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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-04-28 20:33:10
看板 Gossiping
作者 overtop2 (overtop2)
標題 [問卦]你這輩子認識的第一個英文單字是甚麼??
時間 Thu Apr 28 11:56:46 2016

 請問廣大的30CM和E cup鄉民


 年代久遠  國小的事情我已經忘記了


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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1N8Oe1-8 (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1461815809.A.F88.html
MeowMarch: one1F 04/28 11:57
mugendjdede: dick2F 04/28 11:57
galleon2000: apple3F 04/28 11:57
linhsiuwei: a4F 04/28 11:57
edward811022: Ikea5F 04/28 11:57
chris0701: 火山矽肺症的全名6F 04/28 11:57
tyrande: porn7F 04/28 11:57
PPTer: abandon8F 04/28 11:57
redkie: fuck9F 04/28 11:57
ImBBCALL: Fucker10F 04/28 11:57
Hediard: Apple11F 04/28 11:57
kyokuo: good12F 04/28 11:57
PeterJackson: abandon13F 04/28 11:57
goodman5566: e0414F 04/28 11:57
hogu134: 當然是Fuck啊15F 04/28 11:57
wtfman: 這篇一定有F開頭  如果沒有我幫大家舔懶佛阿16F 04/28 11:57
meowchen: ㄟ(|v|)o apple17F 04/28 11:57
sakamotoha: Porn18F 04/28 11:57
IKURAQ: apple19F 04/28 11:57
tetsu2008: SONY20F 04/28 11:57
EggAcme: hi21F 04/28 11:57
zien0223: milf22F 04/28 11:57
lolic: 我只記得高中最熟的是abandon  ..單字本第一個23F 04/28 11:57
oxygen919: Oxygen24F 04/28 11:57
uhmeiouramu: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis25F 04/28 11:57
chris0701: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis26F 04/28 11:58
link0739: 我都唸Costco27F 04/28 11:58
PeterJackson: 樓樓上兩位要在一起嗎28F 04/28 11:58
havonline330: shit 阿 小時候父母不會講英文只會講這個29F 04/28 11:58
swjlsc: good30F 04/28 11:58
Mohism: hi31F 04/28 11:58
theflower: howdoyouturnthison32F 04/28 11:58
kosuke: anal33F 04/28 11:58
impact999: bitch34F 04/28 11:59
aaagang: a35F 04/28 11:59
havonline330: 樓樓樓上翻譯為火山系肺病嗎36F 04/28 11:59
XINGUAN: Obov37F 04/28 11:59
NOKIA3210: vagina38F 04/28 11:59
Nazion95: john cena39F 04/28 11:59
RiceBear0527: A40F 04/28 11:59
nixon: 應該是Hello41F 04/28 11:59
havonline330: 我說pn那串42F 04/28 11:59
DoubleA5566: iPhone43F 04/28 11:59
What is the longest word in the english Language? Well here is a pretty freakin long one...You will be SHOCKED AND AMAZED!!!! The word takes 2:42 seconds to ...

