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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-06-29 10:05:58
看板 Gossiping
作者 morgankhs (豪哥)
標題 [爆卦] 美國又發生多人死亡槍擊案
時間 Fri Jun 29 05:06:38 2018


A shooting at a local newspaper in Maryland has left five people dead and more
 injured, say officials.

Police said there were multiple fatalities at the scene, and that a suspect wa
s now in custody.

The shooting occurred at the Capital Gazette newspaper building on Thursday af
One reporter has said a gunman shot through a glass door to the office at "mul
tiple employees".

"We've had a terrible shooting incident here this afternoon," county executive
 Steve Schuh said in a news conference.

"There are several people who have died from this incident."

Police said they could not identify the exact weapon at the time. They said th
e suspect was being interrogated by law enforcement.

Several federal agencies, including the FBI, were involved in responding to th
e shooting.



一名目擊者表示,嫌犯開槍掃射Capital Gazette報社大樓玻璃門,多名員工遭受射殺。


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1RDKtW8e (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1530220000.A.228.html
letitflame: bang1F 06/29 05:07
a94037501: 沒自殺輸了2F 06/29 05:08
Oilboy: 完了 有人回不來了3F 06/29 05:08
fp737: 射穿玻璃4F 06/29 05:09
darkbrigher: 靠 安卓真的要被肛了5F 06/29 05:10
LIGAGA: 想說怎麼都沒人po 看節目看一看就被插播了6F 06/29 05:10
darkbrigher: 報社的人資被槍擊 該不會是離職員工吧??7F 06/29 05:12
yesgogo: 一定是白人8F 06/29 05:12
※ 編輯: morgankhs (, 06/29/2018 05:12:50
miloskyman: 完了 安左要變祭品了9F 06/29 05:13
a28200266: 擁槍:是希粉啦10F 06/29 05:13
pooznn:                        87%回不來惹11F 06/29 05:13
chivalry70: 報社,美國,會連結到哪裡呢?12F 06/29 05:15
Costco5566: 咻咻13F 06/29 05:18
EggAcme: 沒死 遺憾14F 06/29 05:30
accommodate: 如果報社員工有帶槍就好了,QQ15F 06/29 05:44
linbasohigh: 報社喔?那美國文青要暴動了16F 06/29 05:51
j54353: 87成是優質川粉17F 06/29 05:54
j54353: Thoughts and prayers
wulaw5566: 安卓掰19F 06/29 06:00
IDfor2010: 關了安佐還沒停止嗎?20F 06/29 06:08
rafe: 是不滿川普的希粉,我們要讓報社成員有槍21F 06/29 06:23
rafe: 然後廢槍的不要來亂,我們要先保護被害者
Laotoe: 以後美國乾脆把射擊列入國民教育,各營業行政單位均規定配23F 06/29 06:28
Laotoe: 槍以備不時之需
Laotoe: 前幾天才有消防員被射殺的
signm: AAA表示:阿一定是大樓槍枝不夠多才被掃射26F 06/29 06:33
medlife0830: 槍不夠多 不然兇手早被秒殺了27F 06/29 06:34
Bastille: 不是校園槍擊沒關係 美國低調處理28F 06/29 06:38
asstitle: 都是廢死和法官不判死和政府不執行死刑害的29F 06/29 06:52
asstitle: 才讓刑案一直發生 治安敗壞 川普應該下台
doubleperson: 天也不給安卓回來31F 06/29 07:15
brunolmg: 安卓別回來了32F 06/29 07:48
shinzaki: 安卓獻祭33F 06/29 07:59
amoebaba: 中國一天幾場掃射沒人知道34F 06/29 08:12
j54353: 兇手找到了跟報社有糾紛35F 06/29 08:26
seal998: 報社槍不夠多啦36F 06/29 08:40
Biller: 一定是政論節目看太多...37F 06/29 08:41
elephant2006: 美國慶記38F 06/29 09:28
twptt: 美國日常...39F 06/29 09:42
luleen: 溫馨喔 一定是電動打太多 動畫看太多40F 06/29 09:58

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