※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-05-11 14:06:03
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] 哪句美劇台詞最經典??
時間 Wed May 10 22:46:05 2017
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1P4oUlhY (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1494427567.A.AE2.html
→ : fxxk1F 05/10 22:46
→ : say my name2F 05/10 22:46
推 : 能力越大3F 05/10 22:46
推 : I'm your father4F 05/10 22:46
→ : Out!Now!!5F 05/10 22:46
→ : 我智商要先扣掉60才有辦法和你對話6F 05/10 22:46
推 : You konw nothing7F 05/10 22:46
推 : I AM YOUR FATHER8F 05/10 22:46
The Mountain crushes Prince Oberyn's head. - YouTube
Head exploding scene. Season 4 episode 8. The Mountain crushes Prince Oberyn's head like a melon. For entertainment Purposes only, no copyright intended.
Head exploding scene. Season 4 episode 8. The Mountain crushes Prince Oberyn's head like a melon. For entertainment Purposes only, no copyright intended.

推 : i am not in danger,i am the danger10F 05/10 22:47
噓 : YO!BEACH!11F 05/10 22:47
推 : winter is coming12F 05/10 22:47
推 : Holy shit13F 05/10 22:47
→ : 欸斯厚!14F 05/10 22:47
推 : This way.15F 05/10 22:47
→ : I am coming16F 05/10 22:47
→ : You know nothing17F 05/10 22:47
→ : NYPD!OPEN THE DOOR18F 05/10 22:48
→ : Asshole19F 05/10 22:48
推 : Suit up20F 05/10 22:48
→ : Good boy!21F 05/10 22:48
推 : tight tight tight22F 05/10 22:48
→ : King of the loser!23F 05/10 22:48
推 : U can't see me!!24F 05/10 22:48
→ : James, You are fired!25F 05/10 22:48
推 : you know nothing, john snow26F 05/10 22:48
推 : 我們是傘兵,本來就該被包圍27F 05/10 22:48
推 : To be or not to be , is a question.28F 05/10 22:48
→ : shame shame shame shame shame29F 05/10 22:48
幹這個推文有聲音XD推 : U KNOW NOTHING31F 05/10 22:49
推 : May show gun more32F 05/10 22:49
推 : winter is coming 為了這句話看了六季都還沒出現 靠XDD33F 05/10 22:49
推 : winter is coming34F 05/10 22:49
推 : Valar Morghulis35F 05/10 22:49
→ : My lord. my lady36F 05/10 22:49
推 : for the watch37F 05/10 22:49
→ SaintSeven …
推 : WINTER IS COMING沒有到這麼後面吧39F 05/10 22:49
→ : May the force be with you40F 05/10 22:49
推 : Penny Penny Penny41F 05/10 22:50
※ 編輯: morgankhs (, 05/10/2017 22:50:47推 : im coming42F 05/10 22:50
→ : 等那隻大軍過長城啊 這不就六季了還在牆外XD43F 05/10 22:50
推 : Legendary44F 05/10 22:51
推 : Choose me, pick me, love me45F 05/10 22:51
推 : we are paratroopers,we are supposed to be surrounde46F 05/10 22:51
推 : You are god damn right47F 05/10 22:51
→ : You talking to me?48F 05/10 22:51
→ : d49F 05/10 22:51
推 : I was their slave50F 05/10 22:51
→ Captain5566 …
推 : You 'd better not do that!52F 05/10 22:52
噓 : Hold the door53F 05/10 22:52
推 : 居然沒人推shame shame shame54F 05/10 22:52
推 : Save the cheerleader,Save the worl55F 05/10 22:52
推 : say my name 真的太棒惹 XD56F 05/10 22:52
→ : YO BITCH57F 05/10 22:52
推 : Everybody lies58F 05/10 22:52
推 : 將軍,我一定會判你有罪。59F 05/10 22:52
推 : SCIENCE!!!!BITCH!!!60F 05/10 22:52
推 : How about you tell me(摘太陽眼鏡)61F 05/10 22:52
→ : I am batman62F 05/10 22:53
→ : everybody lies63F 05/10 22:53
噓 : I will find you and I will kill you64F 05/10 22:54
推 : mother fucker only you ask many question65F 05/10 22:54
推 : Everybody lies.66F 05/10 22:55
推 : It's fucking rawwwwwwwwwwwwwww67F 05/10 22:55
推 : You no nothing68F 05/10 22:55
推 : Bazinga69F 05/10 22:55
推 : Shame. Shame. Shame.70F 05/10 22:55
推 : Yoyoyo biiitch71F 05/10 22:56
→ : You know nothing John Snow
→ : You know nothing John Snow
推 : 推 yoga723: Choose me, pick me, love me <這超73F 05/10 22:58
噓 : 搭陋 姆斯搭咖漏74F 05/10 22:58
→ : 這集實在太卑微了 QQ75F 05/10 22:58
推 : I am the who knock76F 05/10 22:58
推 : Hold the door77F 05/10 22:59
推 : Sheldon~~~~78F 05/10 23:00
