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看板 Gossiping
作者 wkheinz ()
標題 [問卦] 如果只推薦三首聯合公園的歌是哪三首
時間 Fri Jul 21 03:53:11 2017






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reigon1126: in the end首選1F 07/21 03:53
Windows8: 前兩張聽一次 其他不用聽2F 07/21 03:53
tim121507: 主場是三小3F 07/21 03:53
vxior: 找YouTube 點閱率最高的那三首4F 07/21 03:53
estupid: Push me away5F 07/21 03:53
putik541: 現在入坑也只會後悔晚入坑了.......6F 07/21 03:54
Waitaha: 安儷 / 真的不想嘴 / 根本不用再見面7F 07/21 03:54
Tattood: 如果只能推薦三首那還不如叫他們乖乖聽911跟腎結石就好8F 07/21 03:54
bravo233295: In the end Numb given up9F 07/21 03:54
ss0545202: from the inside10F 07/21 03:54
yuxds: 會後悔嗎 不是一堆人也只聽他們早期的歌11F 07/21 03:54
hangEasy: Numb12F 07/21 03:55
Lineage097: 只推薦3首很難... 他們好歌太多13F 07/21 03:55
JingP: In the end / New Divide / Numb14F 07/21 03:55
eatingshit: 貴圈真是亂15F 07/21 03:55
※ 編輯: wkheinz (, 07/21/2017 03:55:36
BradleyBeal: 主場世殺曉16F 07/21 03:56
pchion2002: it's my life17F 07/21 03:56
Costco5566: 前三張辣18F 07/21 03:56
pikapikachiu: 推金屁 跟我ㄉ一樣19F 07/21 03:56
※ 編輯: wkheinz (, 07/21/2017 03:56:55
erotica: 離開地球表面20F 07/21 03:56
kb2485015: somewhere i belong/breaking the habit/one step clos21F 07/21 03:57
big325467: hands held high / valentine's day22F 07/21 03:58
Beanoodle: 好像就金屁那三首23F 07/21 03:58
l183628: what I've done24F 07/21 03:59
LegLebron: 反正別推變形金剛的==25F 07/21 03:59
zxp910608: 個人特別喜歡bleed it out26F 07/21 04:00
yukiko: Numb27F 07/21 04:01
xd5477: in the end some where i belong numb28F 07/21 04:02
DarkIllusion: meteora整張29F 07/21 04:02
Heedictator: 只推faint30F 07/21 04:02
t4qup3: Numb, in the end, faint31F 07/21 04:03
x5553434: Crawling32F 07/21 04:03
upeo: numb 經典33F 07/21 04:03
jezz9740: 只能三首好難34F 07/21 04:05
minikulinpa: numb/Valentine's day/ In the end35F 07/21 04:08
hydrogencl: push me away36F 07/21 04:09
ChenWeiYin16: Faint / One Step Closer / Given Up37F 07/21 04:15
Ardt4113C: numb encore38F 07/21 04:16
lebron0615: faint/runaway/papercut 後面微冷門39F 07/21 04:19
positMIT: california dreaming / airbig/ champagne supernova40F 07/21 04:23
nini1830: Faint, In the End ,What I've Done41F 07/21 04:25
harry861231: faint/numb/in the end42F 07/21 04:26
boublestar: numb最高43F 07/21 04:27
cces101138: numb/in the end/what I've done44F 07/21 04:33
yesman63: Faint one step closer Numb45F 07/21 04:39
JonaGoGo: faint/numb/ breaking a habit46F 07/21 04:39
spadenet: 最愛Faint47F 07/21 04:43
asd9527: 都沒人推the catalyst 跟 burn it down QQ48F 07/21 04:43
vladimir798: numb/in the end/what i've done49F 07/21 04:45
SamloveMo: In the end/Faint/Breaking a habit50F 07/21 04:45
threebus: 算新的good goodbye51F 07/21 04:47
Waiting For The End (Official Video) - Linkin Park - YouTube
Linkin Park "Waiting For The End" off of the album A THOUSAND SUNS. Directed by Joe Hahn.  |  iTunes: http:/...

