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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-01-21 09:29:26
看板 Gossiping
作者 tn00270144 (吱吱拉屎生蛆蛆)
標題 [問卦] 佛跳牆
時間 Sat Jan 21 00:09:38 2017









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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1OWZP4nt (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1484928580.A.C77.html
rock666: ya1F 01/21 00:09
speedup1104: https://goo.gl/sWfxTJ 川普就職大典FOX直播2F 01/21 00:09
LIVESTREAM Trump Inauguration and Parade - FULL COVERAGE PLUS Trump Protesters in Washington D.C. - YouTube FULL COVERAGE of Donald Trump's Historic Inauguration. Pledging emphatically to empower America's "forgotten men and women," Donald Trump was sworn in as the...

※ 編輯: tn00270144 (, 01/21/2017 00:10:14
a3899200: 推3F 01/21 00:10
wintxa: 讚4F 01/21 00:10
wintxa: 推
Julian9x9x9: 哇 好香啊6F 01/21 00:10
wintxa: 讚7F 01/21 00:10
godliu5566: 推8F 01/21 00:10
wintxa: 好吃9F 01/21 00:10
wintxa: 棒
michael0419: 錢11F 01/21 00:10
wintxa: 好12F 01/21 00:11
※ 編輯: tn00270144 (, 01/21/2017 00:11:32
luciffar: 是要跳過牆來吃吧13F 01/21 00:11
torrhen: 推14F 01/21 00:11
wintxa: 連發p幣都這麼少人推15F 01/21 00:11
michael0419: 每10樓發是不是怪怪的16F 01/21 00:11
ITUB: 推17F 01/21 00:11
primo781206: 推18F 01/21 00:12
torrhen: 推19F 01/21 00:12
michael0419: 卡20F 01/21 00:12
gggaaammm: 推21F 01/21 00:13
asb123: 推22F 01/21 00:13
ray710166: 跳牆可以跳很多次阿 跳樓只能一次23F 01/21 00:14
ziaco8787: 推24F 01/21 00:14
crazygirl060: 推25F 01/21 00:14
UccUccc: 干貝阿26F 01/21 00:14
william00384: 推27F 01/21 00:15
UccUccc: 烏魚子28F 01/21 00:15
manofair: 推29F 01/21 00:15
UccUccc: 推30F 01/21 00:15
fizzonly: 推31F 01/21 00:15
nowitzki0207: 不是很愛32F 01/21 00:15
kagaline: 推33F 01/21 00:16
bryantmonkey: 推34F 01/21 00:16
jessygp1234: 推35F 01/21 00:17
zammy543: 佩妮 <336F 01/21 00:17
sf88911: 你以為有p幣就會推嗎?37F 01/21 00:17
tmn110481: 推38F 01/21 00:18
Tiguru: 錢39F 01/21 00:18
yoright: 推40F 01/21 00:18
woopoo: 推41F 01/21 00:18
Tiguru: 錢42F 01/21 00:18
kilio0003: 推43F 01/21 00:19
A122353844: 推44F 01/21 00:19
steven211: 推45F 01/21 00:19
WellPlayers: 推46F 01/21 00:19
edwin5571832: Push47F 01/21 00:19
PttGod:48F 01/21 00:20
weian18663: 推49F 01/21 00:20
ko845632: 推50F 01/21 00:20
steven861103: 推51F 01/21 00:20
wie00812: 推52F 01/21 00:21
etc276: 推53F 01/21 00:21
ttping: 推54F 01/21 00:22
e2218606: 推55F 01/21 00:22
Elsmos: 推56F 01/21 00:22
bernie1: 佛法無邊57F 01/21 00:22
wty84136: 推58F 01/21 00:22
wana3729: 推59F 01/21 00:22
b7361837: 推60F 01/21 00:22
lyn426: 推61F 01/21 00:22
kiminocodo: 推?62F 01/21 00:23
gevin879275: 推63F 01/21 00:23
s921104: 推64F 01/21 00:23
eddieyao: 推65F 01/21 00:23
kiminocodo: 推?66F 01/21 00:23
z7878786499: 推67F 01/21 00:24
wendy85625: 推68F 01/21 00:24
kenny60710: 推69F 01/21 00:24
ntubomber: 推70F 01/21 00:24
kiminocodo: 推?71F 01/21 00:24
pigya0214: 好72F 01/21 00:25
ccjj8: 謝謝73F 01/21 00:25
aaabbb111: 好74F 01/21 00:25
PttGod: 騙推75F 01/21 00:26
swimming5445: 錢76F 01/21 00:26
yaochang77: 推77F 01/21 00:26
robert851815: 推78F 01/21 00:26
kershaw1221: 推79F 01/21 00:26
kershaw1221: 推
mizar0709: 推81F 01/21 00:27
hot8899: 推82F 01/21 00:27
st2007aaa: 推83F 01/21 00:27
sam910037: 好84F 01/21 00:28
Kingslayer: 推85F 01/21 00:28
loveyanzi03: 不要再p幣文了好嗎86F 01/21 00:28
willowlin: 推87F 01/21 00:29
du123: 推88F 01/21 00:29
grant60711: 推89F 01/21 00:29
du123: 推90F 01/21 00:29
