※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-06-15 12:14:55
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 俄男自己改寫合約申請信用卡後造成訴訟
時間 Fri Jun 15 11:08:12 2018
Minyanville (美國)
[UPDATED] Russian Man Turns Tables on Bank, Changes Fine Print in Credit Card
Agreement, Then Sues, Now Settles
原文是英文,簡單來說,有個俄羅斯男子Dmitry Agarkov
In Soviet Russia, banks pay customers' bills. Or, at least, one might.
An interesting case has surfaced in Voronezh, Russia, where a man is suing a
bank for more than 24 million Russian rubles (about $727,000) in compensation
over a handcrafted document that was signed and recognized by the bank.
Dmitry Agarkov said that in 2008 he received a letter from Tinkoff Credit
Systems in his mailbox. It was a credit card application form with an
agreement contract enclosed, much like the applications Americans receive
daily from Visa (NYSE:V), Mastercard (NYSE:MA), American Express (NYSE:AXP),
or Discover (NYSE:DFS). Agarkov filled in the form and returned the signed
application, though what he sent back was not exactly the same document the
bank had sent him.
A promotional image from Tinkoff Credit Systems' website.
Agarkov changed some parts for his own benefit -- most notably, the small
print. He opted in for a 0% APR and no fees, and added that the customer "is
not obliged to pay any fees and charges imposed by bank tariffs." He also
changed the URL of the site where the terms and conditions were published
from www.tcsbank.ru to tcsbank.at.ua. Additionally, he added a special clause
that would protect him should the bank break the agreement in a unilateral
manner. For each unilateral change in the terms provided in the agreement,
the bank would be asked to pay the customer (Agarkov) 3 million rubles (about
$91,000), or a cancellation fee of 6 million rubles ($182,000).
Agarkov then sent his updated agreement to the bank, and shortly thereafter
received the bank's signed and certified copy, as well as a credit card.
However, after two years of active use, the bank decided to terminate Mr.
Agarkov's credit card in 2010 because he was late paying the minimum required
amounts. In 2012, the bank sued Agarkov for 45,000 roubles ($1,363) – an
amount that included the remaining balance, fees, and late payment charges.
The court decided that the agreement Agarkovcrafted was valid, and required
Agarkov to settle only his balance of 19,000 rubles ($575).
Dmitry Agarkov, the customer who rewrote the rules for his own credit card.
Photo republished with permission from RIA Voronezh.
Despite the apparent victory, Agarkov fought back: On August 1, the
Kominternovsky District Court of Voronezh launched hearings about Agarkov's
countersuit against the bank. As Tinkoff Credit Systems had not honored eight
clauses in the agreement, Agarkov now wants the bank to pay amends of 24
million rubles ($727,000) total. The law firm Konsultant, which is
representing Agarkov, says that the bank's decision to terminate the
agreement cannot be lawful because his client was not paid 6 million rubles,
as per terms of the amended agreement.
The bank has so far said that the case was related to "a nonrecurrent
technical issue," and it is willing to have its day in court. The next
hearing will be held in September.
The dispute between Agarkov and Tinkoff Credit Systems escalated when the
bank's chairman, Oleg Tinkov, took to Twitter to respond to media interest in
the case. (See: Russian Bank Chairman Comments on the Fine Print Case:
'Nobody Will Win Anything From Us.')
Then, on August 14, both sides announced a settlement on undisclosed terms.
"The conflict is counterproductive, so we agreed to settle it by withdrawing
our mutual complaints," said Oliver Hughes, president of Tinkoff Credit
"This started as a joke in 2008... but the joke has gone too far," said
"Of course I won't recommend other people do what I did. Before you opt in
for credit, you must think multiple times and carefully study your bank's
terms. But if you agree, you'll have to stick to it."
4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
[UPDATED] Russian Man Turns Tables On Bank, Changes Fine Print In Credit Card Agreement, Then Sues, Now Settles | Editor's Pick | Minyanville's Wall Street
In a new development, the bank and its famous customer have come to an agreement. ...
[UPDATED] Russian Man Turns Tables On Bank, Changes Fine Print In Credit Card Agreement, Then Sues, Now Settles | Editor's Pick | Minyanville's Wall Street
In a new development, the bank and its famous customer have come to an agreement. ...
