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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-02-11 13:18:31
看板 Gossiping
作者 ilovedandan (SayMama)
標題 [新聞] Youtube停止給予Logan Paul廣告收入
時間 Sun Feb 11 01:04:23 2018

YouTube penalises Logan Paul for dead rat Taser video
Logan Paul因電擊死老鼠的影片被Youtube懲處

Google pulls all adverts from vlogger’s content for displaying a ‘pattern of
behaviour’ that ‘damages the broader creator community’
Logan Paul因近日來一系列的脫序影片破壞了Youtuber的公眾觀感

YouTube has once again penalised vlogger Logan Paul for posting inappropriate
content, just weeks after he was suspended from the company’s paid-content
program over a video trivialising suicide.
Youtube因網紅Logan Paul前些日子貼出不適當的影片內容

The YouTube star has had all adverts on his videos suspended over what Google
describes as a “pattern of behaviour”, repeatedly posting content which push
the boundaries of what is acceptable on the site.
Logan Paul近日來的影片一直在挑戰Youtube的管理底線

Paul faced an immediate backlash following his video filmed in Japan’s
Aokigahara Forest, a suicide hotspot. YouTube took the video down, suspended
his YouTube Red paid projects, and removed him as a “preferred ad partner”.
After a three-week self-imposed hiatus, Paul returned with a lavishly made
video on suicide awareness, claiming he wanted to be part of the “solution”.
Logan Paul拍了自殺預防的影片,並聲稱他想為降低自殺率一起努力

Since then, however, he has returned to his old ways. In a video uploaded on
Monday, he tasered two dead rats and removed a live fish from water and “
performed CPR” on it. YouTube responded by suspending all advertising on his
但從那之後,Logan Paul仍舊不改本色,拍攝了電擊死老鼠跟對活魚進行CPR等脫序影片

A YouTube spokesperson said: “This is not a decision we made lightly, however,
we believe he has exhibited a pattern of behaviour in his videos that makes his
channel not only unsuitable for advertisers, but also potentially damaging to
the broader creator community.”
Youtube發言人說這項決定並不是匆促決定的,而是由於Logan Paul一連串的脫序演出

It is unclear how much YouTube’s decision to suspend his ad revenue will
affect Paul’s earnings, as he has a lucrative merchandise line that he
promotes multiple times per video to his 16 million subscribers. Paul earned
somewhere between $28,000 to $450,000 from ad revenue on YouTube in the last
month alone, and up to $1.2m in a typical month, according to estimates from
influencer analysis firm Social Blade.
目前仍不知Logan Paul少了Youtube廣告收入會如
上個月Logan Paul的Youtube廣告收入介於美金28,000~450,000之間

In the last month, YouTube has promised to take a more active role in shaping
content on its site, hiring thousands of extra moderators and taking a tougher
line on the celebrity vloggers who form the most visible public face of the

In early February, the site’s chief executive, Susan Wojcicki, promised to
develop “policies that would lead to consequences if a creator does something
egregious that causes significant harm to our community as a whole.
二月初,Youtube執行長Susan Wojcicki承諾若是Youtuber的影片破壞了大眾觀感

“While these instances are rare, they can damage the reputation and revenue of
your fellow creators, so we want to make sure we have policies in place that
allow us to respond appropriately.”

YouTube penalises Logan Paul for dead rat Taser video | Technology | The Guardian
Google pulls all adverts from Paul’s videos after he showed a ‘pattern of behaviour’ that is ‘damaging to the broader creator community’ ...



