※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-01-03 09:00:51
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] 能推薦幫助入眠的歌給我嗎
時間 Wed Jan 3 02:52:00 2018
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1514919123.A.2B8.html
→ : 你認真問的嗎?1F 01/03 02:52
認真 有效明天發紅包推 : 社會搖2F 01/03 02:52
→ : #終於聽見3F 01/03 02:52
推 : LP的4F 01/03 02:52
→ : 汪東城 電吉他 神曲5F 01/03 02:52
※ 編輯: XiaoFatZhai (, 01/03/2018 02:52:56→ : 認真嗎6F 01/03 02:52
認真認真 期末考週想早睡早起讀書被室友鼾聲吵到睡不著QQ推 : 麥歐北共7F 01/03 02:52
推 : 根本就不會再見面!8F 01/03 02:52
→ : 查斯特的聲音我聽了都很好睡QAQ RIP9F 01/03 02:52
Huun Huur Tu - Chiraa-Khoor - YouTube
HHT perform live at Fantasy Studios. See more clips, get embed codes and information at
HHT perform live at Fantasy Studios. See more clips, get embed codes and information at

→ : 恭賀新禧11F 01/03 02:52
推 : 耳塞 輕音樂或ASMR12F 01/03 02:53
→ : 白噪音 或是 耳邊輕語(忘記叫什麼術語了)不過我覺得很噁13F 01/03 02:53
→ : 有紅包我認真推 站內ㄚ14F 01/03 02:53
→ : 喔喔我不喜歡ASMR15F 01/03 02:53
→ : 查斯特QQ 我以前都聽她的shadow of the day入眠16F 01/03 02:53
→ : 真的不想嘴17F 01/03 02:53
※ 編輯: XiaoFatZhai (, 01/03/2018 02:55:01→ : 戴耳機你還是會聽見歌曲和鼾聲交疊 沒啥用的18F 01/03 02:54
可是阿肥也沒辦法了...總不能真的去肛死他吧→ : heil說的就是ASMR吧?19F 01/03 02:54
推 : Non, Je ne regrette rien20F 01/03 02:54
→ : 嘿 對21F 01/03 02:54
Serenade For Strings - Tchaikovsky! [HD] - YouTube
Tchaikovsky's Serenade for Strings in C major, Op. 48, premiered in 1880. It remains one of the late Romantic era's most definitive compositions. +++ Sad? Lo...
Tchaikovsky's Serenade for Strings in C major, Op. 48, premiered in 1880. It remains one of the late Romantic era's most definitive compositions. +++ Sad? Lo...

張希《 認真地老去 》ft.曹方 Lyric Video - YouTube
►建議觀看影片品質為720p以上 「又一次和你無話不說,開始對話以前。」 ►張希 Weibo | ►曹方 Weibo | ---------------------//--------------------- 歌曲名稱:認真...
►建議觀看影片品質為720p以上 「又一次和你無話不說,開始對話以前。」 ►張希 Weibo | ►曹方 Weibo | ---------------------//--------------------- 歌曲名稱:認真...

Linkin Park - "Shadow Of The Day" Lyrics - YouTube
Lyrics to Linkin Park's single "Shadow Of The Day" from their third studio album "Minutes To Midnight" produced by Rick Rubin. ENJOY! :) If anyone has any id...
Lyrics to Linkin Park's single "Shadow Of The Day" from their third studio album "Minutes To Midnight" produced by Rick Rubin. ENJOY! :) If anyone has any id...

The Best Of YIRUMA | Yiruma's Greatest Hits ~ Best Piano - YouTube The Lord hath taken away thy judgments, he hath cast out thine enemy: the King of Israel, even the Lord, is in the midst of thee: thou shalt not see evil any...

→ : 我都聽Crawling 或者是 One Step Closer 給你參考26F 01/03 02:55
※ 編輯: XiaoFatZhai (, 01/03/2018 02:56:26推 : 大悲咒27F 01/03 02:56
----------大概等到3點 ---------覺得不錯明天發錢 拜託各位了
※ 編輯: XiaoFatZhai (, 01/03/2018 02:57:14
噓 : 練舞功28F 01/03 02:56
Relaxing Harp Music: Sleep Music, Meditation Music, Spa Music, Study Music, Instrumental Music ★49 - YouTube Relaxing harp music (called "The Sea") that can be used as background music, sleep music, meditation music, spa music, study music and more. Download this mu...

推 : +%z%30F 01/03 02:57
[ Just 3 seconds ] and deep sleep immediately with delta brainwaves music - YouTube Benefits of Delta Waves 1-Deep sleep and healing – the main benefit of Delta Waves is allowing the person to get a good night’s sleep, which allows the body ...

推 : YT上面很多fast sleep還是 deep sleep的音樂啊32F 01/03 02:57
推 : 水晶音樂盒啊 全部都很棒33F 01/03 02:58
推 : 我難過34F 01/03 02:59
推 : 喝酒 喝到暈睡35F 01/03 02:59
推 : 拿空心鐵管從他胸口插下去就止鼾了36F 01/03 02:59
Erik Satie - Gymnopédie No.1 - YouTube
Alfred Eric Leslie Satie (Honfleur, 17 May 1866 -- Paris, 1 July 1925) was a French composer and pianist. Starting with his first composition in 1884, he sig...
Alfred Eric Leslie Satie (Honfleur, 17 May 1866 -- Paris, 1 July 1925) was a French composer and pianist. Starting with his first composition in 1884, he sig...

