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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-04-04 17:03:17
看板 Gossiping
作者 tolapee (腦羽)
標題 [爆卦] BBC抄低能卡的唬爛文
時間 Tue Apr  4 00:04:18 2017


Taiwan grandma carried fish in £900 Louis Vuitton handbag


Taiwan grandma carried fish in £900 Louis Vuitton handbag - BBC News
She used the new Louis Vuitton handbag her grandson gave her to carry fresh fish from the market. ...


A social media post(原文給的post連結是低能卡的文) has gone viral in Taiwan after a user revealed his
grandmother had been misusing a designer handbag he had gifted her.

The post (in Chinese) says she hadn't realised her new handbag was an iconic
Louis Vuitton - and greeted him with it filled with groceries and fresh fish.
She excitedly told him the new bag was very waterproof, but slightly heavy.
The 'Neverfull' handbag is highly prized in Asia and around the world, and
retails for £900 ($1,110).

The post explains his grandmother had been using the same tired handbag for
years, so he wanted to treat her with a new expensive one.
While admitting he was "speechless" to see her waving at him with the bag
filled with fresh fish, he said he decided not to point out her mistake after
seeing how happy it made her.

The post has been liked more than 31,000 times by the network's users.
One person commented: "Your granny must be most fashionable person at the
market, walking around like she's strutting on the runway, even the fish has
gone up in value!"

Another referenced the long-standing rumour that passengers' Louis Vuitton
suitcases were said to have survived the sinking of the Titanic.
He ended the post by saying: "No wonder LV bag has such a good reputation; it
can last really long and is very durable!"





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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1OudA7s_ (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1491235463.A.DBF.html
※ 編輯: tolapee (, 04/04/2017 00:05:05
Firstshadow: (づ′・ω・)づ 你腿ㄌ= =1F 04/04 00:04
yukihira: 是要貼幾次拉~~~2F 04/04 00:04
a420360: 卡一個3F 04/04 00:04
CYL009: 記者 意外?4F 04/04 00:05
chocoball: BBC記者你意外?5F 04/04 00:05
Lime5566: 超越ptt了6F 04/04 00:05
liu1030: 877F 04/04 00:05
KSHLO: BBC這幾年水準下降很多 很多老外都在酸8F 04/04 00:05
Cger: 台灣之光9F 04/04 00:05
fghg: 逼逼call10F 04/04 00:05
haha98: Dcard國際知名度>ptt11F 04/04 00:05
maxmessi: BBC最近是不是也怪怪的????12F 04/04 00:06
tonsin2976: 現在那國的記者都一樣了13F 04/04 00:06
t0kyohot: 笑死14F 04/04 00:06
maxmessi: PTT居然知名度被DCARD海放   = =15F 04/04 00:06
raysun011081: 哈哈哈16F 04/04 00:07
racage: 現在每國記者真的越來越像17F 04/04 00:07
KSHLO: 業配假新聞很多...不輸台灣18F 04/04 00:07
maxmessi: PTT介面是不是老外不喜歡  = =  都沒人抄19F 04/04 00:07
KSHLO:  或者說  你以為台灣新聞模式是學誰的20F 04/04 00:08
SNH48: 扯21F 04/04 00:08
cc02040326: 英國不用認真看喇22F 04/04 00:09
jim85459: ptt只剩下肥宅在用惹,潮男潮女都去dcard惹23F 04/04 00:10
jim85459: 有錢人也跑去01,幫QQ
fghg: 還好我PTT D卡都有在用 我雙棲25F 04/04 00:12
sikadear: 說個笑話,看BBC增加國際觀26F 04/04 00:12
forhorde5566: 都可以投票要脫歐然後反悔了,這國家智商堪慮啊27F 04/04 00:15
michellehot: 垃圾媒體不EY28F 04/04 00:16
john701966: 白佬智商本來就沒多高何況還住在一個沒陽光的鬼地方29F 04/04 00:17
LoveMakeLove: 英國人已經墮落到這地步。30F 04/04 00:20
johnny9667: 笑死31F 04/04 00:24
minami77: 低卡--->台霉---->bbc32F 04/04 00:24
lulocke: BBC就英國CNN呀 讓川普來說句公道話33F 04/04 00:25
minami77: 低卡領先國際34F 04/04 00:25
anoreader: 完了完了 PTT被黃金交叉了35F 04/04 00:26
evadx: 想不到bbc也變白癡了 這種唬爛文也抄來當新聞我也是醉了36F 04/04 00:26
winiS: BBC快變美國旺中了37F 04/04 00:36
SHIU0315: ...........38F 04/04 00:36
gpa0101: 英國不意外 狗仔隊的母國39F 04/04 00:40
a8347x15: BBC是英國的..40F 04/04 01:09
a8347x15: 要也是英國旺中好嗎..
yuinghoooo: 媒體垃圾不分國界42F 04/04 01:10
crea0520: BBC壞掉了嗎43F 04/04 01:13
ccjj8: 脫歐脫到腦袋也脫了44F 04/04 01:15
silentence: 幹  真想留言吐槽一下45F 04/04 01:46
s3926293: ...............46F 04/04 03:11
lecheck: 噗哈哈哈哈哈哈哈47F 04/04 08:51
muserFW: 下面有外國網友說這沒什麼 他曾經看過一隻魚把900個阿嬤48F 04/04 09:39
muserFW: 裝在包包裡
light20735: 87才信低能卡50F 04/04 10:45

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