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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 彭博:中美經貿對話 美方要求詳細內容
時間 Sat May 5 00:45:21 2018
Here's What the U.S., China Demanded of Each Other on Trade
這就是 中美雙方 在貿易對話中 對彼此的要求
The U.S. and China issued long lists of demands at talks in Beijing this week
to resolve the simmering trade dispute between the world’s two biggest
In a document entitled “Balancing the Trade Relationship,” seen by
Bloomberg News, the U.S. divided its demands into eight sections, ranging
from trade-deficit reduction to tariff barriers to implementation. Here’s a
synopsis of the U.S. requests, which were presented to China at the outset of
the talks:
根據彭博社看到的文件 ,美方的要求分成八大項,從削減貿易赤字到關稅壁壘等等
Trade Deficit Reduction
The U.S. wants China to cut the two nations’ trade deficit by at least
$200 billion by the end of 2020 from 2018 levels.
以2018基期起算,在2020年底,美方希望中國削減 2000億美元貿易赤字
Chinese purchases of U.S. goods will represent at least 75 percent of a
commitment to a $100 billion increase in purchases of U.S. exports for the 12
months beginning June 1, 2018, and at least 50 percent of China’s commitment
to an additional $100 billion increase in purchases of U.S. exports in the 12
months beginning June 1, 2019.
Protection of American Technology and Intellectual Property
China to immediately cease providing subsidies and government support
that fuels excess capacity in industries targeted by the Made in China 2025
停止補貼與支持 中國製造2025中 已經產能過剩的行業
Specific policies and practices linked to technology transfer are
A cessation of government-sponsored cyber intrusion and cyber theft.
Strengthened intellectual property rights protection and enforcement.
By Jan. 1, 2019, China will eliminate provisions of the Regulations on
the Administration of the Import and Export of Technologies and the
Regulations on the Implementation of the Law on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint
Ventures identified in the U.S.
By July 1, 2018, China will withdraw its request for WTO consultations in
United States – Tariff Measures on Certain Goods from China and take no
further action on the matter
The document also calls on China to take no retaliatory action in
response to actions taken or to be taken by the U.S.
Restrictions on Investment in Sensitive Technology
A demand that China does not “oppose, challenge, or otherwise retaliate
against the United States’ imposition of restrictions on investments from
China in sensitive U.S. technology sectors or sectors critical to U.S.
national security.”
要求中方不得 對抗、挑戰、報復 美國技術領域因國安理由對中方投資所做的限制
U.S. Investment in China
A demand that China does not distort trade through investment
restrictions and any restrictions are narrow and transparent
U.S. investors in China to receive “fair, effective and non-discriminatory
market access and treatment, including removal of the application of foreign
investment restrictions and foreign ownership/shareholding requirements.”
針對美國投資者,取消對外資 股權、所有權等要求
China to issue an improved nationwide negative list for foreign investment by
July 1, 2018. Within 90 days the U.S. will identify existing investment
restrictions that deny U.S. investors market access. China is then
to remove all identified investment restrictions on a timetable to be decided
by both nations.
美國會在九十天內 舉出既存的,妨礙美資進入市場的限制,然後由中美雙方共同協商
Tariff and non-tariff barriers
By July 1, 2020, China will reduce tariffs on all products in non-critical
sectors to levels that are no higher than the levels of the U.S.
'corresponding tariffs
China to remove specified non-tariff barriers and recognizes that the
U.S. may impose import restrictions and tariffs on products in critical
sectors, including sectors identified in the Made in China 2025 industrial
中方需移除非關稅壁壘 並且認知到 美方可能對重點領域貨品採取進口限制/關稅措施
包含 中國製造2025中 確定的類別
U.S. Services and Services Suppliers
A demand for China to improve market access in specified ways
U.S. Agricultural Products
A demand for China to improve market access in specified ways
Both countries to meet quarterly to review targets and reforms
If the U.S. declares China is not complying with the framework, the U.S.
can impose tariffs or other restrictions on Chinese products or restrict
supply of services
A demand that China does not “oppose, challenge or take any form of
action against the United States’ imposition of additional tariffs or
要求中方不得 反制、挑戰或透過各種手段繞過美方的限制與額外關稅
China to withdraw its WTO complaints regarding designations of China as a
non-market economy and will refrain from future challenges
Within 15 days of receiving written notice of a prohibited product that
may have been transshipped through one or more countries, China will provide
full details of every shipment. Failure to do so will trigger tariffs.
If China fails to uphold commitments the U.S. will impose tariffs on
imports from China and will confiscate counterfeit and pirated goods or levy
tariffs to compensate for lost technologies and intellectual property.
A demand that China does not take any retaliatory action in response.
The following is a synopsis of China’s demands:
In an official document seen by Bloomberg News, China stated that measures
to open up its economy will not be applicable to U.S. investors if the
U.S. doesn’t meet China’s request on equal treatment of Chinese investment.
Other requests of the U.S. included:
Lift bans on exports of integrated circuits to China.
Stop imposing 25 percent extra tariffs against Chinese products.