Logan Paul的防治自殺影片觀看數2,700萬诶,結果他拿來做這些屁孩事


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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1518282267.A.3CE.html
pttfatman: 屁孩1F 02/11 01:05
Yude0109: 白垃圾哈哈,跟CJ一樣的貨色2F 02/11 01:05
iphone55566: 好有錢喔 一個月120萬美元3F 02/11 01:05
tim9527: 電擊槍 開箱文4F 02/11 01:05
zeumax: 這就是媒體演化的方式,由個人呈現5F 02/11 01:06
pket67: 他是不是色盲那位?6F 02/11 01:06
XXXXLAY: 啊他還有個弟弟的樣子欸7F 02/11 01:06
popy8789: 看來聖結石那種拍廢片還有人買單的爽賺就好了8F 02/11 01:06
uhmeiouramu: 會不會精神崩潰暴走啊......9F 02/11 01:07
C13H16ClNO: 太遲了 一開始就該關台兼控告對方虐待動物10F 02/11 01:07
AirPenguin: 活該 屁孩11F 02/11 01:07
yms12709: 哈哈哈哈哈12F 02/11 01:07
dog990999: 賺飽了13F 02/11 01:08
makimakimaki: 每個月拿120萬美金 這世界一堆笨蛋廣告商14F 02/11 01:08
Jr0000: 反觀吐雞15F 02/11 01:09
avans: 賺翻了沒收入也沒差了= =16F 02/11 01:09
wang1b: 可憐悲哀17F 02/11 01:09
zero00072: 我只能說色盲眼鏡從無彩到有彩太誇大這樣。只認識黑白18F 02/11 01:10
chien20145: 活該 哈哈19F 02/11 01:10
zero00072: 的人,戴上去突然認識紅綠藍很莫名其妙。20F 02/11 01:11
omanorboyo: 為啥他那些內容有人看阿...21F 02/11 01:12
teeheehee: 爽= = 下一個就放火22F 02/11 01:12
zero00072: 色弱眼鏡可能可協助分辨難分辨的色,但無法看到全彩。23F 02/11 01:12
SeanYeh: 爽喇幹 死屁孩24F 02/11 01:13
LeonardoChen: 不知道賺幾億了25F 02/11 01:14
oldchang1205: 反觀圖奇 這回合谷歌贏亞馬遜一分26F 02/11 01:15
nikewang: 白人智障 跟台灣那幾隻滯台白人有像27F 02/11 01:16
iPad8: 早就賺幾億了 開始享受人生囉28F 02/11 01:16
cwind07: 所以就知道為啥台灣新聞媒體都加油添醋或灑狗血扭曲亂搞29F 02/11 01:16
cwind07: 因為收視率才是重點 事實不是 台灣最大禍害就是媒體
VIGUTA: 抓到了 Youtube歧視白人31F 02/11 01:17
ga023630: youtuber不意外32F 02/11 01:17
za9865: 他也沒有色盲啊 這人跟放火差不多吧科科33F 02/11 01:18
monar: 可以退休了34F 02/11 01:18
zzz55597: 美國bang 8835F 02/11 01:21
eeveelugia2: 一般人工作要死要活賺那一點 他當屁孩月收120萬美金36F 02/11 01:24
tyifgee: 他真的典型美國白痴白人37F 02/11 01:24
superRKO: 那他這樣水管人生應該結束了 PDP又有發揮題材了38F 02/11 01:25
superRKO: 只是它現在賺到的錢也夠他活一輩子了吧 不要花太兇的話
tyifgee: 他很早就被一堆人看衰小 真的不意外啦 典型的少年得志40F 02/11 01:26
yeshing: 賺飽了也沒差吧41F 02/11 01:28
wife4D7: PDP自己也被拔掉過啊哈哈哈42F 02/11 01:29
tsting66: 反正台灣水準低的人還是繼續訂閱youtuber43F 02/11 01:30
AppleWatch5: 他存的我猜30歲前就撒光了44F 02/11 01:32
stormsnow: 呵呵 2017 YouTube Rewind45F 02/11 01:34
mij: 笨蛋廣告商46F 02/11 01:36
raikataiwan: 竟然可以賺那麼多錢,難怪他要拍搧色腥的影片衝點擊47F 02/11 01:37
raikataiwan: 率
super1314159: 讓我賺兩個月就好被拔我也爽死  何況他賺的更多49F 02/11 01:37
asd2260123: 美國bang50F 02/11 01:39
ineedpeepee: 那順便處理一下elsagate-.-51F 02/11 01:42
DesignXD: elsagate +152F 02/11 01:45
yeap193: 就是一個無腦肌肉男啊XD53F 02/11 01:49
qmaper: 賺夠了54F 02/11 01:50
zzz55597: PDP再出片酸一波 嘻嘻55F 02/11 01:50
thatsauce: 爽啦活該56F 02/11 01:52
justastupid: 之前賺的應該也夠活一輩子了吧 真好57F 02/11 01:54
