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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-11-13 11:15:49
看板 Gossiping
作者 joe6304105 (老衲)
標題 [新聞] TIME訪林昶佐:台灣以自己的名義參與奧運
時間 Sun Nov 13 00:16:45 2016

※ 例如蘋果日報、奇摩新聞
TIME 時代雜誌

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Many Young Taiwanese Want to Go to the Olympics With a New Flag and Anthem

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"Taiwan is functioning as an independent state whatever China says"

As one of Taiwan’s most famous rock stars, Freddy Lim used to express his
politics by screaming death metal lyrics for his band Chthonic, the “Black
Sabbath of Asia.” Now, at 40, while still sporting his trademark ponytail and
playing the occasional gig, Lim has taken a political path as a new member of
Taiwan’s legislature, but his message of independence from China remains the


The charismatic “rock ‘n’ roll lawmaker,” known for his black face paint
and fondness for leather, is now promoting a “Team Taiwan” competition to
design a new flag and anthem to be used by the island’s athletes in the 2020
Tokyo Olympics, one which better represents the ethnic diversity of the island.
(The current flag bears the logo of the Chinese nationalist Kuomintang, or KMT,
which wrote the anthem; Lim argues that this does not reflect Taiwan’s ethnic
or political diversity.)


Taiwan, officially called the Republic of China (ROC), competes in every
Olympics but must do so as “Chinese Taipei,” an awkward handle based on the
name of its capital city. The title emerged from a controversial 1979 ruling by
the International Olympic Committee under pressure from mainland China. Aside
from its name, Taiwan cannot use its national anthem or flag. Athletes instead
receive their medals under a banner depicting the five Olympic rings that has
been compared to the refugee flag used this past summer in Rio de Janeiro.

的難民國家才有的尷尬狀況 QQ

The flag and anthem competition, which ends on Dec. 5, offers an outlet to
growing public frustration that the island has virtually no international
recognition, even though its 23 million people operate their own government,
currency, military and foreign policy.


is to have equal rights, to join and participate in the international community,
” says Lim. “Most people in Taiwan don’t feel comfortable having our
national team called Chinese Taipei. This title doesn’t represent this country.

林表示: "我們自己有獨立運行的政府,實際上就是一個獨立的國家政體,我們希望

But any nod to Taiwan as a separate nation is vehemently opposed by China,
which views it as a renegade province to be one day reclaimed — by force if
necessary. Beijing lobbies relentlessly to exclude Taiwan from global forums to
undermine its legitimacy as its own nation. As a result, Taiwan has been
blocked from joining most international bodies, extending from the U.N. to
cross-border networks like Interpol or the International Civil Aviation
Organization. Most countries, wary of offending China given its economic might,
do not have official diplomatic relations with Taiwan.


Taiwan’s troubles stem from a complicated past. When the island was freed from
Japanese colonial rule in 1945, it was governed from mainland by the KMT. In
1949 the KMT fled to Taiwan from the advancing Communist Party. The
nationalists kept their claim to all of China, however, and initially ruled
their new island home with an iron fist, invoking martial law.


Taiwanese society eventually evolved toward democracy and the opposition
Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) was formed in 1986. The DPP, which is
currently in power, represented a shift in public sentiment toward independence
rather than reunification with mainland China. Few citizens want to provoke a
war with Beijing by declaring full independence, and the domestic status quo is
comfortable even if the lack of international status is grating.



“Taiwan is functioning as an independent state whatever China says and
whatever the history,” says Roderic Wye, an Asia expert at the London-based
think-tank Chatham House. “The reality on the ground is that Taiwan is
independent even if it is operating under the shadow of China.”

倫敦智庫的亞洲專家Roderic Wye表示: "不論中國怎麼說,台灣是個主權獨立的正常國家"

A poll released in May by the Taiwanese Public Opinion Foundation found that
80% of respondents identified as Taiwanese, and 51% favored independence. This
is particularly true of the younger generations, many thousands of whom joined
the 2014 Sunflower Movement to protest further economic integration with China.
Hundreds of Sunflower protesters occupied government buildings and hundreds of
thousands took to the streets to denounce a trade pact with Beijing that they
feared would hurt Taiwan’s economy.