推 : Say what again79F 05/10 23:00
噓 : Shit,Mr Lin has a gun80F 05/10 23:00
推 : Say my name!81F 05/10 23:02
推 : The Lannisters send their regard82F 05/10 23:03
→ : Yo! Bitchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!83F 05/10 23:03
推 : penny(敲敲)penny(敲敲)penny(敲敲)84F 05/10 23:03
→ : where is my money, bitch!85F 05/10 23:04
噓 : Previously on 最經典啦86F 05/10 23:05
→ : I will ba back87F 05/10 23:06
推 : skank-ass-skank skank-ass-skank89F 05/10 23:09
推 : How do you turn this on90F 05/10 23:13
推 : Better call Saul91F 05/10 23:13
推 : what do you want?(lucifer)92F 05/10 23:14
推 : How you doing93F 05/10 23:17
推 : You know nothing!!!!!!!94F 05/10 23:20
推 : Winter is coming95F 05/10 23:21
推 : Say map! louder!96F 05/10 23:22
推 : Yes,Science!97F 05/10 23:23
推 : Bazinga!!!98F 05/10 23:24
推 : 絕命六龜葡萄99F 05/10 23:26
推 : You are god damn right!100F 05/10 23:26
推 : manners maketh man101F 05/10 23:28
推 : You are being watched102F 05/10 23:28
推 : his name is johncena103F 05/10 23:30
推 : hodor104F 05/10 23:31
推 : Suit up!105F 05/10 23:31
推 : Bro code#1: Bro before hoes106F 05/10 23:36
推 : better call Saul!107F 05/10 23:40
推 : you know nothing108F 05/10 23:40
→ : One nation. Underwood109F 05/10 23:41
推 : 高調110F 05/10 23:43
推 : YO BIACH111F 05/10 23:47
推 : Winter is coming112F 05/10 23:47
推 : show me your tits113F 05/10 23:48
推 : the following takes place between...114F 05/10 23:50
推 : who's your daddy115F 05/10 23:51
推 : You are new116F 05/10 23:51
→ : You are been watch
→ : You are been watch
推 : Rick: We can talk!118F 05/10 23:52
推 : Say my name119F 05/10 23:54
推 : legen…wait for it, legendary!!120F 05/10 23:56
推 : Resistance is futile !121F 05/10 23:58
推 : You will be assimilated.
推 : You will be assimilated.
推 : Welcome to my world! BITCH!123F 05/11 00:04
推 : say my name124F 05/11 00:04
→ : my father was worth far more than gold and silver125F 05/11 00:06
推 : Lannister always pays his debts126F 05/11 00:07
推 : everybody lies!!127F 05/11 00:09
推 : Clams down128F 05/11 00:10
推 : lannister's always paid his debts.129F 05/11 00:10
推 : fxxk130F 05/11 00:12
→ : oh
→ : shit
→ : god
→ : oh
→ : shit
→ : god
推 : Student: I am sorry. Teacher: Don't be134F 05/11 00:13
推 : Run!!! Forrest!!! Run135F 05/11 00:16
推 : Everybody lies136F 05/11 00:18
推 : you're GodDamn RIGHT!!137F 05/11 00:19
推 : Penny X3138F 05/11 00:24
推 : say my name139F 05/11 00:24
推 : You're being watched140F 05/11 00:32
推 : Everybody lies.141F 05/11 00:46
推 : Democracy is so overrated142F 05/11 00:49
推 : So as I pray , unlimited blade works.(咦!?143F 05/11 00:51
推 : Politicians come and go, but we will be here forever144F 05/11 00:53
推 : .
推 : .
推 : That's what she said146F 05/11 00:54
推 : Can you hear me?147F 05/11 00:58
推 : Who's ur daddy!!148F 05/11 00:59
推 : How you doing~~149F 05/11 00:59
推 : Bazinga!!150F 05/11 01:11
推 : hold the doooor151F 05/11 01:12
推 : say my name152F 05/11 01:12
推 : 吃虧就是佔便宜153F 05/11 01:14
推 : you're god damn right154F 05/11 01:19
推 : 當然是you know nothing啊155F 05/11 01:20
推 : 推yoga大跟Rachel大 Grey同好(握)156F 05/11 01:22
推 : Yo, Bitch!!!!!!!157F 05/11 01:26
推 : Damn it,Jim!I'm a Doctor, not a xxxx!←自行填空158F 05/11 01:35
推 : People change159F 05/11 01:36
推 : say my name160F 05/11 01:40
推 : Yo bitch XDD連畫面都出來了哈哈哈哈161F 05/11 01:40
推 : O~H M~Y GOD~~162F 05/11 01:44
推 : Everybody lies.163F 05/11 01:51
推 : penny x3164F 05/11 01:53
推 : People should not be afraid of their government, g165F 05/11 01:54
→ : overnment should be afraid of their people.
→ : overnment should be afraid of their people.