推 : 只聽3秒那個不錯,深層有變多38F 01/03 03:01
推 : 白噪音39F 01/03 03:02
→ : asmr我最近還滿喜歡聽背部按摩,一兩分就想睡了XD40F 01/03 03:02
推 : 一踏進這地方41F 01/03 03:02
費玉清-晚安曲 - YouTube
費玉清-晚安曲 作詞:劉家昌 作曲:劉家昌 編曲:鮑比達 讓我們互道一聲晚安 送走這匆匆的一天 值得懷念的 請你珍藏 應該忘記的 莫再留戀 讓我們互道一聲晚安 迎接那嶄新的明天 把握那美好的前程 珍惜你錦繡的人生 願你走進甜甜夢鄉 祝你有個寧靜的夜晚 晚安 晚安 再說一聲 明天見
費玉清-晚安曲 作詞:劉家昌 作曲:劉家昌 編曲:鮑比達 讓我們互道一聲晚安 送走這匆匆的一天 值得懷念的 請你珍藏 應該忘記的 莫再留戀 讓我們互道一聲晚安 迎接那嶄新的明天 把握那美好的前程 珍惜你錦繡的人生 願你走進甜甜夢鄉 祝你有個寧靜的夜晚 晚安 晚安 再說一聲 明天見

→ : 一聽到就強制躺平46F 01/03 03:04
C418 - Taswell (Minecraft Volume Beta) - YouTube
C418 - Minecraft Volume Beta - 16 Taswell I do not own this song, nor the image. I am fully complacent with any requests made by C418 to remove this video, a...
C418 - Minecraft Volume Beta - 16 Taswell I do not own this song, nor the image. I am fully complacent with any requests made by C418 to remove this video, a...

推 : 阪本龍一的新專輯48F 01/03 03:05
→ : minecraft的bgm隨便一首都適合放鬆49F 01/03 03:05
🎅 Lofi Hip Hop Radio 24/7 🎧 Chill Gaming / Study Beats - YouTube Welcome to our lofi hip-hop livestream, full of mellow melodic beats perfect for studying, work, relaxing, smoking or focusing. Enjoy your stay. :) 🎵 NEW: ht...

推 : 我們不一樣51F 01/03 03:06
推 : 我每天都這樣,幫QQ53F 01/03 03:07
推 : 半夜睡不著覺~爬起來玩懶叫~54F 01/03 03:09
Kodaline - High Hopes - YouTube
Get The High Hopes EP on iTunes: or on vinyl: You can also get 'In a Perfect World' on Amazon:
Get The High Hopes EP on iTunes: or on vinyl: You can also get 'In a Perfect World' on Amazon:

→ : 睡覺的話 asmr真的好用 歌曲占腦袋頻寬太多57F 01/03 03:13
推 : 我的經驗是聽相聲 跟聽教授上課有87%像58F 01/03 03:15
So close - Jon Mclaughlin Lyrics - YouTube
*I DO NOT OWN THE MUSIC* I know this is an old song but I still made this lyrics,because I love this song & it does affect me too.The lyrics is really nice,I...
*I DO NOT OWN THE MUSIC* I know this is an old song but I still made this lyrics,because I love this song & it does affect me too.The lyrics is really nice,I...

推 : 蕭邦全集60F 01/03 03:45
Мот - Капкан (премьера клипа, 2016) - YouTube
Продюсер: Виталий Сеченов (Kimirsen.com Production) Режиссёр: Катя Як Оператор: Виталий Сеченов, Михаил Левчук, Влад Голубев Ассистент: Вячеслав Булгаков Сти...
Продюсер: Виталий Сеченов (Kimirsen.com Production) Режиссёр: Катя Як Оператор: Виталий Сеченов, Михаил Левчук, Влад Голубев Ассистент: Вячеслав Булгаков Сти...

→ : 我聽這首必睡62F 01/03 03:54
推 : 郭德堡63F 01/03 04:10
Max Richter - Dream 3 (in the midst of my life) - YouTube
Acclaimed Britsh composer Max Richter has written a new landmark recording: SLEEP is 8 hours long – the equivalent of a night’s rest – and is actually and ge...
Acclaimed Britsh composer Max Richter has written a new landmark recording: SLEEP is 8 hours long – the equivalent of a night’s rest – and is actually and ge...

→ : 睡吧孩子65F 01/03 04:23
睡眠用BGM: 催眠曲, 宁静, 和谐, 睡眠音乐, 深度睡眠, 宝宝的睡眠, 冥想, 放松 - YouTube 睡眠用BGM: 催眠曲, 宁静, 和谐, 睡眠音乐, 深度睡眠, 宝宝的睡眠, 冥想, 放松. 按...

推 : 生命之歌67F 01/03 04:45
推 : 神山純一系列68F 01/03 04:56
推 : rainy mood69F 01/03 05:35
推 : 真的不想嘴70F 01/03 05:45
推 : 都上YouTube 打sleeping music71F 01/03 06:59
噓 : 聽閃靈拉72F 01/03 07:17
Azure Ray - Azure Ray ((FULL ALBUM)) - YouTube
Azure Ray's self-titled debut. It was released January 16, 2001. It's amazing. Buy the record. www.azureraymusic.com Subscribe to my ever expanding music col...
Azure Ray's self-titled debut. It was released January 16, 2001. It's amazing. Buy the record. www.azureraymusic.com Subscribe to my ever expanding music col...

推 : A Thousand Years75F 01/03 07:40
推 : 請搜尋 聖結石76F 01/03 08:09
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 300