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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-01-27 09:27:54
看板 Gossiping
作者 attyu (欸踢踢喇)
標題 [問卦] 等等就要考英文了,有推薦的實用句型ㄇ
時間 Sat Jan 27 08:11:49 2018








※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1QQyF7Jh (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1517011911.A.4EB.html
linda17a3: 五樓知道1F 01/27 08:11
cena0605: 咩2F 01/27 08:12
aa1052026: FUXK YOU3F 01/27 08:12
GenesisXD: May show gun more4F 01/27 08:12
Akris1113: 修5F 01/27 08:12
keikei5566: This is a book6F 01/27 08:12
WeiMinChen: 加油 等等國文還有桌遊題呢7F 01/27 08:12
xxaabby0224: costco8F 01/27 08:12
※ 編輯: attyu (, 01/27/2018 08:13:06
badbadook:    how  much?9F 01/27 08:13
b2305911: Do you know da wae?10F 01/27 08:13
s7598261: Apple11F 01/27 08:13
borissun: In my opinion,...12F 01/27 08:13
qk3380888: I have a dog13F 01/27 08:13
nightwing: You jump, I jump.14F 01/27 08:13
everettofu: +36515F 01/27 08:13
porten812: Taiwanese girls are easy.16F 01/27 08:13
c2578910: First Second. To sum up17F 01/27 08:14
badbadook:    coffee  tea or me18F 01/27 08:14
Dinenger: This is a book.19F 01/27 08:14
amo0717: last but not least20F 01/27 08:14
Hyver: nice to meet you21F 01/27 08:14
ramirez: mountain people mountain sea22F 01/27 08:14
dlam002: ABCD DOG BITE PIG23F 01/27 08:15
diefish5566: I have an apple I have a pen24F 01/27 08:15
s09371703: I want to pegging you25F 01/27 08:15
samuel880831: howhow26F 01/27 08:15
kevinlai: whose not kill me makes me strong27F 01/27 08:15
sonja66325: i love tt106928F 01/27 08:15
a81255316: Fuck me please29F 01/27 08:16
Stunish: How do you turn this on30F 01/27 08:16
justinbear: Suck my fat cunt31F 01/27 08:16
lai162: SUCK MY DICK!!32F 01/27 08:16
leo5614: A:Can you speak Chinese? B:Sure!(開始用中文回答)33F 01/27 08:17
acomi002: Nefliex and Chill34F 01/27 08:17
bloodsweat: people mountain people sea35F 01/27 08:17
ponystail: May I fuck you?36F 01/27 08:17
t00012: suck my dick37F 01/27 08:17
GooglePlus: may sure gun more38F 01/27 08:17
Bonkon: Surprise Motherfucker!!!!39F 01/27 08:18
badbadook:    fuck  don't  ask40F 01/27 08:18
saskuran: MSGM41F 01/27 08:18
LiberalDog: Dead is like the wind42F 01/27 08:18
BambooGrove: This is an apple43F 01/27 08:18
scum5566: I wanna cum in my teacher's mouth44F 01/27 08:18
arch20161219: 不要啊 祝你考差 嘻嘻45F 01/27 08:18
hamobi99: UCCU46F 01/27 08:19
one60314: 潘泥思47F 01/27 08:19
wate5566: moo tum Ooo48F 01/27 08:19
sdsoknife: death is like a wind ~~always by my side49F 01/27 08:19
pipi8696044: How do you turn this on?50F 01/27 08:19
