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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] ElonMusk創立新聞評分平台但被記者圍攻
時間 Sat May 26 14:38:14 2018
Elon Musk認為Tesla因不買廣告,所以遭受新聞業的不公平報導,有的甚至是假新聞
說他越來越像川普,而川普也因為通俄門事件,轉推了Elon Musk的文章表達贊同
引發了Elon Musk和川普對新聞業的戰爭
Elon Musk@elonmusk
Problem is journos are under constant pressure to get max clicks & earn
advertising dollars or get fired. Tricky situation, as Tesla doesn’t
advertise, but fossil fuel companies & gas/diesel car companies are among world
’s biggest advertisers.
2:59 AM - May 24, 2018 44.7K 8,649 people are talking about this
Elon Musk@elonmusk 24 May
Going to create a site where the public can rate the core truth of any article& track the credibility score over time of each journalist, editor &
publication. Thinking of calling it Pravda …
Elon Musk在推特上說要創建新聞評分平台,大眾可以針對新聞的可信度評分
Elon Musk@elonmusk
Even if some of the public doesn’t care about the credibility score, the
journalists, editors & publications will. It is how they define themselves.
3:21 AM - May 24, 2018 47.9K 6,560 people are talking about this
Elon Musk又說雖然大眾可能不care新聞的可信度,但他相信記者跟編輯一定會被這評
Musk’s argument seems to rest on a fundamental misunderstanding of journalism
In addition to voicing concerns about the evenhandedness of Tesla coverage,
Musk offered his take on how journalism operates — a perspective that
reflected some real misconceptions about the industry.
Elon Musk根本不懂新聞業的運作方式
為了讓新聞業公平的報導Tesla的相關新聞,Elon Musk想出手影響新聞業運作
The implication of his post appears to be that journalists are shaping their
content in order to cater to advertisers, which … isn’t really how journalism
works. Sure, publications rely on advertising dollars as a funding source —
but journalists themselves aren’t in charge of getting that money or catering
content to advertisers.
Plenty of journalists have spoken out saying as much.
Elon Musk的推特把新聞業講得好像廣告商的打手一樣,但這根本不是新聞業運作的方式
Like many Silicon Valley titans, Musk has a history of chafing against criticism
Musk’s hostility toward the media has been a long time coming — especially as
negative coverage of Model 3 production woes and Tesla fatalities have grown.
The electric car company has had a rough couple of months in the media
following multiple accidents that renewed scrutiny on its autopilot feature, as
well as several reports highlighting worker injuries at its factory.
禍的事件被報導了好幾個月,隨後又有model 3的產能落後以及工廠工人受傷的消息出來。
On top of that, the company is grappling with delays related to the production
禍的事件被報導了好幾個月,隨後又有model 3的產能落後以及工廠工人受傷的消息出來。
On top of that, the company is grappling with delays related to the production
of its Model 3 offering and is currently the subject of investigations from
both the National Transportation Safety Board, which is looking into a spring
crash involving autopilot, and California’s Division of Occupational Safety
and Health, which is probing hazardous workplace conditions at its factory in
目前Tesla正在處理model 3的產能問題,而且正因為自動駕駛引發的車禍接受國家運輸
Musk’s latest Twitter outburst appears to encapsulate viewpoints he’s held
for some time now. During an earnings call earlier this month, he used similar
language to argue that journalists were putting too much emphasis on the
dangers posed by self-driving cars and not focusing on the real story about “
how autonomous cars are really safe.”
“That’s not a story that people want to click on,” he said. “They write
inflammatory headlines that are fundamentally misleading to readers. It’s
really outrageous.”
Back in 2016, when Tesla experienced its first autopilot-related fatality, Musk
also made digs at the media. In one instance, he lashed out at a Fortune
writer, arguing that his critical commentary on the crash was aimed at driving
up the publication’s advertising revenue.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1R2G3R3U (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1527316699.A.0DE.html
推 : 妓者們7pupu囉!1F 05/26 14:40
推 : 幹這很需要啊 一堆腦殘新聞跟標題2F 05/26 14:40
推 : elon musk只是個臉皮薄的天才 他沒什麼失敗過 所以EQ低3F 05/26 14:40
→ : 他的Tesla被記者批評了 他就開始對記者專業開砲 他世界
→ : 他的Tesla被記者批評了 他就開始對記者專業開砲 他世界
→ : 除非他插手信用評分,不然的話有何不可5F 05/26 14:41
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 2 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 600
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1樓 時間: 2018-05-26 14:58:03 (台灣)
05-26 14:58 TW