※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-06-04 10:08:42
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] 據傳微軟買下GITHUB
時間 Mon Jun 4 07:20:51 2018
Microsoft Is Said to Have Agreed to Acquire Coding Site GitHub
Microsoft Corp. has agreed to acquire GitHub Inc., the code repository
company popular with many software developers, and could announce the deal as
soon as Monday, according to people familiar with the matter.
GitHub preferred selling the company to going public and chose Microsoft
partially because it was impressed by Chief Executive Officer Satya Nadella,
said one of the people, who asked not to be identified discussing private
information. Terms of the agreement weren’t known on Sunday. GitHub was last
valued at $2 billion in 2015.
The acquisition provides a way forward for San Francisco-based GitHub, which
has been trying for nine months to find a new CEO and has yet to make a
profit from its popular service that allows coders to share and collaborate
on their work. It also helps Microsoft, which is increasingly relying on
open-source software, to add programming tools and tie up with a company that
has become a key part of the way Microsoft writes its own software.
Frank Shaw, a spokesman for Microsoft, declined to comment. GitHub didn’t
return an email seeking request for comment.
GitHub is an essential tool for coders. Many corporations, including
Microsoft and Alphabet Inc.’s Google, use GitHub to store their corporate
code and to collaborate. It’s also a social network of sorts for developers.
While GitHub’s losses have been significant -- it lost $66 million over
three quarters in 2016 -- it had revenue of $98 million in nine months of
that year.
In August, GitHub announced that it was looking for a CEO to replace Chris
Wanstrath, one of the company’s co-founders. In the interim, GitHub’s Chief
Business Officer Julio Avalos joined the company’s board of directors and
took over much of the day-to-day leadership of the company.
Microsoft has talked to GitHub on and off for a few years. Recently they
began talks about a partnership but progressed to discussing an acquisition,
according to another person familiar with the situation.
GitHub hosts 27 million software developers working on 80 million
repositories of code. Microsoft, once opposed to that kind of open-source
software development, is now one if the biggest contributors to GitHub. As
Nadella increasingly moves the company away from complete dependence on the
Windows operating system to more in-house development on Linux, the company
needs new ways to connect with the broader developer community.
Business Insider first reported talks between the companies on Friday.
