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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-07-15 22:49:12
看板 Gossiping
作者 bernon (沒什麼)
標題 [問卦] 《最終幻想》系列最強主題曲的八卦?
時間 Fri Jul 15 17:34:23 2016








1.FF VIII  Liberi Fatali




Final Fantasy VIII - Liberi Fatali [HQ] - YouTube
Final Fantasy 8 - Liberi Fatali [HQ]


2.FF X Zanarkand



Final Fantasy X OST : To Zanarkand - YouTube
High Youtube Quality:  From "Final Fantasy X" original soundtracks [Playstation 2].


3.FF VII Aerith's Theme


Aeris's (Aerith's) Theme - Final Fantasy 7 (Advent Children) - YouTube Check out my Photography: www.facebook.com/oisinvinkphotography -- www.flickr.com/photos/oisinvink -- Any support is very much appreciated. Cheers. --- Aeris...


4.FF Opening Theme



Final Fantasy Main Theme (Orchestral) - YouTube
the main theme of Final Fantasy, the series famous for its innovation, visuals, music, and story!




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tasogare: Eyes on me1F 07/15 17:35
angeltear15: FFX2F 07/15 17:35
Merkle: Eyes on me3F 07/15 17:35
sonyabear: 片翼der天使,超中二4F 07/15 17:35
kairi5217: 沒有FF V?5F 07/15 17:35
igarasiyui: 7代最有名的曲子是賽飛羅斯吧6F 07/15 17:35
abaddon: Eyes on me7F 07/15 17:36
belleb05588: Eyes on me吧   很好聽8F 07/15 17:36
embezzle: 陸行鳥之歌9F 07/15 17:36
koiopolo2: clash on the big bridge   , chocobo theme10F 07/15 17:36
corlos: 植松自己就說過最愛片翼天使了11F 07/15 17:37
vinousred: 太六歌劇院12F 07/15 17:37
color3258: https://youtu.be/9PRU2-uzg7g My Home, Sweet Home13F 07/15 17:38
bernon: 真的很中二wwwwwwwww14F 07/15 17:39
alog: kefka 的 theme啊15F 07/15 17:39
color3258: https://youtu.be/MRlb5p8WyuE chocobo!!!!!16F 07/15 17:40
kosuke: 片翼天使最讚啦 不過真的很中二17F 07/15 17:40
alog: ff6歌劇院加一18F 07/15 17:40
a22880897: 五代 大橋上的死鬥 四代 哥貝薩四天王19F 07/15 17:42
lucky360: ff9 Melodies Of Life 也很好聽啊20F 07/15 17:42
macgyver980: Eyes on me21F 07/15 17:42
taihsin: eyes on me22F 07/15 17:43
color3258: https://youtu.be/5PvsGtrzYnY Chocobo Ride FF XV23F 07/15 17:45
safetyfirst: eyes on me24F 07/15 17:45
lovecindy: 當然是六代Tina的主題曲啊25F 07/15 17:45
color3258: https://youtu.be/RHpn-o9n-cs Electric de Chocobo26F 07/15 17:46
dandelion76: ff6的“fierce battle”27F 07/15 17:46
Final Fantasy VII - Prelude [HQ] - YouTube
Final Fantasy 7 - Prelude [HQ]

wuzixu: One Winded Angle 超中二+130F 07/15 17:47
yuan55226: save and sound…只看過它電影版QQ31F 07/15 17:47
color3258: https://youtu.be/b2rlLC4N9u4 Freya's theme32F 07/15 17:48
Final Fantasy X: Seymour Battle Themes Combined - Normal & HD - YouTube Both versions of Seymour's battle theme from Final Fantasy X playing simultaneously; the original and the HD remaster version. If you want me to do this with...

yesqqe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_MW65XxS7s 中二我來34F 07/15 17:48
Final Fantasy VII Advent Children - One Winged Angel (Music) - YouTube What better way to start out this account than to upload one of the most well known game songs ever. Sorry, it's not the Super Mario Bros theme. It's One Win...