OHaiYo: Waiting For The End53F 07/21 04:50
vladimir798: 我再加一首faint54F 07/21 04:52
IHATESTUDY: A place for my head  hit the floor55F 07/21 04:53
anjohn: 現在的情況 The Messenger 的歌詞讓人想哭56F 07/21 04:54
letbeit: where'd you go57F 07/21 05:02
LAKobeBryant: given up58F 07/21 05:08
tuii7412: faint59F 07/21 05:15
Narnia: 1.Numb 2.faint 3.In the end60F 07/21 05:18
mtg: given up 那恐怖的喉音竟然還能唱live61F 07/21 05:27
micky0803: 變形金剛62F 07/21 05:31
yata4547: numb/in the end/New Divide63F 07/21 05:32
occlumency3: Somewhere I belong64F 07/21 05:38
radiohead56: papercut a place for my head with you65F 07/21 05:52
stupid52020: 不認識66F 07/21 05:56
applemilker: 怎麼有Oasis混進來了XDDD67F 07/21 06:19
leo755269: Numb,Forgotten,In the end68F 07/21 06:24
yanni999: 有沒有搞屁眼舔大便時候唱的歌?69F 07/21 06:32
lodosho0224: numb第一,其他很難選啊70F 07/21 06:34
nicolec117: In pieces71F 07/21 06:47
mark111528: Lying From you、In the72F 07/21 07:06
mark111528: end、Iridescent
pchunters123: 梅花74F 07/21 07:11
scoutking85: In the end/Faint/Leave out all the rest75F 07/21 07:15
fatedate: Numb   太有名   我現在正在聽76F 07/21 07:27
fatedate: In The End  也是
imgay5566: 擁抱 戀愛ing 志明春嬌78F 07/21 07:31
ji394tb: In the end papercut crawling79F 07/21 07:34
zxcvbnm119: Numb80F 07/21 07:34
dean1990: 我難過/我難過/我難過81F 07/21 07:34
kerbi: 前三張全部82F 07/21 07:35
Im22Yo: In the end/ Some where I belong/ Numb83F 07/21 07:40
jwchao: in the end84F 07/21 07:40
Yanagi5566: QQ85F 07/21 07:47
zx020456: 我難過86F 07/21 07:47
zx020456: 因為愛
zx020456: 淘汰
etiennechiu: Numb, Talking to Myself89F 07/21 07:47
sDwlr: new devide, the catalyst, blackout90F 07/21 07:49
THCHIN: Faint, In the end, Somewhere I belong91F 07/21 07:52
ElrosHsun: 這篇竟然沒有亂推其他樂團的歌XD92F 07/21 07:52
xupurmpp: Valentine's Day/ in the end/ given up93F 07/21 07:56
exotica: faint94F 07/21 07:58
boostman: in the end95F 07/21 07:59
yanyao13: Castle of glass96F 07/21 08:08
jack18262: In the end,Numb,Faint97F 07/21 08:08
MochaS: Bleed it out98F 07/21 08:13
Sawyer80: 三首不夠 三張專輯的話 那就第一 第二跟燦爛千陽那張99F 07/21 08:18
aj93063876: Breaking the habit breaking the habit breaking the100F 07/21 08:20
aj93063876:  habit
tniderpp: 我難過/快樂崇拜/真的不想嘴102F 07/21 08:20
collco: where'd you go103F 07/21 08:24
Changster: Numb/ In the end/104F 07/21 08:25
DevilEnvy: 首推numb 其他in the end. new divide  我的回憶啊QQ105F 07/21 08:28
wingss3025: Numb Faint In the End106F 07/21 08:32
Sixxlife: 跟樓上推一樣的107F 07/21 08:33
kiki41052: Numb108F 07/21 08:37
DarkHolbach: Breaking the habit/Numb/In the end109F 07/21 08:38
blue1204: it's my life110F 07/21 08:40
kiwivino1023: given up no more sorrow111F 07/21 08:40
Audien: 推新的 Talking to myself/Heavy/one more light112F 07/21 08:40
jet113102: Numb/Breaking the habit/Faint113F 07/21 08:43
MonkeyD5566: numb我最喜歡114F 07/21 08:44
godrong95: Numb In the End  New devide115F 07/21 08:49
suckpopo: 劉文雄?116F 07/21 08:53
georgeby: New Divide117F 07/21 08:55
hikerLin: 小情歌118F 07/21 09:03
lsh77: numb/in the end/leave out all the rest119F 07/21 09:09
bilibo: 找點閱率前三的就對了120F 07/21 09:15
f54469: Heavy.in the end.numb121F 07/21 09:15
ioupoiu: 憨人122F 07/21 09:15
paul861124: somewhere I belong/in the end/numb123F 07/21 09:17
kapeika: somewhere I belong/New Devide/Numb124F 07/21 09:18
f54469: New divide QQ也很棒125F 07/21 09:19
chu630: Numb/Faint/In the end126F 07/21 09:26
shdopeoplesn: Waiting for the end / Iridescent / In the end127F 07/21 09:28
imyuft: new divide128F 07/21 09:40
TrueTears: 一定有 in the end129F 07/21 09:48
shooooooboom: 快樂崇拜130F 07/21 09:52
edisonnike: In the end / numb / faint131F 07/21 10:04
pankuanting: Numb ,what I've done, in the end132F 07/21 10:04
zx2767842: 只推faint!!!!133F 07/21 10:04
tkgx2001: somewhere I belong /in the end/leave out all therest134F 07/21 10:27
sagraffiti: numb in the end faint135F 07/21 10:41
Johnny1101: No more sorrow , numb , some where I belong .136F 07/21 10:50
USD5566: 到底要問幾次?不會爬文?137F 07/21 10:51
liberty7: faint138F 07/21 11:16
mmiikkee: Faint/When They Come For Me/Skin To Bone139F 07/21 11:29
sonyeric928: 不夠用 如果是每張專輯的話就可以 哈140F 07/21 11:37
oDwyaneWadeo: numb/encore141F 07/21 11:41
spursmanu: 騙推費文必噓142F 07/21 12:14
yistone: Valentine's day143F 07/21 12:30
yistone: numb 跟leave out all the rest. Leave現在聽會爆哭
a055076: 只有FAINT145F 07/21 12:31
AileeSu: In the end / Numb / Somewhere I Belong....基本上Mete146F 07/21 12:51
AileeSu: ora整張專輯都推也是我第一張入門買LP的專輯,真的難過
AileeSu: ,這麼有特色的吼叫嗓音以後再也聽不到了
AileeSu: 雖然近幾年他們己經走醒世路線,音擽
AileeSu: 樂也比較溫和沒以前的特色了
bbo6uis122: Numb/What I've Done/New Devide151F 07/21 13:13
enigmabp: In the end/one step closer/crawling152F 07/21 13:31
XtrEmeMasTeR: 癡情男子漢 9453 歪國人153F 07/21 13:35
abcdegf34: plug in baby154F 07/21 13:37

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1樓 時間: 2017-07-21 19:34:37 (台灣)
  07-21 19:34 TW
2樓 時間: 2017-07-21 21:55:51 (台灣)
  07-21 21:55 TW
如果選經典名作:Numb,In the end,somewhere I belong, 但我想推 The catalyst, Faint, Bleed It Out
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