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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] 事後越想越不對勁的英文怎麼講比較聳動?
時間 Thu Jun 14 07:38:55 2018
※ 八卦板務請到 GossipPicket 檢舉板詢問
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1F:三重劉德華 2F:蘆洲郭富城 3F:五股張學友 4F:副都心黎明 5F:淡水拓也哥
6F:板橋李宗瑞 7F:臉書李富城 8F:新店彭于晏 9F:三峽羅志祥 10F:土城土豪哥
11F:深坑李大仁 12F:汐止陳冠希 13F:泰山柯震東 14F:中和周渝民 15F:樹林趙又廷
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1R8QiLGu (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1528933141.A.438.html
推 : sue him!1F 06/14 07:39
推 : #metoo2F 06/14 07:39
推 : show me the money!3F 06/14 07:40
噓 : Fuck and sue4F 06/14 07:40
推 : I need money5F 06/14 07:40
推 : Being a bitch6F 06/14 07:40
推 : #sue_after_fuck7F 06/14 07:41
推 : METOO8F 06/14 07:42
推 : defense mechanism9F 06/14 07:42
推 : lt is something worng10F 06/14 07:42
推 : METOO11F 06/14 07:43
推 : women takes all12F 06/14 07:43
推 : MESUBUTA13F 06/14 07:43
噓 : 要問幾遍14F 06/14 07:43
推 : lin i han15F 06/14 07:43
推 : There must be something wrong!16F 06/14 07:44
推 : #METOO17F 06/14 07:46
→ : regret fucking18F 06/14 07:46
噓 : op19F 06/14 07:47
推 : orgasm then sue20F 06/14 07:47
噓 : I have a bad feeling about this21F 06/14 07:47
推 : wait, I didn't get money.22F 06/14 07:48
推 : #metoo23F 06/14 07:49
推 : show me the money24F 06/14 07:50
推 : yeeeeeeeeeeeeeez25F 06/14 07:50
→ : How do you turn this on26F 06/14 07:51
→ : what the fuck!27F 06/14 07:51
→ : lu shum lu m dio28F 06/14 07:52
推 : I don't feel so goos29F 06/14 07:55
推 : gee30F 06/14 07:55
→ : Something's up!31F 06/14 07:55
→ : Maysiuganmo?32F 06/14 07:56
推 : show me the money33F 06/14 07:58
推 : 好掛值得一問再問34F 06/14 07:58
推 : Mr. Stark..I don't feel so good35F 06/14 08:01
→ : I'm batman!
→ : I'm batman!
推 : I thought he rape me37F 06/14 08:04
推 : No suck no sue!!38F 06/14 08:05
→ : no sue no suck才對39F 06/14 08:08
推 : it's time to get money40F 06/14 08:10
推 : things get weirder and weirder41F 06/14 08:11
→ : orgasm and money that's all i need42F 06/14 08:14
噓 : I'm a fucking bitch.43F 06/14 08:14
→ : Nice to meet you44F 06/14 08:15
推 : #噗嘻45F 06/14 08:15
推 : I want to sue you46F 06/14 08:18
噓 : 之前問過了47F 06/14 08:22
推 : something must be fucking wrong48F 06/14 08:23
推 : #TW_girl_no_easy49F 06/14 08:23
推 : guitar first50F 06/14 08:37
推 : The more I think, the more I question myself.51F 06/14 08:38
推 : I felt something wrong.52F 06/14 08:42
推 : Time to die~~~~53F 06/14 08:49
噓 : Yue Xiang Yue Not Ok54F 06/14 08:53
→ : yes back moon think moon no yes enter55F 06/14 09:02
推 : She is free. But the free is intangible.56F 06/14 09:24
推 : She gradually realised she got taking advantage.57F 06/14 09:26
推 : Show me the money59F 06/14 09:44
推 : There was something going wrong60F 06/14 10:04
推 : Slut61F 06/14 10:07
推 : Can’t believe it happened62F 06/14 10:16
推 : be cumed and sue63F 06/14 10:17
噓 : no pay no fuck64F 06/14 11:04
→ : #Metoo65F 06/14 12:50
→ : 問到爛了66F 06/14 13:20
推 : Fucker’s remorse67F 06/14 15:20
推 : #TaiwaneseWomenNotSurprisingly68F 06/14 15:45
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 555
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- 新北市新店區碧潭公有市場3月31日中午發生一起事件!一名40歲張姓女雞肉攤販在剁雞 肉時,疑似因分心,當場剁掉左手3指,鮮血頓時冒出。警消獲報到場處理,隨即將人送 醫治療,所幸人並無大礙。 回顧整起事 …87F 54推 3噓
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