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作者 標題 [新聞] 給台灣一個熱情的掌聲 世大運閉幕 柯文
時間 Wed Aug 30 21:11:02 2017
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給台灣一個熱情的掌聲 世大運閉幕 柯文哲致詞
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Good evening. I am Ko Wen-je, the mayor of Taipei City.
Today will conclude the Taipei 2017 Universiade. Over the past twelve days, athletes from all over the world have striven for glory in arenas across northern Taiwan. Their passion in the pursuit of excellence has been a moving performance.
To them I say thank you for making this such a memorable summer for all of us. It has been a privilege for our 23 million citizens to witness you write this chapter of history and create these wonderful memories with you.
My sincere and special thanks to FISU for granting us this Universiade and for their strong support during the event.
I want to thank former Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-pin for winning Taipei’s bid to host the Universiade. I would also like to express my gratitude to President Tsai Ing-wen, all Ministries and Agencies of Executive Yuan and local governments where sports facilities are located for their strong support, enabling us to host tens of thousands of athletes, trainers, and staff here with us in Taipei for this gala event.
Thanks also to Chief Executive Officer of the Universiade Organizing Committee Su Li-chiung who was responsible for this challenging task despite the fact that many people did not think we could make it. I also want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our advisers from various professional backgrounds, including Chi Cheng, providing valuable opinions. Finally, I also want to thank my colleagues in the city government who invested so much in the past six-year preparations for this event. Thank you all.
I am also grateful to the unsung heroes around our land: to the people in charge of selecting and renovating venues and beautifying our city, to the police, to the transport personnel, to the medical staff who have been on constant stand-by, to the 10,000 volunteers who have given so much of themselves, to the performers and the broadcasters who have shared these beautiful performances with us. And finally, to the audience as well, whose support for the Universiade has been so crucial.
Because of you, we have shown our strength to the world.
Because of you, Taipei looks forward to a brighter future with greater confidence.
The glory belongs to all of you. Please join me in a round of applause for all of you, and for all of us!
The Taipei 2017 Universiade is coming to an end. Now, we pass the torch on to Naples, Italy, a city renowned for the passion of her people. Please join me as I offer my very best wishes for the Naples 2019 Universiade.
The end of the Taipei Universiade is a new beginning. This event has allowed us to befriend the world through sport, to be further integrated into the international community, and to make the world see us as we are.
Our country is a success story.
Taipei is a city of glory.
On our island vessel, beautiful Formosa,
we shall continue to sail the world
as courageous, open-minded island-dwellers.
Once again, we thank the world for joining us here.
Thank you.
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影音/給台灣一個熱情的掌聲 世大運閉幕 柯文哲致詞 | 政治 | NOWnews今日新聞
世大運30日晚間舉行閉幕式,台北市長柯文哲以世大運執委會主委的身分上台致詞。柯文哲致詞稿全文如下:大家晚安,我是台北市長柯文哲。Goodevening.IamKoWen-jethemayorofTaipeiCity.2017台北世界大學運動會即將在今晚畫下句點,來自世界 ...
※ 一個人一天只能張貼一則新聞,被刪或自刪也算額度內,超貼者水桶,請注意
可是英文都是we, us, our
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※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 2 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1826
08-31 00:40 TW
6樓 時間: 2017-08-31 03:14:01 (加拿大)
(編輯過) CA
因為有你們,台灣有機會向世界證明台灣的力量, Because of you, we have shown our strength to the world,因為有你們,台北更有自信迎向光榮城市的未來。 Because of you, Taipei looks forward to a brighter future with greater confidence.榮耀屬於你們,請大家給自己和我們的台灣一個熱情的掌聲。 The glory belongs to all of you. Please join me in a round of applause for all of you, and for all of us!