※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-05-28 02:16:05
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞]Starbucks: You don't need to buy
時間 Sun May 27 19:51:20 2018
2.完整新聞標題:Starbucks: You don't need to buy anything to hang out
in our stores
顧客不需消費 一樣可以待整天
Starbucks stores are now open to all — no purchase necessary.
The company informed US employees on Friday that people can gather in their
cafes and patios even if they don't buy drinks, and that store bathrooms are
available to everyone.
只要進入星巴克 一律視同顧客
"Any person who enters our spaces, including patios, cafes and restrooms,
regardless of whether they make a purchase, is considered a customer,"
Starbucks said in an email to employees.
政策改變 是因為上個月費城有兩位黑人遭受到歧視
其中一位想使用洗手間 卻被員工阻止說 只有消費顧客才可使用
而這兩位黑人老兄接下來坐在店內沒消費 經理就打電話叫警察啦
而這兩位黑人老兄接下來坐在店內沒消費 經理就打電話叫警察啦
The policy change follows an uproar over the way two black men were treated
at a Starbucks in Philadelphia last month.
One of the men asked to use the bathroom, but an employee told him it was only
for paying customers. When the pair then sat in the store without ordering
anything, the manager called police, and the men were arrested for trespassing.
No charges were filed.
然後星巴克會在5/29 針對全美8000家店加強不種族歧視員工訓練
Starbucks later apologized to the men and said it will close 8,000 US stores
on May 29 for racial bias training.
4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Starbucks: You don't need to buy anything to hang out in our stores
The change in the coffee chain's policy follows the uproar over the way two black men were treated at a Starbucks in Philadelphia. ...
不過這是美國 不知台灣是不是也有這政策
要是實施了 應該一堆用書佔位的國高中生吧
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1R2fkxwm (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1527421883.A.EB0.html
→ : 不爽不要買==1F 05/27 19:51
→ : 黑人:幹2F 05/27 19:51
推 : 泥哥進去會被揍嗎?3F 05/27 19:51
推 : 台灣早就這樣了吧4F 05/27 19:52
推 : 直銷進攻啦5F 05/27 19:52
→ : 這樣我戴著mac和書過去還潮ㄇ6F 05/27 19:52
推 : 星巴克變公廁了7F 05/27 19:52
→ : 尼哥還活在被吊死的陰影中8F 05/27 19:53
→ gogobar …
→ : 台灣是店家允許,但會有海巡7pupu po網公審11F 05/27 19:53
推 : 那我開公廁就好了還開啥屎達爸12F 05/27 19:53
→ : 餐飲業不都拚翻桌率 原來潮潮的星巴克不在意這個13F 05/27 19:53
推 : 一定有人會不消費佔用一整天14F 05/27 19:53
推 : 會有一堆白癡國中生進去寫作業15F 05/27 19:54
→ gogobar …
推 : 我都點一份早餐坐到回家吃晚飯17F 05/27 19:54
→ : 完了,不潮了18F 05/27 19:55
推 : 可能米國不像彎彎那麼多人愛擠屎大霸?19F 05/27 19:55
推 : 現在就很多了 各位是不是都不夠潮沒去過星巴克20F 05/27 19:55
推 : 老黑果然大尾 星巴巴都不敢得罪了21F 05/27 19:57
推 : 台灣早就是了22F 05/27 19:58
→ : 直銷的溫床 業務的茶水間 文青的溫床23F 05/27 19:59
→ : 以後裡面就坐滿流浪漢看誰要進去24F 05/27 20:01
推 : 難怪白人拼命想把腦子移植到黑人身體上25F 05/27 20:03
→ : 台灣店員也不會管你,只是等著要用餐喝咖啡的有熱視線26F 05/27 20:05
噓 : 超智障政治正確 到時候變一堆遊民在裡面27F 05/27 20:17
推 : 外帶星巴克才是潮。要待店內潮男女的都去單品咖啡店了28F 05/27 20:26
→ : 做位置沒拿本書或Mac都不潮29F 05/27 20:50
噓 : 借廁所可以 沒消費就入座就超過了30F 05/27 21:03
→ : 啊嘶……是不是意圖開闢得來速市場的水溫概念尼31F 05/27 22:32
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