KMT, have been closely observed by Hong Kong activists now fighting their own
independence battle. “I think young [Hong Kong] people come here to understand
and to learn from the experience of the opposition movement, how we fought
against the KMT, how to organize, how to mobilize,” says political analyst
Antonio Chiang.

香港政治分析家Antonio Chiang表示:"我希望香港年輕人能向台灣學習台灣反抗KMT

Lim recently tried to go to Hong Kong but was denied a visa. “Their freedom is
shrinking — even their friends cannot visit there,” he says. Though he just
wanted to attend a concert, the authorities presumably feared he could stir
things up in the heated political atmosphere.


Lim has a history of activism that began in the mid-1990s as lead vocalist for
Chthonic. The band advocated independence for Taiwan, minority rights and
self-determination for Tibetans. He then headed up the Taiwan branch of Amnesty
International before founding the New Power Party as the political successor of
the Sunflower Movement. The NPP won five seats in this year’s national
election and is now touted as the third force in a parliament dominated by the
KMT and the DPP.


Although still trying to establish itself, the NPP has an advantage over the
DPP, which was now the “establishment of the middle class,” says Chiang. The
NPP “have some chance because they are young, have fresh ideas and have a lot
more energy, and the whole generation of the Taiwan independence movement is
supporting them.”


Lim is old enough to remember martial law and book bans under the KMT, but
young enough to connect with millennials who are increasingly assertive about
Taiwan’s autonomy.


“The younger generation have been called the natural independence voters,” he
says. “Most want to see Taiwan equally participate in the international
林說: "它們這世代的年輕人被稱為天然獨,最希望看到的是台灣能平等的參與國際社會"

For Lim and his growing band of independence supporters, their ambitions extend
beyond sports competitions, to defeat Beijing’s opposition to Taiwan’s
membership of all international bodies, including the U.N. Many analysts view
this as an impossible goal.


“I think both Hong Kong and Taiwan have the right to independence but I don’t
think the Chinese leaders or government will agree to that,” says Hsu
Hsiang-tao, an associate professor at Taiwan’s Tunghai University.

東海大學教授Hsu Hsiang-tao表示: "我認為台灣與香港當然有權利獨立,但中國政府

Lim is ready to play the long game. “It’s very difficult to say how the world
will be in 10 years so I do believe that we should keep our voices out in the
world year by year … to let people feel that the Taiwanese want to be helpful
and supportive,” he says. “Then, when there’s an opportunity for the world
to accept Taiwan as an equal participant in the international community, we
will be ready to join.”

林昶佐則認為這是一場持久戰 : "世界10年內的變化是很難預測的 ,我認為我們應該

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Taiwanese Compete to Design New Flag for Tokyo 2020 Olympics
Many resent the fact that Beijing's lobbying forces them to compete under a banner featuring the Olympic rings instead of a national emblem ...


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joe6304105:轉錄至看板 ChthoniC                                  11/13 00:17
ILoveKMT: 又再噴屎了1F 11/13 00:17
EarthKing: 看啊  樓上噴了他說的東西2F 11/13 00:18
paris0826: 用嘴巴  我也會哦3F 11/13 00:18
goenitzx: 不成為台灣國永遠只會有矛盾而已 而且還是死結4F 11/13 00:20
deltarobot: 閃尿5F 11/13 00:20
ImBBCALL: 閃尿讚6F 11/13 00:21
evilgenius: 閃尿7F 11/13 00:21

