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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [FB] 台灣的區域均衡與民主發展(一)
時間 Sat Oct 7 11:44:05 2017
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從今起每日早上 10:10 AM,紀念雙十連假,持續刊登
首都機能移轉計劃 New Capital Plan for Better Taiwan 社群
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Calling for regional balance and democratic development in Taiwan - Part 1
Author:Myers Su, Joe Lin
Editor & translator:Joyce Chu
§ 追求區域均衡的聲音
§ A call for regional balance in development
Regarded as a model of democracy in Asia, Taiwan is in the pursuit of
‘regional balance’. Regional balance differs from the racial, gender,
and social class equality that is sought after in the fight for equality
of human rights in the West. In today’s Taiwan, unbalanced development
is manifested in the subtle comparison amongst various regions, which
can also be observed in many other Asian countries.
部及離島。【 1 】約佔總人口 69.4 % 的 1,580 萬台灣人,居住在整個領土面積僅
16.9 % 的都會區,2006 年台灣主計處在《都市化程度》曾有這麼一個數據【 2 】
,如今這個數字,已經來到 78 %。圖 A 大致說明台灣近 20 年來的人口變化。
部及離島。【 1 】約佔總人口 69.4 % 的 1,580 萬台灣人,居住在整個領土面積僅
16.9 % 的都會區,2006 年台灣主計處在《都市化程度》曾有這麼一個數據【 2 】
,如今這個數字,已經來到 78 %。圖 A 大致說明台灣近 20 年來的人口變化。
On a closer look at the administrative map of Taiwan, the regional
topographies generally fall into the following two types:
the flat terrain in the central and southern Taiwan, and the mountainous
terrain in the north, east, and off-shore islands.【 1 】
In 2006, approximately 69.4% (1.58 million) of the total population
reside in the metropolitan area that only accounts for 16.9 % of the
entire land area of Taiwan. As compared to the statistics in the
“Progress of Urbanisation Report” by the Directorate of Taiwan in 2006
【 2 】, the figure has now come to 78 %. Figure A shows Taiwan’s
population changes over the past 20 years between 1998 and 2017.
※ 圖 A:台灣 1998 - 2017 北、中、南、東部人口變化。【 3 】
※ Figure A: Population change in Taiwan between 1998-2017【 3 】
北部面積相較其他區域小,多為盆地與台地,卻有 45.4 % 的人口集中在北部
縣市,台灣政治經濟中心台北市面積僅有台灣的 0.75 %,人口卻高達總數的 11.45 %
Northern Taiwan has relatively lesser land area as compared to other
regions, with mostly basin or flat terrain, and yet 45.4% of the total
population is concentrated in the northern counties and cities.
In particular, as Taiwan’s political and economic centre,
Taipei City only accounts for 0.75% of the total land area,
and yet is occupied by 11.45% of the total population. Furthermore,
the population of the northern metropolitan area is still on the rise.
值得一提的是,台灣總人口 2 千 3 百萬,面積在世界名列 137 名
(36,191 km2),人口密度高達 650/km^2。1967 年到 1981 年間,台灣都市公共投
資中有 90 % 以上集中在北、中、南、高四個都會區,其中台北市就佔了 60 %。
【 4 】因此,台灣社會追求區域均衡的聲音不曾停歇。
It is worth mentioning that Taiwan’s total population currently stands
at some 23 million, with a total area of 36,191 km2 (137th in the world),
and has a population density of 650/km2. Between 1967 and 1981, more than
90% of the urban public investment was concentrated in Taipei (North),
Taichung (Central), Tainan (South), and Kaohsiung, the four metropolitans
of Taiwan, remarkably 60% of which was solely in Taipei.【 4 】
Since then, the call for regional balance has never ceased.
社群理念 首都設中部,社會住宅蓋中南部 https://www.facebook.com/NCPBT/
首都機能移轉計劃 New Capital Plan for Better Taiwan
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※ 編輯: ckTHU (, 10/08/2017 01:23:16※ ckTHU:轉錄至看板 PublicIssue 10/08 01:23
※ ckTHU:轉錄至看板 Geography 10/08 01:24
※ ckTHU:轉錄至看板 Urban_Plan 10/08 01:24
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1樓 時間: 2017-10-10 06:57:47 (台灣)
10-10 06:57 TW
無聊,均衡發展就是一起擺爛,就是討好選民而已, 集中資源發展才是正途,不然那些園區、特區是做心酸的嗎! 最好是屏東(南投、花蓮、台東...)和雙北、桃園能均衡發展啦, 全世界去哪找一個國家,所有地區都能均衡發展, 不過是哄騙愚民、老人,照這樣玩下去,不過是讓台灣爛到谷底, 繼續養肥那群有關係、有背景的"人"。