zzzzz14z14z: niggar 寫了得100分51F 01/27 08:20
henry3744: F u c k52F 01/27 08:20
zxzxcv: 台女 IS EZ53F 01/27 08:20
zzzzz14z14z: 或Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day54F 01/27 08:21
tim1112: This is a book 萬用句,瞬間顯示你的水平。55F 01/27 08:21
PttXiangMing: めしょがんも56F 01/27 08:21
lucky1lk: i have an apple. i have a pen!57F 01/27 08:22
jiangchaoyou: baby baby baby oh58F 01/27 08:22
arch20161219: 廢文還不自刪 已檢舉 謀求各人利益 掰59F 01/27 08:22
lai162: Take off your pants cowboy alright, Let's fuck60F 01/27 08:22
Pcinereus: But can you do this ??????61F 01/27 08:23
jetk4555: 李私伊私額布可62F 01/27 08:24
BlowjobFace: may shoe gun more63F 01/27 08:25
sq0066: 維大力64F 01/27 08:25
iPad8: do I know de way65F 01/27 08:26
zephirus: Say my name.66F 01/27 08:27
s7598261: 這篇英文程度超好個個都高材生67F 01/27 08:27
EllaElla: 法輪大法好68F 01/27 08:27
EllaElla: 習包子
maesww: in in der70F 01/27 08:27
s7598261: Da Sa B71F 01/27 08:28
Kakehiko: I did not hit her.It's not true.It's bullshit.72F 01/27 08:28
thanksmr: I have a dream73F 01/27 08:28
Kidd03: Can we fuck right now74F 01/27 08:28
Kakehiko: I did not hit her.I did nooooooooot.Oh hi!Mark.75F 01/27 08:29
MIB2: this is a book76F 01/27 08:29
belucky: ikea costco77F 01/27 08:29
Jin63916: O' Brave New World!78F 01/27 08:30
elellie: the last but not least79F 01/27 08:31
Castle88654: Even a storm that can ruin an umbrella80F 01/27 08:31
Castle88654: is not enough to halt a man's journey
maesww: Me shou gun mo ?82F 01/27 08:32
st9760916: May show gun mo83F 01/27 08:32
opengaydoor: may show gun more84F 01/27 08:34
a0986188522: we chose to go to the moon85F 01/27 08:34
ksco: Ez86F 01/27 08:34
feng760804: how do you do turn this on87F 01/27 08:34
kiske011: this is abook88F 01/27 08:35
yolasiku: Loser89F 01/27 08:35
tntbear: how do you turn this on90F 01/27 08:35
leo1990910: somebody touch my spaghetti91F 01/27 08:36
westnofathou: how big are you?92F 01/27 08:36
Yao910336: How are you93F 01/27 08:37
LinkPRO: spit on him94F 01/27 08:37
danielww: Show your gun and push in95F 01/27 08:37
fujin09: 在休息室看到快笑死XDD96F 01/27 08:38
aadsl: how do you turn this on97F 01/27 08:38
sakuboy: you can not pass98F 01/27 08:38
scrumhalf: Is it good to drink?99F 01/27 08:38
lhtltyh: over my dead body100F 01/27 08:40
liaungboy: Who let the dogs out101F 01/27 08:42
sktwilllose: my dream is to be a student of大葉102F 01/27 08:43
a8866442: may show gun more103F 01/27 08:43
lai162: winner, winner, chicken dinner104F 01/27 08:44
LonyIce: Top or bottom?fun?105F 01/27 08:45
weslee:  like fucking silly bitches and I know my penis like106F 01/27 08:45
weslee: s it.