egg781: 想太多了,他這種個性這些錢不見得夠他花一輩子58F 02/11 01:56
egg781: 凱吉哥也賺到好幾輩子的錢啊,還不是快被他花完
scores: 有花過幾千萬的爽度已經此生無憾了60F 02/11 01:58
notneme159: 88888888861F 02/11 02:02
Latizhate: 月薪千萬,賺的錢早夠了62F 02/11 02:04
irene160: 哈哈哈哈8763F 02/11 02:14
qazedc: 動保又再亂了64F 02/11 02:30
gm79227922: 真的賺飽了65F 02/11 02:33
hydeliu: 120萬美金...幹你娘66F 02/11 02:35
thaleschou: 所以tw ___ are easy67F 02/11 02:35
raja1003: 120萬臺幣就很驚人了,還是美金呢…68F 02/11 02:41
jk01: cj還是爽賺,台灣人真的有捐耶,呵呵69F 02/11 02:51
Daryldai: 希望能好好整頓。之前看一堆為了點擊的,還破壞環境(故70F 02/11 03:04
Daryldai: 意撞倒整排樹的幼苗)檢舉了也沒用
sinben: 整組壞掉了72F 02/11 03:07
DarthVader: 他弟比他更腦殘73F 02/11 03:08
RushMonkey: 再自殺森林這個議題跌了一跤後,竟然還敢推出這種爭74F 02/11 03:32
RushMonkey: 議性高的影片....
RushMonkey: 可見他自己也知道之前累積下來的影片,把自己的觀眾胃
RushMonkey: 口養大了,演出不重都不行...
RushMonkey: 他弟很有可能是下一個....
senma: 賺翻惹 根本沒差79F 02/11 03:57
boja0204: Pdp現在在日本玩  一回來一定酸爆80F 02/11 04:26
eggegg999: 送!81F 02/11 04:34
skrexepz: 色盲那個太誇張了 這個反而還好82F 02/11 04:36
chrisdddd: 反觀圖奇83F 02/11 05:22
Beanoodle: 120萬美金,賺這麼久也夠了拉84F 02/11 05:30
fransice7: 早就賺飽了85F 02/11 05:37
CriminalCAO: 一年1400萬鎂,比那些在nba,mlb打球的一般球員還要86F 02/11 06:59
CriminalCAO: 多…
justeit: 來圖奇吧圖其是沒有問題的88F 02/11 07:05
wolfofschool: 爽89F 02/11 07:13
rcf150cc: 糞片YT伯可以比照辦理嗎?Bang!90F 02/11 07:48
nickyyyy: 希望他們兄弟倆可以接受KSI的挑戰然後被打爆91F 02/11 07:52
dreamnook: good92F 02/11 08:47
sowgotoHELL: 早就不愁吃穿了  有差?93F 02/11 09:06
cuyazzz: 他真的是超級低能沒水準的人94F 02/11 09:14
FlynnZhang: 爽95F 02/11 09:31
Delisaac: 他都賺這麼多  pewdiedie不就更多?好可怕96F 02/11 09:32
dageegee: 慘97F 02/11 09:33
evevt: 在台灣亂丟垃圾的北爛外國人可不可以順便98F 02/11 10:01
sunrisewing: 動作好慢...99F 02/11 10:09
GABA: 虐待動物無誤100F 02/11 10:16
ryan2001: 屁孩爽賺 勞工自律101F 02/11 10:40
demon314: 皮弟派最近才在嘴他而已XD102F 02/11 11:49
thomaskov: 爽 但他靠賣商品獲利也不少103F 02/11 12:09
stu25936: 腦袋已經壞了吧104F 02/11 12:44
ccs95209: 美國版bang啊!客群就啥18~34105F 02/11 12:51
BJkiller: 垃圾人裝色盲騙點閱根本智障106F 02/11 12:56
kensues: white trash 雞巴人107F 02/11 13:05
kcl0801: WHITE TRASH經典代表 你說為什麼還有人看 美國WHITE108F 02/11 13:10
kcl0801: TRASH看的阿 還有一些變態但又不敢讓別人知道的也會看
seraph01: 他弟Jack Paul也一起順便110F 02/11 13:16

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1樓 時間: 2018-02-11 10:52:40 (台灣)
+1 02-11 10:52 TW
反觀垃圾圖其 cj活得好好的
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每個月收入1000萬~ 3600萬台幣!
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8樓 時間: 2018-02-12 07:54:41 (台灣)
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也賺太多 吃老本也不會餓死
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