, whose president, Yoweri Museveni, has long been close with
his South Sudanese peer, Salva Kiir. "Without their buy-in, punitive measures simply can't happen," says Ahmed Soliman of Chatham House, a London-based think-tank.

Museveni本身就是南蘇丹總統Salva Kiir的好朋友。

「沒有這些國家支持,制裁根本過不了。」倫敦智庫Chatham House的Ahmed Soliman表示。

The government in Juba is losing diplomatic ground, though. America, which imposed a unilateral (though largely symbolic) arms embargo on February 2nd, may again call on the UN to follow suit when the council meets to discuss the crisis at the end of the month. Recent statements from the AU suggests growing sympathy for such ideas in Africa, too. But it is unclear whether there is a real sense of urgency. When fighting broke out in late 2013 it risked becoming a proxy war between, in particular,
neighbouring Sudan and Uganda. Today the conflict is more contained and many governments in the region may be willing to turn a blind eye.



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simanman: 太長了1F 02/18 14:16
cena0605: 聯合國的用途就是把部隊放到非洲讓他們洩慾阿2F 02/18 14:16
axzs1111: 顏色不對啊  要是白人的話3F 02/18 14:17
abellea85209: 第一天認識聯合國?4F 02/18 14:17
weijunW: 叫金豹出來喬5F 02/18 14:17
tcancer: 靈長類打架支持任何一邊有意義嗎?6F 02/18 14:17
amethystboy: 非洲的問題還是在於列強環伺7F 02/18 14:18
kkjjrtlym: 阿就是拳頭大就大聲阿8F 02/18 14:18
scum5566: 沒有石油,誰鳥你啊9F 02/18 14:18
WTF1111: 台灣老人才缺乏知識與國際觀10F 02/18 14:20
※ 編輯: muse87131 (, 02/18/2018 14:21:35
nmrsabc: 南蘇丹的維和部隊都是中國解放軍,被幹不能還手超無奈11F 02/18 14:22
hmt17: XDDDDDDDDDD12F 02/18 14:22
snocia: 剛果比較可怕...曾經有超過10個以上彼此敵視的勢力大亂鬥13F 02/18 14:22
echoo: 聯合國的功能就是定時刷新聞讓左膠高潮14F 02/18 14:22
snocia: 而且最近局勢又開始惡化了15F 02/18 14:23
stoneofsea: 聯合國就是橡皮圖章啊16F 02/18 14:24
RoverFrank: 笑死 軍火商人很開心17F 02/18 14:26
fffffff4: 推翻譯18F 02/18 14:28
water0202: 聯合國就只能看安理會5國臉色啊!根本沒屁用19F 02/18 14:28
jaguars33: 老人繼續反年改要錢花啊20F 02/18 14:29
eiw123: 讓我們繼續關心海龜21F 02/18 14:31
sunnyyoung: 聯合國就是米蟲組織,也不知道組來幹嘛的22F 02/18 14:33
tokeep: 起風了.大家快跟上23F 02/18 14:34
eiw123: 聯合國的工作 就是禁你漫畫 否定普世價值 還有關心海龜24F 02/18 14:38
silentence: 9.2:一堆井底之蛙25F 02/18 14:38
jonestem: 第一天認識這世界?啊,我忘了,9.2、CCR都只有白色的世26F 02/18 14:38
jonestem: 界
a176893: 聯合國不就是五常聊天室嗎28F 02/18 14:43
cucu1126: 全世界都要看中國的臉色29F 02/18 14:44
Areso: 翁山蘇姬五味雜陳30F 02/18 14:45
humphrey0923: 您翻譯文的Addis Ababa拼錯了31F 02/18 14:47
GaryMatthews: 沒石油32F 02/18 14:51
catwithptt: 還有記者到底懂不懂感冒這兩個字當動詞的使用方式33F 02/18 14:52
yudofu: 沒有石油34F 02/18 14:55
echoo: 之前就有人婊聯合國很關心日本蘿莉漫畫 卻漠視現實雞姦童工35F 02/18 14:56
slimak: 聯合國功能是殺殭屍 電影有演過36F 02/18 14:57
esmm: 清流37F 02/18 15:01
wind93: 聯合國就是個笑話38F 02/18 15:02
TuringTest: 南蘇丹就失敗國家啊39F 02/18 15:02
shinobunodok: 瓦干達還在睡喔?40F 02/18 15:05
specialSPE: 願受難的人早日脫身,幸福降臨。41F 02/18 15:07
liudwan: 聯合國集體安全只確保大國不容易打起來而已42F 02/18 15:08
wulaw5566: 聯合國只關心五常利益,尼哥有問題請自己解決43F 02/18 15:13
CyrilHuang: 叫瓦干達出來喬啊(?44F 02/18 15:24
h73o1012: nigger 遊戲45F 02/18 15:27
capcombio: 聯合國:幫這好像沒賺頭?(挖鼻孔)46F 02/18 15:31
dieKuchen: 推47F 02/18 15:33
lhlun: 自己翻譯給推48F 02/18 15:36
z4525881: 推49F 02/18 15:37
russellluo: 推國際新聞50F 02/18 15:41
deerdriver: 推51F 02/18 15:47
DimlyLit: 推翻譯52F 02/18 15:55
BDUUU: 推翻譯53F 02/18 15:58
charles20267: 沒利益可以撈,大國當然不願插手54F 02/18 15:59
righthandcat: 翻的很好 成語用的很好55F 02/18 16:00
keither1009: 安理會常任理事制度整個就是腦殘到不行56F 02/18 16:01
LEDtorch: 0.057F 02/18 16:01
cx3373: 聯合國就是個廢物單位能期待做什麼58F 02/18 16:11
elibra01: 推59F 02/18 16:13
mynewid: 尼哥國嘻嘻60F 02/18 16:24
george40516: 利益聯合國61F 02/18 16:35
mvpdirk712: 聯合國可以幹麼????62F 02/18 16:37
Martie: 推63F 02/18 16:42
loveshih: 推64F 02/18 16:47
pro33342: 推65F 02/18 17:10
jackboy772: 推66F 02/18 17:12
yuiweq1999: 聯合國國聯化嗎67F 02/18 17:14
SilenceWFL: 推68F 02/18 17:39
template: 推69F 02/18 17:43
template: 沒有實體利益支撐,國際法只是虛幻的笑話
scarfman: 推熱心翻譯71F 02/18 17:54
monarch0301: 翻譯很棒 完整看完72F 02/18 17:57
monarch0301: 加油
monarch0301: 支持繼續翻譯
st2913sbck: 哈哈 世界真好笑75F 02/18 18:35

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