SNGoMMX: 幹,剛剛手機給我複製廣告的網址衝啥35F 07/15 17:48
color3258: https://youtu.be/x8evK_McZzs Vivi's Theme36F 07/15 17:49
william12tw: FF XIII 菅原紗由理唱的那首超好聽!!! 雷姊No.137F 07/15 17:49
Lumbereddy: 推片翼天使38F 07/15 17:49
Morrislakbay: 素敵最上39F 07/15 17:50
hhh5566: 先推晚點聽40F 07/15 17:50
g21412: FF零式 bump of chcicken唱的ゼロ41F 07/15 17:50
execration: 現場演奏大家鼓掌最大聲的永遠都是片翼天使42F 07/15 17:50
rodd12345: 片翼天使 經典43F 07/15 17:51
bernon: 片翼現場演奏應該很振奮吧44F 07/15 17:52
djboy: Eyes on me45F 07/15 17:52
kosuke: 片翼天使光前奏就很令人高潮了46F 07/15 17:53
color3258: https://youtu.be/8bvb1ULEG3M Prelude47F 07/15 17:53
lovol: https://goo.gl/mBBnlF   Final Fantasy Dissidia Opening48F 07/15 17:54
grant790110: 今天晚上在國家音樂廳有演FF的名曲49F 07/15 17:55
seal00: 圖魂館的那首50F 07/15 17:55
lovol: https://goo.gl/yFF7ld  Dissidia Final Fantasy (JF 2008)51F 07/15 17:56
fransice7: 7以後包含7都是垃圾52F 07/15 17:58
bernon: 好羨慕可以聽FF現場演奏.......53F 07/15 17:58
realmeat: 太六開場 tina/terra 主題曲54F 07/15 17:58
oue: eyes on me55F 07/15 17:59
insominia: 崎元仁的FFT與FF12才讚56F 07/15 17:59
mikepopkimo: 遊戲只剩cg跟畫面,生硬的動作跟死板的操作敗筆57F 07/15 17:59
Final Fantasy XIII Battle Theme - YouTube
Would you save a world that doesn't want you in it? THE BATTLE WITHIN BEGINS March 9th 2010! On PS3 and Xbox360

StarTouching: 那個FF主題曲從幾代開始的啊? 我老玩家沒聽過59F 07/15 18:02
Final Fantasy IX OST - Rose of May (Beatrix' Theme) Long Version I edited a long version of Beatrix' Theme "Rose of May" since the tracks on the soundtrack are too short, in my opinion. Credit for Cosplay picture of Bea...

Final Fantasy XIII・菅原紗由理-君がいるから(JPN ver. Theme Song)+Lyrics MV Trailer 1080p - YouTube I ♥  Final Fantasy XIII ▪ Lightning* ▫ I made the music video, I hope to share with everyone.This video is 1.16 GB. -333- Terrible ..|| Chinese Lyrics: 歌曲:君がい...

f12345678900: Eyes on me 沒人能超越了62F 07/15 18:03
gyman7788: 3、2、片翼天使、陸行鳥,剩下都蠻普通的63F 07/15 18:04
Leaving Norway in a few days to tour the UK with Damnation Angels. Tour dates are below :) Be sure to leave a comment letting me know what kinda video you wa...

gyman7788: 對了再加上王菲 eyes on me,這在當初太八出來時實在是65F 07/15 18:05
gyman7788: 感動的回憶
color3258: Victory IV https://youtu.be/QEmbOL3AAEs67F 07/15 18:06
color3258: https://youtu.be/PqtOWpNAs48 Kefka68F 07/15 18:07
color3258: https://youtu.be/FVDbxFwMyLQ Shadow's Theme69F 07/15 18:08
freezee: 天啊 居然沒人提經典的Rebel Army Theme70F 07/15 18:08
freezee: https://youtu.be/GrOvVcEs9qY
Final Fantasy, A New World Concert: FF II: Rebel Army Theme, London, 15th February 2014 - YouTube From the makers of Final Fantasy Distant Worlds concert comes: The Premier of A New World: intimate music from FINAL FANTASY. Song being played was Rebel Arm...