代碼存放平台和開源軟體社群 GitHub 向來是不少程式開發者常去的地方,最近有消息指
Microsoft 正在準備收購這個網站,而且談判已經進行了一段時間。
據 Business Insider 的消息透露,GitHub 與 Microsoft 原先在商討成立策略聯盟,最
Microsoft 打算收購 GitHub,不過由於 GitHub 本身正打算上市集資,而其估價並不低
(2015 年估價約 20 億美元,現時估價大約 50 億美元),令 Microsoft 卻步。
有趣的是,GitHub 的總裁 Chris Wanstrath 在去年秋天離職後,一直未有新人選,有人
息傳出後,Microsoft 的估價有所上升。如果收購成功,Microsoft 就可以掌握大量的開
息傳出後,Microsoft 的估價有所上升。如果收購成功,Microsoft 就可以掌握大量的開
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1R57VLy1 (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1528068053.A.F01.html
※ 編輯: ss910126 (, 06/04/2018 07:21:39
推 : 我只知道pornhub1F 06/04 07:21
推 : 買下pornhub再叫我2F 06/04 07:21
推 : 什麼都買什麼都不奇怪3F 06/04 07:21
→ : 我想不到微軟要這個幹嘛4F 06/04 07:22
推 : 3、2、1,好了,蓋茲有錢了。5F 06/04 07:22
推 : Pornhub6F 06/04 07:22
→ : 完惹7F 06/04 07:22
推 : Pornhub.8F 06/04 07:23
推 : hub結尾的是不是都是…9F 06/04 07:23
推 : 全國最大男性交友網站10F 06/04 07:23
推 : 很好啊,微軟的邪惡地位早被蘋果和fb取代了11F 06/04 07:24
推 : 討論一下微軟買下來後爛掉的機率12F 06/04 07:25
→ : 大概又要被微軟搞爛了13F 06/04 07:26
推 : 微軟早就不邪惡了14F 06/04 07:26
噓 : 不是Pornhub誰在意啊15F 06/04 07:26
→ : 準備爛掉16F 06/04 07:27
推 : 打不贏 買下 擺爛17F 06/04 07:28
推 : 完了 被MS買的沒一個好下場18F 06/04 07:30
→ : 這種東西被微軟買下來比較好19F 06/04 07:32
推 : 微軟這幾年走向開源,股價一直噴說20F 06/04 07:33
→ : 反正微軟又不會動團隊,他就是給你錢創造營收,其餘都21F 06/04 07:33
→ : 不干涉
→ : 不干涉
推 : LinkedIn有爛掉或擺爛嗎?呵呵23F 06/04 07:36
推 : 像LinkedIn獨立運行就ok24F 06/04 07:42
推 : 慘了 要ai寫程式了 以後要上有error的上去25F 06/04 07:48
噓 : office跟windows貴死了26F 06/04 07:50
推 : PornHub買下來再說27F 06/04 07:51
推 : 完了………好險我都是自架git28F 06/04 07:52
推 : 頂多綁azure29F 06/04 07:56
→ : 微軟這段時間因為新的執行長找到新的領域跟經營方式30F 06/04 08:11
→ : Azure獲利到讓微軟找到下一個十年的金雞母 傻傻的
推 : 收購github應該兜整個開發生態圈 老實說 github內部的人刻意
→ : 讓 那你也沒辦法
→ : Azure獲利到讓微軟找到下一個十年的金雞母 傻傻的
推 : 收購github應該兜整個開發生態圈 老實說 github內部的人刻意
→ : 讓 那你也沒辦法
推 : Azure有競爭對手啊 AWS跟Google34F 06/04 08:17
→ : 現在做這個雲端基礎設施第二獲利最大的就是azure35F 06/04 08:19
推 : 沒買pornhub 失敗的投資36F 06/04 08:20
→ : 加上題材跟微軟本身軟體授權,換個方式就算微軟什麼事情也37F 06/04 08:20
→ : 不幹 aws 跟 gc 還有幫微軟賺錢
→ : 你說微軟有競爭對手嗎.. 基本上就是共生一起賺 但是微軟是
→ : 最爽的那一個
→ : 且這段時間微軟對於開源的積極度相較於過去 算是做的很好了
→ : 樂見接下來的發展
→ : 不幹 aws 跟 gc 還有幫微軟賺錢
→ : 你說微軟有競爭對手嗎.. 基本上就是共生一起賺 但是微軟是
→ : 最爽的那一個
→ : 且這段時間微軟對於開源的積極度相較於過去 算是做的很好了
→ : 樂見接下來的發展
→ : 微軟買下來的好像都做爛... git很好用的... 別亂搞啊43F 06/04 08:22
→ : 傻蛋不懂硬要來酸一下44F 06/04 08:23
→ : git != github 要有地方放repo還有Atlassian的Bitbucket45F 06/04 08:25
推 : 微軟現任執行長走擁抱服務 算是難得的好領導人46F 06/04 08:40
→ : 之後決定跟msn合併使用47F 06/04 08:46
推 : 微軟自己也是 github 使用者,不然策略聯盟做什麼48F 06/04 09:25
→ : github 有可能需要錢進行擴編所以找個有錢的罩,猜的
→ : github 有可能需要錢進行擴編所以找個有錢的罩,猜的
GitHub for Beginners - ott板 - Disp BBS
傳日期:2011-07-27 This talk introduces the Git Version Control System by looking at what Git is doing w
推 : GitHub跟git又不一樣...51F 06/04 10:06
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 688
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