推 : Not today167F 05/11 01:57
推 : yo! Mr. White168F 05/11 02:02
推 : Modafucker Jian Yang!169F 05/11 02:31
推 : hail hydra170F 05/11 02:34
推 : The truth is not out there171F 05/11 03:31
推 : I wear a knit hat when it's cold out, You wear knit172F 05/11 03:34
→ : hats because ofoldplay.
→ : *打錯,because ofcoldplay
→ : 姊戴帽子擋酷寒,二貨戴帽學酷玩
→ : hats because ofoldplay.
→ : *打錯,because ofcoldplay
→ : 姊戴帽子擋酷寒,二貨戴帽學酷玩
推 : Legen— wait for it —dary! Legendary!176F 05/11 03:52
→ : Suit up!!Ted!
→ : Awesome ~~~
→ : I'm doctor, doctor who
→ : Suit up!!Ted!
→ : Awesome ~~~
→ : I'm doctor, doctor who
推 : (knock knock knock) Penny180F 05/11 06:13
推 : You're far away from home(噗嗤,白刀子進紅刀子出181F 05/11 06:42
推 : 去你的擔擔麵182F 05/11 07:15
推 : stay out my territory183F 05/11 07:15
推 : SAY MY NAME!!!!!!!!!!184F 05/11 07:19
推 : Everybody lies185F 05/11 07:48
推 : Shame~~Shame~~186F 05/11 08:01
推 : fuck you187F 05/11 08:05
推 : Save the cheerleader, save the world.188F 05/11 08:08
推 : I am the one who knocks189F 05/11 08:17
推 : Say my name190F 05/11 08:21
推 : winter is coming!!!191F 05/11 08:50
推 : say my name192F 05/11 09:09
推 : Say my name193F 05/11 09:10
推 : you are fired194F 05/11 09:14
推 : veni vidi vici195F 05/11 09:15
推 : hodor!196F 05/11 09:20
→ : say my name197F 05/11 09:22
推 : Joey doesn't share food!!!!198F 05/11 09:22
推 : Penny. Penny.Penny.199F 05/11 09:29
推 : 快樂888200F 05/11 09:45
推 : Im the one who knock201F 05/11 09:45
推 : say my NAME202F 05/11 09:56
推 : i'm no one203F 05/11 10:03
推 : she is not Rachel204F 05/11 10:05
推 : Ikea205F 05/11 10:10
推 : u know nothing206F 05/11 10:13
推 : Bazinga!!!!!!!!207F 05/11 10:24
推 : HOLD THE DOOR!!!208F 05/11 10:32
推 : Say my name209F 05/11 10:34
推 : Winter is coming210F 05/11 10:40
推 : what's up my nigger211F 05/11 10:43
推 : It's an add. Um..it's an add. Hold on212F 05/11 11:09
推 : Hold the door!!!!!!!!213F 05/11 11:25
推 : We were on a break!!!!!!!!!!!!!214F 05/11 11:36
推 : You're goddamn right.215F 05/11 11:51
推 : joey doesn't share food!!!!!!!!!!!!!216F 05/11 12:02
推 : Knock knock217F 05/11 12:08
推 : THAT'S MY SPOT218F 05/11 12:12
推 : Hold the door219F 05/11 12:52
推 : So say we all !220F 05/11 13:20
推 : 帥呀!老皮221F 05/11 13:21
推 : not today, not tomorrow,but i'm gonna kill you222F 05/11 13:54
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 2 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 3656
作者 morgankhs 的最新發文:
- 32F 17推 7噓
- 欸欸 為什麼8+9每個都穿名牌、精品 然後出門都可以開雙B轎車、揮霍 反觀我這種認真上班的市井小民 每天還在吃乞丐時光、打折便當 交通工具也只能騎10年的125 買東西還要認真比價才敢買 為什麼8+ …292F 122推 9噓
- 欸欸 前陣子勞動部害死人的新聞吵很兇 最近剛好中華隊棒球奪冠 全部新聞都在洗 大家好像都忘記了 還有財政部假抽獎 是不是都安全下樁了啊 卦?316F 209推 23噓
- 41F 8推 11噓
- 欸欸 看了這次的事件 就知道台灣的有多可悲 實際上就跟中共一樣 在搞同個東西 中獎的永遠是內定 剩下人只是去當韭菜而已 然後去指控 只會被說查無不法 謝謝指教 真的還有人相信抽獎公平性這件事嗎 …94F 48推 5噓
( ̄︶ ̄)b tacei2481 說讚!
10樓 時間: 2017-05-11 15:55:40 (台灣)
05-11 15:55 TW
I'm the one who knocks. I'm the danger. Your best course may be to tread lightly.
11樓 時間: 2017-05-11 16:33:13 (台灣)
05-11 16:33 TW
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/vWwMtKZzXNI/maxresdefault.jpg[img bqzr uploading...]
17樓 時間: 2017-05-11 21:29:43 (台灣)
05-11 21:29 TW
oysters scams and cockles ~ i am no one