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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-01-19 15:12:02
看板 Gossiping
作者 ryann2324 (ryann2324)
標題 [問卦] 有什麼很厲害的英文座右銘嗎?
時間 Fri Jan 19 08:36:38 2018


我只想到很芭樂的 live in the moment 和

Don’t kill you make you stronger

Sent from JPTT on my iPhone

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1QOJsOVy (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1516322200.A.7FC.html
funkD: 勞工是我心中最軟的那一塊1F 01/19 08:37
wwf0322: an apple a day keeps the doctor away2F 01/19 08:37
ivorysoap: SHOW ME THE MONEY3F 01/19 08:37
gamania10000: Once you go black, you’ll never go back.4F 01/19 08:38
adort: we are the champions5F 01/19 08:38
chctonagisa: why so serious?6F 01/19 08:39
JeffMnO4: Do Gong-Der7F 01/19 08:39
Hyver: say my name8F 01/19 08:39
DaneChen: Shit or get off the pot9F 01/19 08:40
Julian9x9x9: KoNo Dio Da10F 01/19 08:41
elflily: With great power comes great responsibility 慣老闆:11F 01/19 08:43
b22492286: YOLO12F 01/19 08:43
elflily: 能力越強工作量越大13F 01/19 08:43
InMoDa: Honest is the best policy14F 01/19 08:45
RC8377: Do you know the way15F 01/19 08:46
DarkIllusion: el psy congroo16F 01/19 08:48
nestea911399: 咩修甘某17F 01/19 08:49
lalalafong: Daz'dingo18F 01/19 08:51
newlly: 窩咬煙牌19F 01/19 08:55
raymondchu: do u know da wae?20F 01/19 08:55
jeff12302000: Bang!21F 01/19 08:56
freedom5665: 去問你老闆阿22F 01/19 08:56
naunaungan: Avada Chihuahua23F 01/19 08:57
bah: How do you turn this on24F 01/19 08:57
shoukago: Reap What You Sow25F 01/19 09:01
vbhero: Say my name26F 01/19 09:01
bolunt: 去看死神啊  會有潮到出水的英文標題給你參考27F 01/19 09:03
xbit: If you are good at something, never do it for free!28F 01/19 09:04
xbit: 這句超合現在的台灣勞工
superLM: no money no happy30F 01/19 09:07
CloudChaserw: you can you on31F 01/19 09:07
chiangww: Make myself great again32F 01/19 09:08
mjnaoki: may show gun more.33F 01/19 09:08
ghgn: may show gun more34F 01/19 09:09
gn02117985: Tian Xian Bao Bao Shuo Ni Hao35F 01/19 09:09
davi0621: 知識就是力量法國就是醃肉?36F 01/19 09:13
KareKano: 2B or not 2B37F 01/19 09:16
rsbbs0611428: 吐逼偶爾那吐逼38F 01/19 09:23
fate111085: the floor is full of wax39F 01/19 09:29
pttcwl: Is it good to drink40F 01/19 09:30
jcto04: Say hello to my little friend !41F 01/19 09:33
tu81123: I bang cock in bangkok42F 01/19 09:33
ryrp: This is a book43F 01/19 09:33
shintz: poweroverwhelming!!!!44F 01/19 09:35
notea: an apple a day keeps the doctor away45F 01/19 09:36
MiLuDaiBoom: Suck my46F 01/19 09:36
swki: how do you turn this on47F 01/19 09:37
powerdavid: Life is not fair,get used to it.48F 01/19 09:42
t20031210: the two most important days in your life are the da49F 01/19 09:42
t20031210: y you are born and the day you find out why
BingLing: You know nothing51F 01/19 09:45
Fridrich: BUT CAN YOU DO THIS?52F 01/19 09:53
ttff: Stay hungry stay foolish53F 01/19 09:55
domingo50312: lets cook54F 01/19 10:05
IfIknew: Get chick or die tryin55F 01/19 10:05
chiangww: I am your father.56F 01/19 10:07
razor99: big money big dick57F 01/19 10:08
Martie: 認真回 knowledge is no burden58F 01/19 10:09
gsuper: Don't knock New York59F 01/19 10:11
s4552752: may show gun more60F 01/19 10:22
athlon8250: Green tea watch pretend noble61F 01/19 10:23
willisxz: death is like the wind always by my side62F 01/19 10:25
Puribaw: French is bacon63F 01/19 10:29
versetripper: What is dead may never die64F 01/19 10:38
luckysummer: 你是凱蒂嗎?沒有,我是錫睿爾!65F 01/19 10:43
mstar:  People die if they are killed.66F 01/19 10:47
ZHENJI: Time is money, friend (哥布林聲音)67F 01/19 10:47
selvester: Smarts get own, Noble's get born.Capitalism is new68F 01/19 10:47
selvester: slavery/you scrub peoples money and get paid for it
kimura0701: DPP makes Taiwan a better place70F 01/19 10:53
CreeperC: 認真推  when the going gets tough,the tough get goi71F 01/19 10:53
CreeperC: ng.
ffdqfe: how are you? fine, thank you, and you?73F 01/19 11:01
hellemissary: may sure gun more?74F 01/19 11:01
Oodoon13: 紅明顯 第二個錯了吧75F 01/19 11:02
Scapeland: no pain no gang!76F 01/19 11:03
heric100: lived with honored,died with glorious77F 01/19 11:04
DarkerDuck: Bang!!78F 01/19 11:10
gugugaga: Labor is the softest part in my mind.79F 01/19 11:12
evelynable: this too shall pass80F 01/19 11:16
keikei5566: How do you turn this on81F 01/19 11:17
robby368: It's good to drink?82F 01/19 11:25
Elsmos: later is the most tinder part in my mind83F 01/19 11:30
sowgotoHELL: Death is like the wind always by my side84F 01/19 11:31
aspd5306: I'm the bone of my sword85F 01/19 11:57
dan1196: I am the one who knocks!86F 01/19 12:01
adsl9527: can you can a can like a canned can a can?87F 01/19 12:48
adsl9527: canned* canner
youdar: VENI VIDI VICI89F 01/19 12:48
neil2003tw: Meet my ball.90F 01/19 13:27
neil2003tw: 『Meet My Ball.』 這句可以讓大家知道公司是掏出自己
neil2003tw: 最重要,也最寶貝的一部分呈現給大家。營造一種真誠的
neil2003tw: 溫暖窩心的感受,我個人就容易被這種座右銘吸引。
MoseHas: 你那句根本寫錯,變成祈使句意思完全跑掉94F 01/19 13:55
MoseHas: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
smile521688: 奴奴們乖乖做功德96F 01/19 14:09
saint01: You only live once.97F 01/19 14:33

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 297 
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