ALAN8180: do u want ur boat?108F 01/27 08:46
silvergod: is good to drink?109F 01/27 08:48
kronioel: show me  your clitorus. wench!110F 01/27 08:48
vul31l3m4m3: 英文已經沒救了111F 01/27 08:48
kronioel: *i112F 01/27 08:48
rasheedchiu: up up down down left right left right B A start114F 01/27 08:49
chenyoung411: I like to masterbate115F 01/27 08:49
danieloo: Put your hot dog suck in her mouth116F 01/27 08:49
secret0409: Do you know de way?117F 01/27 08:49
spitonface: JUST MONICA118F 01/27 08:49
sherlockxx: XDDDD119F 01/27 08:51
B05504021: May the force you will be with120F 01/27 08:51
v800982004: this is a pen121F 01/27 08:51
CyrilHuang: say my name122F 01/27 08:51
B05504021: What are you fucking gay?123F 01/27 08:51
albert1229: How do you turn this on124F 01/27 08:52
k167943005: How do you turn this on125F 01/27 08:54
ttt40514: How do you turn this on126F 01/27 08:54
mango970422: i'm a simple man127F 01/27 08:55
Brooke: Are you kappa?128F 01/27 08:55
spirit119: How do you turn this on129F 01/27 08:55
ymes9112: What are you fucking doing130F 01/27 08:56
ke0218n: see u next year131F 01/27 08:56
lai162: Shut Up And Take My Money!132F 01/27 08:56
akumo: 干我屁事133F 01/27 08:58
x94fujo6: LET ME SEE SEE134F 01/27 08:58
taimali: may show gun more?135F 01/27 08:58
likeken: Dew u no de wey?136F 01/27 08:59
heart000: Please give me wood137F 01/27 09:00
twinsen: I am coming.138F 01/27 09:00
tkufc: WINTER IS COMING139F 01/27 09:00
bobyhsu: may show gun more140F 01/27 09:01
eec2132469y: hey apple apple hey hey apple141F 01/27 09:01
nimaw: The instructions weren't clear enough Ioty dick cau142F 01/27 09:02
genesiss: "自己去跟老闆說""公雞變飼主"143F 01/27 09:02
nimaw: ght in the ceiling fan144F 01/27 09:02
corhe: over my dad's body145F 01/27 09:03
g204094: 當然是史上最強not only but also146F 01/27 09:06
guitar0225: Mumimumi is good147F 01/27 09:06
stussy: Suck my penis148F 01/27 09:06
kevin11tw: i am tom149F 01/27 09:07
darrendonkey: you are so EZ150F 01/27 09:09
versatriton: My bird is big and yummy151F 01/27 09:10
f9968106: This is a pen. That is a pencil.152F 01/27 09:11
e920542: How do you turn this on153F 01/27 09:12
stussy: Licking my asshole154F 01/27 09:12
ohiu: i am free tonight155F 01/27 09:14
flyover01: Hasta la vista, baby156F 01/27 09:14
makeamyth: my name is Wu,Jing Chen157F 01/27 09:16
YALEMY: My name is John158F 01/27 09:17
Temari0814: Give me some money159F 01/27 09:18
SpringOcean: 想被原po幹屁眼 幹射我160F 01/27 09:19
Akris1113: Go to tell your boss by yourself161F 01/27 09:19
chinick1478: TSMC162F 01/27 09:19
linch416: Is good drink163F 01/27 09:20
maesww: Take off her clothes and hold your hot dog164F 01/27 09:21
james0318tw: Fuck you bitch165F 01/27 09:21
hong8593: Very nice166F 01/27 09:22
sushi11: How do you turn this on167F 01/27 09:22
cymj: may show gun mo168F 01/27 09:22
Xreay: THIS IS DA WAE169F 01/27 09:22
ex990000: You don't know the power of the dark side!170F 01/27 09:23
TNLang: 少見的英文推文171F 01/27 09:23
reppoc: show me the money172F 01/27 09:25
paxetin: do u know da wea173F 01/27 09:25
sushi11: Hello java174F 01/27 09:25
iWatch5566: This is a pen175F 01/27 09:25
littlemonste: To begin with, furthermore,all in all176F 01/27 09:26
ohrring: thia ia ikea177F 01/27 09:26

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 2298 
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1樓 時間: 2018-01-27 12:37:29 (台灣)
  01-27 12:37 TW
2樓 時間: 2018-01-27 14:50:56 (台灣)
  01-27 14:50 TW
This is a pig
3樓 時間: 2018-01-27 16:10:50 (台灣)
  01-27 16:10 TW
要考試了還滑手機 ???? 考零分吧你 ~~
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