bear1005: eyes on me72F 07/15 18:09
jolynn403: FF6 妖星亂舞,FF4 愛的主題曲。FF8 EYES ON ME73F 07/15 18:09
freezee: 有一場的Distant worlds是用非常激昂的Rebel Army74F 07/15 18:11
BRANFORD: FF6 蒂娜  妖星亂舞75F 07/15 18:11
freezee: 當結尾 聽到都雞皮疙瘩起來 eyes on me走開好嗎76F 07/15 18:11
color3258: https://youtu.be/WoBn04lcNmo Celes's Theme77F 07/15 18:12
lovol: https://goo.gl/55VAuK   Force Your Way ~Arrange~78F 07/15 18:13
color3258: https://youtu.be/vxs-zXcF-5U Coin of Fate79F 07/15 18:13
BRANFORD: FF6 街角的孩子們80F 07/15 18:13
lovol: https://goo.gl/D89jeP  Final Fantasy III - Eternal Wind81F 07/15 18:14
color3258: https://youtu.be/OnENgF1oQWY Slam Shuffle82F 07/15 18:14
color3258: https://youtu.be/VjraVq2r6O0 Mog's Theme83F 07/15 18:16
Final Fantasy VI Character Medley | Distant Worlds London 2014 - YouTube A character theme medley from Final Fantasy VI, featuring Terra, Kefka, Celes and Locke, played at Distant Worlds London 2014.

freezee: FF6 必推Locke Theme85F 07/15 18:17
lovol: https://goo.gl/Q5TrD4  Final Fantasy I - Ruined Castle86F 07/15 18:17
luffy820114: FF XVII 我難過87F 07/15 18:20
color3258: https://youtu.be/dQkzvOlMT5Q Ahead on Our Way FFV88F 07/15 18:20
color3258: https://youtu.be/0p-Hz31WGRQ As I Feel, You Feel89F 07/15 18:21
lovol: https://goo.gl/13uSSk   FFX - People Of The North Pole90F 07/15 18:22
color3258: https://youtu.be/1Vg-d1z4oS0 Fate In Haze91F 07/15 18:22
ccc101419: 永遠是Eyes on me92F 07/15 18:23
bernon: 雖然推文很多,但有些不是主題曲或人物主題曲..93F 07/15 18:24
color3258: https://youtu.be/F0D3OYPFEe4 Good Night!94F 07/15 18:24
color3258: https://youtu.be/CO6bN8bq7Tk Harvest ~ Carwen Theme95F 07/15 18:25
color3258: https://youtu.be/XoeBD6IEo3A I'm a Dancer96F 07/15 18:26
color3258: https://youtu.be/Ik8Xo260OOA Nostalgia97F 07/15 18:27
Rockman5566: Melodies Of Life98F 07/15 18:27
minagoroshi: ff8 julia99F 07/15 18:28
color3258: https://youtu.be/CivpLmGQhp0 Reminiscence100F 07/15 18:28
caitlyn: FF9 每首都經典101F 07/15 18:28
taliao: Black mages 演奏過的都很讚102F 07/15 18:28
color3258: https://youtu.be/hWMXtyHVqlU Game Over Theme103F 07/15 18:29
color3258: https://youtu.be/mqlFwALF08Y Tenderness in The Air104F 07/15 18:30
color3258: https://youtu.be/_usKmsyJ9dc The Day Will Come105F 07/15 18:31
lovol: https://goo.gl/53goK2  Eternity~Memory Of Lightwaves~106F 07/15 18:32
color3258: https://youtu.be/BqbElU27_s0 The Land Unknown107F 07/15 18:32
color3258: https://youtu.be/vwidKUJWmcA The Silent Beyond108F 07/15 18:33
color3258: https://youtu.be/HssJwHX7-Mc Unknown Lands109F 07/15 18:34
color3258: https://youtu.be/W5Anvlgdu48 What?110F 07/15 18:37
DreamCome: 居然沒有太九的片尾曲111F 07/15 18:38
raven44: ffVI 妖星乱舞112F 07/15 18:39
driftptt: 初代opening theme的管絃版113F 07/15 18:44
sabrina2597: eyes on me~~114F 07/15 18:45
richterx: 片翼的天使115F 07/15 18:50
liuedd: 內文沒有Eyes on me,你這輩子就這樣了116F 07/15 18:54
CREA: 花了100萬鎂請王菲唱117F 07/15 18:56
CREA: 9跟10的主題曲都很好聽
color3258: https://youtu.be/BNkMjH2i2qE Vincent valentine119F 07/15 18:57
Nicemaker: FF6 死鬥120F 07/15 19:03
deathsman: Eyes on me根本屌打好嗎 選個第二名吧121F 07/15 19:04
color3258: Kids Run Through the City Corner123F 07/15 19:05
jeff45: ファイナルファンタジー メインテーマ124F 07/15 19:08
jeff45: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeRwGSPFB50 FF系列代表
FINAL FANTASY - Main Theme - Bgm Orchestra Version - YouTube
スクウェア・エニックスより発売されているFFシリーズの 言わずと知れた名曲、『ファイナルファンタジー - メインテーマ - 』 の オーケストラヴァージョンです。 Music:植松 伸夫(Nobuo Uematsu)

