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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 美國能源部長發表新供需法則
時間 Fri Jul 7 05:59:51 2017
Rick Perry on supply and demand economics: Supply it, then demand will follow
"供給給下去 需求就上來了"
Secretary of Energy Rick Perry sparked disbelief on Twitter Thursday after
he tried to offer an economics lesson while touring a coal plant in West
"Here's a little economics lesson: supply and demand. You put the supply out
there and the demand will follow," Perry said, responding to a question about
a shale gas boom in comments captured by S&P Global Market Intelligence
reporter Taylor Kuykendall.
"The market will decide which of these — they're going to pick and choose,"
Perry continued at Longview Power Plant. "I mean, that's really pretty simple.
All too often, you have in the last eight years, you have an administration
that was over here putting its thumb on the economic scale as well as the
technology scale because they said this is where we want to go."
A reporter attempted to ask a follow-up question about the prevalence of shale
gas, which Perry called a "good thing," before West Virginia's Democratic Sen.
Joe Manchin took over the question.
It isn't entirely clear what Perry meant -- and the Department of Energy did
not respond to a request for clarification -- but Perry's definition of supply
and demand does not match the long-held economic theory that describes the
interaction between the supply and the demand of a product or service. The
gist of the theory is, if the supply for a product is low but its demand is
high, the product's price is likely to increase. If a product's supply is high
and the demand for a product is low, however, the product's price is likely to
Perry may have been referencing Say's law of markets, an economic theory that
argues supply is the origin of demand.
4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Rick Perry on supply and demand economics: Supply it, then demand will follow - CBS News
Energy Secretary Rick Perry offered some confusing comments on supply and demand economics Thursday ...
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1PNhBRt1 (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1499378395.A.DC1.html
推 : 新番撥下去肥宅就來了1F 07/07 06:01
推 : 其實我看不懂這新聞內容想要表達什麼2F 07/07 06:02
復興礦業是川川的重要政見 所以能源部長為了幫川川
跟礦場跟礦工喊話 不要怕沒人要買煤 挖下去就有需求了
→ : 就是句幹話3F 07/07 06:03
推 : 看不懂耶都是英文4F 07/07 06:03
→ : 表達能源部長說了一句幹話5F 07/07 06:04
※ 編輯: DonaldDrumpf (, 07/07/2017 06:08:04推 : 化學當掉,物理C/D的能源部長6F 07/07 06:06
→ : 還好吧 供給多了 價錢降了 需求跟著增加7F 07/07 06:07
推 : 台灣:8800先給我,再決定怎麼花。8F 07/07 06:07
推 : 川普團隊就跟他一樣都是笑話啊9F 07/07 06:07
推 : 需求增加 可是價錢下跌啊幹10F 07/07 06:08
推 : ok 你這樣講我就看懂了11F 07/07 06:09
→ : 可是他講的這個根本就不是需求法則啊
→ : 可是他講的這個根本就不是需求法則啊
→ sony2008 …
推 : 價錢降了需求就會增加? 前提是沒有其他的替代品啊.14F 07/07 06:13
→ : 要不然現在PS3價錢探底不就搶翻天了
→ : 要不然現在PS3價錢探底不就搶翻天了
推 : 全世界都在講幹話16F 07/07 06:17
→ : 怎麼讓我想到中國鋼鐵..17F 07/07 06:18
推 : 講幹話,那0元智障型手機直接賣就可以熱銷?18F 07/07 06:18
推 : 看來是跟你國供給側改革當朋友的幹話好朋友呢19F 07/07 06:21
推 : 意思是原本法則是:市場有需求,所以擴大供給。他是推翻這22F 07/07 06:35
→ : 法則說:快供給,市場會擴大需求
→ : 法則說:快供給,市場會擴大需求
→ : ...最近國家地理有播一個最新的紀錄片24F 07/07 06:36
→ : 煤炭真相 From the Ashes
→ : 煤炭真相 From the Ashes
推 : 0元手機真的賣的很好哦,扣掉旗艦前20熱銷很多是300,700,26F 07/07 06:37
→ : 1000,1300月租的零元機。
→ : 1000,1300月租的零元機。
From the Ashes - Official Film Trailer | National Geographic - YouTube From the Ashes goes beyond the rhetoric of the “war on coal” to present compelling stories about what is at stake for our economy, health and climate. It wil...

推 : 供給會創造需求 聽起來很神奇 但是經濟學研究結果29F 07/07 06:38
推 : 結果挖了沒人要30F 07/07 06:42
推 : 這不是幹話,這是古典經濟學的賽伊法則:「供給創造需31F 07/07 06:58
→ : 求」,這裡沒經濟系的嗎?
→ : 求」,這裡沒經濟系的嗎?
→ : 只有五毛系吧33F 07/07 07:00
→ : 嗨賽爾提克川34F 07/07 07:01
推 : 你還沒輸夠阿35F 07/07 07:04
推 : 問題是你這種供給符合成本嗎?36F 07/07 07:04
→ : 台灣會買37F 07/07 07:06
→ : 原來le pen 贏了38F 07/07 07:06
→ : 如果"供給創造需求"為真的話,那世界上沒有賣不出去的東西41F 07/07 07:25
推 : 就古典理論的賽伊律阿 所以有凱因斯有效需求說推翻咩42F 07/07 07:27
推 : 還要扣掉前20才叫熱銷?43F 07/07 07:48
推 : 噗,一堆人commodity跟consumer goods都分不清楚,還44F 07/07 08:04
→ : 跟人家談什麼經濟學
→ : 跟人家談什麼經濟學
推 : 就真的啊,美國基於人道賣煤礦給北韓讓北韓不需要再被處46F 07/07 08:42
→ : 罰礦工
→ : 罰礦工