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→ : 事後想想不對勁1F 06/15 11:10
推 : 把賈伯斯做成人型蜈蚣2F 06/15 11:10
推 : 這樣也行?3F 06/15 11:10
推 : 聰明4F 06/15 11:11
推 : 屌 爆 了5F 06/15 11:11
推 : Worked the system.6F 06/15 11:12
推 : 其實也滿合理的,but自然人有資格可以提出這種要約嗎?7F 06/15 11:12
推 : 哈哈哈哈哈哈 太屌了8F 06/15 11:12
推 : 強9F 06/15 11:13
推 : 問題銀行也沒看,就傻傻的收下合約阿XDDD10F 06/15 11:14
推 : j為何自然人沒資格修改合約?銀行也同意 合約就成立啊!11F 06/15 11:15
→ : 以民法的角度契約合意就可以生效,但信用卡是金融商品12F 06/15 11:15
推 : 銀行沒看吧13F 06/15 11:15
→ : ,不是合意不合意就能生效吧?沒主管機關核備的,那以14F 06/15 11:15
→ : 後銀行都讓申請者動手修改就可以規避主管機關審核
→ : 後銀行都讓申請者動手修改就可以規避主管機關審核
→ : 現在銀行審件都嘛流水線 看到文件很像就過了16F 06/15 11:16
推 : 強 你可以提出這種條件的 銀行收不收另一回事17F 06/15 11:16
→ : 但那是俄國 不是台灣呀18F 06/15 11:16
→ : 以後銀行的申請單是不是也要做防偽小片 XDDD
→ : 以後銀行的申請單是不是也要做防偽小片 XDDD
推 : 代表銀行也沒再看那一大串的合約20F 06/15 11:18
→ : 金融主管機關為了避免不正當競爭行為,多少都會管制過21F 06/15 11:18
→ : 於浮濫的高讓利商品,如果可以讓消費者自己改合約,那
→ : 於浮濫的高讓利商品,如果可以讓消費者自己改合約,那
推 : 大對小 只要改的內容對小的有利 為什麼還要核備?23F 06/15 11:18
→ : 以後銀行都拿合格的商品合約讓消費者改高讓利不就完美24F 06/15 11:18
推 : 這不是偽造啊 他只是改了條件簽訂 對方不看就接受25F 06/15 11:19
推 : 強26F 06/15 11:19
推 : 屌報了27F 06/15 11:20
推 : 想不到合約要看清楚 沒看清楚就簽字這話也能跟銀行說28F 06/15 11:20
推 : 天才,這真的是卡神29F 06/15 11:20
推 : 金融商品的要式合約都是必須經過核備的,私下製作肯定30F 06/15 11:21
→ : 還是有偽造的問題
→ : 還是有偽造的問題
推 : 自己故意把合約搞得密密麻麻有夠小字的副作用32F 06/15 11:21
推 : 銀行也沒注意看XDD33F 06/15 11:21
推 : 這跟偽造一點關係都沒有啦 XDDDDDDDDD 不錯笑34F 06/15 11:21
→ : 沒有偽造阿?合約本來就是由雙方訂的,他只是改了一些條35F 06/15 11:22
推 : 合格的合約書 只改動一兩條應該不至於偽造36F 06/15 11:23
→ : 例,是銀行自己沒注意,讓他審核過。37F 06/15 11:23
→ : 銀行自己都簽了,代表他同意更改阿!
→ : 銀行自己都簽了,代表他同意更改阿!
→ : 智商w39F 06/15 11:23
推 : 簽完才改有偽造 但是改完銀行才接受並給予信用卡了40F 06/15 11:24
→ : 太聰明啦XDD41F 06/15 11:24
推 : 這也太有趣42F 06/15 11:25
推 : 高讓利就叫不正當競爭 我們還叫自由市場嗎43F 06/15 11:27
→ : 就負責的員工太粗心啦XD 不知道有沒有被開除...?44F 06/15 11:27
推 : XD45F 06/15 11:28
→ : 台灣沒辦法這樣玩吧46F 06/15 11:31
→ : 臺灣應該也是可以 有人要試試嗎?XD47F 06/15 11:32
推 : 俄羅斯slow48F 06/15 11:33
推 : 哪個白癡說這樣算偽造?沒讀過書啊?49F 06/15 11:34
推 : 這個超屌XD 表示銀行看都沒看就發卡了 契約被改都不知道50F 06/15 11:34
→ : 本來就行,這種在租屋時常見,房東(學校)給你契約51F 06/15 11:35
推 : 在台灣 檢察官 到 法官 都是 對方的人馬 XD52F 06/15 11:35
推 : 用銀行那套搞銀行,我覺得可以53F 06/15 11:35
→ MaBumblerQQ …
→ : 自已加個條文,反正對方很多都不看,就收了簽名55F 06/15 11:35
推 : 有點聰明XD56F 06/15 11:36
推 : 2樓南方公園XD57F 06/15 11:38
推 : 台灣能這樣玩嗎?58F 06/15 11:39
推 : 哈哈每次銀行條約都寫得落落長59F 06/15 11:40
推 : 不知道刷了多少60F 06/15 11:41
推 : 肝 很聰明61F 06/15 11:48
推 : 就假議題 因為任何人都是慣老闆62F 06/15 11:48
推 : 還 滿 屌 的63F 06/15 11:49
→ : 臺灣可以啊 這法理就契約 只是要賭銀行員工有沒有發現吧64F 06/15 11:49
推 : 俄羅斯的司法還比鬼島好= =65F 06/15 11:52
推 : 電子申請單的漏洞 廠廠66F 06/15 11:55
推 : 中國:簽過的都是歷史文件啦67F 06/15 12:00
推 : 簽完當然有效 只是銀行會被主管機關罰錢68F 06/15 12:04
推 : 台灣的信用卡合約用的是定型化契約吧,應該不能這樣69F 06/15 12:06
推 : 啊哈哈哈70F 06/15 12:07
推 : 天才71F 06/15 12:09
推 : 以子之矛攻子之盾啊!!強!!!72F 06/15 12:09
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 2 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1145
2樓 時間: 2018-06-15 13:59:30 (台灣)
06-15 13:59 TW
費者? 難怪了合約都是消費者在簽名,且合約附帶