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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-07-20 23:53:19
看板 Gossiping
作者 morgankhs (豪哥)
標題 [問卦] 冰與火之歌 最經典的台詞是哪一句?
時間 Thu Jul 20 22:31:44 2017





像是you know nothing,jon snow之類的




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1PSBxJAO (Gossiping)
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Zuleta: 咩1F 07/20 22:31
CHENXOX: 修2F 07/20 22:32
springxx: 凜冬將至3F 07/20 22:32
kimo6414: 幹4F 07/20 22:32
Ives20130: 樓下貼龍后的自介5F 07/20 22:32
LNGOGO: winter is coming6F 07/20 22:32
Atwo: 凜冬將至7F 07/20 22:32
canblow: Winter is coming8F 07/20 22:32
meowchen: 哇靠 姆咪有槍9F 07/20 22:32
blackzero1: 遊街示眾那段……不過臺詞我忘了,忙著看奶子10F 07/20 22:32
shame shame shame ding ding
AngelsDemon: 瓊恩對野人說的我要幹死妳證明我4男人11F 07/20 22:32
twchhmcs36: 你懂個屁12F 07/20 22:32
AngelsDemon: 樓上上是羞恥吧?13F 07/20 22:33
springxx: 囧恩  :  你什麼都不懂14F 07/20 22:33
※ 編輯: morgankhs (, 07/20/2017 22:33:55
beatles12: say my name15F 07/20 22:33
bicedb: 只要奶子ㄅ16F 07/20 22:33
bitonocu: Valar Morghulis17F 07/20 22:34
hitsukix: 留下來...或是我跟你走18F 07/20 22:34
The Mountain crushes Prince Oberyn's head. - YouTube
Head exploding scene. Season 4 episode 8. The Mountain crushes Prince Oberyn's head like a melon. For entertainment Purposes only, no copyright intended.

kusoman: I'm the one who knoks the door.20F 07/20 22:34
o9887766: 凡人皆有一死21F 07/20 22:34
Q40526: hodor!22F 07/20 22:34
brycejack: 人杯沙 鳩灰死23F 07/20 22:35
hellomen: My lady24F 07/20 22:35
dodomilk: I want to play a game25F 07/20 22:35
Game of Thrones - White Walkers / "Winter is coming" - Trailer - YouTube My first Game of Thrones video. I hope you´ll like it. The next video will be about Petyr Baelish. I will upload it after the release of the episode "Mocking...

joe199277: 你懂個屁27F 07/20 22:37
proletariat: Hold the door!                             Hodor!28F 07/20 22:37
andrewyllee: 香腸香腸香腸29F 07/20 22:37
ibelieveican: 色后的feels so good30F 07/20 22:38
benny0812: Hold the door!  Hold the door!      Hold the door!31F 07/20 22:38
del680202: Hold the door~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~32F 07/20 22:38
stone10731: you know nothing jon snow33F 07/20 22:41
shinbird: You know nothing~!! John Snow.34F 07/20 22:41
CFFS: Valar dohaeirs35F 07/20 22:41
pandajohn: 公親變事主36F 07/20 22:41
appleghost: Dracarys37F 07/20 22:41
LlewynDavis: say my name38F 07/20 22:42
jksen: Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her39F 07/20 22:42
jksen: Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First
jksen: Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains
jksen: and Mother of Dragons.
shinbird: Where are my dragon!!!43F 07/20 22:43
ttQoQ: Hold the door真的超經典44F 07/20 22:45
iamDC123: anna do you want to built a snowman?45F 07/20 22:47
jty02: A Lannister always pays his debts.46F 07/20 22:48
s12319110: 冬天說了七年還不來…47F 07/20 22:49
tom80727: Where are my dragons?!!!!48F 07/20 22:49
chen2808: What is dead may never die.49F 07/20 22:51
lukeworld: Yes,my load50F 07/20 22:54
CFFS: the king in the north51F 07/20 22:54
jeffispig: Bang!52F 07/20 22:55
sofaly:  Hold the door53F 07/20 22:56
ymx3xc: winter is cumming54F 07/20 22:56
reader2714: 冬天來了阿55F 07/20 23:01
jetk4555: 啊啊~~呃噁~56F 07/20 23:01
TommyWu1991: Ayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee57F 07/20 23:03
TommyWu1991: Hold the doooooor好感人QQQQQQQ
wkheinz: You know nothing 殭屍糯59F 07/20 23:05
alewad: OH~MY~60F 07/20 23:06
Septopus: 竜が我が敌を喰らう61F 07/20 23:08
devicer: winter is coming62F 07/20 23:08
tyr5101: you know nothing63F 07/20 23:09
maiico: you know nothing64F 07/20 23:31
barsax8: 那個do u want to build a snowman是怎樣啦XDD65F 07/20 23:32
luckyodi: En taro Tasstadar66F 07/20 23:37
aak: Lets cook67F 07/20 23:38
danny80060: Hold the doooor68F 07/20 23:44
jojo90320: how do you turn this on69F 07/20 23:50
AztecMan: I demand a trial by combat.70F 07/20 23:51

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1945 
作者 morgankhs 的最新發文:
1樓 時間: 2017-07-21 00:48:31 (台灣)
  07-21 00:48 TW
2樓 時間: 2017-07-21 02:57:45 (台灣)
  07-21 02:57 TW
winter is coming
3樓 時間: 2017-07-21 09:05:07 (台灣)
  07-21 09:05 TW
You jump , I jump , We  jump !
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