TSENG940373: FFX-2 Eternity Memory of Lightwaves126F 07/15 19:11
happyyolk: https://youtu.be/w6qR5Nj5f9c  國中的回憶QQ127F 07/15 19:34
王菲-Eyes On Me(太空戰士八主題曲) - YouTube
Eyes On Me(太空戰士八主題曲)

JOHNJJ: FF8戰鬥音樂https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btHMMDz27hw128F 07/15 19:37
Final Fantasy VIII - Normal Battle Music - Don't Be Afraid EXTENDED. - YouTube Final Fantasy VIII - Don't Be Afraid - Battle Music EXTENDED

VonKukuav: 推文13代不是植松作曲的喔129F 07/15 19:54
william12tw: 標題不是問FF系列嗎? 沒說一定要植松吧~130F 07/15 20:17
oxfordwater: 今天進音樂廳看的全是宅男 把乾乾淨淨的131F 07/15 20:28
oxfordwater: 音樂廳用的臭臭der都是肥宅味
HIRUMA: 大聲招喚 ギルガメッシュ -----------!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!133F 07/15 20:28
nicayoung: Eyes on me134F 07/15 20:40
songyy2003: eyes on me135F 07/15 20:42
code666666: https://youtu.be/O-0emVew62U   後來最愛這首136F 07/15 21:00
t56874123: 七代的Jenova啊137F 07/15 21:12
ai8051: 學生時代還特地存錢買VIII的精裝板138F 07/15 22:22
lovefish81: https://youtu.be/nI2zBV7GBOA FF的話當然是這首139F 07/15 22:39
Final Fantasy Advent Children - One-Winged Angel // 片翼の天使 by Nobuo Uematsu - YouTube DISCLAIMER. I do not claim any rights of the uploaded songs - all rights go to their respective creator(s). This channel is meant to be a personal collection...

pcmacgyver: Eyes on me+1140F 07/15 22:45

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 3476 
作者 bernon 的最新發文:
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( ̄︶ ̄)b Leon 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2016-07-15 19:00:01 (台灣)
  07-15 19:00 TW
2樓 時間: 2016-07-15 19:24:57 (台灣)
  07-15 19:24 TW
FF9 - Melodies Of life
3樓 時間: 2016-07-15 20:14:03 (台灣)
  07-15 20:14 TW
4樓 時間: 2016-07-15 20:35:04 (台灣)
  07-15 20:35 TW
10代前我幾乎都聽爛了 基本的當然是 水晶曲 跟FF主曲 少這兩個就感覺不像太空戰士 長一點的曲子就六代的歌劇的 片尾曲是八代後才有 九代的生命的旋律是最好聽的
5樓 時間: 2016-07-15 20:55:08 (台灣)
  07-15 20:55 TW
6樓 時間: 2016-07-15 22:54:45 (美國)
  07-15 22:54 US
FFXII On the Riverbank, 最耐聽的ㄧ首
7樓 時間: 2016-07-15 22:57:39 (美國)
  07-15 22:57 US
FFX -Attack, 有氣勢
8樓 時間: 2016-07-15 23:03:24 (美國)
  07-15 23:03 US
FFX-2 Eternity ~Memory of Lightwaves~
9樓 時間: 2016-07-16 08:02:00 (台灣)
  07-16 08:02 TW
10樓 時間: 2016-07-16 09:06:34 (台灣)
  07-16 09:06 TW
FF9 ED曲-Melodies Of life
11樓 時間: 2016-07-16 19:54:56 (台灣)
  07-16 19:54 TW
12樓 時間: 2016-07-16 19:55:37 (台灣)
  07-16 19:55 TW
13樓 時間: 2016-07-16 19:58:47 (台灣)
  07-16 19:58 TW
14樓 時間: 2016-07-16 19:59:59 (台灣)
  07-16 19:59 TW
15樓 時間: 2016-07-16 20:01:55 (台灣)
  07-16 20:01 TW
Final Fantasy VII - One Winged Angel
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