hk129900: 雖然年輕人的台灣意識越來越強烈 但年長者自認中國人的8F 11/13 00:22
sakaizawa: 讚 謝謝佛萊迪為台灣在國際發聲!9F 11/13 00:22
hk129900: 還是不少 這只能靠時間來解決10F 11/13 00:22
CenaC: 國外大概以為搖滾歌手當上立委是台灣人氣很高 但是卻不知道11F 11/13 00:22
CenaC: 這人名聲有多臭
capirex: 中國台灣13F 11/13 00:23
adolf455341: 時代就是推拉幹14F 11/13 00:23
※ 編輯: joe6304105 (, 11/13/2016 00:23:52
johnny3: 名聲臭還選得上?15F 11/13 00:23
savishu: 修憲是國內事務吧,修個憲改個名很難嗎?16F 11/13 00:25
CenaC: 選得上就不臭的話川普可以給你借鏡17F 11/13 00:25
※ 編輯: joe6304105 (, 11/13/2016 00:27:10
hk129900: 很難喔 中國會用13億人的民意來壓你 你敢不重視?XD18F 11/13 00:27
daniel0721: 感謝翻譯19F 11/13 00:28
hk129900: 而且修憲好像要3/4以上立委決議通過 民進黨有那麼多席?20F 11/13 00:28
savishu: 原來美國總統要聽中國13億的民意,中國實在太偉大了21F 11/13 00:30
savishu: 你說到重點了,難在滯台支那9.2
CenaC: 跟這個原po提醒一下 這個傢伙靠著閃尿絕技閃兵23F 11/13 00:35
我當完兵啦 陸軍常備役退伍還教召過兩次 請問當過兵很屌嗎  你又是幾梯的?
NotEasyToSay: 9.2不同意24F 11/13 00:36
CenaC: 這樣行徑還會有人支持 肯定跟扁迷有95%相似 請問你是扁迷嗎25F 11/13 00:36
※ 編輯: joe6304105 (, 11/13/2016 00:39:09
momo1244: 別在扯阿扁了 你的智商都要哭了26F 11/13 00:37
Chieen: 臭也只在9.2心中臭 我看國外論壇肥迪蠻有名還有一大票粉絲27F 11/13 00:38
william12tw: 推28F 11/13 00:41
BleuSaphir: 感謝為臺發聲29F 11/13 00:47
iwtogether: 推30F 11/13 00:49
pote790315: 推31F 11/13 00:53
seazilicy: 9.2的玻璃碎聲真好聽32F 11/13 00:54
airbone0407: 上次才在WHA講了什麼XD33F 11/13 00:55
stone99: 推34F 11/13 00:56
stussy: 哈哈CC哈哈8735F 11/13 00:56
Anvec: 中華台北 他上次怎麼說??36F 11/13 01:00
CenaC: [url]https://goo.gl/MqESgw[/url]  「中華台北」參加WHA 林昶佐:不得37F 11/13 01:01
CenaC: 不讓步    檢視一個人的言行 就是看他取得權力後說的是什麼38F 11/13 01:01
取得台灣國會議員權力可以馬上正名???  要不要重回學校念公民???

totogood: 大推!!39F 11/13 01:02
CenaC: 所以繼續支持的是什麼水準? 要繼續丟臉我也是沒意見40F 11/13 01:02
西南有很多啦  這是最下西下井那個嗎