applebeloved: 你以為錢就可以爆嗎91F 01/21 00:29
ff181: 推92F 01/21 00:29
iSad5566:93F 01/21 00:29
w25707693: 推94F 01/21 00:29
applebeloved: 推95F 01/21 00:29
klises: 推96F 01/21 00:29
daxer: 推 給你看97F 01/21 00:29
a8901012: 推98F 01/21 00:30
annjella: 推99F 01/21 00:30
iceberg666: 推100F 01/21 00:30
chij037: 推101F 01/21 00:30
PTTerwei: 推102F 01/21 00:30
j32707: 推103F 01/21 00:31
flash1019: ?104F 01/21 00:31
holytin: push105F 01/21 00:31
Ric2719: 推106F 01/21 00:31
www16852: 推107F 01/21 00:31
lin30205: 推108F 01/21 00:31
catman0519: 推109F 01/21 00:31
Wang30511: 推110F 01/21 00:31
aadm:111F 01/21 00:32
doraemon7701: 推112F 01/21 00:32
cms6384: 推113F 01/21 00:33
LittleCalf: 推114F 01/21 00:34
stayawesome: 推115F 01/21 00:34
legendsleep: 推116F 01/21 00:34
woogee: 推117F 01/21 00:34
jimluvssally: 好118F 01/21 00:34
goodlay5566: 7-11119F 01/21 00:35
clotpao: 推120F 01/21 00:35
ghi15431: 推121F 01/21 00:35
haha1989888: push122F 01/21 00:35
cj010811: 推123F 01/21 00:35
ww821114: 好124F 01/21 00:35
LTSC1980: 推125F 01/21 00:36
Jax123: ++126F 01/21 00:36
y9111116: 推127F 01/21 00:37
mibo0530: 推128F 01/21 00:37
nutnsewen: 推推看129F 01/21 00:37
lookatme921: 推130F 01/21 00:37
Wreet: 卡131F 01/21 00:37
grdiro: 推132F 01/21 00:38
michael1232: 我要錢133F 01/21 00:38
EggTofu: 咦134F 01/21 00:40
bestsmally: 推135F 01/21 00:40
sampo948: 推136F 01/21 00:40
snowcola: 推137F 01/21 00:41
gjo3gjo3gjo3: 推138F 01/21 00:41
main7889: 推139F 01/21 00:42
jerrypan1: 金蓬萊140F 01/21 00:43
TPaker: 推141F 01/21 00:43
lovelebron24: 推142F 01/21 00:43
Arronomy: 給我錢143F 01/21 00:44
GGYYman5566: 推144F 01/21 00:44
ayanat: 推145F 01/21 00:44
camera88607: 喔喔喔喔146F 01/21 00:44
soing1234: 推147F 01/21 00:44
m50205811: 推148F 01/21 00:45
k66333: 推149F 01/21 00:45
amberrose: 推150F 01/21 00:46
ts1991: 推151F 01/21 00:46
sugar77: 推152F 01/21 00:47
northz: 推153F 01/21 00:48
adsqewads: 推154F 01/21 00:48
jack0216: 推155F 01/21 00:48
jmangeL44: 推156F 01/21 00:50
richard50919: 推157F 01/21 00:50
shakesper: 推158F 01/21 00:51
miyahuang: 推159F 01/21 00:51
hung318800: 推160F 01/21 00:53
S0CK: 喵喵家161F 01/21 00:57
guardwind: 吃可以,有放魚翅的不要買162F 01/21 00:58
Acsm8888: 拜託給我錢 推163F 01/21 00:59
chyenuih: 100164F 01/21 01:01
senyy: 推165F 01/21 01:03
younggo14: 如果佛住九樓....166F 01/21 01:03
BFONE: 推167F 01/21 01:16
pagani317: 家樂福168F 01/21 01:22
Mirrabelle: 推169F 01/21 01:27
anthony13015: 推170F 01/21 01:39
b6543212: 錢171F 01/21 02:29
Augustsixth: 推172F 01/21 02:47
iAmPtt: 發幣死全家 沒聽過嗎173F 01/21 02:47
davidhill: 又是一個要業配的174F 01/21 02:53
ghsu2012: 推175F 01/21 02:53
hank850503: 我176F 01/21 02:59
REITA0122: 媽的 發錢業配177F 01/21 04:49
psycheee: 推178F 01/21 04:57
hsushen: 推179F 01/21 05:19
andyrong: 推180F 01/21 05:29
iXXXXGAY5566:181F 01/21 05:33
zealone: 這是八卦板還是乞丐板?一堆人無腦推…182F 01/21 07:00
ku51655165: 推183F 01/21 07:42
hayato01: 幹…一堆乞丐,連p幣都要184F 01/21 07:58
aswq17558: 想說是優文185F 01/21 08:00
redredder: 推186F 01/21 08:06
hoha1111: 推187F 01/21 08:19
ruth79802: 推188F 01/21 08:25
Tsengkt: 跳牆是指煮的時候味道香到隔壁廟的佛都翻牆過來想吃一口189F 01/21 08:37
Tsengkt: 改成跳樓就沒有意義了
DWmadao: 推191F 01/21 08:48
az30508az: 佛跳牆弄到會爆炸是不允許的192F 01/21 08:59

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 2 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1585 
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  01-21 11:12 TW
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