停止課徵 針對中國貨品 25%的額外關稅
Open government procurement to Chinese technology products and services.
Give equal treatment to Chinese companies in national security review.
Adjust the export ban on ZTE. Corp.
Drop surrogate-country approach in anti-dumping, anti-remedy cases.
在反傾銷案件中 放棄採用替代國家計算方式
Not to initiate any Section 301 investigation against China in the
Open its e-payment market to Chinese companies.
Approve China International Capital Corp.’s application for a financial
4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
As Trump Targets China's High-Tech Rise, Xi Strives Even Harder - Bloomberg
Donald Trump’s attempt to stem China’s technological advance could already be backfiring. ...
貿易戰開打的風險 也許比大家期望的還高......
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Qx8ubrw (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1525452325.A.D7A.html
推 : 舒服,不簽就開戰啦!1F 05/05 00:48
推 : 五毛抖到不敢說話2F 05/05 00:48
推 : 美國超狠...3F 05/05 00:49
推 : 美國那個出口要的滿大的,但如果美國出口科技產品給中共,4F 05/05 00:49
→ : 那就真的有機會到這額度,只是每天那可能這麼善良
→ : 那就真的有機會到這額度,只是每天那可能這麼善良
推 : 美國是把中國當藩屬國在要求嗎XD6F 05/05 00:50
推 : 把支那孤立起來不就好了 整天都在世界都是他的7F 05/05 00:50
噓 : 兩邊都在講幹話,提一堆根本明知對方不可能接受的條件8F 05/05 00:50
→ : 美國還以為自己是世界老大哥嗎?好笑9F 05/05 00:51
→ : 取消對中出口半導體的限制根本是不可能,瓦聖納協定綁死10F 05/05 00:51
推 : 500億鎂的出口額度,真的覺得這數字很亂來11F 05/05 00:52
→ : 美國真的超狠不手軟,不知中國還有什麼殺手鐧?!12F 05/05 00:52
噓 : 看來真的會開打了 = =13F 05/05 00:53
→ : 要是答應根本喪權辱國吧14F 05/05 00:53
→ : 但高科技產品可以弭平,偏偏美國不可能放這種15F 05/05 00:53
→ : 也就是兩邊要到剛好都是對方不想給的
→ : 也就是兩邊要到剛好都是對方不想給的
→ : 看看美國的態度,我想其他國家多半心裡有底17F 05/05 00:54
→ : 09年中國wto敗訴承諾會強化智財保護與執法,請求歐美放過18F 05/05 00:55
→ : 美國的盟友只有在有用的時候是盟友,其他時候就是踩在腳底19F 05/05 00:55
→ : 一馬,9年過去,對於智財保護與執法的改進跟牛步一樣。20F 05/05 00:56
→ : 等中國被鬥倒,再來就是其他也有大量貿易逆差的台日韓了21F 05/05 00:58
→ : 中國多年無視被要求改進 而且還變本加厲 真的沒資格怪人22F 05/05 00:59
→ : 堂堂一個號稱世界警察,搞得像流氓收保護費一樣23F 05/05 00:59
推 : 老實說還不用等鬥倒,6月份到底什麼狀況都很難講24F 05/05 01:01
→ : 收貿易逆差費用不太可能全球下去做,但近期關稅還霧沙沙
→ : 收貿易逆差費用不太可能全球下去做,但近期關稅還霧沙沙
推 : 台美貿易逆差比較解決吧 光買軍火就可以解決不少26F 05/05 01:22
→ : 比較好解決
→ : 比較好解決
推 : 台美貿易逆差應該是會從買天然氣來解決28F 05/05 01:27
→ : 美國加油!弄死人類的腫瘤!29F 05/05 02:01
噓 : 美國開的一連串看下來就是 我要如何我說了算30F 05/05 03:37
噓 : 比如要求中方不能反制 但是他們卻可以以國安
→ : 為由如何如何 然後又要求對中國製造2025
→ : 課稅 但是又要求中方要清除關稅壁壘
→ : 乾脆中國就直接劃入美國不是比較快
噓 : 比如要求中方不能反制 但是他們卻可以以國安
→ : 為由如何如何 然後又要求對中國製造2025
→ : 課稅 但是又要求中方要清除關稅壁壘
→ : 乾脆中國就直接劃入美國不是比較快
推 : 中國不爽就跟美國斷交阿35F 05/05 03:46
→ : 中國真的超廢,還要靠五毛在那邊痛罵美國自慰36F 05/05 04:10
→ : 五毛罵超兇,包子卻連還手的餘地都沒,只能在家氣噗噗
→ : 五毛罵超兇,包子卻連還手的餘地都沒,只能在家氣噗噗
推 : 中國別掙扎了吞下去吧反正消息封鎖起來牆內人士就不會38F 05/05 12:24
→ : 知道了
→ : 知道了
→ : 中國表示:誰理你們啊 早給拒絕了lol40F 05/05 12:42
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 350
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( ̄︶ ̄)b simon786 說讚!