DJZwei: 推41F 11/13 01:06
manes258: 絕對支持時代力量42F 11/13 01:08
kuso2005: 遇到事情就躲起來的立委43F 11/13 01:08
VOLK11: 當初叫別人貼台灣國貼紙,自己也沒貼。44F 11/13 01:10
VOLK11: 用台灣申奧,進不去阿
wen1045: 無論是台灣還是ROC,你敢用就不用參加奧運了46F 11/13 01:15
lolwtfnow: 推文崩潰就讓人想出來推個47F 11/13 01:24
rayonwu: 推48F 11/13 01:27
ineedpeepee: 有人崩潰一定推49F 11/13 01:29
AlexanderXXX: 前幾樓XDDDDDD50F 11/13 01:30
toshbio: 講這麼多 還不是國昌哥一個人衝51F 11/13 01:37
PainTT: 87崩潰XD52F 11/13 01:37
andy90498: 推林53F 11/13 01:39
a0652qj: 支持時代力量~54F 11/13 01:39
karty116678: 默默付出!55F 11/13 01:41
aromaQ626: 感謝前幾樓讓我的黑單增加了56F 11/13 01:43
andy27021527: 推Freddy!!讓世界看見台灣這一票就值得投他~57F 11/13 01:44
phenix1014: 感動推!58F 11/13 01:48
ax113: 只要有阿扁跟林昶左的新聞 一定有人狂酸 不意外。59F 11/13 01:59
poisonshing: 推60F 11/13 02:00
※ 編輯: joe6304105 (, 11/13/2016 02:07:53
hiyashi1986: 給推61F 11/13 02:12
kkenex: 推62F 11/13 02:14
haoguy: 時代力量cp值好高63F 11/13 02:19
Pegasus170: 推64F 11/13 02:46
robertchun: 支持65F 11/13 02:53
evil3216:66F 11/13 03:06
ickatw: 現在換民進黨高壓政策了68F 11/13 03:25
evil3216:69F 11/13 03:27
proprome: 推推70F 11/13 03:45
srviest1128: 還有人在崩潰喔71F 11/13 03:57
imhideji: 支持72F 11/13 03:58
wsx26997785: 推 時代雜誌全球都在看73F 11/13 04:19
Sevorlaga: 神經病 林昶佐你知道現在橫在你眼前的是民進黨嗎 (?)74F 11/13 04:35
Sevorlaga: 民進黨這4年是中華民國政權的捍衛者 你知道嗎 (?)
Sevorlaga: 這些話你應該對最有權力 席次最多的民進黨政府說 !
Sevorlaga: 面對民進黨  你敢講台獨嗎  你敢嗎 (?)
VonKukuav: 講得頗真實,但是還要好多時間來解決這個問題78F 11/13 04:45
Sevorlaga: 其實林昶佐你就是在畫大餅  胡說八道  根本建國黨孫文79F 11/13 04:54
vul3vmp4: 推文裡面有些好好的人不當 偏偏要當支那豬 唉80F 11/13 05:59
joe00477: 閃尿滾 臺灣省跟中國同文同種 不可分哥81F 11/13 06:47
jaeomes: 看到一堆黨工崩潰噓 就該推了82F 11/13 07:09
PikaONCE: 推83F 11/13 07:20
how3550:  抓到惹 時代雜誌是時代力量開的84F 11/13 07:31
LALAPP: 加油85F 11/13 07:40
domiso: 支那人來亂板了   呵呵86F 11/13 07:46
sillycloud: 加油啊!有這樣對國際發聲的機會很難得87F 11/13 07:57
jww: 還有人在提貼紙的事,真是笑死人88F 11/13 07:59
ilake: 就是該推89F 11/13 08:04
chichung: 那個說沒做事的快來忽視這篇90F 11/13 09:14
moonfox08: 9.2崩潰說,說閃兵的…你家的聖蚊也中槍了91F 11/13 09:19
volleyball: KMT崩潰就是推92F 11/13 09:20
CanCant: 幹..這就是台灣人辣..93F 11/13 09:27
yehmei0102: 讚 謝謝佛萊迪為台灣在國際發聲!+194F 11/13 09:38
Argos: 黨工崩成這樣 XDDDDDDD95F 11/13 09:53
kdkdboy: 支那人噓,台灣人推!96F 11/13 09:54
king22649: 建國97F 11/13 10:15
lecheck: Good98F 11/13 10:22
linpin25: 有做推99F 11/13 10:25
ChrisLiu: 推!Freddy一個人為台灣搶下的鎂光燈和版面屌打全部立委100F 11/13 10:29
Fukker: 林委可參加嘴炮奧運101F 11/13 10:38
huijun: 推102F 11/13 10:39
speedkey: 閱。103F 11/13 10:55
cymine: 台灣就是台灣104F 11/13 11:06

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( ̄︶ ̄)b phoenix_86, libertin0806, klin1, xeroxboy, Lighthouse, liangrong, gcfans, justif 共 8 個人 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2016-11-13 12:12:38 (台灣)
  11-13 12:12 TW
2樓 時間: 2016-11-13 14:34:14 (台灣)
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-2 11-13 19:14 TW
4樓 時間: 2016-11-13 19:57:12 (台灣)
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樓上閉嘴啦 林場佐就是用台獨的鮮明印象選上去的啦  你再靠腰10萬遍業沒用
5樓 時間: 2016-11-14 14:27:12 (台灣)
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