darreltioan: fuck45F 04/28 12:00
bill0205: fuck46F 04/28 12:00
playplayying: APPLE47F 04/28 12:00
WLR: pen48F 04/28 12:00
kuo1102:                                              FUCK49F 04/28 12:00
chris0701: 火山矽肺病其實滿好記的 一堆字根50F 04/28 12:00
sanxiao: 驛這個英文單字51F 04/28 12:01
SosoDEmoN: Urmonknowwhatdoutypebullshithere52F 04/28 12:01
yuanisme: Apple53F 04/28 12:01
zsyian: 一定是 A54F 04/28 12:01
teatimeptt: pen55F 04/28 12:02
azaz45312: Me56F 04/28 12:03
j55888819: nigger57F 04/28 12:03
qq251988: abrogate abandon abort58F 04/28 12:04
z98520sss: Costco59F 04/28 12:04
an1235: penis60F 04/28 12:04
kuro50624: mayshowgunmore61F 04/28 12:05
yabeeboo: DICK62F 04/28 12:05
kkkobe123: Ptt63F 04/28 12:05
a0939832: Apple64F 04/28 12:06
Azure5200: vagina65F 04/28 12:07
sean7539511: ikea costco66F 04/28 12:08
Rayark802: apple bj467F 04/28 12:08
MotleyCrue: abandon68F 04/28 12:08
holybless: take it69F 04/28 12:08
neil761009: may70F 04/28 12:08
HatePolitics: AV71F 04/28 12:09
KenSugo: Apple72F 04/28 12:10
winglight: E=mc^273F 04/28 12:11
jetk4555: QOO74F 04/28 12:11
RealGeforce: 麥當當的M75F 04/28 12:12
yust: nike76F 04/28 12:13
lion9177408: appleㄚ77F 04/28 12:15
lazyming: lesson one78F 04/28 12:15
c780412: FUCK79F 04/28 12:17
koupslin: mama80F 04/28 12:18
s870622: Apple81F 04/28 12:18
gsuper: oppo82F 04/28 12:18
cp120420: OK←幼稚園聽到的83F 04/28 12:19
sparta40: Anal penis boob cum84F 04/28 12:20
joshua0606: creampie85F 04/28 12:20
hw1: a86F 04/28 12:21
barlin: japan87F 04/28 12:23
flyvegetable: Mr. Brown88F 04/28 12:23
hist6318: byebye89F 04/28 12:24
StevoWu: hello90F 04/28 12:25
UhByeBye: OK 算單字嗎91F 04/28 12:25
jschen01711: obov92F 04/28 12:26
FCPo011674: ok是okay的簡寫93F 04/28 12:27
melonlon: anal94F 04/28 12:29
papaganono: book95F 04/28 12:29
ncueBenson: Victorique96F 04/28 12:33
doggycxj: F                                    ather97F 04/28 12:33
thumbg00475: john98F 04/28 12:34
asadoioru: Dog 然後第二個是China,別問爲什麼99F 04/28 12:36
kid1a2b3c4d: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis100F 04/28 12:37
xein: Bitch101F 04/28 12:38
goitaly: Mama102F 04/28 12:39
zjes40604: Dimethylformamide103F 04/28 12:41
doreme: looser104F 04/28 12:42
goshfju: floccinaucinihilipilification105F 04/28 12:43
kevabc1: aegis106F 04/28 12:47
knight77: umbrella107F 04/28 12:51
Leexiangling: Recipe108F 04/28 12:51
matrox323: yes yes yes yes109F 04/28 12:54
yyoo4791: 看到有人連niggar都打錯實在是很可悲 哀110F 04/28 12:55
jardon: a an apple111F 04/28 12:56
fande: Mad Should gone more?112F 04/28 13:02
topdance: Whosyourdaddy113F 04/28 13:03
hurtless3641: Apple114F 04/28 13:04
kayashiba: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis115F 04/28 13:07
ray10133: apple116F 04/28 13:19
bardah2c: cunnlingus117F 04/28 13:21
hotfeer: shit  電影常出現118F 04/28 13:22
cary3410: SEX119F 04/28 13:23
DarthCod: Applejack120F 04/28 13:36
GARRETH: ant121F 04/28 13:36
jerry0701: Jizz122F 04/28 13:37
stevenhbw: A_A123F 04/28 13:49
konata39: quidproquo124F 04/28 13:52
marurumini: Redtube125F 04/28 14:07
chantalline: Hi126F 04/28 14:07
hsu30228: john cena127F 04/28 14:19
madeinhell: abandon128F 04/28 14:27
yperberetaio: zoo129F 04/28 14:28
icybleach: I130F 04/28 14:48
srxcomtx: creampie131F 04/28 14:50
nckukath: a132F 04/28 14:50
king181239: Dickkkkkkk133F 04/28 15:00
q10242: Fuck134F 04/28 15:23
UntiedDragon: tokyohot135F 04/28 15:59
NN9: WWW136F 04/28 16:46

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